How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

And longer, if I can.

Lexa marveled at her beautiful wife that she held in her arms, swaying softly, as they shared their first dance as a married couple.

Their wedding had been an absolute dream. Family and friends coming together to witness the bonding of their love as they stood along the sandy shores of a secluded beach. White roses had lined the pathway in front of Lexa as she waited for her beautiful bride to come walking down. As soon as the soft piano music began playing and Clarke had appeared from behind the makeshift wall meant to hide her from Lexa's impatient eyes, she had felt all the air leave her lungs.

Clarke was a vision of beauty in her wedding dress. The plunging neck line, one that for once didn't show off her glorious cleavage, ran down to an empire waist line before the fabric fell in soft layers down her legs. As Clarke had turned slightly to the side to smile at everyone Lexa could see the smooth expanse of her back being shown off by the backless dress. Lexa couldn't take her eyes off Clarke since the moment she had stepped foot in her direction, and as Clarke's eyes finally met hers she knew Clarke couldn't either. When she finally reached Lexa, Abby had given Clarke a small kiss on the cheek before placing her hand in Lexa's and taking her seat.

The ceremony was spent gazing into each others eyes, lost in a sea of blue and green as they awaited the moment that they had long awaited for. Time seemed to fly by to Lexa and before she knew what was happening she had already subconsciously stated her vows, as well as listened to Clarke's, and let a bright smile overcome her face as the minister finally pronounced them wife and wife. Without hesitation Lexa had pulled Clarke impossibly closer to her body before dipping her down slightly and placing a firm, passionate kiss to her wife's lips.

Cheers had erupted around them as everyone jumped to their feet and began clapping for the happy couple. As the noise around them began to die down into a happy buzz Lexa had to force herself to pull away from Clarke's luscious lips. Clarke had smiled brightly, pearly teeth appearing behind pink lips, before looking over to their family and friends. As they walked back down the aisle, hands gripped firmly together, Lexa had finally felt fully at peace. And as she gazed back at her smiling bride, she knew nothing could take that feeling away from her.

How long will I need you?

As long as the seasons need to

Follow their plan.

How long will I be with you?

As long as the sea is bound to

Was upon the sand.

And now, as she spun Clarke around on the dance floor under the large tent on the beach, that peace still filled her heart. Clarke was her's. Fully and completely her's, something she had wanted to say since the first moment she had laid eyes on her that one fateful night. And as Lexa pulled her wife flush against her body once more and wrapped her arms around her waist, she couldn't seem to thank the gods enough for that night.

How long will I hold you?

As long as your father told you,

As long as you can.

How long will I give to you?

As long as I live through you

However long you say.

"I know that look, Lexa. What's on your mind?" Clarke asked as she smoothed her hands over the white button down covering her chest.

"Just how god damn lucky I am to have met you. If it wouldn't have been for that night there's no telling if I would be standing here today."

A soft giggle left Clarke's lips,"Even if that night wouldn't have happened I still think we would have met eventually. We were meant to meet Lexa. Our stars alined and brought us to each other at the perfect moment, even though it may not have been under the best circumstances."

How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

And longer, if I may


Lexa's heart warmed as Clarke repeated her favorite sentence from her vows. They were true, down to the last word. They may have met due to Clarke's accidental obnoxious noise, but Lexa wouldn't have it any other way. And as the last verse to the song rang out Lexa silently leaned down and stole Clarke's breath away with a single kiss.

We're traveling through time together

Every day of our lives.

All we can do is do our best

To relish this remarkable ride.

Soft claps filled the space around them before the DJ began playing another song and a people began making their way to the dance floor to bounce along. Clarke moved to the side of Lexa, arm snaking around her waist, as Octavia and Raven walked up to them and handed them glasses of champagne.

"That was beautiful you guys. Everyone could just feel the love washing off of you both in waves," Octavia stated with a dreamy smile.

"More like sickeningly sweet. Like tooth rotting sweet," Raven teased.

Lexa rolled her eyes before giving the fiery Latina a smug smirk,"You're just jealous because you've been waiting for Anya to pop the question,too. Haven't you?"

"No! I'm not waiting for anything!"

Clarke chose this moment to butt in,"You sure about that, Raven? Or was I reading wrong when you sent me those texts about you wishing Anya would get on with it already?"

A bright blush crept over Raven's cheeks before she huffed and stomped her way back over to the portable bar for a refill of champagne, or something stronger. All three of the women laughed as she disappeared through the crowd before falling back into a light conversation, and before long Lincoln and Bellamy had appeared and pulled both Lexa and Clarke into warm hugs.

"Congratulations, girls. We're happy for you, but just because you're married now doesn't mean you get to turn into the couple that stays at home and has sex all day," Lincoln joked as he threw an arm over Octavia's shoulders.

"They're going to be in the newlywed stage, Linc. Of course their going to spend all their free time having sex," Bellamy said with a smirk.

Lexa could feel her ears burning with embarrassment as everyone laughed,"Okay, okay. Enough about Clarke and I having sex. Why don't we join along with the crowd and dance?"

Everyone agreed and began making their way to the center of the dance floor and as Clarke tried to follow behind Lexa held her steady in place. Her wife looked back in confusion and Lexa could only offer her a sly smile.

"Let them go. You're mother's been watching us since we finished out dance and I know she wants to talk to us," Lexa stated before leading Clarke over to where her mother stood at the edge of the dance floor.

Clarke released Lexa and jogged the rest of the distance over to her mother before throwing her arms around her in a hug. As she closed the remaining distance between them, Lexa watched silently as Abby held her daughter tightly.

"My baby girl. All grown up and married," Abby gently pushed Clarke away before placing a hand against Clarke's cheek and brushing her thumb under her eye to catch a stray tear,"You know he'd be happy for you, right? He wanted nothing more than to see you smiling each and every day."

"I know, mom. I think it was his life's mission to make us both smile every second of every day."

Abby laughed softly before turning her gaze to Lexa and holding out her hand. Lexa gratefully took it and let herself be pulled into a warm motherly hug from her new mother-in-law.

"And you. You're parents would be proud of you. Taking care of my little girl and giving her someone to love whole heartedly. I can't thank you enough. She needs you in her life more than she'll ever admit," Abby whispered in her ear.

Lexa's smile widened as she tightened her arms around Abby,"Thank you. I promise to take care of her with everything I have. To give her what she deserves and more. It's the least I could do for her considering she's already given me the world."

Abby pulled away from Lexa and gave her a bright smile before motioning Clarke over and pulling them both into a warm hug. Both women wrapped their arms around the only parent figure that remained in their life and let the soothing waves of her love caress them into a sense of peace. Lexa knew Abby wouldn't admit it but she would give everything for them, even her life if it came down to it, and for that she was thankful.

It had been a while since Lexa had been able to feel the warmth of a parental figure encompass her in a loving embrace and she wasn't sure she wanted to leave it. Having her parents taken away at such an early stage in her life made Lexa feel as if she would never remember what it would feel like to have a loving parent again. But in this moment, wrapped in Abby's embrace, she felt it, and for a moment she felt as if she were a small child back in her own mother's arms.

"Okay, enough of the motherly tears. You both go and enjoy your reception. Dance with your friends and have some drinks. You both deserve it," Abby said as she pulled away from them.

Clarke gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before Abby walked away towards Indra, who she had come to make good friends with over the months, finally leaving the married couple alone. Lexa pulled Clarke into her arms when she turned back to her with unshed tears. Lexa whispered soothing words into her ear as she swiped away the few tears that had broken free.

"This is supposed to be a happy occasion, Clarke. No more crying."

"I just wish he was here," Clarke husked out as she looked up at her.

"I know. I wish my parents were here, too. Just know, that wherever you are, he's alway with you. He's watching over you now with a smile on his face and couldn't be prouder of the woman you've become. So strong, fierce, and passionate. I may not have known him but I know this is who he wanted you to become, Clarke."

Choosing not to respond Clarke pulled herself up on her tiptoes and gave Lexa a searing kiss. One filled with the strongest of love that flowed between them. Lexa allowed her fingers to tangle in the soft waves of blonde hair as she tugged her wife closer to her body, desperate to feel the length of Clarke against her. As she ran her other hand down the exposed plane of her back Clarke broke away from the kiss before gripping Lexa's wrists and pulling her towards the exit of the tent.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Clarke replied as they walked out onto the sandy beach.

The setting sun had finally gave way to the millions of stars that hung above them and Lexa couldn't help but let herself become lost in the mesmerizing sight. She felt Clarke release her wrists and looked back down to see her running towards the ocean, still barefoot as she had been since the start of their wedding. Quickly kicking off her shoes Lexa hurried after Clarke and once reaching her bent down and grabbed Clarke and threw her over her shoulder. Lexa ran the rest of the way to lapping waves, a laughing Clarke holding on to her for dear life, before rushing into the salty water.

Clarke began to squirm in her hold and she quickly placed her down on her feet into the cool water while still keeping her arms around her waist. The roaring waves filled her ears as she stared down at the beauty before her. Blonde curls whipped her pale cheeks, mouth formed in a jubilant smile, and eyes as blue as they ocean staring back at her. This woman, this goddess, had the power to make Lexa kneel before her and bestow her entire life upon her, but did that make her weak? No. It made her feel more powerful than anything else in the world. To know that she could give her life to Clarke, give everything to her, and not have a single regret.

"Lexa, what are you doing?"

Lexa kneeled down, water soaking her pants, in front of Clarke and grasped her hands tightly,"Something I need to do. I don't think my vows were able to express just how much you mean to me, Clarke. And this is the only other way I know that will."

Clarke stood silent, waves catching the bottom of her dress, and waited for Lexa to continue.

"The moment I met you, I knew there was something different about you. The way your eyes shimmered with such love for life, it made something inside me begin to stir. And now, kneeling before you, I feel that I can finally give myself to you. Completely. You hold my life in your hands, Clarke. I would go above and beyond to give you everything you need and more, but I feel giving myself, my life, to you is the only way to show the impossible amount of love that I have for you. You are my life now and if anything happens to you it would end me. I can't and I won't live without you in my life because if you go you'd be taking me with you. I love you, Clarke Griffin Woods, more than my own life."

Lexa watched the onslaught of tears pour down Clarke's cheeks as she spoke and felt her own slide down her cheeks. Clarke gripped Lexa's arms and pulled her to her feet, ignoring her wet pants, and threw her arms around her neck in a fierce hug. A happy sob left Clarke's lips as Lexa held on to her tightly and spun them around before placing Clarke back on her feet. Clarke quickly leaned back and cupped Lexa's cheeks and stared into her emerald eyes with such intensity.

"And I love you, Lexa Woods. So much more than words can explain. When you knocked on my door that night, at first I thought you were some robber or something and almost didn't want to open my door," That brought a laugh from Lexa,"But looking back now, I'm glad I did. Even with how tired and a little irritated you looked you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Your wet hair dripping water onto your shirt, the amount of leg you showed with those sleeping shorts. You took my breath away, and you still do. You giving your life to me only means I will give my life to you in return. I can't hold your life in my hands knowing that I have mine that I can just as easily give to you as well. So here I am, giving you my life as you give me mine, to love and to hold. To keep close to your heart."

Lexa's heart swelled and she couldn't contain the amount of happiness that surged within her as she tugged Clarke back into her embrace. This night, when she finally became one with the woman she cherished most in the world, became so much more to her than any other night in her existence. Nothing would compare to this moment in time. The moment where they gave each other's lives to one another, the ultimate display of love. Something she would never take back. Something that would stay in her heart forever.

Wanting to hold Clarke entirely in her arms Lexa, bent down and gripped the back of her thighs. Clarke let out a happy squeal as she wrapped her legs around Lexa's waist and tangled her hands in her brunette locks. She showered her neck with light kisses before trailing up and sealing her lips with her own. Clarke moaned deeply as she felt Lexa's tongue run across her bottom lip before giving her access to her moist cavern. As their tongues battled for dominance Lexa ran her hands over Clarke's back and lightly raked her nails down her spine causing Clarke to break away from the kiss to try and suppress the shiver that coursed through her body.

Lexa trailed her lips down to the exposed valley between Clarke's breasts and began leaving open mouth kisses in her wake. Clarke threw her head back with a moan and gripped Lexa's hair tighter before tugging her mouth away from her flushed skin.

"As much as I would love to continue this little session, everyone is going to wonder where we went. We should get back."

Lexa sighed defeatedly,"You're right. It's almost time to cut the cake, too. At least we got a little alone time before heading back into the untamed wild."

Clarke laughed before dropping down from Lexa's waist and pressing a quick chaste kiss to Lexa's lips,"We'll have plenty of alone time on our honeymoon. No one to disturb us. Just you, me, and our bed. For three weeks."

"Hmm. Are you sure we can't just leave right now?"

"As much as I wish we could everyone would kill us if we left early. We'll just have to suck it up and get it over with. Come on, the faster we get back the fast we can get out of here," Clarke said as she began tugging her out of the water.

As Clarke slowly pulled her back towards the tent Lexa's vision suddenly became clouded with an image that still burned in her mind like she had seen it yesterday and caused her to pause in her walking.

Clarke, sweaty and smiling. A blue bundle squirming in her arms. A dazzling smile shifting in her direction.

"Come hold your son, Lexa."

Lexa's heart pounded heavily in her chest as the image faded away from her sight. Was this a sigh? Her subconscious telling her what she really wanted, what she really longed to have with Clarke. A child. Something that would symbolize the entirety of their love for one another. Something, -someone-, they could raise to fill the world with love and happiness. That would change their lives forever.

She was pulled from her musings by the sound of Clarke calling out her name as she snapped her fingers in her face,"Earth to Lexa. Are you okay?"

"A baby," Lexa whispered out.

"A what?"

Lexa cleared her throat before meeting Clarke's eyes,"A baby, Clarke. I want a baby with you."

"What brought this on? It's so sudden and we've never talked about it."

"I know we just got married, Clarke, but I want a child with you. More than anything. When I was unconscious in the hospital after the incident with Finn I had a dream, well it felt more like a vision. You were in a hospital bed, all sweaty and smiling, holding a little blue bundle. You told me to come see my son. Just now, while we were walking, I had that same vision again. Even though we haven't talking about it I realize now that I want that with you. I want to see your tummy swell as out little boy grows inside you. To see you whispering soft words to him while rubbing your belly. I want nothing more than to have that with you, Clarke. That's if you want it."

Clarke searched Lexa's eyes before sending a small nod in her direction, a huge smile overcoming her face,"I do. I want that with you, too, Lex. Don't ever think I don't. Let's have a baby together."

Lexa picked Clarke up and spun her around happily, shouting out in joy, before placing her on her feet and pulling her into a sweet kiss. Resting their foreheads together Lexa opened her eyes to stare lovingly into Clarke's with a gentle smile.

"We're going to make life memories together. Forever."

Clarke's agreement was sealed with a passionate kiss before leading them both back to continue celebrating their joined love with their friends and family.

And there it is. The ending to an amazing journey, that will continue soon. Be sure to watch out for LP's sequel Life's Memories. It will be posted soon!

Thank you all so much for following along with this story! I have loved reading every single one of your reviews and talking to each and every one of you. i hope you continue to follow Lexa and Clarke's journey in the sequel!

Love too all! :)

**Song: How long will I love you by Elli Goulding