I stared at the filthy body at my feet, crippled and almost unrecognizable. The blood traitor's tear-filled eyes looked up at me, pleading. I couldn't help but scoff at the thought of someone like her even being in my presence.

"Again." My uncle Arcturus urged. I smiled down at the girl, raising my wand to her.

"Crucio." I spoke. Red light was emitted from my wand and blood-curdling screams flew out of the mudwallower's mouth. The girl's body contorted and thrashed around.

"That shall be enough." My father Regulus entered the room with my cousin Orion. I dropped my aim from the girl, turning to face him.

"Brother, what might be the cause of your interruption?" My uncle asked bitterly, irritated that our torture had been interrupted.

"I find myself surprised is all." He stated, locking his eyes with my own. "Amused may be a better term to describe myself. My daughter stands here, continuously using one of the three unforgivable curses, torturing the soul out of this blood traitor. Yet, I do believe she has only has practiced two of the three curses. Correct, Arcturus?" My father quipped.

"That is true, brother." My uncle replied, a sinister smile appearing onto his face. I knew what idea my father was entertaining.

"Well, Lucy, what do you say about putting the only curse you have not mastered yet to the test?" My father asked. I could feel a wicked smile grow on my lips. I know my father would not ask me to perform the curse if he did not feel I was ready. I slowly walked towards the girl cowering on the filthy stone floor. She was drenched in sweat and was violently shaking while uttering gibberish. I had tortured her enough that she had gone insane, the thought made my smile grow that much larger. She was too far gone to even realize what her fate was.

"My pleasure." I bent down and grabbed the scum by her hair, pulling her to her wobbly feet.

"P-p-ple-ease." She stuttered, apparently, I had not succeeded in torturing her to insanity. That only made my hatred towards the blood traitor grow more intense. So much so that I, without any incantation, used the spell 'Everte Statum'. The girl was thrown against the dungeon's stone walls, her body crumpling as she hit the wall with great force. I saw my uncle and father looking smug out of the corner of my eye. My cousin Orion watched in curiosity at my actions, I was not sure if he had ever seen the curse I was about to perform before. I made my way towards the mangled body of girl, she had hit the wall harder than I had intended. She appeared to be fading in and out of consciousness. I bent down beside her and grabbed her roughly by her chin.

"Beg." I sneered. She blinked multiple times, seemingly trying to focus. Blood ran freely down her damp forehead and she looked at me with tear-filled eyes.


"Avada Kedavra." I cut her final word off. I stared down at the girl's lifeless body next to my shoes. I turned to my father and uncle who were looking at me with great pride.

"I told you Regulus, not even a moment of hesitation!" My uncle exclaimed, my father nodding.

"I never doubted her ability." My father replied. "Her involvement for your plans will help you surely to succeed." I had not a clue of what these plans were he spoke of.

"Let us discuss this in the study. I wish not to be around the dead filth." Uncle Arcturus spat towards the dead girl on the floor. We walked out of the musky dungeons and towards the study. My father and uncle were ahead of Orion and myself, they were deep in conversation.

"Impressive." Orion simply stated to me, breaking our silence.

"Thank you." I nodded. "She needed to learn what happens when you take too kindly to filthy muggles." I sneered at even the thought. "What has uncle have planned for me?"

"I do not know; all I know is he has a very insidious agenda." Orion informed me. We walked up to the third level of the Black manor. When Orion and I entered the study, my father and uncle were already seated.

"Lucy, come forward." My uncle said standing, motioning me towards himself. I walked to him, standing in front of him. "You are to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it starts tomorrow. I have business in Scotland and need you close. All your supplies are already bought and ready. Now, go, you must be tired from the entertaining performance you gave tonight." I nodded. That was everything he would tell me and I knew that, so I went to my room without asking any of the many questions I had.


My uncle left me at the train station, he told me how to get to my platform and apparated. I stood looking at the train that was to take me to Hogwarts. The whistle sounded, informing me that it was time to go aboard. I was almost to the closest entrance of the train when I was ran into. Immediately my blood boiled, I turned to see the person who had done it. A mousey girl with brown hair and glasses looked up at me terrified.

"S-sorry." She stuttered. I smiled, making her let out a breath I don't think she realized she was holding. Then I quickly crouched in front of her and whipped out my wand, pressing it to her throat. She gasped in shock at my actions.

"You ever speak to me again I'll use the Imperius Curse and have you rip out your own tongue. You understand? Filthy mudblood." I spat standing up and grabbing my luggage. "What is your name?"

"M-Myrtle, Myrtle W-Warren." She spluttered, I chuckled at the girl's fear.

"That's quite the muggle name, isn't it?" I sneered.

"My parents are." She simply informed me. I felt sick to my stomach with disgust, she was an actual mudblood. I had never met one before. I felt my grip on my wand tighten, my knuckles turning white. I wanted to kill her right where she stood.

"You better get on the train before you miss it." A boy my age informed me, eyeing me curiously. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was decently tall and was very attractive. I was curious to how much of my incident with the filth this boy saw. A glint of humor appeared in his eyes I believe it was as he smirked, looking between us. I simply nodded and boarded the train. I found only one empty compartment on the train and took advantage of claiming it. After putting away my things there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I answered. Curious as to who it could be. The boy from earlier entered the compartment.

"Everywhere else is full." Was all he said. Authority evident in his voice, like he expected I bow down to him. I laughed, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Problem?" I could practically taste the venom in his voice. I could tell he wasn't one who was used to being challenged. Exciting.

"Why should I let you sit in here?" I toyed.

"Do you not know to whom you are speaking to in such a way?" He asked, absolutely appalled that I was speaking to him with a challenge.

"I believe that would be a snob who thinks he has entitlement to this cab and someone who always gets what he wants." I snapped. I was annoyed by his snooty demeanor. I saw him reach towards his pocket and knew he was reaching for his wand. I had practice in dueling, I knew all too well. I was quicker and without a word shot a spell at him, sending his wand flying into my hand. He looked up in surprise, I strode towards him. "You think you can challenge me?" I laughed, inches from his face. He glared at me with such a look that I physically got chills. I could almost feel the darkness radiating off him. This was no ordinary wizard, I couldn't explain it. There was such an unbelievable darkness to this boy. I was drawn to him instantly, I needed to know who this boy is and why I can only sense darkness from him. I was very gifted in legilimency and knew that was the only way. I tried entering his mind, it worked for a minute and then I was thrown out. He knew how to use occlumency.

"You know legilimency." He stated, smirking.

"You know occlumency." I retorted. "Impressive." I really could not believe a boy my age knew it.

"I know." He remarked. I rolled my eyes, he needed to be taken down a notch. He was far too proud.

"I could always just make you tell me your deepest, darkest secrets, Tom." I said, seeing him flinch at the use of his name I had discovered the short time I was in his head. "What a muggle name, are you a mudblood like that little girl from the platfor-" I was taken by surprise by him pushing me against the cabin wall. His body was pressed against mine, his hand on my neck. He grabbed my jaw, making me look him in the eye.

"Do not ever call me that, girl." He seethed, I smiled up at him. His grip tightened on my throat in anger. Enough of this. I threw a hex at him, knocking him down. My lungs burned for oxygen. Now I was truly angry.

"Tom," I purred, bending over him, now copying his actions by grabbing his jaw. I could feel his breath on my face, it smelled like mint. "Listen here. You seem to need to learn your place when you are speaking to a pureblood." A look of what looked like admiration flashed in his eyes. "Now, as I was saying." I sneered, tracing my wand down his neck. "I could curse you into telling me your secrets." A threat of one of the unforgivable curses, even the mere mention, puts fear in the veins of the weak.

"Are you threatening the Imperius Curse?" He grinned. "Like an innocent girl like you could even succeed in that spell. It takes someone extremely skilled to do a curse such as one of the unforgivable. You're a girl no older than myself, you couldn't if you tried." He taunted. He was testing me. I got closer to him, my lips almost touching his ear.

"Mr. Riddle, do not test my abilities." Venom dripping from my words. "You do not know the things I have done. Things, filth like yourself, would pray never to even think about. I am a very powerful witch, Tom. Remember that." I spat, throwing his wand to him. I felt him trying occlumency and I let him see one certain memory. It was of the blood traitor from the night before, I am not to be challenged. I needed him to fear me. His brow furrowed.

"Amazing." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" I said confused.

"Your skill. At such an age, such perfect execution. Amazing." The train slowed to a stop. I tried not to blush, that was a compliment to me. I turned and quickly grabbed my luggage, making my way out of the compartment. Leaving without a single word to the boy I now had a name for. Everyone was ushered to and into the castle. The only thing I could think about was Tom. His reaction to seeing me torture and kill was something I'd expect from my uncle. He was not a regular teenage boy; no regular teenager says 'amazing' to torture and murder. I needed to figure him out.

"Lucy Black," A old man with white shoulder length hair and a beard spoke to me. "I am Professor Albus Dumbledore. If you follow me, we shall get you sorted into your house." I followed the tall man into a great hall. Towards the front of the room was a chair with a hat sat upon it. The professor walked to the chair and spoke. "Welcome, students, to another great year at Hogwarts. Traditionally we have the first years sorted into their houses, this year however, we have a transfer. Lucinda Black, please, sit." He instructed me. I sat on the stool and awaited to be sorted. "This, children, is the sorting hat. It will be placed upon your heads and decide what house you belong in." He explained the houses, which my uncle had already told me about. There was clearly only one house that I was meant to be in. "Ready?" Dumbledore asked me, I nodded in return. I felt the hat come down onto my head. I looked into the crowd of kids and spotted Tom at what appeared to be the Slytherin table, he was staring intently.

"Ah, Lucinda Black, I was wondering when I'd see you. Your father did very well in Slytherin, but you know that. You are cunning and clever, not one to back down. Intelligent and strong. But, whats this?" The hat asked before whispering. "There's a darkness about you Lucinda, very dark indeed. The house you are meant for will only continue to lead you further down the path you are already on. The prophecy shall begin. You will bring us despair alongside one individual. It's all relying on my decision now." I prayed no one could hear what the hat was saying, it didn't look like it. I locked eyes with Tom. The hat spoke loudly once again. "Can't change fate, now can we? Never was a question about it. Forgive me, Slytherin!" The hat bellowed. I leap down and make my way towards the cheering table. I look to find an open seat and walk past Tom when my arm is grabbed.

"Sit here." Tom says. People are staring and looked shocked, girls are death glaring me. Not wanting to draw any more attention to me I sit down quickly.

"Why would you want me to sit by you?" I hissed quietly. "Did you not see what I can do? Stay away from me."

"I could hear what the hat said, Lucinda." I cringed at my name, which Tom raised his eyebrow to, smirking.

"Lucy." I spat. "And how? It whispered, I could hardly hear."

"That is not of importance." I rolled my eyes. "What is of importance is what it said. After everyone is in bed meet me on the seventh floor, look to the left corridor and you'll know where to meet me." Tom said, confidence dripping from his words.

"We'll see." I smiled teasingly at him, which he returned with a scowl. "Maybe I'll consider it if there is a please?"

"I'm not asking. Besides, I know you want to. Do you know how many of these pathetic imbeciles would kill to meet me past bed?" He smirked, winking at a girl down the table to prove a point. The girl practically fell out of her seat and turned bright red. I snorted, getting both their attention. The girl shot daggers at me.

"Well then, why don't you ask one of those imbeciles instead?" I said getting up. Dinner was coming to an end. I followed the Slytherin prefect to the common rooms, leaving Tom. The common room was large, pillars stood tall. Slytherin colors were represented around the room with the furniture and decor. It was dark and had a mysterious aura. As did most of Hogwarts, many secrets were about the castle. I made my way to the girl's dormitories. When I entered, there were five girls already in there, only leaving one bed. My things were already by my bed.

"Hi, I'm Druella Rosier, I prefer Ella. What's your name?" A girl with long blonde hair asked me, holding out her hand.

"Lucinda Black, I prefer Lucy." I smiled, I could be charming and nice if I wanted. I just usually didn't need to be or want to. But, why not make some friends in the mean time?

"You're related to Orion and Lucretia then?"

"My cousin's." I nodded.

"I think Orion is a looker." She laughed. I shook my head.

"He can be righteous twit sometimes." I laughed with her.

"I'm Eileen, Eileen Prince." The girl with dark brown hair and very pale skin stated. A small smile on her thin lips.

"Lucy Black." Her eyes widened.

"Nice to meet you." She faltered. I said nothing to her reaction to learning my name. It was not out of the ordinary for someone to react that way. Us Blacks were known pureblood's and everyone knew how we felt about any lineage that has been tainted with filthy blood. Everyone knew we despised anyone without pureblood. We were very well respected in the pureblood community. And feared by everyone else. "Well, I am off to bed. I want to wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight, I'll see you guys in the morning." Eileen smiled, getting into her bed.

"That's probably a good idea, night Lucy." Ella said.

"Night." I changed into my pajamas and crawled under the blankets. I laid awake in bed trying to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. All I could think about is why Tom wanted to meet me. He was so fascinating, he was amazed by what he had saw I had done. I could tell he was also drawn to the darkness, maybe that's why I felt drawn to him. I gave up and got out of bed, trying not to wake anyone. I crept into the common rooms and got the feeling like someone was watching me. I tightened my hand around my wand. I looked all around myself, looking for anyone unlucky enough to get caught sneaking up on me. I saw no one. I walked out of the Slytherin common room and towards the stairs.

My slippers quietly padding against the stone floors, I shot a silencing spell at them. I did not want to be caught wandering around the castle late at night my first night here. I walked up the stairs until I was on the seventh floor. I looked to the left corridor and saw nothing that stood out to me, I had no idea where Tom wanted me to meet him. What if I had missed him or was too early? He wasn't very specific with time and place. I walked down the corridor, hoping that I'd find something. I saw a tapestry on the wall, I walked closer to it to get a better look. I recognized the man on the tapestry as Barnabas the Barmy, an imbecile who tried to teach trolls the ballet. That was exactly what the tapestry depicted. Footsteps sounded from the stairs, I whipped my head around looking for a place to hide. There was nothing. But, then, there was something. Opposite to the tapestry, a door appeared. I took no hesitation in quickly opening the door and hiding in wherever the door lead to. Closing the door quickly I looked at my surroundings. It was a room about the size of the common room. It had Slytherin colored furniture and a large fireplace. Books upon books were along the left wall. Papers were strewn across the entire room, lit only by the fireplace.

"Lacarnum Inflamarae." I uttered, aiming my wand at the candles in the chandelier above me. They were ignited with fire and gave more light to the room. I walked towards an end table next to one of the couches. I picked up some of the papers that were laid on it. There was a picture of a locket, I knew whose locket it was. Salazar Slytherin's locket. My uncle had talked to me about the locket before, he had briefly looked for it. I heard the door open, dropping the paper, I whipped around. Aiming my wand at the intruder. Tom walked in raising his hands in surrender, a smirk very present on his face.

"You found it." He smiled. He was very attractive as much as I hated to admit it.

"What is it?" I inquired, referring to the room.

"The Room of Requirement. The room only appears if a person is in great need of it and transforms into what said person needs. Quite useful." He stated, striding over to one of the couches. "Apparently, you wanted a messy library." He chuckled, sitting down.

"I heard someone coming and wanted somewhere to hide." Confused as to how I ended up in a library.

"Odd." Was all he said.

"Now, what do you want?" I asked, sitting on the couch opposite of him.

"Your support." He grinned, getting up and sitting next to me. A little too close to be honest. He was trying to intimidate me.

"Support? For what?" I was entirely lost.
