I settled down in District Two.

Yes, I was from One but in this world it didn't matter. There was no family back in One. No Jacob. Nothing. I couldn't call it... home. But here, here I had something to hold on to.

It had been two years now. The Victor's Village was pretty much deserted but for the little boy upstairs. Right now, Benedick was all I had.

One would never understand how anyone could form such a strong bond with someone in just two weeks. But it had happened to me. In those two weeks Athena had become a sister to me that I never had, and a daughter I always wanted.

"Dove! I want that new school bag!" Benedick yelled as he raced down the stairs. Then ten-year-old looked too much like his sister with black hair and grey eyes. His one tooth was missing and it honestly made him look so adorable. I wished his sister was here...


"Yeah Ben," I said, "I'll get you the new bag. But did you complete your homework?"

"Two questions in English are left Dove. That's all!" he said with a sheepish smile.

"First go finish up your work."

Sighing, Ben started pulling himself away. He was muttering something under his breath and although I understood nothing, it still made me grin.

I recalled coming here a couple of years back. Athena and Ben were orphans and had been raised in the community home. I had to thank Athena in some way for her sacrifice.

So I adopted Ben.

He was eight then and hated me. He'd not eat. He'd not listen to me. But gradually, he accepted me.

For now, that's all I needed.

Ben was my little brother. He was my son. It was as if I finally had a family.

But this family was incomplete without its daughter. It was incomplete without Athena.

I tried to stop it but the tears flowed. My heart mourned for my friend as I shut my eyes.

Abruptly, small hands wiped away my tears. I opened my eyes to look at Ben, who was smiling sadly at me.

"She won't like it," he said.

"Yeah. Yeah she won't."

And with that I pulled him to my chest as he wrapped his small arms around me. I had to be happy for him.

And for my dead friend.

So this is it. I'm so glad to see Dove win after all. Her relationship with Athena broke her but she continued on for Benedick. Dove always had lots of potential and I hope I did well with her. Congratulations Caleb, on your newest victor. And thank you all for reading!