Unwilling Students
Yugioh/HP Crossover
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Yu-gi-oh or any other references I may make.
AN: This is my attempt at fixing my story in hopes to make it better. I am not sure whether this is an improvement or worse. But I am hoping revision of the story will help cure my writers block. If anyone out there is still reading this I ask for forgiveness and patience. For those new to this story please know that writing is not my calling so I ask for feedback positive or negative.
/mindspeech one on one/
[Group Mindspeech]
Things you need to know:
This story takes place after the memory arc based pretty much on the cartoon with some manga concepts if you squint. Yugi has just defeated Atem in the duel. The beginning of this story would technically be happening at the same time as Harry's summer after 3rd year and progressing until they meet in his 5th year their Senior year of highschool.
Shadow court concept being used (Gods have given mages responsibilities as consequence to not going to the afterlife)
Thief King Bakura needs a first name so I am going with fanon Akefia.
Ages: Once we get to Harry Potter Year 5 OOTP
12- Mokuba, Rebecca
17-Mana, Kisara
18- Atem, Yugi, Ryou, Marik
19-Seto, Akefia
Shadow Magick: it is free from the items with Atem completing his destiny and unlocking the magicks once again from where he trapped them. All those tied to Atem's rule in ancient Egypt are capable of shadow magick. Shadow mages/summoners/shadow duelists will now emerge.
Other branches of magic exist in this au world: The harry potter world has no clue about the other branches including ICW.
Ancient: Shamanism, Druidism, other mage branches (elemental), and divine
Modern: neo-magic spellcasters (aka witches and wizards of Harry Potter)
Reincarnation: going with the view that the soul is either in a body or the afterlife and cannot be in both at the same time. So Seto, Isis, Shadi chose to leave afterlife to help Atem. Yugi, Ryou, Marik, and Mokuba are descendants of the others. Mana, Kisara, and Mahad's souls are trapped in stone tablets and therefore not in the afterlife or in a body.
Medjai and anything concerning them comes straight from the mummy series. You don't have to have seen movies to understand story.
Mana and Kisara have been freed from their respective stone tablets and gifted life from the Egyptian Gods.
Bakura is also the brother of Kisara for this story.
Egypt is considered the cradle of civilization and is the earliest place where magic has been recorded. In its society, magic users were held in high esteem. Egyptian sorcerers also had a tendency to place curses on tombs, which Gringotts Curse Breakers try to break much to the chagrin of the tomb keepers and Medjai who would prefer to keep Egypt's treasures to themselves and secrets secret so they are slightly hostile to all who enter Egypt with the intent of stealing Egypt's treasures.
Everything began there and so our story begins…
Ceremonial Site, Egypt
"You are now free from the puzzle and may go to your final resting place, my Pharaoh." Isis informed her king sadly. Atem nodded to Isis and turned to Yugi and thanked the teary eyed teen.
"Please don't go," cried Tèa stopping Atem from completely entering the light where his father and mother awaited him.
"Tèa, I do not belong here and Yugi no longer needs me anymore. I will miss you all. You have become my family over these last two years," Atem responded as he turned to leave once more feeling the weight of sadness as he prepared to leave everyone.
"Wait! Atem," Seto yelled suddenly, "How can you just leave? You have some of your memories, a body, a chance to be you, and be with us your family. You may be my gaming rival but some of my memories are back as well and you are family. I didn't leave the afterlife just for you to leave this life again." Seto concluded desperately wanting his cousin to actually stay in the mortal world.
Atem looked to Seto wondering if he should reconsider. Seto, Isis, and Shadi had all come back from the afterlife to be with him when he was freed from the puzzle.
"Isis does he have to go?" Mokuba asked the Priestess looking at her with hopeful eyes.
"Well no, once the Pharaoh became free from the puzzle the choice became his. But, the Millennium Items would have to be kept safe once again if the Pharaoh chooses to stay and there would be responsibilities expected of us all if we allowed shadow magick to stay in the world." Isis explained honestly but hoping her young king would choose to stay and live out his new chance at life in Egypt where he belonged.
"I would not want to put any of you in danger just so I could stay," Atem said with disappointment in his eyes.
"Are you kidding us?! If that is the only reason you are trying to leave us then you have to stay," Joey said forcefully.
"That's right we have all helped you protect those items and would continue to do so," Tristan added.
"Besides Yugi may not need you anymore but by the look on his face he wants you to stay and you're just as much a grandson to me as Yugi is." Solomon said cheerfully.
Atem looked at his friends and family and finally gave in and told them he would stay. Isis walked to the Millennium Stone and took out the puzzle and handed it to Atem. The portal to the afterlife closed when the puzzle was removed. Atem looked back but with no regrets. Part of his past family was here in the present not in the afterlife since they were reborn to help him along his journey and the rest he would see again when he finally did pass over to the afterlife. There were also those whose souls were still trapped that maybe could be saved with him staying.
Isis picked up the necklace and it once again called to her so she put it back on. She then picked up the rod which was definitely calling to Seto who finally accepted it. Yugi received the scales who smiled when Isis handed the item to him, as his innate shadow powers reacted to the item in his hand. Atem took the eye and saw that it was calling out to Marik.
"The eye is calling to you Tomb Keeper.," Atem said softly.
"Yuk, I am not losing an eye for that thing." Marik said slightly afraid of the item that chose him.
"I have an idea," Atem said. He concentrated on the eye and slowly a clasp formed around the eye with a gold chain hooking onto it. Marik took the eye necklace gratefully from the Pharaoh.
Suddenly all eyes were on the millennium ring as it began glowing and rose out of the Millennium Stone. It began floating towards a scared looking Ryou.
"I don't want the ring back! I cannot control Bakura and I do not want him trying to hurt anyone ever again," Ryou said fearfully as he backed away from the ring.
"I understand your hesitation but with the Tomb Robber free of Zorc's control he should be more himself. The only way to find out for sure is by you letting him out of the ring once again." Atem said gently trying to calm Ryou down.
Ryou slowly put the ring on and Bakura phased out of the ring in surprise expecting to be trapped in darkness for all eternity for his crimes. He took in the scene around him and saw the Pharaoh standing in front of him looking at him with no malice or hatred just curiosity.
"What is going on? How am I not trapped in eternal darkness?" questioned a confused Bakura.
Shadi suddenly shimmered in and said he could explain what was going on as he bowed respectfully to the Pharaoh. "With the Pharaoh choosing to stay in this world he has also granted you a second chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of the Gods. You are still bound to the ring but will be granted a solid form of your own for small periods of time. If you follow a path the Gods approve of, you will slowly gain more freedom from the ring. Once you have redeemed yourself you will also be granted the option to enter the afterlife or live on in this world." Shadi said all knowingly.
"And you my Pharaoh have been granted a semi-mortal life as a reward for fulfilling your destiny. However the Gods have duties for us all that we will be expected to fulfill. Isis can explain those at a later time. You can be injured or killed but you still retain the powers granted to you by the puzzle along with your shadow magic even though you are no longer the puzzles prisoner. You also retain your mind-link to Yugi. But be warned because of that link if it is open what you feel he feels and vice versa," Shadi finished as he walked over to the Millennium Stone and picked up the Key once again. He bowed to Atem and shimmered out again.
Bakura walked up to the Pharaoh testing his new solid form out. "I swear to you I will atone for my sins. I no longer blame you for your Uncle's actions towards Kul-Elna. I swear to protect you and the items." Bakura said sincerely. Ryou was nervous but happy to have Bakura back in his life.
Atem still slightly shell shocked at Shadi's words responded that all he wanted was his friendship.
/I will also protect you from any harm and try to make up for what I have done to you. Bakura said apologetically/
Ryou felt the warmth and truth of the Tomb Robbers words. /I am glad we can finally be friends and partners. Ryou replied happily/
"Good now that everything is settled lets head back to civilization," Joey said excitedly.
Cairo, Egypt
Once everyone got back to Cairo, Isis invited everyone to her home. They sat down to figure out how to explain Atem's existence to the world.
"We will need documents created and a story to corroborate a long lost brother story. I will also have to get custody papers saying I got both boys." Solomon was saying to the group wondering how to get what they needed.
Isis walked in and heard what Solomon had said to everyone and bit her lip. She had yet to tell them that new documentation was unnecessary and that the Pharaoh would not be becoming the brother of Yugi Mutou.
"I can get all the paperwork needed to make Atem alive in this world." Seto told the old man wanting to make this process as easy as possible for his cousin.
"Actually that won't be necessary." Isis started but was shortly interrupted before she could finish.
"What?!" Joey and Tristan exclaimed.
"What are you talking about? We have to create an identity for him." Yugi explained confused by what she was saying.
"Isis, please explain." Atem commanded his priestess a bit more patiently than the others.
Sighing Isis explained. Wondering how the Pharaoh and Mutou's would take the news. "The Pharaoh will not be going with the Mutou's. His guardian was chosen 3,000 years ago when the necklace showed me that he would be freed at approximately the same age he died. Paperwork was created when Solomon entered the Pharaoh's tomb and took the puzzle from it. The necklace told my mother when we needed to have the proper documents created on the off chance he would choose to stay in this world."
"Who decided this and who then is my guardian?" Atem asked not completely understanding this need for what everyone called a legal guardian since he was technically sixteen years old.
"Actually Seto did before he died. And as for whom…well you are to become Atem Ishtar ward of the Head of the Ishtar clan and cousin to Seto Kaiba and Yugi Mutou." Isis said hesitantly not sure how her Pharaoh would take this news. He had a tendency to not like decisions being made for him.
"Way to go moneybags" Joey interrupted.
"Shut it mutt." Seto glared angrily at the blond.
"Seto…" Atem started to growl out annoyed his Priest had somehow yet again decided his life just like back in Egypt when Seto would intervene at his bids for a bit of freedom from the palace and his guards.
Seto looked between the Pharaoh and Isis and decided to intervene before he ended up in the shadow realm. "You cannot possibly blame this on me when I do not even remember that part of my life yet. I barely remember when I was High Priest let alone when I ruled as Pharaoh."
"So who is the head of the Ishtar clan?" Yugi asked disappointed someone else was claiming his best friend.
"I am…" Isis stated.
Atem visibly relaxed. At least it was someone he knew and not some stranger he had never met before.
Isis continued quickly trying to ease the tension. "This really will make your sudden appearance in the world easier. You are Egyptian and would make more sense that you are related to Yugi hence the similar but not exact looks and children of the clans do not always appear right away due to traditions and training so your sudden appearance will not get too many questions from outsiders. The clans themselves will know who you are because they have been awaiting your return my Pharaoh."
"How will we get to see him if you are gonna make him stay here Isis?" Yugi asked forlornly thinking how he was still going to lose Atem.
Isis sighed. She knew this was not going to go over completely well.
"Yeah, what about us? We are his friends too? How can you just make him stay in Egypt?" Tèa, Joey, and Tristan asked Isis all at once.
Seto sat back and contemplated the situation while the others yelled at Isis. Why would he have handed the Pharaoh over to Isis? He could barely stand her and her destiny crap in this lifetime. Plus her crazy brother who just tried to kill him not so many months ago. Though he supposed Atem already having an identity that was established almost 16 years ago made things easier. Atem might hate him for this but the arguing was getting annoying.
"Look his identity is established. For some unknown reason I thought it best Atem stay with Isis instead of me or his vessel. Unless Solomon is going to contest the custody he stays with Isis end of story. So stop your arguing." Seto said in his CEO tone brooking no argument from the others.
Atem was about to protest wanting to have some say in his new life but was interrupted when Solomon finally spoke up after processing everything that had been said. "Yugi, what's done is done. But don't worry we will find a way for you all to see each other."
"Actually I was going to see if everyone could stay in Egypt for the summer. Not only do Yugi, Ryou, and Marik need to learn how to use and control shadow magicks properly but Seto, Bakura, Atem, and I need to recover our ancient memories fully. Solomon you could regain your ancient memories as well. Since Mokuba is also a descendant of the Pharaoh's bloodline he should have some magical capabilities as well. Anyone descended from either Atem or Seto should have some type of magick and anyone associated with that time period has a chance of having shadow magick."
Yugi wanted to stay and Solomon gave him his blessing. He decided he was going to return home to run his shop. He did however expect Yugi to return for his junior year of high school. Joey, Tristan, and Duke had to go back to Japan for the summer. Tèa spoke of her plans on heading to New York for the summer. She was staying with Professor Hawkins and Rebecca while she looked for dance schools. Ryou having only an empty house to return to since his father was actually somewhere here in Egypt, wanted to stay. Seto and Mokuba decided to stay in Egypt and run Kaiba Corp. from Cairo.
Atem was ecstatic that the others were staying with him for the summer. It would hopefully make the adjustment to the modern world a bit easier.
The next day Solomon and Yugi's friends flew to America and Japan leaving the mages with Isis. They took a day in Cairo to shop for Atem and Bakura since they had no modern belongings. She stopped by the museum to get some time off so she could take her new charge and the other mages to stay with the Medjai Clans for the summer. They took a large truck so everyone could fit and headed southbound.
"Where are we going, Isis?" Seto asked impatiently after an hour of driving along the Nile River with no information from the annoying priestess.
"Patience Kaiba we only have about an hour's drive left. We are going to Amarna. Historically it was one of the many capitols used when Egypt was known as Kemet and is the current capitol of the Medjai clans. We will be safe from outsiders there and you all can meet the clans of the old ways." Isis answered the High Priest knowing there were most likely more questions to come.
"How is that?" Yugi asked curiously.
"This and most of the Upper Egypt area is where outsiders are forbidden to roam or create dig sites. Most of Upper Egypt is controlled by the twelve Medjai clans who are completely autonomous from Lower Egypt's government. Although, Lower Egypt still has control over anything south of Karnak, which is why dig-sites are allowed in that ancient area. But the tribes hold most of the Western Desert and still guard Hamunaptra which lies on our borders and the part of Upper Egypt that is controlled by Lower Egypt's government." Marik answered smartly for his sister.
"Wow, and here I though Egypt was all one country." Mokuba exclaimed in interest.
"It still technically is as far as the rest of the world is concerned. Both leaders work together as equals keeping Egypt united as one to the rest of the world. The clans are not widely known. Egyptians know about the clans but the people of Egypt are not known for telling outsiders our countries business." Isis answered the boy's curiosity.
Atem was sitting quietly most of the trip contemplating his future in this world. How much of it had already been decided for him by his Priests and the Gods? He glared at no one in particular. Everyone's attention was on Isis and Marik's answers. He wanted to stay in Egypt, he was happy about that but he wanted to make some of his own decisions for once in his life.
Seto was watching his rival carefully. A mix of emotions skittered across his face. Atem was annoyed that was for sure though he could understand. With everything the Pharaoh had been through he really wasn't a child any longer, he lost that when his father died and left him to rule at such a young age.
Atem found his high priest staring at him and Atem tried to school his emotions. He knew he should be more grateful. They risked everything coming back from the afterlife to save him from his prison. If he had defeated Zorc in the first place everyone would still be peacefully resting in the afterlife not constantly endangering their descendants in this time. And he could have chosen to join his parents in the afterlife. He closed his eyes and listened to Isis and Marik answer everyone's questions about where they were going.
Isis looked over at the Pharaoh worriedly. He had been so quiet this whole time. She was not sure how he was handling everything and there was so much more to tell him. She was aware of what the Gods wanted from them and their chosen avatar. She was not sure how he would take the news.
An hour later they arrived to their destination. "Welcome to the palace of Amarna. This palace has been rebuilt with a mix of ancient and modern and is your new home my Pharaoh.
Atem looked around in surprise. He was not expecting a palace though he admitted to himself he was not sure what to expect.
"Isis, what is this?" Atem asked with some trepidation.
"This is the capitol of the clans." Isis said while hesitating to state the rest. She wasn't sure how many life altering decisions he could handle in this short period of time.
Seto sensed this is where more news that would determine his cousin's future was about to be revealed. Atem was already a bit shell shocked by everything. "Isis…" Seto hissed in warning feeling the need to protect Atem from her.
"What are you intending on doing with me, Isis? What do the Gods want from me?" Atem asked unsure if he really wanted to know. He was still digesting that Isis was his new guardian/parent and that he was going to live with the clans of old. Those who still followed the old gods and the old ways.
"Forgive me, my Pharaoh. I did not wish to bombard you with everything at once. We are at the heart of the Medjai Clans. The Medjai are the sworn protectors of the Pharaohs. You will be of course re-learning your shadow magicks. We will also be working on restoring your full memories, teaching you about the modern world, teaching you the ways of the clans, and then eventually you will assume your rightful place as Pharaoh over all the Medjai clans, King of Upper Egypt. Also as Pharaoh and we as your priests and protectors will be responsible for maintaining and controlling the shadow mages and summoners that will be appearing due to the shadow realm having free reign in choosing duelists who are worthy of calling on its denizens." Isis explained leaving out some of the other details, like the modern magical world in fear her young king would bolt based on the look she was getting from the Pharaoh.
Atem looked at his priestess/guardian and backed away slowly really feeling the need to be alone and process everything. "Isis I have barely processed that I have a body of my own. I need time to adjust to living." Atem said still backing away until he bumped into Marik and Rishid who grabbed him gently to keep him from bolting. Atem was feeling trapped and wanted to escape.
Yugi and Ryou stood off to the side shocked at what Isis was telling them. Bakura watched on in interest. He decided he would step in if need be. The duties being piled on them would be no easy task and seemed a bit overwhelming. They would rule in the shadows and be Egypt's best kept secret.
Seto watched as his cousin panicked and seemed ready to bolt. Trapping him was not the answer. Isis would destroy any trust he had for his priests if he kept feeling betrayed by them.
"Isis! Enough!" Can't you see what you are doing to him? He has only been alive for a couple of days. He was imprisoned for 3,000 years. You can't dump this all on him right now." Seto demanded as he got between her and Atem.
"He is the bearer of the puzzle and chosen avatar of the Gods. It is his duty to lead and protect Egypt. Choosing to stay instead of moving on requires certain responsibilities from him and us. I told you all this at the ceremonial site." Isis argued back incensed at the High Priests attitude even though she felt bad Seto just got under her skin sometimes.
"I realize that but you need to back off." Seto demanded.
Isis was about to argue but closed her mouth after receiving a nasty glare from Seto.
Seto turned to Atem. "Let him go now! He won't run." Seto ordered as he stalked towards the other two.
Yugi was about to add his two cents in but was stopped by Bakura.
"The priest can handle this."
Rishid and Marik let the Pharaoh go. Seto walked up to him. "Look at me Atem."
Atem didn't respond so he gently grabbed his cousin's chin to make him look. Atem's amethyst eyes were stormy and filled with mixed emotions on everything he had been told.
"I won't allow them to force you into anything you don't want or are not ready for. I promise you this." Seto vowed.
Atem looked to Seto and saw the truth of his words in those icy blue eyes of his. "Thank you."
With Atem settled a bit the group finally walked into the palace and were introduced to the Medjai that were there from various tribes. They were given a tour of the palace. There were many different quarters in the palace. They were most interested in the Royal living quarters. The bedrooms all had balconies overlooking luscious gardens. The common area had every modern entertainment imaginable. The library was stocked full of ancient writings and modern books magical and non-magical. The kitchen and dining area were modern and had ancient elegance as well. They each picked a room out to stay in.
Atem sat in his new room and finally just breathed. The sight was beautiful. He had loved his balcony room 3,000 years ago and loved it now as well. Isis agreed to give the mages a week long break to give Atem and everyone else time to adjust to their new home and lives. He was grateful for some time to adjust. He was feeling so overwhelmed at everything that had been thrown at him. He understood the Gods would have duties for him and his priests since they chose to stay in the land of the living, but he was hoping that he could also have some freedom to enjoy this life and that it wouldn't be all duty.
A week later training began. Kaphiri, one of the twelve Medjai chieftains was staying at the palace to help train the mages. He, Shadi, and Isis worked the mages endlessly all summer long. At the end of the summer Yugi, Seto, Mokuba, and Ryou had to return to Japan to finish their junior year of high school. Atem was sad to see everyone go. He and Seto finally had a more friendly rivalry going. He and Bakura were also becoming friends and Yugi was still one of his best friends. He would see them next summer though and he truly had a lot to learn.