Surprise! I added a chapter to this because I felt like they really needed a meeting after all of that and the show gave us complete shit in terms of closure, so I give you this extra chapter!
Enjoy, MakeMeProud
She's been avoiding him for weeks.
She knew it was childish and irresponsible, but the thought of seeing him again…after what she said… It wasn't feasible.
She came close once, dropping Rosie off at Ms. Hudson's. Her heart had beat in her chest and her stomach had clenched uncomfortably. The door had opened and she'd seen Ms. Hudson's smiling face. "Do come in, dear. I'm just making some tea."
Molly had come in graciously and sat the carrier down on the little cushioned chair in the corner. "She's very noisy today," she said and drifted nervously over to the little kitchen, leaving the babe sleeping in her blankets.
"Oh dear," Ms. Hudson commented. "She is that age I suppose. Has she started to chew on things?" The tiny woman continued to bustle around, murmuring to herself about biscuits as she opened drawers.
"Just her rattle," Molly supplied.
"Ms. Hudson!"
Molly's heart stopped. He was here! She thought he would have been on a case of some sort. "Um—I…goodbye, Ms. Hudson." And with that she turned and headed for the door.
"Oh darling, its just Sherlock," Ms. Hudson yelled after her.
Thats what I'm afraid of, Molly thought. The door to the building shut just as she heard his thundering steps coming down the stairs.
Run, run, run! She had tucked her purse tighter against her side and sprinted to the nearest Underground station.
Coming back to the present, Molly shuffled the anatomy books on her desk into a nice pile and put her hair back into its customary ponytail. She didn't want anymore body parts on her person than absolutely necessary.
The hall clicked under her shoes and the door swung open with a light swish. She grabbed a pair of gloves and a bone saw as she prepared the body for its normal procedure, but stopped when she noticed a pair of black leather gloves sitting on the counter by one of the microscopes.
No, she thought. It couldn't be.
"Hello, Molly."
And yet it was.
She spun so fast that she knocked a metal tray off of the tabletop, hearing as the metal clashed and ricocheted onto the floor. He looked as beautiful as always; his curls perfect and his blazer in place. His eyes chose not to look at her, but instead through the lens of the microscope under his fingers.
"W-what are you doing here?" The answer was obvious as his fingers moved the microscope nob to sharpen the focus. He then stated as much and looked up at her questioningly.
As if nothing had happened between them.
Her stomach dropped as she relived the experience all over again. His forced "I love you" and then her tears, the truly awful day and the time it took just to get back off of the floor and into her bed.
And he wanted to pretend it didn't happen.
"Oh," was all she said. She couldn't hide her disappointment, even behind the small watery smile she sent his way. "Of course."
Why would he come to apologize? Its not like he tore her heart out and then stamped on it as soon as he ended the call. Its not like he forced her to reveal what she had always felt, but never voiced because she couldn't bear to face the rejection.
She turned back toward the counter so he wouldn't see the glisten of tears in her eyes or as she hurriedly wiped at her cheek as one escaped.
"Don't." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew this conversation would happen eventually. She just didn't expect it to happen in her lab. But it was better here than at his flat or in her own. Here she could walk away or kick him out because she had work to do. She had an excuse to push this back.
She steeled herself as she prepared to do exactly that. "Sherlock, I need you to—"
"Molly, please listen to me—"
"I don't want to listen to you!"
Alright, perhaps it would have been better to have this conversation at her flat. She brushed her hand angrily across her cheeks as her tears continued to fall.
"Do you have any idea what you've done to me?" Her voice came out small and broken, not at all like how she had envisioned this to go. "I can't get over you. I've tried! I've even bloody been engaged, but I couldn't do it." Her knees started to feel shaky.
"Molly, I'm so sorry—"
Her hand was up before he could finish. "You know, I was going to just be your friend because thats what you wanted. You clearly don't want me that way, so I-I was just going to…" Her knees finally gave out and Sherlock rushed to her side, wrapping his arms firmly around her.
Her sobs were heart-wrenching. She was finally in the arms of the man she loved, but would never be with. She was there for the wrong reason.
"Please, Molly. Let me explain."
His voice was so soft and anguished. She could feel the fight leaving her, so she nodded against the side of his neck and tried to control her hiccups.
And explain he did. He talked about Sherrinford, his demented sister, and her games. He talked about what she had done to him and why he had made her say what she said. Through his whole explanation, Molly felt her tears dry and her heart ache. This man had experienced so much in his life and she was lucky enough to experience it with him.
"You…you destroyed my coffin?"
He stiffened under her. "Yes."
"I'm not sure."
She scoffed. If there was one thing she knew, it was that he just didn't want to say.
"Perhaps," he started. "I had come to realize that I do have feelings for you."
Now it was her turn to become stiff. "Don't you do this to me again, you bastard. There are scalpels in here." She was partly joking, but there was definitely an edge of honesty to her words.
He tightened his arms around her and sighed. "I got angry because I realized I had hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you, Molly, and I do feel things for you that go beyond friendship, but…I don't know how to express these things."
Molly couldn't believe what he was saying. Some part of her still thought that this was all a lie, just meant to see how far she could bend before she snapped.
"You…you have feelings for me?"
"Did I not say that twice, Molly? Yes, but I don't know what they are or how to use them. I don't know anything!"
"Ow, Sherlock, you crushing my arms."
He let go immediately, and scooted back a few feet. She regretted her words. She didn't know that he would let go of her completely and she rubbed at her arms longingly.
"Like I said," he continued in a soft voice. "I don't know what to do and that makes me angry."
"Angry enough to ruin a perfectly good coffin." It wasn't really a funny conversation, but she couldn't help adding a bit of dark humor.
He stared at her.
"Right. Sorry. Bad timing." She rubbed at her arms again and nibbled on her lip.
He leaned forward until he was a few feet in front of her face as he said, "If you truly want to try to have a relationship with a sociopath, realize that there will be times that I will yell at you, and probably not understand common things that people should know, and I will probably hurt you again, Molly."
She swallowed as his words hit her. He was truly considering a relationship with her.
"Believe me, I don't want to hurt you, but knowing me, I'm an arse."
She giggled as she said, "Trust me, I will not hesitate to tell you."
He nodded his head with a small "good" and then leaned back against the counter next to her.
"I'm guessing you're wanting to go slow," Molly whispered.
She nodded and leaned back against the counter as well, hugging her knees to her chest. The buzz of the air conditioner kicked on and the lights flickered. The clock's numbers changed and they both continued to sit there next to each other, each not knowing what to do.
Finally, Molly slowly stood up from the ground. "I guess I should get back to work."
Sherlock popped up after her, handing her the forgotten metal tray with a cough. "Yes, well, have a nice day, Molly."
She took the tray from his hands and put it in the sink to be sanitized once more. "You once asked if I wanted to get some chips with you." She smoothed down a piece of her hair that had fallen from her ponytail.
Sherlock smiled softly. "Yes, I remember."
"Perhaps, you would like to show me where those chips are after work?"
He grabbed his black gloves and put his arms behind his back. "I think that can be arranged." Bowing slightly at the waist, he bid her goodbye once more and was out of the lab doors, but not before Molly gave him the biggest smile he had ever seen.