Glinda hummed cheerily to herself as she draped beautiful fresh streams of leaves on the huge mantel of Kiamo Ko's lounge. Erazi and her decided while Fiyero and Elphaba were cooped up in the library, they would take the time to decorate the almost stoic castle for the upcoming Lutherimas. They had spent hours turning the foyer, which was a tribute to the serious hunting culture of the Vinkus citizens, into a festive aura. But now, the gazelle and bear heads that hung on the wall were covered in gold and green tinsel, ribbons, and leaf wreaths.
"Look at this beautiful masterpiece!" Erazi proudly showed off the glass made, gold topper sitting on top of the 13 foot tree in the sitting room.
It was a spiky, golden globe that had the perfect notch made for being set on top of a tree. Even Glinda, who was a bit skeptical of Vinkus's Lutherimas traditions, had to admit that their decorations were awesome. She giggled along with Erazi, even though most of her concentration was focused on making sure the candles she was setting on the mantel were spaced out evenly and each had their own tinsel garland circling them.
"You guys still working?" Two small figures cried as they burst into the room.
Bitule and Btyle flew into the room on Elphaba's broom. It totally threw the pair of girls off causing them to stumble.
"God damn it Bits!" Erazi screamed, trying to snatch the brooms tail.
The pair flew up to the top of the vaulted ceiling, way out of any of the girls reach. They continued to giggle and tease Erazi, since Galinda was unknown to them. Galinda attempted to chuck a paper ornament at them but didn't hit anywhere near them since her choice of object wouldn't go far. It wasn't until a book hit. They all should shocked, not daring to see who it is. It wasn't until they heard her trademark cackle they knew who it was.
"Elphie!" Galinda shouted abruptly.
"Don't try to outwit the wittiest," She smirked, wagging a slender finger towards the twins who both sat in horror and shock.
"Bittttchhhhh," Fiyero spoke in a semi-serious, semi-surprised tone.
The prince had just walked in on the chaotic scene, trying his hardest not to turn back around and head to the kitchens to get something stronger than the mug of coffee he held.
"Oh help me Unnamed God," he muttered, still wondering why he was even surprised.
It wasn't until he watched one of his younger siblings slip off of Elphaba's broom, fall ten feet, and land on a box of ornaments with a horrible 'crunch' did Fiyero exhale deeply, and head to the expansive liquor cabinet his parents kept in the drawing room. Just good old really strong whisky worked for him.
"Fiyero? I hope that you aren't upset still," Erazi entered the massive library, finding him slumped over in a soft, mushy chair.
"Yeah, I'm just nervous…"
"About what?"
"Well…I've been thinking about taking Fae to visit her sister, but I'm worried she's not gonna miss me."
"You're so foolish about her, it's cute actually. " She smiled wistfully.
"Like you're much better…about Galinda."
"Hhaaahahhhhahahhah don't get on me about that, it's so obvious…but I don't want mum and dad to find out that their daughter, who is currently fighting for the throne, is a Gilikin girl loving, Animal Rights supporting, adult."
"Have faith Erazi,"
"Have faith about what?" Galinda and Elphaba came into the room, both having different colored tinsel wrapped around their necks like scarves.
"Nothing," they both answered, smiling sweetly, almost certain of the beautiful future they would look forward to with the two amazing young woman leading the way.
It was exhilarating.
A/N: This may be the end! It's almost been a year for this fic so unless there's a serious need for more, I would like to close the story knowing that though the future is uncertain for the two pairs, they have much to look forward too. Please review and tell me if this was a semi-satisfying ending! I definitely may revisit this fic in a little while when my writing skills have improved.
I have loved doing this ever so much! I cannot wait for a new year of dorky fluff with the characters of Wicked- and of course my fabulous readers. I would love to do a huge nod to Indy's Green Hat, who is an amazing author who welcomed me onto this site and has continued to be an inspiration and good friend to me. Love you all!