Alright. Wade thought to himself. How in the fuck did I end up here?

His eyes shifted around, taking in all the little details of his odd situation. His head was awkwardly squished against the end of the sofa and his arm was asleep. He was very clearly not on his own sofa, because this one was much softer. He looked down at his body and was surprised to find a well used and slightly worn in some places, blanket covering his legs. He squinted at the blanket and was able to make out the Ravenclaw house symbol.

Huh? Had someone...tucked him in? Using a Harry Potter blanket?

He shifted his head and caught sight of a low table that had an assortment of old Nintendo games and beer bottles littered carelessly across the top of the smooth glass. His eyes lowered a bit more and he saw a bit of tousled brown hair sticking out of a thick purple comforter that completely hid the rest of the other person's body.

Wade shook his head and frowned. He knew he blacked out like a college freshman when he drank, but oddly enough he never got a hangover. He thought back to the previous night.

Sweet smiles, nerding out over Pokemon and Harry Potter, playing some sort of drinking game, watching Howl's Moving Castle...with Peter!

So, he had slept over at Peter's house, and Peter had tucked him in when he passed out, but why didn't he go to his own bed? Why would he sleep on the floor?

Peter started to shift and then he let out a small moan as he woke up. Wade had to bite his lip to keep the answering moan in, because god, no one should sound that hot when they first wake up. Good god it was just one little moan and here he was acting like a teenage boy who couldn't control his damn hormones.

"Please, someone turn off the sun. It's trying to kill me." Peter whimpered, and Wade just laughed. His baby boy must have a raging hangover, and luckily Wade could help him.

Wade got up and shook out his arm trying to regain feeling in his fingers again, as he walked to the kitchen and got Peter a glass of water.

Peter had hauled himself up and was looking adorably confused. His hair sticking up in all directions and his eyes barely open. "Wade?" He said with a small voice.

Wade took a seat on the couch and handed Peter the glass, when the sleepy and hungover boy reached for it his shirt lifted up just a bit and Wade could see some black lines running down Peter's side, dipping over his hipbone and down his thigh.

Is it sharpie? Did I draw on him last night? Aw shit. I probably did, crap. He's totally gonna be pissed.

He cocked his head to the side slightly. Oh well, might as well tell him now so he doesn't freak out later.

"Listen baby boy, I think I might've gotten a little too drunk last night...and well...drunk-wade seems to think he's pretty artistic and has been known to dabble in the delicate art of sharpie-ing people who pass out..."

Peter's face turned white. "D-do I have any on my face? Oh please, don't tell me I have whiskers again." He groaned loudly and dropped his head into his hands and Wade wasn't sure if it was embarrassment or the pounding headache that caused the action.

"Again? Oh my, my, just how often do you pass out from drinking?" Wade said with a grin, trying to stall just a little, because if he was being honest with himself, he was worried how Peter would react when he found out that Wade had most likely taken his shirt off to draw on him.

"Not that often but whenever I pass out it seems something happens to me. Sharpies, duct tape, awkward and embarrassing photos..." he trailed off, still not lifting his head.

"Well, it's not whiskers, but it might be worse." Peter's head snapped up and he clutched his head in pain after the sudden movement.

"owwwwww." Peter paused again and carefully opened his eyes and gave Wade a small smile, "Well, what is it then?"

Wade let the words rush out of his mouth before he could think to much about it,"I think I might've drawn on your chest, maybe?"

Peter frowned and looked down the neck of his t-shirt. "Are you trying to play a joke on me?" He said in a quiet voice.

Wade lifted his hand up in front of him, "No, no baby boy. I just saw some black on your skin and assumed I fucked up."

Peter looked him in the eye and sighed, he reached down and gripped the bottom of his shirt and started to lift it up.

Wade's mouth hung open as he drank in every inch that was slowly exposed to his hungry eyes.

Smooth, slightly tanned skin with a large tattoo was revealed. It was a gorgeous piece of art, both Peter's body and the tattoo of course.

A black spider, with its legs wrapped around Peter's right side and dropping below the waistline of his pants. The spider itself looked downright vicious. The tattoo was the illustrated version of the words, Dangerous! Do not touch!, which was the complete opposite of the Peter he knew.

Wade whistled appreciatively, "Damn sweetie. That must've hurt like a bitch! Ribs are a pretty sensitive place to get inked, but you look sexy as hell." He winked at the now thoroughly confused Peter sitting on the floor in front of him.

"You think I'm sexy?" He said faintly, with a hint of disbelief coloring his words.

Uh...sorry it took so long, I'm not the best writer and all that... I really appreciated the reviews, thanks for all the ideas guys! They really helped me start to think about what direction I want to take this in!