Disclaimer : I do not any rights of Harry Potter !

Thanks to ehfarina619, my Beta !

Chapter one: A Dark Day

Obscurity, just obscurity. The atmosphere is very cold and she is hurt, she feels morbid and lost without knowing how she came to be here in this unknown place. A fulgurate pain piercing her arm. Raising the sleeve of her shirt gently, she looked with sadness at the inscription on her arm: Mudblood! After all, that's what she is, a mudblood. Year after year, she had learned how to be in accord with her condition, redoubling of effort to prove that she was worth as much as any other witch or wizard. It was of course not counting Draco Malfoy, who passed his time by reminding her that her parents hadn't any powers or magic.

Replacing her sleeve on her arm in a delicate way without retaining a grimace of pain, she looked around, examining the small pieces of her cell, searching for a name of the place where she could be. She searched in her memory any clues which could be useful to her, after all she was the Miss Know-it-all of Hogwarts! She had to have something in her skull enabling her to better understand this situation. Like a flash, her memory returned to her. She was first happy of that, but was disillusioned quickly when the images and memories became clearer.


The pain, the pain of a spell on her arm, writing words under the horrifying smile of Bellatrix Lestrange. A few drops of her blood spread on the floor of Malfoy Manor where Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron, had been brought. Looking around her, she was surprised with the look of disgust at Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, as well as the higher look of Draco, their son.

- Oh Lucius, I'm sorry but you will have the blood of this abomination in your living room! Said Bellatrix with laughter as insane as her mind.

- It will be necessary to warn the House-Elf to clean that. It could rot our floor and it's out of the question that I touch this blood myself. Answered Lucius, nauseated by the vision of Hermione dirtying his floor.

All looked at each other, she didn't move and after all, without a wand she was completely vulnerable and couldn't do anything. Between two losses of consciousness, she heard Bella say some words: "Azkaban", "Master", "Interrogation" …

She lost consciousness before one Death Eater took her to this Prison.

End of Flashback

She lets a tear run on her muddy and dusty cheek. A thought came to her mind: "Am I the only one to be taken here or are Harry and Ron are in a close cell … Will the order come to save us? What will these Death Eaters and Voldemort make of me?" Too many questions which, she knew, will not have answers in the immediate future. Even then she already knew that no matter what may happen to her, she was to hold on for as long a time as possible. Hearing movement in the corridor in front of her cell, she placed herself at the bottom of her cell, imagining all that could happen in this place, now under control of the Dark Lord. Seeing through the bars of the door, a blond head of hair, she already knew which family the man belonged to who was going to enter her cell. She trembled at knowing that he would not have any pity for her and he would take a serious pleasure in breaking her.

- Miss Granger, it's a pleasure seeing you in this lovely place and particularly pleasant knowing you have been lowered to a place that is yours …

Note from the author : Hey, this Fan fic is originally written in French (by me), I hope you like it. The next chapters will be much longer and the second will be published next week. If there are any faults I apologize but this is my first translation ! Bye.