Hi people! This is my first one-shot. I'll upload more ones. Just comment your requests!

Note: this story takes place in Harry's fourth year. It doesn't stick to the book. There is no Triwizard tournament in this story. Sirius was proved innocent when Harry was eight and so he rescued his godson from his abusive relatives. Harry has been living with Sirius ever since.

Harry sighed dejectedly as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He truly looked scrawny. He was sure that he hadn't grown at all over the past school year. Now, he was home for the summer, about to turn fourteen in a month but he was still one of the shortest in his year.

Ron was nearly as tall as his father. Today, when he had silently measured himself next to Sirius, he had been majorly disappointed. He barely reached his dad's shoulder! The nutritional potions Sirius gave him, weren't much of a help at all.

There was no way she would want to go out with him if he looked like this.

It's not like he didn't eat enough. In fact, his father always made sure that he ate properly. He glanced at his reflection once more, sucking in his cheeks. He was skinny all over yet he managed to have puffy cheeks. A month until his fourteenth birthday and he still looked like a sodding baby.

"Harry, dinner!" The familiar voice called.

"I'm coming dad!" He hollered back. As he trudged downstairs, he made sure his face gave nothing away. He sat down at his usual seat as the house elves laid the table.

He remained silent, not making any attempt at conversations. "Oi! Sickle for your thoughts?" Harry was snapped out of his trail of thought at the question.

"It's nothing, dad. Really nothing."

It had been over three years since Harry had started calling him dad but it still made Sirius smile. "It it's got you all bothered and quiet, then I'm sure it's not 's wrong pup?"

"It's embarrassing." Harry replied, ears turning red. Sirius took in his son's words and his initial worry turned into amusement.

"You're saying this to the person who bathed you-"

"Okay dad that's-"

"Watched as you ran around the house starkers-"

"Dad, sto-"

"Changed those dirty diapers-"


Sirius grinned at Harry, reaching over to ruffle the boy's hair. "Whatever it is, even if it is 'embarrassing', I promise to help you out with it. After having a good laugh of course."

Harry gave his dad a small glare, before his face broke into a genuine smile. Trust his dad to cheer him up using the weirdest of methods. He took a deep breath. He knew that if there was anyone who could help him out with this 'situation', then it was his dad. He had heard enough stories to know that his father had been (still is) immensely popular among the female population of the Wizarding world.

"Dad, how old were you when you first asked a girl out?"

Sirius watched his son, inwardly smiling. He had always known that this topic would come up one of these days. "I was about your age. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you know Ginny right?" He asked, although he knew the answer. "Ron's sister? Of course."

"Well, I used to think of her as really good friend of mine. But, well... uh... the thing is... of late... I'm starting... I'mstartingtoseeherassomeonemorethanjustafriend!"

"I didn't quite catch that kiddo. Let's try that again, slowly."

"Well... I'm... I'm starting to... see her as...as someone more than a friend." He said the last bit quickly, hoping that his dad would get it. There, he had said it. Now the man was going to laugh at him and his face would fall off due to embarrassment.

Harry needed advice and Sirius was more than capable of giving it. Even when he was at Hogwarts, he had given dating to most of his friends including James, Remus, Frank Longbottom... He would help Harry out of course but what sort of dad would he be if he didn't tease his son just a bit (a lot)?

"So Harry likes Ginny?" He pretended to comment to himself. "This is going to be so much fun. You'll be taking her out on dates, sneaking off to meet her in between lessons, you'll, I wonder what'll be the name of your first baby..."

"Dad! Your embarrassing me... again!" Harry burst out, utterly mortified.

"I'm your Dad. It's my job and responsibility to embarrass you whenever possible." Sirius quipped, enjoying every moment of it. "Come on dad! Help me out!"

"Oh alright! It's not as hard as you think, pup. All you've got to do is be polite while asking her out. Ask her to meet you outside where it's just the two of you and ask her nicely. Try not to mumble. Look her in the eye when you're talking to her. Remain confident."

"But what if she says no?"

"Trust me, she won't."

"But if she does?"

"Then I'll be waiting with a jar of double chocolate chip cookies and a tub of chocolate ice cream." (Chocolate= Harry's comfort food)

Harry was silent for a moment. The advice was pretty good and didn't sound very hard. He could do this. "Okay." He affirmed with a smile.

The smile quickly fell though as another thought entered his mind. "What is it?" Sirius asked, giving him that smile reserved only for him. "She's Ron's sister, dad. Ron's my best friend so I don't want to put our friendship at stake."

"Talk to Ron about how you feel and see what he has to say. He'd your best mate. He knows you're a good person. He'll definitely understand."

"You think so?"


"So when can I ask her?" Harry inquired, feeling nervous. "Well, you'll be going over to the Burrow this weekend, right? So, you can ask her then. Trust me, it'll be great."

"Thanks dad."

Three days later:

"Yes! She said yes!" Harry shouted for the hundredth time as he danced around the living room of his house. "See, I told you it would all go perfectly."

"Honestly dad, you are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant." Sirius felt his chest swell with pride at that. Harry said those words quite often.

"What did Ron say?"

"He was totally okay with it. Although he did threaten to set the twins on me if I did anything to hurt her."

Sirius chuckled at that. "I'm sure he did." He pulled his son into a hug that was returned with such fervour that he was pretty certain he heard a rib crack. He pulled away after kissing the boy's forehead.

"Off to bed now." He ordered with mock sternness. "Big day tomorrow, first date and all."

"Yeah, it's gonna be exciting." Once Harry was in bed, Sirius was about to leave the room when he paused, a mischievous grin on his handsome face."

"Hmm, by the way I forgot to ask, have you decided the name of your first child?"


Okay so that's the first story. Hope you'll loved it. Please read and review. If you'll want any more one shots, just comment and I'll be more than happy to oblige."

Love you all!