This is my first fanfic!
I don't own fairy tail


The start of an adventure


In the forest full of magic we can see five dragons and 6 humans standing in front of the gate.

"Igneel, Why are we here?" asked Natsu as he stood in front of the giant gate looking confused. "Is something wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong Natsu." Answered the big red dragon "We are just waiting for gate to open."

"Huh, scared salamander?" teased a black haired boy with metal piercings. "Shup up Gajeel." Was the only answer from the annoyed kid.

A chiby girl looked very worried "Aaa… D don't fight…" She was almost on the verge of tears "Please…"

Sensing the mood the white feathery dragon right behind her calmed her down "Don't worry my dear they will not fight." She then turned her sweet gaze to the boys "Right?"

"Yes Mam!"

"Fools…" sighed the gray metal dragon "all of you are too noisy."

"Everyone the gate is ready so if you are ready I will open it." Said Anna.

"Where are we going?" this time a white haired kid asked. "We will go on an adventure!" exclaimed the white dragon. "Really?" the black haired kid asked the dragon who was standing behind him.

"Yes little one…" replied the shadowy dragon. "We will go around the world for your training."

"WOW! What magic are we going to learn Igneel?!" asked the now excited Natsu. Igneel chuckled because of his sons behavior. "You'll see Natsu."

"Everyone! I'm going to open the gates now!" yelled Anna to get their attention "Ready for the …"
But was cut off by a loud roar of a dragon.

"Do we have a traveling companion?" asked Gajeel.

Every dragon's face turned white as they looked back for the source of the voice.

With a big whoosh a black scaly creature landed in front of them. "Why hello there Acnologia. Why have you come here." Asked Igneel bravely.

Acnologia stood up from the ground and looked at the other dragons. "I came here to kill you all." He answered coldly. "You five are the last living dragons and I don't want to see any more dragons in this land."

"You will do no such thing!" shouted Grandine "Anna open the door and make sure the children goes to the other end!"

Anna nodded and opened the door which creaked open. Slowly wind gushed to the dragons as they readied for the fight.

Sting and Rogue went First. "Good bye Father we will make you proud." "It was my pleasure to teach you my magic Son." As they finished talking Weisslogia and Skiadrum flew to Acnologia.

When they were gone next was Wendy. "Grandine? I will see you soon right?" "No child, this will be the last time I will see you." She said as she looked tearful. "there will be hardships on your way but I have confidence that all of you will get through it." And with that she too she flew to the monster of chaos.

Gajeel looked up too his foster father with some tears. "You have nasty eyes." He said. "Is that your last word!" Gajeel shouted but he too was gone fighting Acnologia. "Dammit." With that he and wendy walked through the door.

"Natsu…" Igneel turned to his son "Igneel…" There were tears flowing form his cheeks kneeling on the ground. "Don't cry Natsu." But still Natsu's tears dropped to the ground. "Come on. What do you do in times of sadness?" asked Igneel "I told you that remember?" Natsu cried for a few more seconds before answering "I know.."

"Then try it, Get on your feet." Natsu slowly stood up.

"I'll always be with you. Even now, from now on, all the way down the line." Said Igneel and gave Natsu a scarf.


"I'm gonna keep living! I'm going to get stronger! I'm going to … beat Acnologia!" shouted Natsu looking up,

"That's right, Speak of the future. That is the power to live."

But as Natsu started to walk through the door a blue and chaotic roar hit the door. Lightening crackled as Natsu was sucked through the hole.
