I apologize for the long wait, I've been incredibly busy recently, and of course, I've been reading fan fictions! I hope you enjoy chapter 8! Let's get this show on the road!

Percy POV

Camp brought back some bad memories. Some were of Annabeth cheating – correction, all of them were of Annabeth cheating. Ever since I joined the hunters I had wanted to find out who Annabeth had cheated on me with. I was going to propose for gods' sake! The hunters and I had planned to prank all of the male campers and Annabeth, and boy did we have some pranks for them! Oh, and you can cue the evil laugh right about… now.

Chiron cantered up to us and welcomed us to camp. "Lady Artemis and Lord Perseus," He said, bowing down. It seems he had been informed about me becoming an Olympian. I smiled.

"I'm still the same old Percy whether I'm an Olympian or not," I told him opening my arms up for a hug. We embraced quickly and then pulled away.

"How is the hunt?" He asked kind of forgetting that Artemis was right next to me.

"It's great! It's much better than staying here. No offense," I added quickly, seeing Chiron's sad look.

"Ooh!" I squealed like a child, and in retrospect I kind of looked stupid being that I am around 6'5" "I have a cabin don't I?" I asked Chiron. He nodded.

"It is in the Olympians section next to the Poseidon and Ares cabins," He told me.

"Oh, and the annual capture the flag game is tomorrow between the campers and the hunters," He directed this at Artemis and then turned back to me. "And I presume that you will be joining the hunters as their guardian?" Chiron asked.

"You are correct," I said flashing a small crooked grin at Artemis.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I had my hood up so nobody could see my face. Especially if that person was her.

"Alright," Chiron finished, galloping off to the big house.

"I'm going to see my cabin; do you want to come Arty?" I asked, turning around.

"Sure Perseus," She said stressing the Perseus part. I guess I deserve it for calling her Arty…

We started walking towards the cabins, specifically the Olympian cabins, and we noticed a thirteenth cabin among the standard 12.

It had a sea green trim, which was to be expected due to my heritage, and it had a large symbol on the top. Riptide was going vertically in the middle, and crossing behind it was an hourglass symbolizing my domain of time, and a bow, representing the domain of the hunt. All in all, it was one of the nicer cabins, and Artemis and I started to walk in until we were cut off by a certain grey-eyed blonde-haired girl.

"Excuse me, only the new Olympian and anybody he deems worthy may enter his cabin," Annabeth told us.

"And what if I was that Olympian?" I asked, trying to hide my scowl.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you may go," She said and started to turn around.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I spat venomously.

She didn't say anything and turned back to face me.

"Annabeth Chase," I said.

"Yes my lord?"

"You may go," I grit my teeth.

"No, I'm going to stay; I want to see how you like the cabin! After all, I designed it!" She squealed like an Aphrodite girl.

"Go away before I turn your blood into a gas!" I yelled, as I flared some of my power to 'sway' her decision. (It was enough power to make a normal demigod piss themselves).

This got her going and she ran as fast as she could to the Athena cabin. Most likely to change her pants.

"Gods she is annoying!" I exclaimed to Artemis.

"After meeting her for the first time, I agree with you," Artemis said.

We walked inside, and it was decorated similarly to the Poseidon cabin, but with some hourglass decorations, and my adventures as a demigod.

"Wow, this place is amazing. It's too bad that no demigod of mine will step foot here."

"Why won't a demigod of yours step foot in here?" She asked looking up to meet my eyes.

"Because I would never cheat on you," I said, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"You better not, otherwise I might have to castrate you," She said jokingly.

"Well, we should meet up with the hunters to plan some pranks for the campers," I said which earned me a mischievous smile from Artemis.

Line Break

"Alright so I say we can prank the Apollo cabin by painting it black," Thalia stated with a sadistic grin.

"That will be hilarious!" I complimented.

"Then we can paint the Aphrodite cabin," Thalia started.

"Black!" I blurted out.

"Good idea! I was going to say we could paint it a sickly shade of green, but black is even better!" Thalia yelled. To be honest I was surprised that nobody had confronted us, as they could probably hear us yelling. Then again, they were the hunters, and people do not mess with the hunters.

Suddenly, the lunch horn was blown.

"Off to lunch hunters!" Artemis told them.

"Do you want to sit at the big table with me?" Artemis asked, turning to me once all the hunters had left for lunch.

"Of course," I told her and kissed her cheek.

Then we walked out of cabin 8 and put up our usual façade that betrayed nothing romantic between us.

I turned to face Artemis. "I'm the god of heroes now, and I guess the demigods should be introduced to their 'king'" I got even closer to her. "And their soon to be queen."

Her face turned bright red. "We're not speaking about our relationship to them!" She yell-whispered. "And was that a hint at a proposal?" She asked lovingly.

"Maybe," I told her and winked.

Line Break

We walked into the dining pavilion, and instantly all talking ceased.

Whispers about who I was started circulating the room until Chiron stamped his hoof calling for attention.

"This is the new Olympian, and you will treat him with respect, as he is now the 'king of all demigods' which all of you are, and it would be wise to respect your king." Chiron told the campers.

"I bet I can best him!" An arrogant voice came from the Apollo table.

"Octavian, he is also the god of swordsmanship, and he would probably wipe the floor with you in under thirty seconds," Chiron said honestly. (AN: I'm putting Octavian in this for the laughs)

This didn't stem his arrogance however, it actually fueled it. This kid really is dumb.

Octavian the dumbass scoffed. "I can still beat him. I'm the best swordsman this camp has ever seen!" He boasted.

"Silence, legacy of Apollo," I said angrily, with an undertone of if-you-duel-me-I-will-kick-your-ass.

This finally shut the retard up, but he gave me a look that said meet me in the arena after lunch.

I cracked a sadistic smile. In all honestly it looked pretty creepy, as I had my hood up and people could only see my mouth. A contributing factor to the creepiness was the glow of green that my eyes gave off.


"Hey mom, I've been told that my eyes have flames in them, and I'd like to know why?" I asked my wonderful mother, Hestia.

"Since you are my son, your eyes are like that. When you are happy you have a light flame, and when you are angry you have large flames in your eyes, and when you get extremely angry the fire in your eyes turns into Greek fire," She told me.

"Thanks mom," I said, and turned to leave her palace.

Flashback End

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I had just finished eating at the big table next to Artemis, and I think people were pretty surprised that a male was sitting next to Artemis without being turned into a pincushion by her or her hunters.

I was currently at the arena decimating all of the automatons on their highest difficulty that Hephaestus had made himself, and everybody around me was watching in awe. Apparently nobody had ever been able to match the automatons, and here I was wiping the floor with them.

Suddenly, a massive 40 foot tall woman rose up from the ground on Half-Blood Hill.

She looked like she was made of mud, and she was wearing a robe made of grass. She had a sleepy face, with closed eyes. I guessed she was Gaia.

She started to speak… without moving her mouth. It was almost like the sound radiated off of her.

"Gods and demigods, Olympus and your camps shall be destroyed, surrender now and your deaths shall be painless…" She told us looking out over the camp with closed eyes. Then, she spun into the ground and disappeared like a drill.


There we go! That was my longest chapter yet, and again I apologize for the wait on this chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Oh, and just a side note, any flames will be used to bake delicious blue cookies! (::) (::) (::)