Forgive Me

Everything needs to be updated, and yet here I am writing something new. Damn it.

She was always there for him

She was the one who could make him apologize

She could make him beg and plead.

And despite what everyone around them thought

She mattered.

"So what now?" asked John.

"I need to talk to Molly. I hurt her, I need to tell her why," said Sherlock.

Sherlock pulled out his phone and dialed her number. It didn't even ring.

"She's turned off her phone, I need a cab," said Sherlock.

"Maybe you should wait Sherlock, she might not want to talk to anyone, not after…" said John.

"No I can't wait! I need to see her, I need to make sure she's ok," said Sherlock.

Sherlock hailed down the first cab he saw and told the cabbie Molly's address. It seemed to take forever but he finally got there. He paid the cabbie and all but ran to her front door. He knocked and when he didn't hear her inside he knocked louder and shouted through the door.

"Molly?! It's Sherlock…I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but I need to see you…please I need to explain why I called you today, why I did what I did. You were right, it wasn't a game," said Sherlock.

He heard her walking towards the door, but it still didn't open.

"Molly" Sherlock said softly.


"No Sherlock, I'm done. Go home," came Molly's voice through the door.

"Molly, I'm sorry," said Sherlock

"Go home, Sherlock." Repeated Molly.

Sherlock took out his phone and sent a text. Then he walked away from her front door and stood on the curb, waiting. Twenty minutes later, John rolled up in Mrs. Hudson's car.

"She won't let me in, won't let me talk to her. I can't explain." Sherlock said to John.

"What do you want me to do Sherlock? You hurt her, I know you didn't want to and I know how much it hurt you to do it, but she doesn't know that part. In her point of view, you called her out of the blue, after nearly dying of a drug overdose, and forced her to tell you that she loves you. It was probably the hardest thing for her to do, because she thinks you don't feel anything. She thinks that you only remember her when you need her, that you use her because you know that she could never say no to you. So no wonder she doesn't want to talk to you."

"She said she's done," said Sherlock.

"Exactly, she's done being played with, being used. She thinks you don't care about her at all," said John.

"That's not true," growled Sherlock.

"I know that, you know that, everybody knows that but her," said John.

"How could she not?" asked Sherlock.

"Because you never tell her," said John.

"It's too late, she told me to go away, she won't see me" said Sherlock.

"Right, here's what you're going to do. Because you are unwilling to let it rest a day. You are going to go up to her door and tell her how you feel. Tell her what you did after she hung up. She needs to know that. Because in that moment Sherlock, I've known you for years and in that moment you showed more emotion in those ten seconds then you have all year," said John.

"Haven't you been listening? She won't let me in!" said Sherlock, exasperated.

"I'm thinking she will now." John smirked and held out his phone.

"I called her while I was in the car, she's been listening the whole time," Said John.

"But her phone was off?" said Sherlock.

"Molly's phone is never off, she was just blocking your calls, now are you going to go and talk to her?" asked John.

Sherlock walked towards Molly's door, before knocking he turned back to John.

"Thank you" he said.

"I should've recorded that." Answered John with a smile. Sherlock smiled slightly and knocked on Molly's door.

Slowly the door opened.

"You have five minutes." She said.

"Can I come in?" asked Sherlock.

Molly nodded and stepped aside. Sherlock moved past her and into her kitchen.

"Do you have any tea?" asked Sherlock.

"I told you five minutes Sherlock, we don't have time for tea!"

"I still need to get something from your kitchen." Said Sherlock.

"What?" Molly asked, confused. She watched as Sherlock walked to her counter.

"This is where you were standing, when I was on the phone with you?" asked Sherlock.

"Yes…how did you know that?" asked Molly.

"Because I was watching you." Sherlock walked over and found the camera Euros had placed.

"You put a camera in here?!"

"Not me, my sister, Euros."

"Your sister? Since when do you have a sister?"

"Since always I suppose. I blocked out my memories of her, of all of it. It's like I rewrote events to exclude her, " Said Sherlock.

"Why? What did she do? Was she like you and Mycroft?: asked Molly.

"In a way, yes, she has an IQ that rivals ours but she was also different. I had a friend named Victor, who I called Redbeard because when we played pirates he was Redbeard and I was Yellowbeard. He was my best friend, I played with him all the time. One day he went missing. Euros knew, but she wouldn't tell anybody where he was. She just kept repeating this poem whenever we asked, no one could decipher it. John found Victor's bones today, at the bottom of a well that was on my family's property. She had pushed him in and no one ever found him, at least not until now," said Sherlock.

"I'm so sorry," said Molly.

"Soon after, she set our home on fire. So she was sent away, and to cope I forgot her. The memories started coming back only recently."

"What does this have to do with earlier today?" asked Molly.

"We discovered that Euros had managed to escape from Sherrinford, where she was being kept which Mycroft thought was secure. John, Mycroft and I went to try and figure out how she managed to escape. She knew we would come, she had everything planned with no other goal than to manipulate and destroy us. She set up this obstacle course of puzzles. First we were to either kill the Governor Sherrinford or she would kill his wife. I had to choose between John and Mycroft, who would kill the governor. Neither Mycroft nor John could take the shot, so the governor killed himself and Euros killed his wife. Discover and condemn this killer, she ended up killing all three suspects after I gave her the correct answer .In order to ensure our cooperation, she convinced us that there was a plane over London which was about to crash, with everyone on board asleep except for one little girl with a cell phone. Euros would let us talk to the girl for a minute at a time while playing Euros' games. The next room we came into, all there was was a coffin in the middle of the room, with three words inscribed on the lid. The words were, as you may guess 'I love you.' I deduced that the coffin would be the perfect size and type for you. When I said your name out loud, that's when Euros showed us the video. It was you, in your kitchen, at that very moment. Euros informed us that she had placed a bomb in your house and if I couldn't get you to say 'I love you' to me, she would blow it up. That's why I had to call you and say what I did. It wasn't until after you hung up that Euros told me that the bomb wasn't real. Euros was gloating, she said I got too emotional, that I was always too emotional. Then I…I placed the lid back on the coffin and in what John claims was my most emotion filled moment in the whole year, I destroyed the coffin and the room," said Sherlock.

"Why me?" asked Molly.

"Because Euros saw and understood what Moriarty didn't. When Moriarty targeted the people he believed I cared about the most, he used John, Mycroft, and Mrs. Hudson but he forgot about you. Euros used John, Mycroft, and you. She used you in the worst way she possibly could, she knew how you felt me and she forced me to use that. And I am truly sorry,"

"Why are you sorry?" asked Molly.

"Because I hurt you," said Sherlock.

"Why do you care about hurting people? You always make deductions and say things out loud for anyone to hear and insult people, I know you don't mean to but you do. And the only one you've ever apologized to is me. Why is that?"

"Because, it's you," said Sherlock.

"What do you mean by that? No more games Sherlock I want the truth," said Molly.

"Because it's true, because I love you Molly Hooper."

Well you got this far, would you be so kind as to leave me a review with your thoughts?

Thanks for reading!