Hi I'm Tasha, I'm New To FanFiction! When Boys Is A Series Of Romantic One-Shots About My Favourite Kickin It Couple Jack And Kim (KICK). When Boys Is About Things Jack Does That Kim Loves. I Hope You Enjoy It!

When Boys Aren't Afraid To Talk About A Future With You

It's a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon in Seaford with clear blue skies on a warm day and Jack and Kim are relaxing together in the park at their special place. Jack is sat under a pink blossom tree, that has petals gracefully falling down on top of the couple, with his back against the trunk and his legs stretched out in front of him and Kim is sat in-between his legs with her back pressed up against his chest as she sketches the scenery in front of her and Jack has his arms around her waist stroking the bare skin of her stomach that is revealed from her crop top. Besides the pink blossom tree that makes the place special to the couple there is a small lake in front of them and small flowers dotted around the area of grass. The secluded area is simple however; it's special to the couple as many big events happened here for them including their first date and their first kiss. It was Jack that originally found the place in the park and shared it with Kim, not even their friends know about this place it's somewhere they can be alone without any interruptions. Usually, the couple has a karate class at this time however it's the summer holidays so Rudy has cut back on lessons as they have lots of time for them now, which means more free time for the Wasabi Warriors. The couple has been together for two years now and has their ups and downs they've had their fair share of arguments like every couple do but they always work it out, they're the perfect couple.

"Babe?" Jack asked after a long period of silence, as they can just sit together and not talk and be happy. Jack got his girlfriends attention as something had been going through his mind a lot recently considering after the summer they are all heading off to college together and Jack and Kim are sharing their first apartment together, which is a big step for the both of them as they have never lived together before however, they have stayed with each other for a couple of days before if Kim's parents had gone on a business trip.

"Hmm?" Kim questioned back giving him the signal for him to continue as her eyes were glued to the scenery in front of her so concentrated to get every single detail of their place. One because Kim is an artist and has always been she's taking it at college too and the second reason is because they are attending UCLA together, which is around an hour away from Seaford so they won't only be away from their families they'll be away from their place too so Kim wants to draw their special place, which she has been meaning to do for a while now, so that she can always have it with her no matter where she is.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Jack asked curiously and Kim let out a small and soft chuckle that made her boyfriends heart skip a beat like it does every time it hears her laugh or her giggle.

"It's kind of hard not to when all everyone keeps talking about now is college and the future" Kim explained, which was true the whole of senior year it was about colleges and being together as everyone was splitting up really Jack and Kim are heading to UCLA as are Jerry and Eddie so they'll see each other all the time and their apartments are in the same building just on different floors, Milton and Julie are going to Harvard together, which is on the other side of America so it's very unlikely they'll see them so they'll be living together, Grace unfortunately for Kim and Jerry is heading to Milan as she got an internship to one of the biggest fashion companies so she is moving to Milan to work there, her and Jerry broke up as the long distance thing would not work and they are both heartbroken but know it's for the best, Kelsey is heading to NYU so she is close to Milton and Julie and Eddie and her are going to try the long distance thing and finally Rudy is keeping the dojo here in Seaford and is opening up a chain all across America with Bobby. Of course, they'll all keep in touch however not in person as they are all too far away from each other to meet up all of the time but maybe at the holidays when they come to Seaford.

"Yeah" Jack let out a chuckle before turning back to serious questions "Do you ever think about a future with me?" Jack asked as he eagerly waited for his girlfriend's response nervous of the answer.

"I wouldn't want a future without you in it Jack" Kim softly said, "Is this because we're going to college soon? You're afraid you'll lose me?" Kim softly asked turning her head slightly so she could see his face, to be fair Kim was just as scared as Jack was about going to college and losing each other because of other guys and girls, here everyone knew Kim and Jack were together and of course they had problems at times with people trying to break them up however everyone knew they were meant to be and attempts at breaking them up would not work.

"Yeah I know we've been together for over two years and been through a lot but sometimes people change in college and I don't want to lose you," Jack said over the years Kim has noticed how insecure Jack really is even though he doesn't show it to anyone but her.

"You won't lose me Jack and I won't lose you, yeah people change and we'll grow up but it doesn't mean we'll lose each other" Kim poured her heart out to Jack, Jack lifts her chin and slowly leans in to place a soft kiss on her lips "Mmm" Kim said as they pulled back "Never get tired of that" Kim admitted she loved Jack's kisses more than anything "All I think about now is the future going to college, getting married in the future and having kids" Kim admitted to Jack, in reality, most guys hate to talk about a future with girls but not Jack, Jack was different.

"Well I already have a future planned out for us" Jack admitted as he had been doing a lot of thinking about his life with Kim.

"Really? What would it be like?" Kim asked curiously wanting to know as she wanted a future with Jack and she loved he did as well and was not afraid to talk about a future with her, unlike most guys.

"Well we'll move in together for college in our own apartment get jobs and we'll get through college together" Jack began kissing her bare shoulder as her crop top had thin straps.

"Which we're already doing for college" Kim said shivering at the contact his kiss gave her, of course they kiss a lot and they've been dating for two years so they've had sex together quite a lot but every time he kisses her no matter where it is she can't help but love it.

"Then at college graduation, I'll propose and you'll say?" Jack asked playing with the promise ring on her finger that Jack had gotten her for their two year anniversary and he promised to replace it with a real ring someday and he already knew her answer.

"I'll say yes and it will be one of the best days of my life" Kim giggled loving how Jack wanted forever with her, Jack just loved her giggle and leans down to kiss her neck softly once and pulls back.

"We'll move out of our apartment and buy a house together" Jack began but was cut off by Kim.

"Which I will decorate because you love me so much you'll let me" Kim added her own little bit into the plan.

"And because it will look a lot better than if I did it" Jack clarified and they both laughed together as Kim leaned further back into his chest and his arms tightened around her waist as she places her hands on his hands that are on her stomach "Then we'll plan the wedding and you will probably get stressed so I'll be there to make you feel better and give you a massage" Jack said making his girlfriend giggle, "Then it will be our wedding day our families will be there and all our friends who would have come out especially for our big day, the wedding will be on a beach in Hawaii just like you've always wanted with rose petals everywhere and I'll be there stood on the beach in my suit looking hot and sexy as per usual" Jack said and Kim laughs softly.

"What about me?" Kim asked wondering what he was thinking.

"You will walk down the beach in a white gown that shows off your incredibly sexy body" Jack began kissing her neck softly as she moaned in pleasure from the simple gesture that Jack did "I'll take one look at you and instantly think you're the most beautiful girl in the world and how this is the best day of my life, then we'll kiss and be officially husband and wife. We'll spend some time with our family and our friends before I whisk you away on our honeymoon" Jack said.

"And where will that be? You'd have to top Hawaii" Kim asked giving a small smirk knowing he probably would have topped Hawaii.

"Our honeymoon would be on Bobby's tropical island, which no one is on because it's his place and would let us use it for our honeymoon so we'd stay in his beach house right by the ocean. We'd get off the private jet he would loan us and head to the beach house and we'd go inside and the sun would just be setting so we'd put our bags in the bedroom and go skinny dipping in the ocean together under the moon. Then I'll make it a magical night and one you'd never forget. The next day I'd make you breakfast and we'd spend the day doing whatever you wanted, we'd spend the rest of the honeymoon exploring and swimming and making love with my beautiful wife" Jack explained not missing a single detail and kissing Kim's hand as she watched him her eyes gleaming at every word he said not taking her eyes from his.

"Then what?" Kim whispered wanting to know the rest.

"Then you'd tell me you were pregnant and I'll be ecstatic, I'll take care of you and the baby would be born, it will be a girl and you'd choose her name and she'll look just like you" Jack began "It'll be hard work and you'll be tired a lot of the time that's where I give you foot rubs and massages and we'd take romantic baths and showers together to relax you" Jack explained "Then maybe two years later or sooner we'd have another baby and this time it will be a boy who I will name and it'd be the same again" Jack explained.

"What about us? Are we ever going to get some alone time?" Kim asked curious about if they'd ever get time for sex.

"Well one night when the kids would be staying over at their grandparents place so we can have some alone time, I'd come in from work and would not be able to find you anywhere, I'd hear you angelic voice and make my way towards you and I'd walk into our bedroom and see candles and rose petals everywhere with you stood in the middle of the bedroom wearing nothing but a pair of heels with your hair and make-up done" Jack said being seductive to his girlfriend knowing how much she loved when he was.

"Nothing?" Kim asked smirking slightly biting her lip, which drove Jack completely crazy and she knew it did.

"Nope, you'd be completely naked apart from the heels. You'd ask me how my day was whilst undoing my tie and taking off my jacket and I'd tell you long and tiring. Then you'd tell me that you could make me feel better and we'd have a magical night. We'd watch our kids grow up and we'd grow old together and even when we're old you'll still be the most beautiful girl to me" Jack poured out to her.

"You know what?" Kim asked leaning up to Jack brushing her lips against his.

"What?" Jack asked.

"I can't wait for my future with you" Kim whispered before closing the gap between their lips. Most guys would be afraid of talking about a future with a girl, but not Jack, Jack's different and that's one of the many reasons Kim loves him.

Thanks For Reading! I Hope You Enjoyed It! Please Review, Follow And Favourite! Tell Me What You Liked About It And Give Me Some Ideas For One-Shots That You Would Like To See Me Write! I Will Reply Answering Your Questions Either By Writing Back To You However Sometimes It Doesn't Let Me So I Will Answer Your Questions In My Next Chapter. I Will Update Frequently Either Every Day Or Every Couple Days.

Tasha xxx