Hi guys, I have no excuse for not updating other than I had no motivation to. For those who read my other story "You're Mine Now Princess" I will try to update before this week is up.


Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or the characters, the plot is based on "What a Boyfriend SHOULD do: " So credit to whoever made that list, I don't own the idea of that, I'm just expanding the idea by writing it out.

When she pulls away Pull her back

"Mari" Adrien calls out. Marinette snaps her head towards him and growls, "What?" Marinette and Adrien were currently in a fight. Marinette's birthday was yesterday and after class she met up with Nathaniel for their theatre project. Nathaniel took this chance to give her the gift he made her. It was very strange, Nathaniel awkwardly stumble out a few words while holding his arms for her to take the gift he made her. It was a beautiful picture of Marinette. Just a close up of her face. It really captured the essence of her dark-blue hair and bright blue eyes that glowed like the clear oceans of a tropical island. Her smile was bright and radiated, her lips in a perfect pouty ruby red. Her beautiful innocent pure face was on that piece of paper… that is now currently in the trash can in Adrien's room. After Marinette took the gift from Nathaniel's hand and look at it, her mouth fall open in a "o" She was completely mesmerized by the detailed drawing… it was indescribable… it was beautiful….. It was … MIRACULOUS. (1) Of course all that was ruined by Adrien, who was waiting for Marinette outside the classroom, when Marinette went to hug Nathaniel for his gift. As soon as Nathaniel recovered from the shock and began to wrap his arms around Marinette to return the hug, Adrien stepped in and cleared him throat, shoving Nathaniel off of Marinette, who was stunned at this point. Nathaniel opened his mouth in shock before he was punched in the face by Adrien who growled out, "Stay away from my girlfriend." Nathaniel fell to the floor and Marinette, who recovered from her shocked state pushed Adrien out of the way to comfort Nathaniel who was lying on the classroom wooded floors with a bruised cheek. "Oh my miraculous… Nathaniel are you okay?" Marinette asked in a gentle voice. "I'm so sorry for what Adrien did-" She paused to fix Adrien with a scolding pair of eyes. "Are you going to be okay? Do you want to go to the nurse? I'm so sorry.. I don't know what got into him. I'm really really sorry. Do you need anything?" Marinette's voice came rushed out, scared and guilty. Nathaniel however just smiled sweetly to Marinette and blushed, not use to receive this much attention and affection from his crush. "No.. I'm fine Marinette. It's fine. This wasn't your fault." Nathaniel's soothing and calming voice reassured her. Marinette helped Nathaniel get up from the floor and said "I'm still really sorry. You didn't deserve to get punch for your thoughtful gift." Nathaniel replied "Really, it's fine. I'm going to be okay. I-i'll see you around… I guess." Marinette gave Nathaniel a sweet smile and nodded her head "Of course." She planted a quick peck on his cheek- the other cheek that hadn't been punched, which made Nathaniel turn redder than a tomato and stuttered out "Okay… see you later Mari." He left the room with a bruised swelled up cheek but a great big dreamy smile. Marinette turned towards the jealous eyes of Adrien who had been watching the scene upfold. Adrien growled out "What did you kiss him for?" Marinette spit out with wide eyes"To thank him for his sweet gift… and oh yeah because you punched him!" Adrien grits out "You didn't have to kiss him." Marinette replied back in a snarky voice "Oh I'm sorry… Should I have punched him?" Adrien rolled his eyes and said "Look, I'm sorry I just saw you and him hug and I guess….. I got jealous. I'm sorry." Marinette replied back with crossed arms "It would be better if you didn't roll your eyes when you said that. And I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Adrien groaned out loud "Do I have to princess?" Marinette hmmped "If you want kisses and hugs later." Adrien grit out "Fine." And opened his arms for a hug. Marinette looked at him like he was crazy "Do you honestly think I'm going to hug you after you punch my friend." Adrien pouted "Please princess, pretty please." Marinette rolled her eyes playfully and step into Adrien's opened arms, accepting his hug. After a few seconds, Marinette pulled back, only to be pulled back into the hug by Adrien, who was currently snuggling into the crook of her neck and smelling her hair. Adrien gentle spoke "Please just stay a little while longer…. Please." Marinette's heart practically broke from his insecure and fragile voice and instead of saying anything, she just tighten her arms around him and kissed his neck.

When you see her at her worst Tell her she's beautiful

Marinette was currently sitting on the edge of the sidewalk from outside the bakery crying her eyes out. She was crying in a beautiful- well once beautiful light blue ball gown dress. It was now dirty, sweaty, and ripped in some places. Her hair was a rat's nest, her once beautiful straighten hair was now up in a messy bun while a few dirty leaves and a stick stuck in it. Her face was red from her crying and her makeup was running. Her mascara dripping down her face and her red lipstick smudged from her lips. Tonight was prom, the biggest night of senior year. But of course Chloe had to go and ruin that.


On her way to met Adrien, she runs into Chloe who was claiming to have seen Adrien and told her to find Marinette and tell her to meet him in the broom closet. Marinette didn't believe Chloe at first, until she promised she wasn't lying even swearing on her popularity. She followed Chloe to the broom closet where she was then pushed into, causing her dress to get caught on the door and rip. She gasped and stumbled to the floor. She took out her phone to call Alya to tell her what happened and to see if she could get her out of here. It took four tries but finally Alya picked up where Marinette noticed the loud blasting of music. "Hey, girl. Sorry the music in here is super loud, I couldn't hear my phone ringing. Hey- where are you? Adrien's here with us and is wondering where you are. By the way are you- Mari?" Alya stops talking when she hears the sniffling on the other line. "Marinette, babe, are you okay? What's going on? You're scaring me, girl" Marinette sniffles and replies "Um.. not really. I'm stuck in the broom closet, Chloe locked me in and my dress ripped. Can you please come get me and DON'T LET ADRIEN SEE ME." Alya gasp on the other side of the line "Omg…. that blonde little snake. Just wait till I get my hands on that girl. She's going to be sorry-" Alya was cut off by Marinette quieting saying "No, don't Alya. She's not worth it." Alya replies exasperated "Why can't you let me kick her behind?" Marinette says "That would be wrong, I don't want you to get in trouble and we shouldn't snoop to Chloe's level." Alya says "You're really a better person than me. Okay so why can't Adrien see you.. I'm trying to find the broom closet with Nino right now. I had to lie to Adrien and say you were by the punch bowl." Marinette sighs "I don't want him to see me like this. I'm a mess." Alya replies "I'm sure no matter what he'll think you always look beautiful." Marinette replies with a frown "No way. My dress is ripped and I smell like cleaning supplies." Marinette turns her head towards the knob jiggling and ends the call. The door opens and Marinette runs into Alya's arms. "Thank you" Marinette says gratefully to both Alya and Nino. Alya and Nino look at her slightly shocked. "What?" Marinette asks self-consciously. "Nothing" Alya and Nino say in unison before locking eyes. Marinette questions "Alya?" Alya cringes and says "Okay.. here" She goes to the camera app on her phone and hands it to Marinette so it's facing her way. Marinette takes the phone and gasps at her face. It was red and blotchy, her makeup was completely ruined. She look crazy, with her smudged lipstick and running macassar. Marinette gives Alya her phone back and says "I got to go." Marinette takes off. Alya and Nino shout "Wait." Alya begins chasing Marinette before Nino grabs her and says "We should tell Adrien." Alya nods and they head back into the gym to find Adrien. Meanwhile Marinette was running out of the school and due to her clumsiness she fell right into the hole from the construction site. She was covered in dirt and so was her dress. She climbed out of the ditch and continue running until- snap. 'Great' She thinks her heel just broke. However this doesn't phase her, she continues running or trying to run home. She runs into a tree where a bunch of leaves and twigs fall on her. She stands up and again continues running to her home.

End Of Flashback

Marinette snaps her head to find Adrien in a tuxedo with a blue tie. Marinette quickly hides her face and sniffles asking "What are you doing here?" Adrien replies "Alya and Nino told me what Chloe did to you. I'm so sorry. Are you okay, princess?" Marinette nods quickly and avoids looking at Adrien and letting him see her face. Adrien tries to catch her eye "Why are you hiding your face from me? Marinette replies "Because… I'm hideous. I'm a mess." She turns her head up so Adrien can see her in all of her dirty glory. Adrien however doesn't get phase and instead steps closer to her and passionately kisses her. Marinette returns the kiss and runs her fingers through his once slicked back hair. Adrien breaks the kiss, gasping and placing kisses down Marinette's neck. Marinette sighs peacefully. Adrien stops his ministrations to look deeply into Marinette's eyes and say "You look beautiful." Marinette could've laugh if it wasn't for the deep and serious look on Adrien's face. Marinette replies "Are you crazy? Have you taken a good look at me?" Adrien nods his head and says "Yes, and all I see is a beautiful girl. You will always look beautiful to me, Marinette. Please remember that." The intensity and passion he holds in his graze is enough to make Marinette silent. "So don't tell anyone not to come find me just because you think you don't look beautiful." He scolds her. Marinette blushes and nods, quietly whispering "Okay." Adrien cheerful says "You want to get back to prom?" Marinette has a gentle smile on her face and replies "Not really. I thought this would be this biggest night of our lives because it's a new experience. But I'm actually really tired. Do you think we could just go to bed?" She says pointing to her bedroom with a nervous smile. Adrien exclaims "I would love too, princess. Let's go." While a bright smile. They run into Marinette's parent's bakery and spend the night watching Netflix (2) and sneaking kisses. Now that night was purrfect.

When you see her start crying Just Hold her and don't say a word

Adrien was casually walking to pick up Marinette for school. Today was a good day, no akuma attacks, the sun was bright the sky was clear, and Adrien has the whole day off. That's right no photoshoots, no errands, nothing. He's as free as a bird. Adrien strolls into the Dupain-Cheng bakery and walks in to find the family…. Crying? Adrien's face morphs into a frown and the family notices his presence after hearing the bell tinkle from his entrance. Tom and Sabine grab Marinette and gentle guide her to Adrien. Adrien immediately opens his arms for Marinette. Marinette snuggles in his stronghold, letting all the tears and pain out. Marinette begins speaking "It's-it-it's my...g-gran-fa-father. H-e h-h-has c-ca-cancer." Marinette gets choked up and sniffles. Adrien's eyes widened but he doesn't say a word. He tightens his arms around Marinette and pulls her closer. He holds her until her crying subsides, he lets her listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. He holds her because he's her protector, her shield, her guardian angel. She holds on tight to him like he's her lifeline. He just holds her because he loves her.

When you see her walking Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

"Shhh" Adrien whispers to Nino, holding his finger to his lips. Adrien points in front of him where Marinette and Alya were calming talking and laughing. Nino nods and chuckles. Adrien takes off rapidly and then slows his pace so she won't hear his footsteps. Alya and Marinette are still peacefully talking. "So I thought that rhinestones were completely out of style for this outfit so I suggested using silk and he loved the idea." Marinette smiles brightly. Hmm… it looks like they're were talking about Marinette's internship with Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father. "GOT YOU!" Adrien screams as he goes behind Marinette and hugs her waist. "WOW!" Marinette exclaims while grabbing Adrien's hands that were holding her up. Adrien spins her around hearing her adorable laughter. Marinette says "Okay, let me down now." Adrien puts her down and pecks her lips while saying "Hello." Marinette returns the kiss and says "Hey." Alya rolls her eyes and says "Wow, whenever I'm around you two I feel like a major third wheel." Adrien cheekily replies "Not for long." Alya look confused "What's that suppose to mean, Agreste?" Adrien smirks "You'll find out soon enough." Alya snaps her head towards Marinette "Mari, make your boyfriend stop being weird." Marinette chuckles and shrugs her shoulders "I can't help it, I'm inlove with a dork." Adrien smiles "Awww, thanks babe- wait." Adrien frowns while Marinette places a kiss on his cheek. Alya gives Adrien a weird frown. Marinette eyes widened from seeing what's behind Alya. Alya sees the look on Marinette's face and asks "What?" but before she could turn around she feels a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist and spin her around. "AHH!" Came Alya's response. She get let down gently and turns around to find the culprit, Nino, her boyfriend of seven months now. "DUDE, I HATE YOU!" Alya screams while smacking Nino on the arm. Nino just started chuckling at his girlfriend's expression, "Sorry, babe." He wraps his arm around Alya's shoulder and kisses her temple. Alya's rolls her eyes but snuggles into Nino.

Okay, this took me hours and I kinda just watch to watch Netflix right now so I'm going to try to update "You're Mine Now Princess" tomorrow but I do have a dentist appointment so maybe friday. Hope you guys are having a great winter break.

(1): I HAD TO XD


Questions: How is your winter break going?


Until, Next time, Don't Grow Up, My Lost Boys and Girls.