Hello everyone, here I am writing another story. This time I'm going to try my hand at writing a Harry Potter story. Now I'm not as familar with Harry Potter as I would like, but this idea was floating around in my head. So I decided what the hell, I'll give it a try. Please comment if you want, but please be kind. So without further delay, here goes nothing.
Words in italics are telepathy
Charles Xavier never once doubted that his daughter, Alina, would grow up to be a powerful mutant, but he did wonder from time to time as she grew up if she would inherit her mother's talents as a witch as well. That answer came in the form of a letter one day in July. It was lunch time at the Xavier Instistute For Gifted Youngsters and Logan and an 11 year old Alina Xavier had just finished training in the Danger Room, nothing too serious only level 5. When suddenly a barn owl flew in through the garden door. It circled the room twice and dropped the letter it had been carrying in its beak, then it goes and land on the back of the dining room chair. Alina takes the bird a bowl of water. Meanwhile, Logan picks up the letter looking it over
"Ilvermorny, what the hell is that?" Logan asks, "It's addressed to you kid."
Alina opens the letter
To: Miss Alina Xavier In the Kitchen 1407 Graymalkin Lane,
Salem Center, NY
Alina tore open the letter and began to read it.
The first page of the acceptance letter says:
*Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry*
*Headmaster: Agilbert Fontaine
*Dear Miss Xavier*
*We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.*
*Yours sincerely,*
*Agilbert Fontaine*
The second page with requirements says:
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
First-year students will require:
sets of work robes (Boys in blue, Girls in Cranberry)
pointed hat (Boys in blue, Girls in Cranberry) for day wear
pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
winter cloak (black, Gordian Knot fastenings)
Please note that all pupils ' clothes should carry the Gordian Knot pendent
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad OR a wolf
Logan squats down next to Alina and reads the letter as well.
"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!"
"Logan, Language!" Alina tells him
*Logan, Alina bring me that letter* the duo suddenly hear in their minds.
*Yes, Daddy*
Logan and Alina went upstairs to Professor Xavier's office, when they get there the door swings open. Xavier looked up from what he was doing and smiled at his daughter.
"Hello, my sweetheart, I see you recieved a letter, may I read it?"
"Of course dad." Alina said handing the letter to her father, she went and sat down on the sofa waiting for him to read the letter.
"Well this is unusual but not unexpected." Logan and Alina were taken aback.
"What do you mean not unexpected, if what this letter is saying is true, that means Alina's a witch and witches don't exist."
"And a man with a metal claws and skeleton is not suppose to exist either, and yet here you are. The world is filled with many possibilities, Logan, you should realize that with the existance of mutants alone. So if we exist why can't witches and wizards. Better example look at Dr. Stephen Strange."
Charles had him there, the fact that Stephen existed proved it.
"Okay fine magic and wizard exist, but how can you be sure the kid's one?"
"Because her mother was a witch." Logan nearly choked on his cigar.
Alina stared at her father, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I had every intention of telling you when you were older when your magical powers started to manifest themselves, but apparently this school decided to do it for me." Just then Storm knocked on the door, Charles invited her in.
"Professor there is an Agilbert Fontaine waiting downstairs for you and Alina." Charles, Alina and Logan looked at each other. Charles only smiles.
'The magical world isn't wasting any time.' "Alright Storm tell him we'll be down in a moment. Come along my sweet." Charles says to his daughter. Logan steps in front of him.
"Like hell you're goin' alone, I'm not letting you or the kid out of my sight." Logan says as he crosses his arms.
"It's alright Logan, magic has no affect on most mutants."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because when I was dating her mother, Alina's grandfather tried to wipe my memory and it failed miserably." Charles said with a smile as he wheeled passed Logan.
When they got downstairs they saw a tall man with a black hair and black beard sitting in the living room drinking a glass of ice tea. He was wearing a navy blue suit with black winged tip shoes. When he heard them coming he turned to face them and Alina gasps. He had the most stunning violet eyes she had ever seen. Elizabeth Taylor couldn't hold a candle to them. When he saw them he smiles and stands up.
"Mr. Xavier I presume," Agilbert Fontaine says and walks up to Charles to shake his hand. "And this must be Alina. It's nice to meet you both." But when he goes to shake her hand, Logan blocks his approach.
"It's alright Logan." Logan growls and steps aside. Alina steps up to him and shakes his hand.
"Yes I am." She says extending her hand.
"And this is Logan."
"I am Professor Agilbert Fontaine, Headmaster of th Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"Very nice to meet you professor, to what do we owe this visit?" Charles says as he motions for Professor Fontaine to sit.
"I came because of the letter you should have received recently about Alina's acceptance into our school. I know it can be a little disconcerting learning that your child is a witch or wizard, so normally I or a member of the teaching staff like to go to the child's home to see if we may help with the transition."
"Frankly professor I'm not all that surprised by your visit, I expected my daughter to have some magical skills considering her mother was a witch." Professor Fontaine nods.
"As a matter of fact I'm surprised the letter did not come from Hogwarts."
"Why is that Mr. Xavier?"
"Because I thought for sure her grandfather would want her close, not that I would have let her go."
"And whom may I ask is her grandfather?"
"Professor Albus Dumbledore."
Professor Fontaine was stunned, "Well that is odd, perhaps you left England before she could be officially registered at Hogwarts."
"Perhaps so, we left two days after she was born."
"Nevertheless, I am offering her a chance to go to the best school in North America. We're located on Mount Greylock, in Massachusetts so you'll be close to home. But it is a boarding school so you will have to live there." He said looking at her, "Think you can handle that?"
"Professor there is something you must know about Alina before we go any further, Alina is a mutant." Professor Fontaine didn't even flinch.
Charles, if I may call you Charles," Charles nods, " We're not like the antiquated wizarding world of Great Britain, We are not trying to hold onto the past, but embrace the future and if that future includes mutant wizards and witches so be it. We do not discriminate against anyone, we even allow those who have been inflicted with Lycanthropy to go to school and get an education."
Logan's cigar nearly fell out of his mouth.
"Lycanthropy, as in werewolves?" Logan asks with a growls.
Professor Fontaine nods, "Yes Mr. Logan, werewolves, vampires, ghost, giants, all exist in out world."
"You mentioned education, Professor Fontaine, being a professor myself, I want to make sure that my student are as prepared for the outside world as they possible can. When I met my wife she couldn't tell the difference between a telephone and a record player. She was only prepared to function in the wizarding world. I will not allow my daughter to attend ANY school that does not prepare her to function in the real world. I refuse to have her trapped in a bubble." Xavier says as he squeezes his daughter's hand.
"Let me assure you Charles that our educational system is nothing like England's, it is much more modern. I'm not sure if your wife ever told you but, the British Ministry of Magic has forbidden the use of modern technology in England, not because it doesn't work, but because they don't want their people advancing into the modern age and mingling with Muggles.
"That's stupid," Logan says as he leans back in his chair
"Yes it is it's all a matter of blood purity. But what they don't seem to grasp is that with all their in - breeding, they are slowly wiping themselves out. Anyway, back to what we were talking about, At Ilvermorny we provide a practical education as well as magical. The morning classes are for muggle studies while the afternoon is for the magical. We've done away with obsolete classes like muggle studies, and astronomy, and divination and replaced them with more math and sciences. The point is that any student can go on to have a career in either the muggle world or the wizarding world."
Charles was very impressed, it was quite different from the education that Ariana had received at Hogwarts. It certainly eased his mind about Alina's future in the real world, He would let her make up her mind.
"Well, sweetheart, I leave it entirely up to you if you want to go."
Alina thought about it for a bit. One the one hand she would have to leave home, move to Massachusetts and be gone for a year. On the other, she could always teleport home anytime she wants. On the another hand she would be entering an entirely alien environment having to learn strange new customs, but she would also be learning about her mother's culture. And last but not least she would be dealing with strange new powers, but she already did that on a daily basis so what was the difference? She never considered herself somone who backed down from a challenge, even at 11 years olds, and this was by far the biggest challenge of her young life.
"Yes, Dad, I want to go."