"I need a medic here!"
Angela looked up from the caduceus and located the source of the cry. It had come from the midst of a group of civilians a rooftop over. Leaping into the open space she swooped down towards the crowd, calling for them to "move, please!". Giving startled looks they hurried to clear a spot and she alighted by Tracer, who was trying to keep a young girl's arm in the air.
"Good job" she murmured, patting the brit's shoulder and taking disinfectant out of her pouch. As she cleaned the crying girl's injury she noticed Lena's somewhat white face return to a normal color, hopefully reassured by her presence.
"Glad you're here Doc, I - we didn't cover anything past this stage in training."
"Hm." Angela gave her an amused glance "Slow the bleeding and call for the doctor, yes?"
"Yeah" an uneasy chuckle "Basically that."
"Well it does work, if there is a medic in the vicinity. Although" she fastened the bandage "I may need to talk to Winston about expanding the first aid program."
Lena pouted but didn't complain. Hopefully this relief mission may have given her a new appreciation for doctors
"Ah, there we go!" Checking the sling a final time Angela stood and helped the little girl up. "You're going to be fine, just come see me later."
Passing her to Tracer with a reassuring grin and a nod to the girl's mother, she left her giving directions to the medical tent. Walking to the edge of the roof she scanned around for the next emergency and stepped off.
Even in omnic ravaged areas such as these, these constant opportunities to fly were always sweet, though the reason for not so much. Then again, a successful patient was always worth it, even for the ones who didn't make it.
Down below she saw Reinhardt lifting a wall off a dog and snickered. Trust that big softie to find the animal.
Of course, now everybody made it if she got there in time. Hence, the flying.
Landing softly next to Winston, who looked extremely uncomfortable in the heat, she opened her mouth to speak only to feel a hand land on her left wing. Yelping, Angela swung behind her with the caduceus, turning when it connected with a crack to see Fareeha clutching her helmet and staggering sideways.
"Pharah! Gott! I'm so sorry!"
Grimacing from under her visor Fareeha waved her attempts to catch her away. "It's my fault, I should've know better than to surprise you high strung doctors."
Winston wiped sweat from his brow with a handkerchief and laughed, only for Angela to abruptly silence him with a glare.
"Still though, I should have checked! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, fine." Falling back into a more stable stance she raised both hands in the air and grinned from a safe distance "I can see all twenty of your fingers, I'm good."
Angela flicked a wing "Dummkopf." Leaning down and peering under the visor, she was met with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, you're fine. Just don't sneak up on me again. Did you need something?"
"Not in particular, I was just trying to say hello, although perhaps" she nodded at the staff "I didn't think it through"
"Indeed, sorry. Anyway, Winston." she turned to face the ape who look briefly startled at being addressed. "I was going to ask if there was anything else that I could do before I retire to the medical tent".
"Ah, yes, well, we've been getting reports of a group up on the top floors of that nearby building." He indicated a partially collapsed multistory. "However, we simply can't get up safely. I was just about to request that Pharah investigate and carry people down, but now you're here perhaps you could assist?"
Looking at the building, Angela noted that while it still looked stable, a large chunk of the top was missing. "Of course. We shall be back shortly." She turned to Fareeha who gestured for her to go first. Nodding her agreement she pushed off the ground and flew, the sound of jets close behind.
Swooping in towards the building, she flared her wings when she got closer and changed her trajectory to run parallel to the wall, inwardly smiling when she heard Fareeha's jets strain to keep up. Was it dangerous? Most likely. Was it fun? Most certainly! Winston would probably give her his trademark 'dissappointed' look later, but it was worth it. Nearing the top of the building she slowed, now rising gradually past the floors, peering in each window.
Turning, she flew to Fareeha who was hovering outside of a large crater. Peering past her, Angela saw three small children, two boys and a girl, cowering in fear. Glancing at her teammate's shining blue she realized why. Tapping her comm as to communicate over the noise she said:
"Pharah, they think you're an omnic. Move back gradually."
Nodding, the soldier angled her jets and flew slowly away from the building, careful to make no sudden movements. Turning her attention back to the trio Angela gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile and landed in the crater, slowly extending a hand and walking towards them.
It was only then she realized that they had not been looking at Fareeha.
Gasping and turning quickly, raising her caduceus to block, she was too late. A metallic hand gripped her wing and crushed.
Everything went momentarily black and she collapsed. Was that a scream? Her vision returned only to see a blue streak hit the hulking omnic, taking it in a perfect tackle through the opposite wall and into the open air where both figures dropped like stones. Angela's eyes widening in horror she scrambled over to the hole left behind, heart in her throat.
With her wing broken she couldn't help Fareeha even if she wanted to. She wouldn't be in time.
Honestly, she had never been more glad to hear those jets in her life. Pharah rose up and landed with a clank next to her. Watching her kneel down to inspect the damage done, Angela's glance quailed under the hard stare. It seemed to be more than the usual facade of the soldier.
Tapping her halo to bring her attention back Pharah announced: "Your wing is out of commission, I shall carry you down and return for these three momentarily."
Thinking about arguing but deciding against it, she merely smiled weakly and let Pharah put her hands around her back, careful to avoid the crumpled wing, and under her legs, lifting her off the floor in one swift movement. Stepping over rubble to the opening she turned and nodded at the children, who were less huddled but still looked terrified.
Activating the jets and flying out backwards she slowly turned and descended towards their three teammates who stood next to the crushed body of the omnic at the bottom of the tower. Reinhardt was holding the chassis apart while Winston rummaged inside and Lena peered over his shoulder.
Glancing up, the brit noticed their descent. Eyes widening she shook Winston's shoulder who looked too, face going briefly slack when he noticed Angela's wing. Muttering something to Lena, he turned his attention back to the omnic's insides, deliberately moving his focus. Lena bounced up and blinked over to where they landed.
"Angela!" Her worried expression made the doctor want to hug her "Are you alright?! What happened? Did that omnic get the drop on you?".
"I'm ashamed to say it did." Angela slid out of Pharah's arms. The exposed circuitry in her wing brushed against the armor briefly and the pain spiked, causing her to stagger. Taking a deep breath she stood straight for a second, repressing it and looked at Lena with a stable facade in place.
"I should have checked before venturing in, the fault was my own and it could have gone much worse if it wasn't for Pharah's timely intervention" She turned to the soldier to express her gratitude before noticed what she was holding.
Three segments of her wing, mangled end glaring at her, sat clenched in the blue fist.
"Angela love, you alright?"
She blinked and looked at Lena "What?"
"You spaced out for a second there, what's wrong?"
"Ah yes, yes, sorry, I'm fine, just a little shocked still!" She tried to give a convincing grin. Looking up from the broken wing her eyes skated over Pharah's featureless visor, mouth a hard line underneath, giving nothing away. Did she...?
No. "Danke Pharah. Um, can I?" She reached out for the wing which was passed wordlessly to her. The soldier stepped back and nodded, taking off back towards the building. Hopefully the children would come to her now.
Turning back to Lena she smiled, putting her at ease. "Thank you for your concern. Pharah is collecting the children we found up there."
"Oh - phew" The shorter woman blew a lock of hair out of the way of her face. "I had a family who didn't know where their kids were, maybe these are the right ones. Didja know,
I there's 4 different families with about 9 kids each! I honestly don't know how they keep track of all the little blighters! If I had that many I'd -"
As Lena talked and Angela reciprocated, her brain wandered back to Pharah's unnerving stillness. What was that about?
The gold of the visor flashed across her mind.
What did she know?
Tried something with Angela's thought processes. Didja spot it? :D
Tbh not sure about this one, but I think it works.
Enjoy, and please comment or criticise!