Light is shed on Mycroft's relationship with himself, but the very topic makes him uneasy. Maybe Mycroft can be better understood through his observations about others?

Mycroft fidgeted as he often did when he was left to sit in a place too long. Sitting across from Ms. Holland had filled him to the brim with a frustrated energy. In order to pacify himself, he smoothed the bottom of one thumb over the other thumbnail and then switched thumbs every seven movements. Why seven? Sherlock asked the same question just last week, but he received no real explanation. Sherlock did not press the matter considering he had only asked in order to assert his own belief that the number should actually be five, yet one cannot logically change a belief that is not based in logic. As this interaction resurfaced, Mycroft nervously began to wonder if five really was better than seven as he continued the soothing behavior while grimacing quietly.

"It's obvious you care very deeply for your brother's wellbeing, but how do you practice self-care?" The seemingly abrupt words startled Mycroft so that he quickly swung his fists down to the cushions beside him. Ms. Holland had asked a similar question just moments ago, but Mycroft had not heard or responded so she had asked once more with feeling. The feeling must have reached him.

"I hold myself to be vital above all," Mycroft murmured in a way that seemed he was not speaking to Ms. Holland but to himself. His words had the lilt of an apology and his silver eyes began to melt.

"So you hold yourself in high regard?" Ms. Holland's voice projected a great uncertainty for Mycroft's files had alluded to low levels of self-esteem. Mycroft's anxiety often caused him to be too critical of both his failures and successes so that he never felt accomplished.

"Oh no, I just know my quality of life depends on my actions that lead to my own future." Mycroft nodded a bit after speaking because he felt the words were so true.

"That is a very important thing to understand," Ms. Holland spoke with an audible touch of desperation, "but at your age, self-image is even more important."

"It doesn't matter what I think of myself as long as I can place myself where I need to be." The boy nodded once more, this time he was trying to convince himself of his own sincerity.

"But what about when you are there?"

"Well, what about it?" Mycroft's words were blurted out in one burst without pauses.

"You might want to end up with somebody you like in the end." Ms. Holland relaxed her speaking so that it might calm Mycroft or so that he might mimic her subconsciously.

"Maybe I never really thought of having company…" Mycroft's voice did not slow its pace. His face scrunched in disgust at the thought of having another person sharing his every moment.

"-No, I mean the company you always have: yourself." Miss Holland smiled while pivoting both pointer finger toward the boy sitting in front of her.

Mycroft returned to thumb twiddling. Ms. Holland felt as though she was pushing her luck as she remembered her experience with Sherlock not even thirty minutes ago. She thought that switching to a more comfortable topic would be best or she might risk having two patient meltdowns before lunch. Her eyes focused on the notebook in Mycroft's lap.

"So… what all have you written on your brother? Would like to share some of your notes with me?" Mycroft sat very upright and held his notebook up like a totem.

"As soon as Sherlock was able to walk, he was always trailing behind me. It was as though he was a duckling that had imprinted on its-" Mycroft said the next word much quieter and quicker as if he had cornered himself into a verbal corner, "-mother."

Ms. Holland smirked then swiftly returned to her ponderous expression.

"How was that? Did you enjoy being followed everywhere or was it an inconvenience?"

"Well, it was nice having somebody around to give their own critiques of my monologs. It sure made me look like a good big brother, but after a year or so I grew tired of having to explain everything to him." Mycroft considered these statements all factual and his voice held no hesitation.

"Young children can be annoyingly inquisitive," Ms. Holland replied with a wise glance.