Hey guys! :) Been awhile, and I hope you guys are all still interested in this fic. haha

Thanks to everyone who left a review since last time - iBombinate, Henessy04, Rebelhex5562, FicsFromAnAnbuNin, Guest, kmlly242, Guest, Ericka Mardirosian, Nighttime Silence, Shadow of the Elements, Rose vs. Scorpius, Guest, mayuralover, HeartButtterfly, Jenny, animeotaku31302, and Guest. :)


Chapter Four: An Unexpected Day Out, Part Two

"Let me go!" Marinette screamed while trying to wriggle her wrists away from the individual who was holding them together. She then extended her legs, kicking both of them out in front of her.

"Oww…" She heard a manly groan.

"I told you this was a terrible idea."

Marinette stopped squirming upon hearing the familiar voice. She bit her bottom lip, feeling like she heard that voice not too long ago.


The pair of hands loosened from Marinette's wrists while the potato sack was lifted from her head. The bluenette blinked several times, trying to adjust to the light while bringing her arms in front of her. She rolled her wrists around before letting her eyes rest upon two individuals who were sitting in front of her. Kim was sitting on the left, hunched over while massaging his left ankle, and beside him was Chat. He had his arms crossed while staring out the window. Marinette could tell that he was aware of her presence. He was choosing to ignore it though.

"What… what are you guys doing?" Marinette asked angrily before turning to her left to see Felix with a smug expression on his face. He must have been the one keeping her wrists together.

Marinette then turned to her right to see Nathanael. He was shamefully nodding his head.

"It was Kim's idea," Nathanael muttered before reaching over for a cup of water located on the mini bar situated between him and Chat.

The bluenette had an urge to let her jaw drop. She's never been or even seen a snack station in a vehicle before. Snacks in the glove compartment did not count. Most of the time, they were half eaten and stale. This was neatly organized and the snacks arranged from healthy to junk. Sweet to salty. It was like a mini buffet. She didn't even want to know what was in that tiny little fridge. Her eyes lingered over a small bag of pretzels. She could really go for some food right now. Carrying those bags for Alya and the other worked up an appetite.

Marinette shook her head. She did not have the time to think about snacks. These four boys just kidnapped her.

"Why did you take me?" She jerked her head to look at Kim. She furrowed her brows, giving him a look of disdain.

"What?" Kim pouted. "I just thought that it would be nice to get to know each other. We'll be your roomies for the next little while."

Marinette raised a brow, not accepting his answer. "So you thought that it was a good idea to put a potato sack on my head? What were you going to do? Take me to a secret facility and interrogate me?"

A quiet chuckle escaped from Felix's lips.

"No," said Kim, flustered. "I just… We just all feel bad for barging in on your life. We didn't make the best first impression. I thought that we should start all over by hanging out, but you had plans today."

"You couldn't wait until tomorrow? Or the next time I was free?"

"Uhh… No?" Kim grinned awkwardly, causing Marinette to roll her eyes.

"I think I preferred fainting than being kidnapped."

"Sorry…" He then looked out the window. "But we're here now."

Marinette glanced out the tinted windows, her eyes falling upon a bright neon sign with the words "Fun Bean Arcade & Bowling Center". The sign then disappeared behind a cemented wall as the limo descended down into an underground parking lot. Marinette leaned over in her seat to see a dozen men standing outside, guiding the limo to its designated parking spot. She found it strange that these guys needed that much protection. She knew that they had to be secretive, but having a group of men usher you around while being driven around in a limousine wasn't exactly screaming out discreet. They would probably attract less attention wearing a couple of plain clothing while being escorted around in a regular van.

Marinette stepped outside of the limo feeling rather intimidated by the many large men guiding them to the doors. She entered the building behind Nathanael and walked up a plight of stairs before entering another door. She looked around the area to find that it was completely deserted. The only people there were the employees.

"Where is everyone?" Marinette asked while looking to her left at the many empty lanes. She then looked to her right at the dining quarters and the entrance to the arcade.

"We rented the place for ourselves," Kim answered.

Marinette raised a brow. "Don't you guys have a farewell concert tonight? Shouldn't you be rehearsing and getting ready instead of playing games?"

"No way," said Kim. "We've been in hiding for awhile now. I'm craving to do something other than bouncing a rubber ball against my bedroom wall." Kim walked over to the counter, handing the worker his shoes and asking for a pair of bowling ones.

"Okay…" Marinette pursed her lips before interlocking her hands behind her back. She slightly rocked back and forth. "I should return to my friends. They are probably worrying about me now. I hope you all have fun bowling…" She unclasped her hands and turned around, intending on exiting the building.

Marinette gulped as she bumped into one of the guards standing right in front of the door. She stumbled backwards and almost fell onto the floor.

"C'mon Marinette, we kidnapped you for a reason. Just tell your friends that your dad needed help with something." Kim pouted.

"Why don't we just do this tomorrow?" She glanced over to the rest of the members who seemed indifferent to the situation. Chat looked more nervous than the rest, but Marinette was assuming that he was just a bit shy. He seemed that way ever since he stepped foot into their house. Maybe that was one of the reasons as to why he was voted as boyfriend material.

"You can leave if you want Marinette," said Felix with a grin on his face. "You'd just have to get through John here first." He pointed to the guard behind her.

Marinette turned back, her heart rate increasing in fear as the bodyguard towered above her. She gulped, not wanting to deal with him.

"Fine." Marinette grimaced before pulling out her phone and storming into the women's washroom. Another phone call iterating that her father needed help with something wasn't going to make the girls angry. All of them knew that Marinette always put her father before anyone else.

As Marinette exited the room, Kim asked the worker for an arcade card loaded with an unlimited amount of credits. He then walked over to Chat who was standing next to Nathanael and waved the black card in front of his face.

"What?" Chat asked, looking down.

"What do you mean what? You know what," said Kim before shoving the card into Chat's hand. "You told us a million times that you and Marinette used to play Ultimate Mecha Strike when you were kids."


"Dude, this isn't the time to be bashful. You wanted to come here and win her heart. You should start doing that now."

Felix chuckled quietly as Nathanael took that as a cue to grab his own pair of shoes from the counter.

"Show her your skills," said Kim, walking backwards and heading towards one of the empty lanes.

"Good luck, cous." Felix grinned, standing next to Nathanael at the counter.

Chat bit his bottom lip as he looked up to see Marinette exiting the washroom.

"Okay," said Marinette. "My friends officially think that I'm helping my dad with the bakery again. What are we doing first?" She looked over to Nathanael and Felix who were putting on their bowling shoes.

Felix looked up at Marinette. "You and Chat are going to check out the arcade."

"What?" Marinette blinked. "How about the rest of you?"

"Felix, Kim, and I have a settle to score with bowling. You'll be bored," Nathanael answered while walking over to the lane where Kim was already getting in formation for his first strike.

"I thought you guys wanted to hangout all together and get to know me."

"We're in the same building and you have an unlimited amount of credits on that card," said Felix. "Just enjoy your time."

Marinette groaned before turning around to look at Chat. She couldn't understand what these guys' motives were. She felt like these guys just kidnapped her to keep Chat company while settling their score. She hasn't really hung out with her friends in awhile, and she really wanted to do that for the day. Now she was stuck with a few guys she barely knew other than what Rose had told her about them in the tabloids. These guys were staying in her home though, and she needed to abide to her father's wishes.

"So, what would you like to play?" Marinette asked, looking at him.

"Oh… uhm…" Chat looked rather flustered. "How about a round of Ultimate Mecha Strike III?" He squeaked.

Marinette stared at him, confused before agreeing with his decision. "Sure," she said as they headed towards the arcade. "You play that game a lot?"


"Well, just as a warning, I'm pretty good at that game…" She flashed him with a sly grin, causing his cheeks to burn a warm shade of pink.

As they reached the machine, Chat shakily raised the card up to the slot to scan it. He then did the same for Marinette and placed the card on top of the small podium that contained the instructions.

Marinette grabbed ahold of the controller attached to the machine and chose her favorite character, LB-03 while Chat chose NAD03. In a matter of seconds, the loading screen disappeared, and the start of the first game began.

Marinette immediately began smashing the buttons on her controller, creating combos instantly. On the other hand, Chat was too nervous to formulate any of his signature moves. He ended up smashing buttons likes a person who was playing the game for the very first time.

"…A double head punch partnered with a heavy leaf storm," Marinette muttered while pressing the buttons.

Chat looked to his right, sneaking a glance at Marinette who was completely focused on the screen in front of her. His mind began to tell him of the perfect combination to work against her attack, but his fingers were telling him otherwise. He ended up doing a basic kick before falling backwards, signaling the end of the first round.

"Wow," said Marinette. "For a second I thought that you were going to be harder to beat."

"It's just been awhile… That's all…" said Chat. "I'll get you in the next one!" He bit his bottom lip as the second round commenced.

In an instant, Chat was once again defeated. He couldn't help it though. He hasn't seen Marinette in years, and being this close to her was making his emotions go haywire. He found her absolutely stunning the second he saw her at her home, but seeing her playing a game they enjoyed together as kids was making his heart beat faster.

"You sure you don't want to try something else?" Marinette asked after winning her ninth round. "Or do you want me to tone it down?" She giggled.

"What?" said Chat. "I'm actually really good at this game. I could beat you in an instant." He sounded defeated.

"I'm not that convinced," Marinette joked. She felt that he probably could, but maybe he was just doing badly because of what's been happening to the band.

"How are things going here?" Felix appeared out of nowhere and looked straight at the screen. He then burst into a fit of laughter after looking up at the corner to see that Chat lost every single game. He placed a hand on Chat's shoulder before nodding his head in shame. "Do you want me to avenge you?" he asked. "I bet I can beat her for you."

"Shut up," Chat said angrily before walking away.

Marinette looked at Chat leaving the arcade before looking at Felix who was grabbing the controller.

"One round?" he asked.

Marinette shrugged before setting the controller down, leaving Felix to play on his own. She couldn't understand why Felix was so rude. He was bothering Chat the day before and was still doing it today. Chat seemed irritated by him since they first arrived at her house, and it was bothering Marinette. She didn't want these guys in her home in the first place, and she didn't want their band to disband for Rose's sake, but now she was starting to think otherwise. Felix seemed narcissistic and rude. Who would want to work with a guy like him?

Marinette walked back out and took a glance at the scoreboard where Nathanael and Kim were continuing with their bowling game. She watched Kim roll a strike before rubbing it in Nathanael's face.

"Are you guys done already?" asked Kim, jogging over to the bluenette while Nathanael began working on his turn.

"I guess Chat didn't want to play anymore," said Marinette, looking over to Chat who was slurping on his cup of cola while sitting at one of the tables at the dining area.

"Well, I'll just beat Nathanael and we can all eat!" said Kim with a bright smile before running back over to Nathanael who still had five pins left standing at the end of his round.

Marinette walked over to Chat and took a seat beside him at the table. "Are you okay?" she asked. Because they were staying at her home, she felt like she had a duty to make sure that they were all doing okay. She didn't want her father being upset because she couldn't handle a bunch of teenage boys. "Felix seems kind of rude. I don't know why you would be in a group with him."

"It's not a big deal," said Chat. "He's my cousin. I'm used to it."

"He's your cousin?" Marinette's jaw dropped. She knew the two looked similar, but she thought it was because of how they were dressed for the image of the band. Rose always thought that the two were related in some way, but Marinette always told her that she was looking too far into their personal lives. Now she just confirmed one of Rose's many suspicions, but she couldn't tell Rose because no one was allowed to know that Noir was living in her home.

"Yeah. It's just annoying sometimes."

"Well, you aren't a cup of sunshine either," said Felix, joining the two at the table. He snatched Chat's drink from his hands and began slurping through the straw.

"Why isn't it mentioned in the magazines?" asked Marinette. "It seems so simple. You think they would add it to your profiles."

"We can't tell our fans every single detail. We like to leave some things to their imagination." Felix winked at Marinette, causing a shiver to travel up her spine.

"Here, Marinette. This is for you."

Marinette turned to look at Kim who threw a plastic ball into the air. Marinette reached out and grabbed onto it. She briefly examined the contents before realizing that it was one of those plastic balls that contained a prize. It most likely came from one of the vending machines by the door.

Marinette tugged on one half of the ball until it finally opened. She pulled out a small clear baggie and opened up to see a pair of circular earrings with a ladybug design on them. "Uhm… thanks?" she said.

"I had some change I wanted to use." He smiled before calling on the worker to get them a pizza.

"Maybe you should try them on," said Nathanael, surprising Marinette. She didn't even notice him coming to join her and the others.

"Maybe when I'm home," she said before stuffing it into her purse. They were cute and she always had a thing for black spots on red, but she was going to have to disinfect them first.

Kim grabbed another chair from a table and took a seat next to Marinette. "I'm sorry things didn't really work out the way I thought they would in my head," he said. "I won't ever come up with the idea to kidnap you again. I just wanted to let you to know that we mean no harm and we're thankful that you and your dad are letting us stay in your home."

Marinette sighed. "I guess I could be less critical."

"Be as critical as you want. It's your home," said Nathanael.

Marinette smiled. She never really thought that she would meet Noir, and even if it occurred in her mind for a few mere seconds, she never thought that it would happen the way that it did. Maybe it was okay to have them in her home. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Kim was giving his best effort to make it work. He was trying so hard to get her to accept them. Nathanael even cooked breakfast in the morning, and Chat even helped her with moving the boxes away from their rooms. They all seemed fairly nice… except Felix. Marinette still wasn't very sure about him. But three out of four was better than nothing.

"So, Marinette, will you be attending our concert tonight? If not, I saved you an extra ticket," said Kim, pulling out a ticket from his trousers.

"Oh… uhm…"

"She'll be there with Rose," Felix answered with a straight face.

"Oh really? That's awesome! I'll try to find you in the crowd!" Kim smiled brightly.

"Hey girl, you made it!" Alya greeted her friend warmly as Marinette shuffled her way to her seat. "You finished early with your dad?"

"Yeah…" Marinette frowned upon realizing that Rose got them front row seats. "He let me go because Rose got a ticket for me."

"This is great!" said Rose. "More videos for my Felix blog! I'm going to upload vids with just him in it!" She smiled widely before readying her camera.

Marinette blinked before looking over to Juleka who was holding some of Rose's equipment.

"So," said Alya. "When you were gone, we saw this limo, and we started following it because Rose thought that it was Noir."


"Yeah, we lost it, but then we noticed a bunch of guards by that bowling place," said Alya, making Marinette want to mentally slap herself. She knew that those guys shouldn't have hired so many guards. "All the blinds were shut, so I assume that the boys were there before the concert."

"You think so…?" Marinette bit her bottom lip. Alya was already up to the task of figuring out where the boys were living.

"Yeah, I couldn't see anything through the closed blinds, but I made out a few figures through the cracks." Alya placed a finger on her chin. "I believe I saw four figures plus an extra one. It could be a worker, but it could also be the person they are living with."

"Wh-Who do you think they're living with?"

"I don't know… Maybe someone who works at that place? I'm going to question the workers there later."

Marinette took a deep breath. Alya's countdown to finding their sleeping quarters has just begun.

A few screams then filled Marinette's ears, causing her to look straight ahead at the stage. Her eyes immediately met Felix's, and he immediately winked at her. Marinette looked away, not wanting to be caught as the girl he winked at. She couldn't understand Felix. What was his deal? Was he trying to get her to join his fan club? In case he hadn't noticed. That wasn't happening.

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