a/n: So sorry for the long delay. The muse simply would not cooperate. But I'm back! A little reminder of where we left off before jumping ahead a few hours.

"Olivia," Ed said. "Let me help you."

"It's not right," she said.

"Name one person better able to do this," he challenged. "I'll wait."

She glared at him.

"It's not that simple," she said. "With everything that's happened…"

"So it's not ideal," he said. "But in a way it is."

She was silent.

"I'm retired," he reminded her. "I literally have nothing better to do."

"Won't it be, I don't know, awkward?" She asked sincerely. It had been mere hours ago that they'd decided to start talking again. Now he was suggesting staying with her and taking care of her for several days, maybe longer.

"I know it's probably too much, too soon," he admitted. "And if you have another suggestion, I'll still support you and help out with Noah."

She eyed him carefully. Her heart was begging her to say okay. Her mind was screaming that it was too much, too soon.

Ed watched the war waging behind her eyes. He also saw the exact second that her heart won out.

He returned her sheepish smile with a broad grin of his own.

"It's gonna be okay, Liv. It's gonna be just fine."

Ed had Liv's overnight bag slung over one shoulder and his other arm hooked under hers offering support as they rode the elevator to her floor. He looked over at her.

She had her eyes closed and was half leaning on him half leaning back against the elevator wall. Her hair fell away from her face in loose waves, and despite the lingering scrapes and bruises on her face, he couldn't tear his eyes away.

"What?" She asked not bothering to open her eyes.

"Nothin," he said not averting his gaze.

"You're staring," she said finally opening her eyes. "Do I look that bad?"

"You're beautiful," he said.

She took a breath and closed her eyes. He assumed that meant he'd said the wrong thing. He was about to backpedal when she used his arm for leverage to pull herself from the wall and look at him directly.

"Do you think it's going to upset Noah," she said. "Seeing me like this?"

Oh, of course she wasn't thinking about him. She was worried about Noah. He mentally kicked himself for being so obtuse.

"He's sorta already seen you when we FaceTimed," he offered.

She didn't say anything, but he could tell she wasn't buying it.

"Look," he said softly. "I know it's not exactly the same, but he knows you're hurt."

The elevator reached its destination, and he helped her down the hallway toward her apartment.

"Besides," Ed said. "That boy is gonna be so happy to see you. He probably won't even notice a few little scratches."

She sighed. And they both hoped he was right.

As soon as Ed put her key in the door, they heard commotion on the other side. While they couldn't quite make out the words, it was clear that Noah knew his mommy was home.

When they opened the door, Noah was practically climbing out of his skin while trying to stay still next to Lucy who was crouched by his side. The little guy was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet just itching to get away. He'd obviously been warned that his mom was hurt and needed to be treated gently. Ed actually wondered what Lucy had said to him because he was really holding back.

"Noah," Olivia cooed. "My sweet boy."

Ed was amazed at a mother's ability to suddenly mask the pain he'd heard in her voice just moments before in the hallway. He shifted behind her and kept a steadying arm around her waist as she let go of him and reached out for Noah.

Noah wiggled out of Lucy's hold and took two little hop skips toward Olivia. Then he abruptly stopped and slowly reached out his hand to take hers. Lucy chuckled behind them.

"I told him he had to be very careful," the nanny said with a smile, pleased that her charge had listened so well. "Right, No?"

"I be gentle," Noah said. Then he dropped his voice to a whisper. "Berry gentle."

"Why don't we get you inside," Ed said not wanting to keep her on her feet for too long. "Noah, can you hold Mommy's hand 'til we get to the sofa?"

"Yes," he said solemnly. "I help you get better, Mommy."

"Just seeing you makes me feel so much better already," she said giving his little hand a squeeze. It killed her to not be able to just scoop him up into a hug, but at this point, just getting to the couch was a chore.

Ed helped Olivia get settled and watched Noah carefully climb up next to her. Olivia winced a little as she pulled her son onto her lap for a snuggly hug, but she wouldn't be denied and neither would her son.

Ed nodded to Lucy, and they went into the kitchen giving the other pair some much needed mommy and son time. Lucy filled him in on Noah's schedule for the rest of the week, and to Ed's relief, she didn't act at all weird about his sudden reappearance.

Technically, Noah had school tomorrow, but Olivia had already mentioned to Ed that she wanted to let Noah stay home at least one day with her. He wasn't sure it was the best idea, but as he looked over at them cuddled up on the couch, he decided it would probably do them both good. And it wouldn't hurt to have a toddler around to keep things from getting too intense.

It was well after nine by the time Noah was finally tucked into bed. Lucy had fed him dinner and given him a bath before they got home, but he was so wound up to have Olivia back. She couldn't resist indulging him just a bit.

Once Ed saw Olivia starting to struggle, he drew her attention to the time. It took some coaxing but he finally convinced them that it was bed time.

He also knew Olivia was due another dose of her pain medication and was probably beyond ready for bed herself. Still, it amazed him how just being around her son perked her up, even in her battered state.

Noah wanted just mommy for story time, so Ed helped them get situated in the big cushy rocking chair and left them alone for a bit. There was a lingering awkwardness between the two adults, but for the time being it was ignored.

Unfortunately, as soon as she finished reading the last story, Olivia realized she couldn't get herself out of the overstuffed chair. Noah managed to climb out of her lap and over the side of the chair and went to get Ed.

Ed resisted the urge to tell her 'told you so', and just helped her up. Then he picked Noah up and let her give him good night kisses before he got the boy tucked into bed.

Olivia watched with a bittersweet gratitude that Noah seemed happy to have Tucker there. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she was kind of relieved that he'd convinced her to let him stay for the next few days. She didn't know why that thought rattled her. But she shook herself out of it and turned to head back to the living room.

Ed immediately went to offer assistance, but she shooed him off. He wanted to feel hurt, but he knew that part of that was just Liv being Liv. So he silently followed her out of the room and into the kitchen. She went to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Ed was right behind her.

"Let me," he said before placing his hand on her hip and reaching around her to grab a bottle.

It wasn't necessarily an intimate gesture as much as it was the casual invasion of her space that caused her sharp intake of breath. Realizing he'd overstepped, Ed dropped his hand from her hip, loosened the cap and handed her the water bottle.

"Thanks," she said quickly and took a small sip.

Noah had served as quite the buffer all evening. Now that it was just the two of them, the nagging uncertainty was back.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Definitely ready to take some pills and call it a night," she said without humor.

"Well," he said stepping toward her to offer some assistance. "Let's get you in bed."

"I can walk unaided," she said with a hint of irritation.

He stepped back and held up his hands in surrender. He didn't want to upset her on her first night home.

"Okay," he said. "I put your prescription on the nightstand, you've got some water. What else can I do for you?"

"I think that's it," she said. "Thank you."

She'd softened a little. They both knew she was just grumpy from the pain and fatigue. As great as it was to be home with Noah, it had worn her out. But there was still a strain in their conversation.

"Do you need anything?" She asked as if she just realized he was staying for the night.

"Nah, I'll grab a blanket from the hall closet," he said.

"I'm sorry you have to sleep on the couch," she said.

"I'll be fine," he said shrugging off her apology and what it might mean. There were so many ways to take that.

"Okay, uh," she said without making full eye contact. "Goodnight."

"G'night," he responded.

He did as he said and found an extra pillow and blanket and headed back to the living room. It wasn't even 10 o'clock, so he decided to watch TV for a while before making up the couch.

Before he sat down, he decided to see if Liv had any beer in the fridge. He wanted something to take the edge off of his growing frustration that he was back in Olivia Benson's apartment, but was also stuck on the couch.

He smiled when he opened her refrigerator and found a six pack of Harp in the back with only one bottle missing. Ed preferred bourbon, but if he did drink beer, he always insisted on a good Irish ale. Olivia, being more of a wine person, didn't really care. It gave him a small twinge of hope that this little remnant of him was still in her kitchen.

He was still smiling as he turned to head back to the living room, but he almost dropped his beer when he saw Liv padding over toward him.

"Stealing my beer already?" She chided. It was clear that her heart wasn't really in the tease, but she was trying. Toward what end, even she didn't know.

He just smirked at her and took a sip. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just," she began obviously frustrated. "These stupid stitches."

He looked at her concerned that she'd pulled something or hurt herself. But she was acting more annoyed than hurt. Ed shrugged his shoulders.

Olivia sighed heavily. "I can't reach my toothbrush."

Ed bit his lip to keep from laughing. It wasn't funny because she was in real pain, but her attitude about needing help with such a mundane task was so over the top. He couldn't help being a bit amused, and it showed in his eyes.

"Just shut up and help me," she said, but the edge was gone from her voice.

He shuffled along behind her as they made their way back through her bedroom to the bathroom. She'd shed the hoodie she wore home from the hospital, so now she was just in a baggy grey t-shirt and sweat pants.

Once they got to the bathroom, he easily retrieved the toothbrush and handed it to her. Then he looked around the room as she started brushing. He tried to remember her night and morning routines, but he realized that he'd never really paid attention to those things, or maybe she just wasn't that fussy.

"Anything else you need me to put in closer reach?" he asked.

"Probably, but I can't think of it right now," she said spitting in the sink.

"Okay, let's get you tucked in," he said once she finished.

She made sure he saw the roll of her eyes as she passed him. However, she didn't protest when he pulled back the covers and took her arm to help her lower herself to the bed.

Everything hurt. She'd taken the pain meds the second she got to her room, but they were still a good 30 minutes or more from taking full effect. She winced as she tried to scoot back and pull her legs up.

Ed watched and wasn't sure if she wanted his help or not. She closed her eyes at his gaze.

"Can you just," she started, but before she could finish her sentence he was there.

He slid his arm under her calves and pulled her feet up onto the bed. Then he helped her lower herself onto her back.

"You look uncomfortable," he said looking her over. "What's off?"

"Another pillow maybe," she said.

After a few minutes of shifting and fluffing, she was finally somewhat comfortable. Ed reached for the covers and started to pull them up.

"Wait," she said stopping him. "One more thing?"

"Anything," he said noticing she looked almost shy.

"My socks," she said. "I can't sleep in socks, but I don't think I can manage."

"If I'd known I was signing up to be a nursemaid," he said as he flipped the covers off of her feet.

She sighed. She knew he was joking, but she still felt bad. Here he was, the man she'd unceremoniously kicked out of her life, literally waiting on her hand and foot without complaint.

"Olivia," he said as he reached up a slowly pulled the sock from her right foot. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

She shot him a look.

He didn't flinch. He just reached for her other foot.

"In a few days, you'll be on the mend and putting on your own socks." He said trying to remind her that this, too, shall pass.

She almost smiled. Almost.

"Thank you," she said.

He smoothed the covers back over her and patted her legs. "You want me to leave the door open in case you need something?"

"I'll just text you," she said.

"Okay, Night" he said and headed toward the door. "I'll keep my phone right beside me.

Olivia groaned as she reached for her phone. The house was quiet suggesting it was early, but the sun was up, so she might as well be, too. She was surprised she slept as well as she did and even more so when she saw that it was almost 8am. She'd woken around 2am to take another round of pills, but otherwise she'd been out.

She listened once again for any sign of movement beyond her door. Noah should definitely be up by now, but it seemed quiet.

She knew she couldn't stomach another pill without some breakfast, so she had to get up. Hopefully getting out of bed would be easier than getting into it.

She sort of had to roll herself out, but she managed to get up all by herself. It was slow going, but within the next ten or so minutes she got herself to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She shivered a bit as she headed for her door and decided to grab the hoodie she'd worn the day before.

It was an old stretched out mess that she'd had for as long as she could remember. It was probably one of the few things she had that would fit over the cast on her arm. She worked the sleeve over her cast. Then she realized her mistake. There was no way she could reach behind her to get her arm in the other sleeve.

"Dammit." She grabbed for the door and listened for signs of life.

She finally heard some hushed voices as she slowly made her way to the kitchen. She headed that direction dragging along the cursed sweatshirt half on half off.

Her mood lightened a fraction when she got to the kitchen and saw Noah covered in what appeared to be flour and sitting on the counter while Ed flipped pancakes in a pan on the stove.

"Are you making breakfast or a Noah pancake?" She said as she went over and kissed the one spot on Noah's face that didn't have pancake mix on it.

"I not a pancake, Mommy," he said. "Tuck let me help."

"I see that," she said with a smile. Ed's t-shirt didn't look much better than Noah. "Got a little on ya."

He flashed a sheepish grin. "You up for some breakfast?"

"I could eat," she answered.

He shooed her from the kitchen, but not before asking if she needed anything or any help. Although he looked away from her as he said it because he assumed she'd just wave him off.

"Actually," she said causing hm to turn back to her. She nodded to the sweatshirt dangling from her arm.

He immediately put down the spatula and went to her. He could help but take in the scent of her hair as he straightened the hoodie and helped her pull her hair from under it. Since she'd last washed her hair at the hospital the day before, it wasn't her normal shampoo, and it worried him how disappointed he felt at that little loss.

"Uh, thanks," she said, uncomfortable with his lingering attention. "You made coffee?"

"Yeah, it's fresh," he said. "But go easy, probably not the best thing for you right now."

"I know, I know," she grumbled.

"I'm sure one cup won't hurt," he said, flipping another pancake.

Relieved that he wasn't going to trying to dissuade her, Olivia turned toward her goal of caffeine. She realized she wasn't going to be able to get a cup from the cabinet by herself. She groaned to herself at the thought of having to ask him.

"I put a mug out for you," he said. Even though his back was turned, she knew he was smiling at his own anticipation of her needs this morning.

She thanked him and just then noticed the mug sitting off to side. The creamer was already out and next to it.

"Heard ya get up," he explained. "Figured that'd be high on your list."

She grunted another thank you as she poured a cup. Then she headed to the living room.

"I go with Mommy?" she heard her son ask Ed.

"Yeah, if ya want," came Ed's reply. "Let's just get you cleaned up first."

A few minutes later, the pitter patter of Noah's little steps filled the room as he ran in to find where Liv had gone. He found her sitting on the sofa sipping her coffee and climbed up beside her.

"You still not feel good?" He asked unsure if he still needed to be super careful around her.

"I still have some booboos," she said honestly. "But it makes me feel so much better to be home with you."

Noah climbed to his feet and leaned over her. He put his hand on her unbruised cheek.

"I make it better," he said and very carefully kissed the bruise on her other cheek.

"You always make everything better," she said and kissed his forehead.

By lunch time, Olivia was wondering if Ed had been right about not keeping Noah home from school. She adored her son with her whole heart, but it had been an exhausting morning. He wanted to be with her every second, and all she wanted to do was take a pill and a nap.

Ed had been very gracious. And while it was a tiring morning, they were both thankful for once again having Noah as a buffer. However, Ed knew that Liv needed a break, so when Noah had nap time, he insisted that she did as well. He also convinced her to let Amanda come take Noah for a few hours in the afternoon.

Olivia was surprisingly reluctant at first, but finally agreed that it'd be best for all if Noah got out of the house and used up some energy. Ed feared that her reluctance was less because she didn't want Noah to go and more because that would leave the two of them alone.

He got Olivia comfortable on the couch, and made sure she had water, a blanket, her medication, the tv remote and her phone. Then he dropped into the chair on the other side of the room.

Every time she moved or made a noise, he perked up and asked if she needed something. It was driving her crazy. When she realized she had to go to the bathroom she almost screamed. She took a deep breath and started scooting toward the edge of the couch. As soon as she moved, he was standing up.

"What is it? What do you need?" He asked.

"I'm fine," she hissed. "I just have to pee, if that's okay with you."

"Okay," he said ignoring her tone. Instead he just reached under her good arm to offer support as she stood. As soon as she was on her feet she shook him off and headed to the back of the apartment.

While she was in the back, she admonished herself for being so bitchy. He was just trying to help. She didn't know why that pissed her off so much. Maybe it was because he shouldn't want anything to do with her at this point.

It unnerved her that he was being so casual about the whole thing. He seemed completely nonchalant about the fact that, despite their relationship status, or non-status, he was just there, helping her as though it was the most natural thing. And he was so damn patient. It made her feel things she shouldn't.

Regardless, she didn't know what she'd do without him at the moment. There's no way she could be completely on her own with Noah until she was a little more mobile.

Olivia sighed. She vowed to try and be more appreciative and less irritable.

"You okay?" Ed's voice called through the closed bathroom door.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Be out in a minute."

When she came out of the bathroom, he was sitting on the edge of her bed waiting to help her back to the living room. She tried not to be snotty, but honestly, she could walk the twenty or so steps on her own.

"I know you don't need my help all the time," he said. "But I also know that you won't always ask when you do."

She didn't respond. When they got back to the living room, he helped her get comfortable on the couch.

"Thank you," she said, surprising them both. "And Ed, I know you're just trying to help."

"But?" He said stooping down so they were at eye level.

"No buts," she said.

Ed just raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. She knew he wasn't buying it. Not knowing what else to say, she decided to put it out there. The elephant in the room.

"Don't you find this… I don't know, awkward?" She asked.

He studied her for a minute. He did find it uncomfortable, but he didn't think admitting that was the way to go.

"Liv, I'm always gonna want to be there for you," he said softly. "That didn't change just because you decided you didn't want me to be."

His words stung, and she blinked quickly to keep tears from forming.

"I didn't mean that," he said. He meant the words, but he hadn't meant them to come out that way.

"Sure you did," she said.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Neither knew what to say next. Ed couldn't take the stand off anymore.

He went to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen and scrubbed a hand over his face. Maybe she wasn't ready to try again. Maybe it had just been the trauma and the meds talking that night at the hospital. He sighed and went back to the living room. He didn't say anything as he sat down and looked to see what she was watching on TV.

"I'm glad you're here," Olivia said so quietly she wasn't sure he'd even heard her.

Ed looked up to find her watching him. That was all he needed at the moment, so he just nodded.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. Getting Noah out of the house was the right move. He was much less rambunctious through dinner and bath time, and he was ready for bed at his normal time. Ed didn't even have to ask if Olivia was sending her son to school the next day. He could see the exhaustion on her face.

"I don't remember the last time I went to bed at the same time as my four year old," she said. He carried her water bottle as he helped her toward her bedroom.

He laughed, glad to see her sense of humor making an appearance. He was also happy that things had eased up a bit between them. She hadn't snapped at him all evening.

Other than the hoodie she was now shrugging off, Olivia was in the same clothes she'd slept in the night before. Tomorrow after Noah left for school, a shower was at the top of her list, but right now. Now, all she wanted was to take a pain pill and go to bed.

"Anything you need," Ed asked.

"Just give me a few minutes in there," she said nodding toward the bathroom. "Then, I'm probably going to need your help getting into bed."

He didn't say anything for fear of calling attention to her direct request for help and pissing her off. He once again sat on the edge of her bed and waited.

A few minutes later, she emerged. He helped her into bed and pulled of the socks he'd helped her put on only hours ago. She frowned.

"You wanted to keep them on?" He asked.

"No, never mind," she said.

"Okay." He took her calf in one hand and peeled off her sock.

"It's," she began, but hesitated. "It's probably been a week since I shaved my legs, they feel gross. Sorry."

He had to swallow his laugh. That hadn't crossed his mind, and now was definitely not the time to think about how smooth and silky her skin usually was.

"No problem," he said opting not to linger anymore on the topic of her legs. "You need anything else?"

She looked at her nightstand and saw her phone, water and medication. "I think I'm good."

"Okay, night," he said and left her bedroom.

Olivia was asleep in minutes. Ed, on the other hand, was now focused on memories of her legs. He remembered the times he'd kissed his way from her ankle, up the inside of her thigh, to her…

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath. He had to get himself under control. She was still reluctant about letting him help her much less talk of getting back together. And here he was thinking about getting back in her bed.

At the hospital he'd thought she seemed open to talking about "them." Now she seemed to have retreated from that idea completely. He decided to take a quick shower. A cold one.

The next morning started out uneventful, but that changed the minute Lucy arrived to take Noah to school. He did not want to leave Olivia.

It had taken all three adults to convince him. Olivia wasn't normally one to give in to tantrums, but she'd come close this time. She was still doubting herself when Ed joined her on the couch.

"He'll be fine," he said.

"Are you sure it was right to make him go?" She asked in an uncharacteristic moment of uncertainty.

"He has to go back eventually, and the longer we let him stay home, the harder it would be." Ed answered simply.

"I guess you're right." Part of her agreed, but part of her still worried. It had only been one day.

"Besides," Ed continued. "I meant what I told him about coming to get him if he really needs me to."

He patted her knee and went to get himself another cup of coffee.

That did make her feel better. Noah knew that she was only a phone call away.

Once Ed returned, Olivia's thoughts turned to taking a shower. She'd need to wrap up the cast on her arm, and she had no idea how she was going to wash her hair with one hand. Especially when she could barely raise that arm. She sighed.

"You still worried about Noah?" Ed asked.

"No, you're right," she said. "He'll be fine."

Ed waited a beat before he asked his next question because he wasn't sure he wanted to hear her answer. "Then what's wrong?"

"I haven't had a shower in two and a half days," she said with a huff.

He laughed with relief that she wasn't upset.

"I could help you," he said.

She rolled her eyes.

"What?" He said with feigned innocence. "It's not like I've never seen you naked before. Hell, it's not even like I've never been in the shower with you before."

Olivia blushed at the thought. He was right, but he was teasing her now. Wasn't he?

They both fell quiet and cautiously eyed each other.

She desperately wanted a shower, and while she thought she could handle it, for the most part, there was no way she could wash her own hair. But there was also no way she was going to let him help her. She knew he was expecting them to move back into a relationship, but she needed more time and a clearer head.

"Liv, I'm just giving you a hard time," he said when he realized she wasn't responding. "Having said that, you know I'll help you in any way that I can."

She relaxed, but only a little.

"I think I can manage a quick shower," she said quietly.

Ed took the hint. Without a word, he stood and helped her to her bathroom. Then he made sure everything she needed was in easy reach before leaving her alone.

He sighed when he closed the door. He hadn't anticipated how difficult it would be to have to touch her without really touching her, to be with her without really being with her.

It was agony.

a/n: Poor Ed... How is Liv going to react to needing him for days on end for simple routine tasks? (hint: not well) Will Ed confront her about their hospital convo? Will Liv let him back into her heart or will she retreat? ?