I really hope you enjoy this story.
New York
The bustling streets were loud today as I pushed my way through the crowd towards the bridge. Couples held hands trying to stay close together against the raging crowd and people tried to pry themselves from others so they didn't start to feel claustrophobic. As I walked slowly towards the bridge I began to yell out to others.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I am Andria Unity and I am about to mess with your minds. Come forth if you want to see some great magic."
Suddenly a crowd gathered around me, intrigued by what I was offering. I placed my black fedora stage hat down on the ground in hopes of some income. I wiped my hands on my black skinny jeans before tugging on my blazer. I had to get to work soon but I figured this wouldn't take long.
"Okay, who wants to be my victim… I mean volunteer?" I asked as people laughed at my slip up. I looked around the crowd finding a young boy around the age of seven standing next to his parents. I knelt in front of him smiling.
"Would you like to help me?" I asked looking up at the parents for consent first.
He nodded and I smiled grabbing his hand and pulling him into the circle.
"What's your name?" I asked quickly.
"That's a lovely name." I exclaimed with a smile.
"I think Andria is pretty too," He said smiling showing me his missing teeth.
"Oh thank you," I cleared my throat and yelled at the audience, "this handsome little boy is Tom and he is going to help me with my trick. Tom you're going to set me on fire!" The crowd roared but Tom squirmed clearly uncomfortable with the idea of setting someone on fire.
I knelt in front of him, "Don't worry. I've done this a million times," before standing up and smiling.
"Tom here is going to say the magic words and throw this card at me. That's all he's going to do. Ready?" I asked handing Tom the card. He nodded.
"Okay. On three. One. Two. Three. Abracadabra!" said Tom before throwing the card at me. What he didn't know was that he threw it at a hologram and that the card was actually flash paper. I exploded into the air in a mount of smoke the crowd roaring in approval. I walked up behind Tom and patted him on the back.
"You did good kid." I said picking up my fedora and waving at the crowd. I slipped the money in my pocket before winking at him and disappearing into the night.
Okay not disappear into the night but sought of blended into the shadows considering it was the middle of the day. I was really late and was not going to make it in time to get to work. I ran through the streets of New York, the sunlight making it very hot in my black clothes before moving to the little antique shop sitting on the corner of Maiden Lane. I quickly ran up the stairs before pushing my way into the store, the bell chiming just as I entered the store.
"Sorry I'm late Mrs Smithson. There was so much traffic and the streets were so busy," I exclaimed taking my spot next to an elderly woman at the counter. Mrs Smithson just smiled at me before handing me my name tag.
"And the little boy was just so cute. And you couldn't get away from your magic trick?" She asked quickly already untangling my thread of lies.
I blushed before standing behind the checkout counter looking around the shop anywhere but her. The shop held mostly antique and new books with antique and rustic tables for people to sit and enjoy their coffees and books.
She laughed at my refusal to acknowledge her question and pulled me into a hug. She was a very tall 60-year-old women with curly brown hair and highlights of silver. Compared to my five foot nothing and straight blue (dyed) hair you would think that we wouldn't have anything in common. But she was best friends with my mum and looked after me as a child and kept me afloat when I needed. She was like a second mother to me. That and we both loved books.
"How is the apartment coming along Andy?" She asked pulling me out of my daydream.
"Fine. It's having a lot of work done to it but I'm seeing it tomorrow actually. The landlord wants to talk some things over with me before they start renovating."
"That's good. The sooner you get your own place the sooner I can furnish it."
I smiled at her persistence to take care of me. She was so cute.
The doorbell rang signalling another customer. A man with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes walked in scanning the walls. His gaze locked on mine as he walked up to the counter with a determined look in his eyes. Arrogance. That was the first thing I detected. I was very good at reading people which was why Mrs Smithson got me to do tarot readings here. Plus, she suspected that I may be psychic (she is a little nuts).
"May I help you?" I said leaning against the counter. From the corner of my eye Mrs Smithson was helping a gentleman with his book choices.
"Yes actually, I heard you did tarot readings here. Am I correct?"
"You are."
"Good. So if you could get that old lady for me that would be great!" He said gesturing for me to go.
I raised my eyebrows at his gesture. God he was rude. I guess I was right.
"Sure." I said bitterly walking over to Mrs Smithson.
"Excuse me but this gentleman is asking for you," I said gesturing to the guy over at the counter.
"Um Okay?" She said walking over to him.
"Hi I'm Mrs Smithson. What can I do for you?"
"I'm Daniel Atlas and I was wondering if you could understand this card for me?" He said sliding over a card.
"I'm sorry but Andria actually does the tarot readings. Why didn't you ask her?" Mrs Smithson asked confused. I just bit my lip trying not to laugh at Daniel's confused look.
"Oh of course. Sorry for wasting your time," Mrs Smithson just sighed and turned back to her other customer, "Why didn't you tell me that you did the readings?" He asked angrily.
"You didn't let me finish. But I guess that matches your personality trait of being a royal jackass!" I asked smiling sweetly.
"What? Look that doesn't matter. Just tell me what this card means." I picked up the card turning it to face me. The Lovers.
"Well it could mean many things. It's possible that when this card appeared in your life that you were feeling hesitant about a relationship or situation in your life. It could be that your heart was telling you one thing, and your head, another. In general, the thing to do is, within the bounds of your morality, to follow your heart.
You may be facing a choice or decision in relation to work.
Things are likely to be going so blissfully for you romantically that it would be easy for you to lose track of where you are with your personal/financial life.
If you are facing health challenges, know that the right partner to help you get back to wholeness will come to you.
Again, working with a special person, like a mentor or leader that you have faith in can help you along your spiritual journey." I said turning over the card reading the details. "Somebody went to great lengths wanting you to meet them," I said not really reading the back. I handed him the card before turning back to the book shelf and stacking the remainder of the books.
"That's it! You have got to be kidding me." He said running a hand through his hair.
"Look I don't know who you are but I'd suggest leaving. You're choking the good spirit surrounding me." I said with a wave before turning around to look back at my books. Behind me I heard a loud bang and the bell jingled behind him. Mrs Smithson walked up to me with a sigh.
"Bad aura?"
"Bad aura."
New York
I walked to my apartment with a slight skip to my step. They said the renovations were nearly done and that it would look a lot better than last time. I had my tea in one hand and my tarot cards in my other hand after just doing a reading. I was flipping through the cards checking that I hadn't forgotten one when an unfamiliar card appeared in my hands. It looked a lot like the one that 'Compass' guy had yesterday. On the front it portrayed the card the 'Magician'. Usually this card meant that one's spiritual, emotional, and otherwise powers were connecting. It signifies new beginnings and great expectations. This is a very powerful, positive omen in a reading. This card reminds us that we have the power to make a difference, in our lives and in the greater world, if we simply make a point to try. I flipped it over looking at the words written on the back.
March 29
4:44 PM
45 East Evan St
Is that…? No it couldn't be. That was not my apartment right? I mean no. I glanced at my watch. 4:40. Okay I was close, had five minutes to get to my apartment before something bad happened. Great. I ran straight to my apartment running through cars and dodging bikes and cars. I dashed up the stairs listening to the sound of people bickering. I slowed to a stop standing at the top of the stairs.
"No Way. J. Daniel Atlas? Dude, I've seen everything that you have ever done. I mean you're like… I idolize you seriously." A guy with a black leather jacket says holding out his hand.
Oh you have got to be kidding me. Compass guy? I mean seriously.
"From a true fan. It's so nice to meet you." Compass says shaking hands with leather guy.
"I'm Jack, by the way."
"Question," a guy with a fedora asks stepping out from behind Compass and the cool fashion girl, "Did you get one of these?" He asked pointing to his card. I looked down at mine, running my thumb over the front.
"Yeah," Jack says flipping his out to show a figure trenched in black with skull like qualities, "Death."
The fashion girl pulls hers out, "The High Priestess."
Daniel shows his proudly, "I'm the Lover."
"Three minutes," The girl coughs quietly. He shoots her a blank look before turning to fedora guy.
"So, what are we… Are we waiting for someone?" Jack asks waving his hands around. I duck down behind the staircase in case they see me, "Why are we just…"
"The door's locked." The all spoke in unison.
"Oh, no, nothing's ever locked." Jack said stepping forward pulling out a lock pick set.
"I'd hope it stays that way for your sake." I said standing up on the level.
Everyone gaped at me.
"I'm sorry… who are you?" The girl asked, screwing her eyebrows up.
"Never mind that. I think you should tell me why you were about to break into my apartment." I say placing my hands on my hips.
"You're the girl at the antique shop." Daniel says confused.
"Yes I am."
"Little lady," The fedora guy says pointing to the cards in my hand, "did you happen to get a card?"
"Yeah but that doesn't explain why you're breaking into my home."
"What card did you get?" He asks again.
"The magician," I say holding up my card.
"We can explain?" They said turning to each other trying to come up with an excuse.
"Look it doesn't matter," I say pushing past them to open my door, "besides you should go home… WHAT HAPPENED TO MY APARTMENT?" I yell stepping inside. The other four slowly step behind me looking in.
"This was meant to be finished ages ago," I cry moving around throwing my hands in my air.
The others cautiously moved around looking at something on the ground while I freak out running around checking the ugly cabinets and wardrobes and my bedroom!
"What's that?" The girl asks pointing to a piece of paper.
"Nothing no one cares! You know what I care about? The fact that I have been paying people for weeks to renovate and nothing! It looks worse than before." I say hyperventilating.
Daniel shoots Jack a quick look before responding to the girl. "I don't know."
Fedora guy creeps up behind them, "What's it say?"
"Who cares!" I shout out slamming yet another door, this one breaking off the hinges.
"Now you don't." Daniel replies.
The girl picks up the rose smiling as she twirls it in her hands, "A rose by any other name…" before placing it in the vase.
"Yes let's talk about Shakespeare. I mean there's nothing else important." I mutter hyperventilating still.
Suddenly water leaks out the bottom, "Oh great. The plumbing too!" I cry mortified.
"Guys. What's happening?" Jack asks confused.
The others voice their excitement as the water starts to fill this strange symbol.
"Wow." I say quietly staring at the intricate floor details.
Suddenly the symbol gives way and gas makes its way up filling the room.
"It's gas." Jack exclaims loudly.
"Just relax you idiot. It's just dry ice." I mutter angrily.
"Wait what do you think this is all about?" Daniel asks quietly.
"Hang on. Hang on," The fedora guys says holding his hands up for a few seconds, "I got nothing."
"Okay thank you. Thank you for the delay." Daniel says throwing his hands in the air.
"I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom." The fedora guys said gesturing to the space.
"Oh okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened?" Daniel questioned sarcastically.
"And you're like Jesus. If he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake." Fedora guy snapped back.
"Oh shut it both of you two. You especially compass guy," I say crossing my arms over my chest, "The aura's weird here. Like somethings trying to draw out a deeper connection. Like someone was on a mission," I say pressing a hand to my head to stop the pounding headache I get when auras flood my vision.
"Okay seriously who bought the weird chick?" Daniel asked.
"Um excuse me you broke into my house!" I exclaimed back.
"Okay lovebirds get a room. No Danny did you do this?" The girl asked.
"No wait. Did you?" he asked pointing at Jack and me.
"I wish." Jack said quickly.
"Like I would destroy my apartment." I said grumpily.
"Well you did break the door," Someone muttered under their breath.
I growled loudly before the fedora guy turned around, "Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it?"
We all shrugged moving around the room before Jack stated the electricity was out. Fedora guy touched a light bulb before lighting up the room.
Suddenly bright lights flooded the room, showing a bunch of blueprints.
"Wow blueprints." Fedora guy said quickly.
"Who do you think did this?" Jack asked gushing with pride.
"I don't know but I really want to meet them." The girl gushed too.
"I'd like to talk to them too. About why they chose to destroy my apartment." I said. Everyone turned to me glaring. I raised my hands in surrender before looking up in shock.
"I think it's a show." Daniel exclaimed.
Suddenly the colours began to grow and I started to panic before finally hitting the floor with a loud thud, the colours finally leaving.
Thanks so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed.