It's been a while since we've seen this characters so I suggest you read Slowly Forward first just to remind yourselves of all the ups and downs that Bella has been through. Or don't. I'm open for any questions that you may have and feel free to leave suggestions for where you think this story should go. I have some ideas but…give the people want they want, right? I'M BACK!



"Dearest Isabella,

We have endured so much, you and I. today, we have been together for five wonderful years and I couldn't be happier to have known you for each and every one of them. Before we get to our celebrations, I'm going to send you on a treasure hunt. Emmett has your first clue. Go find him.



I woke up to that note on Edward's pillow, and I couldn't stop smiling. The past five years flew by, to the point that if Edward's note hadn't reminded me just how long we'd been together, I wouldn't have realized it. I wonder what he has planned? He's such a romantic and I couldn't love him any more than I already do.

Getting off my bed, I went about my daily routine, putting on a little makeup for when I would finally see Edward.

I chose a lavender sundress that cut off mid-thigh. I didn't know what he had planned so I needed to be dressed for any eventuality. My hair was twisted up and off of my neck. I was finally ready to begin my treasure hunt, well, as soon as I found Emmett.

"Em? Em, where are you? I'm ready for my first clue!" The hallway was deserted, and his and Rosalie's bedroom door was ajar; the room empty.

Continuing through the house, I went into the kids' playroom. Empty. Opposite the playroom was Emmett's home office; also, empty. The only other place Emmett could possibly be would be the kitchen. I didn't even think to look in the kids' bedroom because it was a school day so logically that room should have been empty. Only as I was a few footsteps past the bedroom door, I heard movement. Rose kept the kids home? And she didn't tell me?

I had been working as Rosalie Hale-Cullen's nanny for the past five, almost six years, in charge of her first-born son, Tyler. It had started as something temporary, to earn money while I finished my Bachelor's degree. All was well. She met Emmett and I met Edward; we were both happy. Then, she got pregnant with her daughter just as I was entering my final year of college. At the same time my mother, Renee was also pregnant but in an inexplicable coma. My mother and I never had the best relationship, but we had finally begun to get to a civil place. So, when I heard the news it was a severe shock and I dropped everything and went to the hospital to see her, not even considering that Edward would have been worried. When I landed in D.C. and heard the news I almost had a mental breakdown. He had been distractedly trying to find me and hadn't seen the other vehicle coming and had fallen into a coma.

It had all been too much for me and I decided to take some time off of school and become Rose's full time nanny. There was nothing I could do for my mother while she was in the hospital besides visit every so often. It had been up to me to decide whether to induce labor early and try to save Renee, or let her carry the baby full term and possibly deteriorate even further. I stayed on as a nanny because it soothed me through it all. Emmely and Tyler were my happy place; a place apart from my guilt over Edward's crash, my anger over my mother's secret pregnancy, but most of all it was my escape from all of the scary reality of it all. I never went back to school and I never moved out of Rose's house, choosing instead to stay on as her nanny. I knew that eventually that would not be enough for me, but until then I was content. I had even done a few online classes to be able to home school them efficiently. I still needed a few more credits but then it would be official.

I opened the door to Emmely and Tyler's room and found Emmett stood in the middle of the room with a single rose and a cream envelope in his hands.

"Morning Bells. This is for you. Oh, and I need your phone." He had his signature goofy grin on his face, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Does he know what Edward has planned? Does everyone?

"You've found Emmett. Congratulations," I read aloud. "Head to our favorite café. There you'll find Rose with your second clue and money to pay for your breakfast. Chop, chop, I'm missing you already." I blushed as I got to that part. Such a sap.

I thanked Emmett and rushed to my car. At the mention of breakfast my stomach rumbled. The clear blue sky bolstered my mood and I knew that, for all the years that I lived, this day will forever be etched into my memory. It took about ten minutes to get to the café, for once the traffic was on my side.

Before I could ask to be seated I spotted Rose at a patio table. She hadn't seen me yet as her back was to me, so I took a moment to steady myself and observe her at the same time. She was looking down at her phone and I couldn't read her body language. I wished that I could see her face.

"Hey," I greeted. She shoved her phone into her handbag so quickly that I almost got whiplash just from the back wind of it. What is she hiding? She must have been talking to Edward. That was the only logical explanation that I could come up with. I longed to hear his voice. We hadn't spoken since he started his shift at the hospital yesterday morning.

"Hey. Do you want your clue before or after you eat?" Which would make me less anxious, waiting to find out what the clue was or knowing and having to wait until after I ate? Either way I didn't think that I would be able to eat much.

"After. I already know what I want. Have you decided?" She patted her stomach gently trying to decide what the baby would allow her to stomach this early in the day. She had just gotten into her second trimester and her morning sickness with this one had been the worst by far. Neither she nor Emmett had planned on having any more kids but these things just happened sometimes, birth control or not. Bella couldn't wait to find out what they were having. This one they were keeping as a surprise for everyone.

Ten minutes later, our food had finally arrived, but I couldn't wait any longer so I forced Rose to give me the clue. 'Why don't you drop in to see my folks? Esme would love to join you on your journey.' No clue, just an instruction. It didn't make me any less excited to get going, but at least I knew that there wasn't anything to figure out. Besides, if Esme was involved, I didn't imagine that the next part would be too taxing. She wouldn't admit it, but her joints were beginning to pain her every now and again.

The food was delicious, not that I spent much time savoring the flavors. I wanted to be done with eating and on the way to my next clue. Rose and I said our goodbyes and I got into my car and drove the few miles to Esme and Carlisle's house. The radio distracted me enough that I didn't drive over the speed limit and I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally turned off the ignition.

Time for clue number three. There better not be too many more because I am ready for some Edward time.

A/N: THANK YOU! Those are the only words that I can say to you right now. Even while I deleted stories, stopped posting, follow and favorite notifications kept coming in. I've broken out of whatever it was that kept my creativity captive and I am ready to face fanfiction again. This is my journey back to you. I hope you continue to stick with me through this. Happy New Year, and happy new Lunar.