I am suffering from a great YOI hangover, and writing fabric is one way of coping with it. I don't own YOI.

'Viktor would returning tomorrow, wouldn't he.'

'Yes, the lucky bastard! It's not fair he got to compete, but we didn't.'

Viktor Nikiforov was one of the few who had been chosen to take part in an elite tournament in Detroit. The tournament mandated a minimum number of years of experience, which Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit and Otabek did not have. Chris had chosen not to compete as he had other engagements.

'Yes, lucky bastard indeed. I wanted to give him a surprise of some sort when he returned, but I couldn't think what.'

'What don't you surprise him by visiting him in the airport, and greeting him in Russian!' Phichit exclaimed.

'That's a good idea, Phichit. Except that I don't know any Russian.'

'Yuri can teach you.'Otabek said, pointing at Yuri Plisetsky.

Yuri smiled, his eyes shining with a mischievous glint, which Yuuri did not notice. Being underage, he was the only one of them who was completely sober. Otabek had offered him a bit of his drink, but he had declined.

'Okay, thank you, Yurio.' Yuuri said.

'Yes, sure.' the younger Yuri said.'Tell me what you want to tell Viktor. I'll translate it for you.'

'Okay, I want to say this. Hello, Viktor. I am glad you're back. I had missed on your win. I'm so proud of you. I love you.'

Viktor Nikiforov felt an anticipation grow within him as he alighted the plane. The tournament had been great, but he couldn't wait to see Yuuri again. There he was, Yuuri standing there waiting for him. He ran up to him, and enveloped the younger man in a hug.


'Hello, Viktor.' Yuuri said in Russian, much to Victor's surprise. 'I am a pork cutlet bowl.'


'Clowns don't fly. Pigs are idiots.'

'What are you saying, Yuuri?'

'Trees are purple. I hate waterfalls, Viktor.'

Fine, thought Viktor. Two can play this game. He racked his brain, recalling every piece of Japanese he had picked up while he was staying with Yuuri. 'Clowns do fly.' he said, in Japanese. 'But pigs are definitely let us make pork cutlet bowls out of them, after all.'

'Viktor?Are you making fun of me?'

'You are the one who started it, Yuuri.'


'You...are the one who started speaking gibberish to me in Russian.'

'Gibberish!' then realisation struck him. ''Yurio!'


Yuuri told Viktor everything. He laughed. 'Don't you were tricked, Pork cutlet bowl?'
