Hi everyone! It's been a while since I last saw you all and I am so happy to finally release the first chapter of the final story in The Assassin's Trilogy! If you're new to this story, I suggest you go ahead and read the last two stories otherwise get ready because you guys are in for a show today!

Before we go any further, I do have to mention that Star Wars is rightfully owned by Disney while I own my OCs. Alright everyone let's start the show!

The Battle Of Coruscant: Part I

Jedi Temple: Council Chamber

It had been merely a day since Ahsoka had left the Jedi Order. It had been only a day since the young padawan felt as if the Jedi Council had betrayed her. It had been just one day, and the Jedi felt a great disturbance in the force. They all knew that the end of the war was drawing close, but the did not know whether they would all survive to tell the tale of what happened in The Clone Wars.

With all the Jedi Masters and young Jedi Knights scattered across the galaxy, Master Yoda sat alone inside the council chamber with the all the windows blocked, giving him a nice quiet place to meditate. As he meditated in solitude, the Grand Jedi Master sensed all the conflict and struggle this war had brought to his fellow Jedi. He knew that ever since the war broke out, many jedi have been sent to frontlines to prevent the Separatist from spreading across the galaxy.

Young Padawans were drafted into this war as well, but they have been turned into memories, for Master Yoda sensed that many young padwans did not live long in this conflict. However as he meditated, he sensed a great disturbance in the force.

He felt a string connection to someone that was close to him. He felt pain and suffering, and also betrayal. He feared something terrible has happened to his friend. However his time of meditation had come to an end when he soon sensed a dark force close.

Suddenly the windows open wide, and the Jedi Master soon sees an armada of separatist ships and fighters flying down toward the city, spreading across like locusts. Master Yoda is horrified to see that for the first time, in over hundreds of years, Coruscant was being invaded. He looks up and sees several dozen war ships fly down to the surface while a few large unfamiliar warships were leading the attack on the city.

As Yoda looks outside to see his home was being invaded, Master Windu rushes inside the chamber. "Master, the city is being under attacked!"

"Defend the city we must!" Master Yoda quickly responded before the two Jedi rallied all the knights, masters, and padawans they had to fend off these ruthless invaders. The battle of Coruscant had begun.


As the city was being under attack from the sky, tanks and MTTs were driving down the streets of the city while thousands of droids were being deployed onto the battlefield. The people of Corsucant had never thought they'd live to see the day the city would be under fire and smoke.

While some of the civilians ran for cover, those who were not fast enough were surely gunned down by the machines. But while the droids marched through the city, something terrible hid in the shadows.

During the chaos and madness, some civilians ran through narrow streets and ally ways in order to escape the droids attacking their home. But little did they know that a new threat was corning them into an ambush. As a large group of families and average civilians ran through the allies, some looked back and saw horrifying shadows following them.

It wasn't long enough until they were close enough to run into an empty landing pad behind large buildings. They all looked around and saw nothing but only heard the sound of robotic feet approaching near them. The noise soon becomes more louder as they all fear that whatever was hunting them was soon approaching them. But suddenly the noise becomes silent, and everyone holds their breath as they wait to see what was following them.

In a split second seven assassins deactivate their cloaking devices and the large group soon sees these horrific machines standing all around them. They all watch as one nods to the other before the cybernetic assassins pull out their blasters and open fire upon the group, slaughtering them like cattle. As they all fell, two assassins pull out flamethrowers and burn the bodies as well. They all knew that the time for them to strike fear into the heart of Coruscant had come.

Across the city, thousands of assassins were scattered creating mass chais and destruction as they began to burn the city to the ground. Each attack on the city was done systematically for each assassin was in charge of an army of droids while some were in command of droid bombers that would help burn the city to the ground.

With every attack, each assassin would slaughter the innocent and burn the bodies before calling in a bombing run for sever droid fighters to drop explosives on civilian populated areas. They knew that the Jedi could not fight on several fronts. Thanks to a reliable source, The assassins knew how to attack the Jedi and spread out their forces. If The assassins could distract the jedi on attacking large areas, the assassins would be able to attack smaller, more populated civilian areas.

Across the city, on a large bridge, sever hundred droids were marching across the bridge and were unleashing a storm of bullets while several clones were at the other side of the bridge, holding their ground.

"Sector 4, I need reinforcements. We're being overrunned!" A clone commander said while his brothers were holding their ground against the machines. "I repeat we are being-"

Before he could finish his distress call, the clone looks behind him and sees several battle droids approaching him. He pulls out his automatic rifle and fires at the droids closing in on him. He first uses his rifle and unloads his ammo on the machines before turning around and seeing another droid come close to him. The clone thinks fast and slams the but of his rifle against the droids head and watches it explode before he soon pulled out his pistol and opened fire on several more droids.

Outnumbered, the clone commander grabs his rifle and pistol and attacks the droids while retreating. "Retreat! We're outnumber! Retreat!"

As the clones were ready to retreat and abandon their fallen post, Master Yoda rides in on his steed and lands in front of the clones before cutting down several droids and blocking oncoming fire. "Hold your positions! Hold Your positions!"

With the Grand Jedi Master at their side, the clones look forward and watch their general cut down a large number of droids before lunging into the frey. With their courage built up, the clones feel more confident that they will survive this battle. It isn't long until they stood beside their general and begin to open fire upon the droids that were invading the home they were trying to protect.

While Master Yoda deflected several shots at him, he looked ahead and saw that there were several hundred of droids approaching and crossing the bridge. Knowing that the city needed his help, the Jedi Master holds his hand up and uses the force to drive the drioids away from him and his clones. The clones are in aw as they watch the Jedi Master push all the droids off the bridge, as if a massive wave had just washed the machines off the bridge.

Once all the droids were wiped across the bridge, and no longer a problem, the clones cheer and scream as they knew that there was still a chance that they could win this battle. However, Master Yoda closes his eyes and catches his breath, for he knew that this fight was far from over. He soon looks up at the sky and sees several Jedi Fighters fly across the city, trying to prevent droid fighters and bombers from burning the city to the ground.

While Master Yoda, and other Jedi were on the ground, Master Windu was in the sky trying to drive the Seperatists off Coruscant. When the battle first began, Mace Windu was among the first to jump into a fighter and lead the air defense. With countless clone starfighters following him, Windu flies across the city and tries his best to protect the people of Coruscant.

As he flew past several large buildings, the Jedi Master locks onto several vulture droids that were firing down at the city. Without any hesitation, Windu opens fire at the machines and watches the droids burst into flames before crashing down onto large groups of droids. With that taken care of, he aims his ship's guns at another vulture droid and is locked onto it.

However before he could pull the trigger, his astromech droid gives off several beeping noises before Windu suddenly realizes that he is being locked onto. He looks behind and sees a vulture droid fire off a missile directly at him. With the rocket propelling at him, the Jedi Master reacts fast enough to barrel roll before watching the missile miss him but hit the vulture droid he was originally locked on.

With one droid taken care of, all that needed to be done was to take out the vulture droid that was firing at him. As Windu flew around large buildings, he knew he had to take out the droid locked onto him. However with his guns at the front of his fighter, how could he take out the vulture droid behind him. The Jedi Master thinks quick and sees a tunnel where several speeders drive through.

A look of determination can be seen on Windu's face as he flies down to the tunnel before the vulture droid flies after him. As they fly into the tunnel, Windu flies through the large tunnel with ease, avoiding all the traffic signs. However as the droid follows after him, it is unable to avoid the traffic lights and sings before crashing inside the tunnel and explode while the fighter rolls across the tunnel in flames.

As Windu exits the tunnel, the destroyed vulture droid rolls out of it as well but falls down to the streets below before exploding.

Once windu saw his persuer crash onto the street, he looks ahead and sees that the city still needed his help. He flies around the city and tries to keep the battle contained. "Calling all fighters, this is General Windu! I want all jedi fighters to keep this fight contained! We're going to set up a perimeter to keep this battle from spreading! If any droid manages to leave this battle, turn it back or destroy it if you must! I also want every clone fighter inside the perimeter, we're going to try to force them off this planet!"

"Copy that General Windu!" "Yes Master Windu" Soon several Jedi and Clones that were fliying across the city were responding to his orders. They all knew what was at stake here. If the battle would spread across Coruscant, this battle would only end in their defeat, for they would not have enough resources to drive these machines off their home. But if they could keep it contained, they might have a chance.

After he gave his orders, something caught Windu's eyes before he soon saw a black star fighter that had the model of an interceptor. Windu was curious as to what kind of fighter this was, and who it belonged to, for he had never seen a Seperatist Fighter like this.

The interceptor locks onto windu and unleashes a storm of bullets before the Jedi master barrel rolls and flies away before the chase began. As Windu flew away from this fighter, he looks down at his controls before his droid pulls up several images of the fighter persuing him. The images he saw were unfamiliar to him.

Windu looked at the images and saw that this type of ship was designed for speed and persuit, and it also carried two sets of guns at the front and back of the fighter, while also having a spray paint of a red dragon across it's wings. He suddenly realized that these weren't your typical Seperatist Fighters, but were actually something worse. He soon remembered reading reports of warrior bearing this symbol on their armor. He suddenly realized that these were the assassins Aaron and his friends were afraid of.

Once he realized that these highly trained killers were responsible for leading this attack, he knew that the stakes have never been higher.

While the interceptor tried to shoot him down, Windu tries to shake this assassin off his tail and soon flies low to the ground and tries to get the assassin to follow him. His plan does not work however, for the assassin knew that Windu was trying to pull him into a trap and decides to pull off the persuit. But as Windu looked behind to see the assissin abandon the chase, the Jedi Master looks forward and sees another assassin piloting another interceptor as well.

Windu acts fast and unleashes a storm of bullets at the fighter head of him while the assassin heading toward him does the same thing as well before the two are locked onto a game of chicken. As they fly closer Windu is determined to survive this battle and as he fires at the assassin he also fires a missile at the fighter ahead of him.

The assassin isn't fast enough to react and the fighter surely explodes in a ball of flame before the Jedi flies up to the sky to over see the battle. But as he flew above the city, the assassin interceptor that was originally following him was hot on his tail and fires all of his ammo before firing a missile as well.

As Windu tries to barrel roll out of the way, several shots begin to tear his wings. While he was able to avoid the missile. Both of his fighter's wings were torn to shreds, causing the Jedi Fighter to go on a downward spiral. Believing that there is nothing left to do, the assassin fighter flies away from Windu's burning ship to wreck havoc across the city.

But as Windu fell closer to ground, the Jedi manages to cut off the roof of his fighter and makes a daring leap off if his burning ship. As he free fell down to the city floor, Windu looks around and sees an oncoming vulture droid approaching him. He uses the force and suddenly grabs onto the flying droid before he uses his lightsaber to cut a small hole large enough for him to gain control of the droid.

Although he was forced out of his fighter, he was far from being cut out of this battle. With a vulture droid at his command, he keeps his lightsaber close to him and is willing to cut every fighter that crosses his path.

Palpatine's Home

With the Jedi containing the battle, the Chancellor of the Republic is scene siping a nice warm cup of tea as he watches the battle take place in front of him. But thanks to Master Windu's strategy, the Jedi are able to contain the battle and prevent it from spreading across Coruscant.

As he drank his tea, he hears his door bell go off. "Come in." He calmly says while he looks at the battle that is tearing the city apart.

Once the doors behind him slid open, three jedi including an Ithorian, Talz, and Master Shaak Ti, all run inside the room while also having Senate Guards and Clone Troopers at their side. Master Shaak Ti is quick to speak. "Supreme Chancellor we must get you to shelter immediately!"

The Chancellor turns around to face his Jedi and acts calmly. "But the battle is so far off, and thanks to your fellow Jedi, the battle is being well contained."

"Please Supreme Chancellor! We must follow safety protocol and get you to-"

"I will not cower in the face of this oncoming attack." Palpatine said before he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the roof of his home. The footsteps were loud and mechanical and were loud as each step was taken. Everyone in the room is stunned and is more cautious then ever, not knowing who else was with them.

Everyone begins to look around while the clones and guards held tight onto their blasters, while the Jedi had their hands close to their lightsabers. Palpatine is curious as to what was aking the noise. "Oh what is that…noise?"

As the sound grew louder with each step, Shaak Ti focuses on the sound and suddenly realizes what was actually with them. "We have to go! NOW!"

As she pleaded for the Chancellor to listen to her, the noise suddenly stops. With the room silent, the Chancellor is still calm as before. "See…it was nothing."

Once the Chancellor finished that sentence, a read helmet peaked below and saw everyone in the room. Shaak Ti is suddenly worried about who was actually with them "CHANCELLOR!"

Before she could say another word, the warrior in red and black armor, wearing a red helmet suddenly slams his fist into the window and watches the large sheet of glass shatter before the Chancellor fell to the ground and everyone saw who was entering the room.

The warrior took one step inside and everyone saw his mechanical red and black armor with tubes going inside his arms and legs while also seeing a red dragon painted across his metal chest plate. They all read the reports of who this man was and they knew who was standing in front of them. It was Desric, the Grand Master of the Order Of Assassins.

Alright everyone this is gonna be it for the first chapter! What did you guys think?

As I mentioned a while ago, at the end of The Shadow Of Desric, in this story we are not holding back anymore! It's time to let Desric loose on the Jedi!

If you liked what you just read then leave a comment! If you're really interested in this story, then feel free to like and follow it! I'll see you all next week with the next chapter of this story and I'll be seeing you all through out 2017 as we finish this final story! Bye!