Serenade of Love

Summary: After Requiem of Love, one of the Gods is angry with Yumoto. He was once the God of Truth…and is now the self-proclaimed God of Destruction. The Battle Lovers have been buried deep in work to preparing Yumoto for the throne, while threats are being covered by Gora and the Caerula Adamas.

Parings: EnAtsu, IoRyuu, AkoRima, and YumotoxOC

Rating: T

Boueibu doesn't belong to me, but my OCs and story idea does!


Prologue: God of Truth

Makizou Yami was not very well known, he guarded over the Library of the Gods and his own temple in the mortal world. He had deep blue almost violet hair with amber eyes, and carried a book and staff with him at all times. He was very influential to Yukiteru's court when he was the God of Love…but as soon as Gora began his reign…he disappeared.

He only disappeared because of one reason and one reason only. When the God of Light was born, he along with the God of the Moon and the God of the Sun wanted to kill him.

Yukiteru and Natsumi banished him and the Gods of the Moon and Sun left with the demon Dadacha.

Slowly, Yami began to watch the God of Light shine throughout the world of the Gods. He began to feel resentment towards the young heir, even though his powers weren't even there yet.

One day the God of Truth met the demon, Lord Zundar, who was a small green hedgehog. He instantly recognized him as the brother of Dadacha but Zundar promised him power.

He instantly made Zundar leave and realized that he needed to kill the heir to get the ultimate power for himself and himself only. That's when he turned to a life of darkness. Yami went searching in the Library of the Gods for a book…this book was dangerous though. In fact, this book changed Yami.

When he opened the book, a dark shadow surrounded him and his soul was forever changed. Yami's powers began to grow and he could conquer a few of the smaller Gods.

When they would scream as he would conquer them, they would cry for Maximum Gorar and the God of Light. For they were the strongest Gods.

Then…the God of Truth became the God of Destruction…

Yami growled as he watched an orb of the God of Light with his older brother. They were talking to Argent, the God of Protection and Maximum Gorar smiled as Argent hugged the heir.

He tightened his hand into a fist and hissed, "Gods of the Court of Love…your time is limited."

Truly the only reason why Yami hated the God of Light was because of his powerful being. Yami clutched at his staff and smirked, "Maximum Gorar…I bet you forgot about me…"

He laughed to himself as Argent spoke, "My dear Little One…your coronation is in a month. You've grown so much."

He stopped laughing and gasped, "What?! Coronation…?"

"But Ibu-chan-senpai, I'm not sure I'll be ready…"

"Scarlet, you'll do fine. This is just securing you to the throne."

Yami frowned and his eyes widened as a man stood beside Scarlet and held onto his hand, "Who are you…" he whispered and Maximum Gorar smiled "I'm glad you're still willing to be his suitor."

"Suitor?" He rolled his eyes, "In Yukiteru-san's court he didn't require a suitor."

He looked away from the scene and made it disappear. "Whatever." He muttered, "I just require those two mortals again to kill that dumb heir to Hireashi."

He thought for a moment, "Wait…they already did…and they failed."

He looked up as his small bird partner landed on his shoulder, "Kotaro-san, we have a coronation to stop." He smirked and Kotaro chirped, "We only have a month. Should we stop him now or at the coronation?"

Yami smiled, "He'll have a practice one soon, I say we crash that one to warn them about us, and then stop him at the coronation when the day comes."

Kotaro smirked, "Of course…they won't know what hit them."

Yami nodded, "And we will require the help from the VEPPer…they may have been healed, but we can manipulate them once more."

Kotaro nodded, "Yes…and the God of Light and the Court of Love will be no more."

Yami laughed and held onto his staff, "The Caerula Adamas won't be able to stop us either…and I'll make sure that they fail."

"What about the Battle Lovers?"
"What about them? Without the God of Light, they're useless. We'll get rid of them quickly."

Kotaro nodded, "And we'll stop them all without Zundar or Hireashi."

Yami smiled, "Of course. Now, let's prepare ourselves for our little…introduction. I want to see if Maximum Gorar remembers me…I know his brother won't but, he was around when I worked for his father."

Kotaro chirped in agreement, "Yes! The Gods of the Sun and Moon will see us and know us!"

Yami nodded, "Now, let's go greet the heir…"

He thrusted his staff upwards and the duo teleported away in a bright flash.