
Angela awoke with start from her dream, her head snapping upwards immediately. She rubbed her eyes as she rested her elbows on the desk, still cluttered with paperwork she hadn't completed before passing out last night.

Sighing, she gathered it all into one organized pile, sliding it to the corner of her desk. The only thing left was a letter. Curious, she saw that it only had her first name on the front, so she quickly opened it.

The first line nearly brought her to tears as she recognized the handwriting.

Dear Angela,

I deeply apologize for not being in contact over the last few months. My training with Zenyatta has distracted me greatly.

She smiled through her tears, noting that he included his master in every letter he had sent.

I wish to make up for the lost time, and to truly thank you for saving me. By the time you get this letter, I should be on my way to your location. Don't worry, I'll find you. After all, I AM a ninja.

I'll see you soon.



Angela couldn't decide whether to burst into tears of happiness or of pain. Genji was returning to her after all these years.

He had been in contact with her for a long time now, constantly sending her letters from a monastery in Nepal where he followed the guidance of a young Omnic monk by the name of Tekhartha Zenyatta.

And finally, after years of sending letters back and forth, he was coming back to see her.

But he still wouldn't remember.

He wouldn't remember Jesse practically crawling back into the base, covered in blood and groaning in agony from the struggle of not only returning himself, but also bringing Genji's body along with him.

He wouldn't remember Angela falling to her knees, broken as she saw the lifeless corpse of her only love across Jesse's bruised and bloody back.

He wouldn't remember the days of surgery, the hundreds of cups of coffee, as Angela would not sleep until he was returned to her.

He wouldn't remember what they once were, as the damage done had given him a heavy concussion, and he didn't recall anything beyond meeting all of the members. He never knew Hanzo ever tried to kill him, and welcomed his brother with open arms as soon as he saw him.

He wouldn't remember what he was to her, or she to him.

Angela didn't care, because she planned on trying to fall back in love with the same man a second time, on getting him to fall for her once more.

Even if he didn't remember, Angela didn't care.

She always would.