This is my first My Hero Academia fanfic, inspired by similar fanfics that I've read. I do hope I portrayed the characters correctly, especially Kacchan's colorful vocabulary.

Oh, and there's a suicide attempt here and death. If you're uncomfortable with such topics, do not proceed. It's not a dark fic; it gets fluffy in the end, but that part is still there, so.. I WARNED YOU.

"Ka-Kacchan! W-wait!"

Izuku's shaky pleas fell on deaf ears as Katsuki Bakugou, Kacchan, blew up his notebook labeled "No.13" for his own sadistic satisfaction, and threw what's left of it through an open window near him.

Izuku yelped in fear, and hurriedly ran to said window, sticking his head out through it to look for his notebook. Izuku despaired as he discovered his notebook's location, which was on the koi pond below; the notebook was being congregated on by the koi pond's fishes. Izuku started tearing up.

"If you want a quirk so damn badly, just throw yourself off the fucking roof and hope you get one in the next life!" Katsuki snarled at Izuku as the green-haired boy silently cried at "Kacchan's" harsh antics.

If you want a quirk so damn badly, just throw yourself off the fucking roof and hope you get one in the next life!

If you want a quirk so damn badly...

..a quirk...

..throw yourself off the fucking roof..


Katsuki has broken Izuku.

"You know what, Kacchan? You're right."

Izuku slightly turned his face towards Katsuki, showing the corner of his face. A stream of tears is evident on the side of Izuku's face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"You're right..."

Izuku turned away from the window and faced Katsuki. Izuku's eyes were reddened from all the tears he's currently shedding, creating a steady stream of droplets which then splashed on the floor. What's unsettling, however, is Izuku's forced smile, which sent waves of unease at Katsuki.

"All these years, I just wanted to be your friend, Kacchan. But you didn't just push me away, you bullied me. You beat me, yelled at me, and just because I don't have a quirk. It.. makes me very sad.. and I tried to put up with it.."

Izuku's voice is all shaky from all the emotions he's choking on.

"So.. you know what? For once you said something helpful to me.."

Katsuki was creeped out and confused, but most of all, unnerved.

"What the hell are you getting at, Deku?!"

"You gave me.. helpful advice."

Izuku went away from the window and started walking away towards the classroom door, brushing past Katsuki and his suddenly silent lackeys.

"Wait, what the fuck are you.." Katsuki stared at Izuku in confusion.

Izuku opened the door, and turned to face Katsuki. He still had that unnerving smile on his face, but his tears have subsided.

"It's a win-win situation, Kacchan.. I could get a quirk, you don't have to yell and beat me anymore, and.. most of all.. I can be happy.. you can be happy.."

Izuku proceeded to go out throught the door and closed it behind him. A moment later and Katsuki burst through the door and stomped towards Izuku's direction, glaring at his back.

"Fucking Deku, where the hell are you going?!" Katsuki yelled at Izuku, who was currently ascending the stairs towards the roof. Izuku turned to face Katsuki, now with a completely happy face.

However, there's something a bit off about Izuku's expression; it looked purely happy, but glancing at Izuku's eyes, they looked very depressed; dead. The expression is annoying Katsuki more than it should.

"I'm going to take your advice, Kacchan!" Izuku said to Katsuki cheerily yet broken as he continued walking up the stairs.

Katsuki's lackeys suddenly disappeared from the scene, not wanting to get involved on whatever's going to happen. Regardless, Katsuki chased after Izuku, but angrily.

"Shitty Deku! What the fuck does that mean?!"

Katsuki momentarily froze as his eyes widened, realization hitting him like a truck.

If you want a quirk so damn badly, just throw yourself off the fucking roof and hope you get one in the next life!

The words repeated themselves in Katsuki's thoughts.


Katsuki ran faster towards the roof. On reaching the roof door, he blew it clean off its hinges. In front of him was Izuku, facing him as he stood up on the roof's ledge; he was smiling at him, and a tear left one of his eyes.

"Kacchan.. you'll always be my hero."

Izuku stretched his arms sideways and closed his eyes. The sight sent Katsuki over the edge, eyes wide.

This time, it wasn't anger that Katsuki felt towards Izuku. It was fear. He yelled at the boy and attempted to reach out to him.

"Wait! Fucking Deku!"

Izuku didn't jump, but instead allowed himself to fall gracefully off the school roof, letting gravity do the work. Izuku's face looked.. tranquil.. as he fell.

Katsuki leaped just to hopefully grab a part of Izuku in time, to prevent him from falling. Katsuki stretched his hand towards Izuku, seemingly close to Izuku's leg.

Too late. One second and an inch too late.

Katsuki landed and slightly skidded on the concrete roof pavement, scratching his knee a bit. He dashed over to the ledge to get a view of Izuku, actually hoping the koi pond below would soften his fall.

Unfortunately, Izuku's head came in contact with the concrete pond wall first, which was followed by the sound of a loud thud and crack, then the sounds of splashing water as Izuku went into the pond afterwards.

Katsuki bolted for the pond, and after a few minutes of running down stairwells and hallways, he had reached the pond, which already attracted a small crowd.

"Outta the fucking way!" Katsuki screeched as small explosions erupted from his palms, which dispersed the crowd for him just enough to get through. Izuku was face down on the pond, unmoving. He went up to the edge of the pond and pulled Izuku towards him. Katsuki then lifted him off the pond and onto the pavement. He knelt down and gripped Izuku by his shirt collar, and frantically shook him.

"Wake up you fucking nerd! Wake the fuck up!" Katsuki yelled angrily at Izuku as he felt his eyes well up.

Then he noticed Izuku's face; a dent formed on the top of his head, which profusely leaked blood. His mouth and nose also leaked blood, and his eyes were still closed. Izuku still looked tranquil.

"Is he dead?!" an onlooker gasped.

Katsuki's shaking of Izuku slowed down until he stopped, finally realizing that Izuku will not respond anymore.




Katsuki slowly placed Izuku down, and he rested his head on him.

He screamed in agony.

Katsuki went home early, the images of a very dead Izuku constantly flashing on his mind. His trek home wasn't eventful, other than him kicking a bunch of rocks or cans in his path.

He was, however, trying to hold back his emotions as the words of the EMTs sounded in his thoughts.

You did everything you could. At least you tried.

They thought he helped Izuku, that he cared for him. What they didn't know is that he caused that. He made Izuku jump, and they didn't know the truth. Out of anger, Katsuki punched a nearby wall, creating a sizable crater on it. The guilt really ate him up, and took a toll on his ego.

"If only they fucking knew.." Katsuki grumbled as a few droplets were set free from his eyes.

What Katsuki found odd is that even after a week later the incident, there were no announcements about a wake, let alone a funeral for Izuku. When he usually gets a glimpse of Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mom, around the neighborhood, she didn't look downright depressed or something.

She looked... hopeful.

It bothered Katsuki.

He saw Izuku's mom again, this time in the nearby grocery store. She was shopping for food ingredients, A LOT OF THEM. It's like she was preparing a buffet of something.

This time, she looked.. determined?

Now that confused Katsuki. Hopefulness, then determination? Something was afoot. It irked him. He kicked a soda can on the pavement out of frustration, but the can hit a wall, ricocheted, and went inside a garbage bin, slightly amusing and creeping out Katsuki.

"What the fuck." was the monotone sentence that Katsuki said afterwards.


A disembodied voice said to Katsuki. He opened his eyes, then he noticed that he's in a reddish-black abyss of sorts, floating around.

"Hi Kacchan! You killed me. Isn't that great?"

The voice said again, making Katsuki look rapidly in random directions, looking for the source.

There was only one person that would call him that childish nickname, which is why Katsuki is getting slightly nervous.

"Deku! You little shit! This isn't fucking funny!" Katsuki yelled at random directions. There is some strain on his voice.

"Silly Kacchan! Of course it's funny! Especially the time when you made me crush my skull on the pond wall! There was a lot of blood, too!"

An image flashed before him; it was Izuku, face down on the pond as blood started to mix with the pond, making the small body of water entirely red.

Katsuki is getting angry, and starting to feel very uneasy.

Then the entire abyss transformed into a collage of images, all about Izuku who was very bloody and dead. Most of them had his dull, lifeless eyes as the centerpiece. Katsuki tried to flail around as he floated, trying to get away, but he just won't budge from his position. He couldn't shut his eyes either.

Katsuki is now panicking.

"No no NO! Stop this fucking shit! Right fucking NOW!"

A shadowed figure appeared in front of him. Katsuki looked at the figure suspiciously; he tried exploding it, but his quirk won't work.

The shadows dissipated, revealing Izuku, who looked exactly as he did after jumping, in his school uniform, with the dent on his head, blood leaking wherever possible, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and most of all, his skin is pale; it's like he's a walking corpse.

Izuku placed his hands on Katsuki's shoulders. Katsuki tried to remove them, but couldn't for some invisible force is keeping them in place. Izuku smiled at Katsuki, eliciting panicked reactions from the ash blonde.

"You had fun, right?"

"NO! I'd fucking take it back if I could! I'd take it back!"

"Katsuki! You little shit! You have a visitor!" a female voice resounded from somewhere; his mother.

Katsuki shot up from his bed panickedly, his fists ready to blow shit up. He looked around quickly, surveying his surroundings; he's no longer in the abyss, but rather in his bedroom, and on his bed.

A fucking nightmare... great.

More importantly, he has visitors? Why would anyone visit him? Who would visit him? Katsuki has no friends as far as he knows. He complied regardless, not in the mood to argue with his mother. The nightmare still haunted him.

Groggily, he got off his bed and dressed himself hastily, brushed his teeth, and went to the living room, where his visitor was waiting for him, chatting very animatedly with his mother.

Wait... messy green hair? That doesn't look right..

"Oh, there he is. About time."

The owner of the mop of green hair turned to face Katsuki. He definitely looked delighted on seeing him.

The face Katsuki saw made him freeze.


Katsuki stared with wide eyes as the person staredback at him with a delighted expression. This person was the very same one he "killed" a week ago.. the same one that was the subject of his nightmare. And of course, there's the nickname. There's only one person that calls him Kacchan..

Izuku.. Deku..

"No no no! This is another fucking nightmare!"

Katsuki gripped his hair as he stared at Izuku, who was now approaching him worriedly.

"Kacchan, you've been having nightma-?"

Izuku tried to place his hands on Katsuki's shoulders, but he swatted Izuku's hands away.


Katsuki ran back upstairs to his room, slamming it shut. For a moment, Izuku was puzzled as to why Katsuki would run away from him; it was very unlike him. Then he snapped back to reality.

"I'm not dead, Kacchan! Let me explain! Please!"

Izuku's pleas went unresponded, and he just stared at the staircase in front of him.

"Katsuki! Get back here right fucking now!" Katsuki's mom suddenly yelled towards the staircase, slightly startling Izuku. Slightly.

Izuku steeled himself, relaxed, and put on his "brave happy face". He turned his head to face Bakugou's mom.

"I'll go get him, Miss Bakugou!" Izuku chirped, then he darted for Katsuki's room. Bakugou's mom tiredly folded her arms and waited.

Izuku now stood before Katsuki's bedroom door, and he breathed in and out before quietly knocking on the door.


No response, not even a curse word. Weird.

Izuku continued knocking, trying to elicit a response from his explosive "buddy". His hand landed on the door knob, and he turned it, delighting Izuku.

Why didn't I think of this earlier? Kacchan must've forgot to lock it.

"I'm entering your room, Kacchan."

The sounds of stuff clattering down on the floor suddenly emanated from inside the room, followed by Katsuki's yelling.

"No! Fucking don't!"

The door drifted open to the side, and Izuku stood in the doorway, smiling at Katsuki, who was on his bed with his blanket wrapped around him, save for his face. Some pencils and Katsuki's phone are on the floor.

Katsuki is inside a blanket coccoon! It looks.. cute?

"YOU. ARE. DEAD. Even in death, you still fucking pester me!" Katsuki snarled as he glared half-hearted daggers at Izuku, who seemed to be unfazed by it as he continued walking towards him, then sitting down on Katsuki's bed.

"I'm alive and breathing, Kacchan. Gimme time to explain? Please?" Izuku pleaded with Katsuki. Izuku took the latter's silence as a "yes", and he smiled before starting.

"So umm, what they told me is that there was this visting foreign doctor with this really powerful healing quirk! They said the doctor's quirk revives anyone who died an unnatural death, and reverses the effects of their cause of death, as long as the time of death wasn't a day ago. Sooo the doctor used it on me.. I just woke up a few days ago, the nurses said I was recovering for a full week! They even said I had this huge dent on my head! I really had a dent on my head, Kacchan? Was it really so big tha-"

"You're fucking going overboard again, but I get it." Katsuki cut him off, looking to the side. Izuku was surprised by Katsuki's behavior; he wasn't yelling at him.

Katsuki unwrapped himself from his blanket coccoon, and did the unexpected.

Katsuki lunged at Izuku, one arm on Izuku's back, the other on his shoulders, and Katsuki buried his face on Izuku's neck. The lunge sent Izuku lying down on the bed.

Kacchan is.. hugging me?

"Y-you.. don't fucking do that again! Even if I say shit like that!"

Katsuki spoke with a broken voice that said "worried", which surprised Izuku even more. Izuku wondered if what happened softened Kacchan up.

"I won't, Kacchan. Promise."

Izuku wrapped his own arms around Katsuki, and hugged him tightly.

"Besides, I'm really happy right now!" Izuku chirped with a smile.

Izuku felt something wet on his shoulder that Katsuki's head is on. As Izuku separated their faces from each other's shoulders, he noticed that a stream of tears had formed from Katsuki's eyes, which caused the wetness on his shoulder.

"Kacchan.. you're crying." Izuku said worriedly as he stared directly at Katsuki's eyes, who was unable to keep eye contact and looked to the side as he made quiet sobbing sounds.

"I'm.. s-sorry.." Katsuki blurted out in a whisper, his gaze going to his stuff on the floor.

Izuku didn't catch what Katsuki had just said, so he brought his face to Katsuki's view and tilted his head.

"Hmm? Kacchan?"

Katsuki hugged Izuku again, this time with so much force it's as if Katsuki was trying to crush Izuku. He gritted his teeth.

"I said I'm fucking sorry! Now did you hear that, nerd?!" Katsuki yelled as he rested his head on the same shoulder he cried on earlier. The yell slightly disoriented Izuku since it was too close to his ear.

"Loud and clear, Kacchan. Hihi." Izuku chirped as he laughed and smiled at Katsuki. The ridiculously lively and cheerful expression being directed at Katsuki made him blush a light shade of red, and he tilted his head lower as to avoid his blush getting detected by Izuku.

I'm fucking blushing?! What did I do to fucking deserve this?!

"I forgive you."

Izuku hugged back at Katsuki, who then tightened his hug even more on hearing those words.

Kacchan is being awfully clingy now.

When Izuku tried signalling Katsuki that he'd like a break from the hugging, Katsuki latched onto him even stronger.

"Stay." Katsuki muttered calmly.

"Okay, Kacchan." Izuku said as he rubbed soothing circles on Katsuki's back.

Katsuki suddenly grabbed Izuku's hands gently and placed them in front of the two. Katsuki's rough hands gripped on Izuku's as his thumbs traced the smooth skin.

So fucking smooth..

Katsuki stared at their hands in front of them, avoiding eye contact with Izuku, who just smiled back.

"I'm gonna fucking protect you this time, Dek- Izuku! I'll make sure that you will never get hurt anymore! I fucking promise!" Katsuki said in an repressed, angry voice as he continued looking at their hands. Izuku looked at him reassuringly.

"You don't have to, Kacchan. Don't worry about me!" Izuku said nervously.

Katsuki flinched, and he went to meet Izuku's gaze.

"I want to, dumbass!"

The intense stare Katsuki was giving Izuku meant that he couldn't be dissuaded, so Izuku just let him be.

"If that's what you want, Kacchan. Thank you then!" Izuku smiled at Katsuki.

Katsuki released their hands, and found himself suddenly talking to Izuku without any shouting and without any cursing as much as possible. Izuku chatted animatedly with Katsuki, mostly telling him about the hospital and this big meal his mom prepared him.

Huh, so that's where her groceries went.

Eventually they got tired of talking and lied down on Katsuki's bed, thinking about things, lamenting on the past and such.

"Ya know something, De-.. Izuku?" Katsuki broke the silence between them, but not before correcting himself on the usage of "Deku". Regardless, he got Izuku's attention.


"I had thoughts.. I did that to you and I'm a horrible fucking person and all that, and that I don't deserve to be around you. But guess what?"

"What, Kacchan?"

Katsuki sat up on his bed, and went to look at Izuku, who looked back with a smile.

Doesn't his fucking mouth hurt from all that smiling?!

"I just figured you'll just keep on fucking stalking me anyway, so I didn't do that." Katsuki said, and he bent over the bed to pick up the fallen stuff on the floor, starting with the pencils, which he placed on the end table.

Izuku had this spaced-out look of astonishment on his face. Katsuki took notice, and flicked him on the nose to snap him out of his reverie, which worked. Katsuki went to pick up his phone as Izuku started to speak.

"Sorry Kacchan! But.. does that mean I'm your.. friend?" Izuku said rather nervously as he twiddled with his fingers. Katsuki threw his phone on the bed and shifted from his position to face Izuku, who was now giving him an anxious look.

"You can call it that, whatever." Katsuki said tiredly as he plopped himself on his back again.

Then Katsuki could hear sobs coming from Izuku. He turned, and Izuku was looking at him with some kind of "sad/happy" face as he cried.


Katsuki rolled his eyes, and took his blanket to wipe off Izuku's tears.

"Don't cry, dumbass. You look stupid." Katsuki said as he cleaned Izuku's face of any tears, then he flicked Izuku on his nose again, eliciting a mock "ow" from him.

Kinda damn cute..

"I-I'm just so happy! I'm Kacchan's friend!" Izuku shouted happily, and did a victorious fist pump while laughing animatedly.

Katsuki eyed the spectacle with irritated eyes, but he actually felt happy seeing Izuku like that, and Katsuki being around Izuku made him kind of.. calm?

Why doesn't he hate me?! Did he even forget what I did?! Said?!

That, or he's just really fucking crazy.

"Yeah.. I fucking am. Now get outta my room, you crazy shit." Katsuki then threw a pillow at Izuku.

So, what do you think of it? Do leave a review, please.