In a world where you can read your soulmates thoughts on your body, it should be easy to find them. Unfortunately for Eren, his soulmate seems to keep their thoughts to themself. Cannon-ish, but only up to the end of the first season. Takes place three years after. Eren-centric in the beginning, with Levi POV chapters later on. The slowest of slow burns - this one is all about getting them together.

**Epilogue chapters now added.

Not beta read and submitted on my phone so please be patient with my typos.

March 30th, 853

"Eren get your ass over hear so we can eat the damn cake!" Of course the shout had come from Jean. A few ales and it seemed he had forgotten that it was in fact, Eren's birthday, and not his own. That was the only excuse for why he felt so entitled to a portion of the cake. That, or the fact that he had grudgingly helped Armin bake it at the promise of the reward.

"Oi, horseface, I will blow out my candles when I damn well feel like it!" he knew that edging Jean on would only lead to more insults being flung back at him, but it was just the way they communicated.

"Eren please. It's late and I don't want to deal with him if he drinks anymore." Mikasa sighed. Eren had always thought that someone as brave and beautiful and wondrous as Mikasa would have ended up with a soulmate that at least matched her talents. Someone that she could fight beside, someone she wouldn't need to protect. But fate was cruel, and instead it had placed her and Jean in each other's lives forever. On the surface, they were a terrible match. Jean was reluctant to lead, only doing so if necessary to survive. Mikasa was a natural leader, but she often put those around her first while throwing her own safety to the wind. Yet somehow, Eren had to admit they worked well. He'd see how tender Mikasa was towards Jean when they thought no one was looking, how Jean went out of his way to pick her flowers and sharpen her blades. They had a balance he couldn't explain, but then again that was the point of a soulmate – you didn't have to explain it, it just was. One day, if neither of them died, they'd probably let things take a more intimate direction, maybe have a small family.

He checked the time to see it was just after midnight, officially marking him 18. It was now or never. "Alright, Armin would you mind lighting the candles?" The small blond boy already had the lighter in hand, eager to add the final touch to his masterpiece. Eren joined him by the cake, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Thanks Armin, for the cake, and uh… for everything. I really appreciate it." He smiled foundly at the man beside him. In the back of his mind, Eren had always considered that it could be Armin. He knew that the blonde hadn't seen any words yet since turning 18 a few months prior, leaving only three options: his soulmate was either not 18, too far away, or they were dead. If words appeared on him tonight, it would mean it was Eren, and everything between them would begin to change.

"Okay Eren, this is it. Make it a good one, this could be the first thing your soulmate ever sees from you!" Armin was beaming, a glint of some indescribable emotion in his eyes. He wouldn't mind if it was Armin, he had never put much weight on gender or looks. Armin was brilliant and kind and one of the best people he knew. If it was Armin he'd consider himself a lucky man, if it wasn't, he hoped Armin ended up with someone that deserved him. He decided not to let himself think on it for too long – it would be obvious either way soon enough and then they'd both have their answer.

Eren closed his eyes and cleared his mind, preparing his thoughts carefully.

'I hope I have a soulmate out there.' No, that wouldn't do. Why bother thinking that at all, everyone had one. Okay Jaeger, try again.

'I hope you haven't already died' oh shit, that was probably a dumb thing to say. Okay, well…

'I hope you're nearby and don't mind that I'm a scout because I'm not giving it up.' Great, an ultimatum as an introduction. Sure, this was a legitimate concern. He knew that the bond would eventually force them to live in at least the same region, drawing them together until they were close enough for the words to start forming. But if they were somewhere else, they would follow the pull to him and they would figure it out after meeting. It was something to discuss after they found each other, not before.

'I hope I find you attractive.' Stupid, stupid idiot. Seriously, if they see this as the first thoughts from you they'll never come find you. Calm down, just be honest, last shot…

'I hope I grow to love you, and that you grow to love me.' And there it was, an honest thought, one he wanted to share. He wasn't sure how the connection worked, how the specific thoughts were chosen. He just knew that that one was the one he wanted to send, the pure truth and nothing else. With the thoughts held firmly in his mind, he blew out the candles. He'd never be certain, but he felt like it had gone to them.