DxD: From the Eyes of a Black Dragon, a Relaunch

Author Introductions

Hello again readers!

I am re-launching my "From the Eyes of a Black Dragon Hero" fanfiction story that I've published on this site between January 7 and January 12, 2017. It's a roughly five chapter story that I took down; after dismal reviews and followings.

I've made a notice on my profile regarding its deletion and discontinuation. However, I've changed my mind.

I am doing this.

However, it doesn't mean that I am not going to make changes to the storyline or to my way of writing at the very least for those who can still remember reading it.

I guess I just became rattled by my first experience of writing a story here. I taught that I am going to immediately receive a barrage of flowering reviews and follows like I am a Nobel Prize award-winning celebrity writer that just published a piece of literature worthy of another literary award.

I've set my sights too high.

I also forgot that I am writing a story that's not even using those good original characters that proliferated in this site or characters from those amazing cross-overs that I saw.

I am using Genshirou Saji as a main character. I repeat. Genshirou Saji. Main character.

That's not going to get you a lot of following and favorites. Forget about reviews. Saji is an asshole in the story, at least when he was introduced. First impressions can last.

I am resigning myself to the fact that I am doing something that's not going to get a lot of people interested anyway.

I understand that for most people, Saji is not a cool character to begin with. He appeared arrogant in his first appearance and was a pussy (though it may be understandable) in the Excalibur arc. The wish of getting his master pregnant may be a form of comic relief and to draw laughs, but it's still creepy for many.

Sometimes, first impressions do really matter. Saji did not make a good first impression to us readers.

This time around I have to take my time in seeing the progression of an audience to my story. I got too excited before. It's just one week. I am also afraid that within the vast wilderness of High School DxD fanfiction that the story will get buried deep and nobody sees it anymore, hence the excited daily updating, despite my supposed lack of time. If I am doing this more as sort of a therapeutic writing, then forget about other people. I have to do this for myself.

But I just can't help but to compare to those other newly-published works that immediately, yes, immediately, gets reviews and favorites on their first few days.

I forgot that those stories usually have Issei or something that immediately makes you click the favorite/follow sometimes.

But at the same time, I realized that my work needs improvement.

There must be something wrong in the storyline. I don't think my grammar will dramatically improve and I don't have the benefit of a beta-reader or editor here, so take what you get.

I don't think that I'll get one, but it will be nice if somebody volunteered. I'll appreciate the help.

Speaking of wish-fulfillment, I just thought that I can personally relate to Saji Genshirou as an individual, maybe not in the arrogance or something. But I am always for character development. I was a student leader in school myself and I have my own experiences in the romantic interludes of high school and university. People that you have a crush on, but then again has a crush on someone while somebody has a crush on you. I miss those days. It still happens in the workplace but it's something else to see in a school setting. It's that I can relate being relegated to the background while somebody shines that you can get jealous of. That's Saji seeing Issei Hyoudou's rise to prominence. I can relate to some unrequited love. But we still have yet to see if Sona will reciprocate Saji's feelings in the light novels. There is a hint from EX novels that Sona will not be part of Issei's harem. The future children called her "Auntie" after all. That's not good news for fans of Sona x Issei pairing. Sona may have married Saji, but it could easily be somebody else like Sairaorg.

However, there is also something about the Hindu legend of Indra and Vritra that's interesting. The Rig Veda story is awesome. You see, Vritra is a really powerful dragon. It's more than the Welsh-English story of the two warring white and red dragons. Vritra is a crucial part of Hindu mythology because it's through Vritra that Indra was introduced as that heroic god. At least that's what I've read about. I am a Catholic so I am not that completely familiar with Indian mythology. But the dragon Vritra just held hostage the waters of the world and it's a freaking evil ashura before Indra cut the dragon into pieces for good. It's a dragon that creates droughts and everything bad about sucking the moisture and liquids of everything. It's a bad, bad dragon.

I am also fascinated by the concept of Saji getting more Sacred Gears and the fact that Vritra's Sacred Gears are numerous. They may be not Longinus-types but it's still fascinating. I always thought that in that context, if Vritra is in a single Sacred Gear, it's easily powerful, if not even more so than Ddraig's and Albion's. I think Saji did not even get to have all of the gears yet. He may not be. The Absorption Line alone took four pawn pieces out of Sona Sitri. Saji just took three more Sacred Gears afterwards. That's what I thought about it. Maybe Ishibumi has something more in store for Saji in the final arc for all we know. But since he's more of a secondary character, I doubt it already. I think the final arc will focus more on Issei's completion of his harem and even defeating Trihexa, freeing the leaders there, until that big hilarious wedding in the end. I'm excited about the possibilities. This is High School DxD so there's going to be a happy oppai-filled ending. I always love happy endings.

The good news is that we have some Spanish writers on this site that already explored what Vritra's situation means in their own way. It's also based on what I've talked above. Google translate is generous enough to make me understand the stories along with some Spanish that I know. They kicked their stories right after the crucial Volume 17 with Saji achieving Balance Breaker.

However, I am starting far down the line. The good news for me is that Saji Genshirou's background is an almost complete blank. I am almost unashamedly self-inserting just to give Saji a more complete profile and give him a different feel and a fuller and richer detail. It's part of making him a major character.

I don't even know if how far along Saji was already a pawn before Issei in the cannon. I imagine that Saji was brought more gradually into the peerage by Sona inviting him to get more involved in extracurricular activities and in the Student Council politics, first.

Anyway, it's still almost the same from the previous story to get more originality. Saji is a newcomer to the town of Kuoh, attending Kuoh Academy for the first time as a second year high school student. He's from a rather more unconventional background than normal Japanese, but he's from a normal upper middle-class Japanese family and there's no traumatic experience of his parents getting killed or anything. I don't like something like that for Saji. I wouldn't have sources of comic relief from pushy parents or something. You can't believe how much my family pushes me to marry now. It's more hilarious if this comes from a high school kid.

I sold myself short in my first story. I said that I can't promise to make my story entertaining and I am always apologetic about my problem in English grammar and lack of understanding American English idioms and shit.

But I want to make my story entertaining, unless what's the point? At least I want to entertain myself.

I said that Saji in this story is obviously the major character. It's from a point of view, but yes it's in the context of seeing the DxD story from…yes, "the Eyes of the Black Dragon Hero". It's DxD from the eyes of Saji.

I just want to do this. That's all.

I'll begin this story again.

As I said the last time, I'll be taking themes from many fanfiction stories that I've read, not necessarily DxD related, and there will be themes from other manga and anime plus other works of literature and real-life references.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Once you're finished wasting some of your time reading my story, I invite you all to write about your impressions or make suggestions and comments, even violent reactions, in the reviews section below.

Thanks again!


DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN HIGH SCHOOL DxD or its characters. It belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi. I also do not own any works that may be referenced in this work. Please support the original works.


Chapter 1

My name is Saji Genshirou and I am an alcoholic.

Ok, sorry about that. I am not yet in that road of stuffing myself with alcohol just to drown out my misery.

But I just think that my life sucks right now.

Goodbye, normal life! Goodbye!

I may buy some alcohol if I got away with it from the nearby 7 Eleven later.

Some Jedi mind trick may work. But I don't want to abuse this, really.

Forget that I am a 17 year old kid. I've first drank Coors Light when I was 13.

It's summer and it's in a beach in the Philippines during that summer vacation. I got away with it. It's either I'm that good in pretending I'm 18 and above or maybe it's that the people around me are too drunk to notice and do not fucking care.

No, my Papa made me get away with it. He's saying that it's part of my 'initiation to manliness'. He's one of those who are already drunk themselves.

But no, I will not get away with it this time if I go normal. I can't buy a beer with this uniform I'm wearing. It's Saturday but I've got to go to school as part of the recent deal I've just made with a certain group of devilish people in school.

They're clearly evil in destroying my beauty rest for the weekend.

And yes, they're devils that's why.


I mean it.

That's my life for you.

You see, recently, I felt like a fucking refugee. I feel homesick again.

Thankfully, I'm not a refugee from a war zone like the poor Syrian refugees. God bless them.

I am also not escaping Cuba or something. Viva Fidel!

It's just that it's been two weeks since I moved here in the town of Kuoh with my parents. For six years, we've been living in Chiba, a prefecture northeast of Tokyo, in this place called Nekomi.

I said that I feel homesick again because I felt that way before when our family first moved here in Japan when I was 10.

I was actually not born here in Japan. Though I am Japanese by nationality, I was born in the Philippines to two hardworking and loving Japanese parents. That's how I got my Japanese heritage.

But it's not easy when you actually grew up in that country; speaking the local language and immersed already in the local culture, and then all of a sudden moving here in Japan, in a country foreign to me at that time. And I was 10, mind you.

I already love the Philippines and still love it now. But I've learned to love this country of my parents as well. I still watch the Filipino Channel or the Pinoy News Channel through our cable TV and read Filipino blogs and newspapers online.

It's also nice to see a small community of Filipinos here in Kuoh as well.

While Japanese was being used at home when I was in the Philippines and my mom took great lengths to make me use the language at home and familiarize me with the culture they grew up with, it's still different when you have to use Japanese virtually all the time. It's an adjustment period for me when I first came here in this country. Thankfully, I made the adjustment and it also helped when I finally went to middle school.

The adjustment is easier now than it was in the past. It's just a move from one place in Japan to another.

But given my age now, I've already developed friendships and relationships there that I have to leave behind.

Thankfully, the Information Age is here to lessen the distance between us.

Don't get me wrong, I think I am starting to love this little town. It's proximity to Tokyo helped a lot just like Nekomi. Just seating here in the local train station while looking to the island of Enoshima in the beautiful Sagami Bay with the sunset in the horizon is helping me relax, calm down, and rethink my experimentation with some booze.

I don't recommend it for others my age. You also don't want to develop a beer belly. I am not saying I have one, but I don't want to have one.

Well, speaking of drinking, I am a bit thirsty. I am just getting up from my seat here and buy something from the vending machine.

So what's the real source of misery again?

While I feel miserable being away from friends in Chiba, you see, the real problem comes from my entire time at school so far.

It's the first week of the school year and I am now in my second year of high school, enrolled in Kuoh Girls' Academy. It was a true girls' academy until two years ago, when the institution started admitting men. The gender ratio is 7:3 female to male. The requirements for admission are deliberately strict for men but I happen to pass them all. While getting enrolled in a girls' academy full of hot chicks is a dream of many high school boys, just like me I have to admit, I can't help but be freaked out by the entire experience so far.

You see, I just never thought that I am going to enroll in a school where there are going to be "not-so-normal humans" in my own class. Heck, in my school. I don't know what to make of them. No, I know NOW what to make of them. But I remember activating my Super Geiger counter translator calculator that detected them during my first day. It freaked the hell out of me. I have to activate it so I can cheat my way in mathematics class. Well, it's not really cheating, but I can't help it. Other people do not necessarily have my ability to see numbers everywhere and get to start appreciating the world of mathematics by extension, as I do now for the past two years. But it didn't help that while your mathematics teacher are trying very hard to make students in my class see the light and turn away from the dark side, two of the three 'not-so-normal humans' listening in are seated beside me which happen to be very attractive, pretty, beautiful and majestic sexy babes.

Obviously, they also noticed something in me. How I wished that they noticed that I am hot.

No. As they revealed later on, they noticed that I smelled.

God damn.

And it's not the cologne I decided to wear for the first day in school to impress the chicks.

But it's enough for me to be invited to eat lunch with them. Hahahahahahahahaha.


The final one of these not-so-normal classmates happens to be a fucking damn handsome bishounen who is the enemy of us good males that happens to be the adoptive younger brother of another attractive, pretty, beautiful, majestic, sexy babe, who is obviously a not-so-normal human as well.

What is happening to my life?!

Where is the normality?!

Am I in college now, studying for a degree called AB Normal?

Upon investigation, thanks to classmates and new friends at school, who are also sources of my personal misery, I found out that it's not only the three of them in class, but there's more of them!Good Lord. One of them is even the Student Council President! Heck, the entire Student Council is full of them!

But when I first met the Kaichou, I thought that she's just my type. I always have a soft spot for babes with eyeglasses.

Meeting her during that first day started the entire process that leads me here on this place, seating in the bench of the suspiciously near empty train station, looking back to the past week that changed my life.

And they all saw through me. I actually felt it. They know that I have….

Hehehehehehe. You are forgetting who's your other source of misery my other self.

'…. Ah yes, hello there Vritra. Nice to hear from you. You've gone quiet. Yes, I am just thinking about you. Well, I can't say that I am a normal human myself when I first came here. What normal human can see numbers in his eyes, can do Jedi mind tricks, and has a voice of a fucking dragon in his head? Even magicians don't have what I have.'

Well I suppose you have a fucking dragon that is not only supposed to be unable to talk to you but also happens to help you save your ass from the trouble of not knowing that you are meeting devils that can sense me from inside you and is intending to make your life become even more not-so-normal now….?

"Sigh…." I couldn't help but sigh at that. I finally get back to my seat after buying a softdrink from the vending machine. I then opened up my canned drink and then putting the opening in my mouth gulping the juice from the can.

'Ha! Delicious. Yes, thanks for the heads up ok? I remember freaking the hell out hearing you for the first time in my head Vritra my man.'

I am also surprised my other self. You freed me from millennia of imprisonment because of that Indra fucktard. Just so you know, I fucking don't like the term 'Prison Dragon' that I've been hearing from everybody all this time, even from your beloved King. I just want to strangle them all to death. Unfortunately, I just can't get through to make them shut the hell up. We are supposed to be Vritra! Vritra, the son of Danu, the guardian of the great Danava race! We've sucked the hell of those waters we are seeing now in that sea before that motherfucker Indra cut us to pieces! But my consciousness is something that you are not supposed to get in contact with, that's true. It just never happened before. For that, I am grateful to you for freeing me from solitary confinement and I am ready to lend my power to you as long as you live my other self.

Vritra decided, once again, to start on his verbal barrage of continuous complaining about his reputation as the 'Prison Dragon'. He's done this many times already for all I care. But I am also happy that he is around to guide me and yes, to lend me his power through my Absorption Line. But I also have to make something clear to him in this conversation.

'Well, thank you but you don't have to be grateful to me, man. It's not necessarily me that freed you, or us, whatever. You have to thank my bizarre situation of being given otherworldly powers by Morgan the God while giving me a not-so-clear life mission while I am still making sense of what the fuck is going on in a Star Wars diner who happens to be real in an alternate universe and this is all after Zeus electrocuted me to death. And yes, I am already dead when all of this happens. Nice isn't it?'

Kekekekeke. Yes. I concede. I guess I have to pay a debt of gratitude to Morgan.

'That's easily one of the most bizarre experiences any sentient being in any universe can have.'

I agree my other self. But please remember that while I did not necessarily want you to taint yourself with the blood of Lucifer, we have little choice in the matter. The good news is that the life force Morgan gave you changed its impact to you now, especially negating the weaknesses that your new devil blood offers against the power of Light from the Angels and Fallen Angels. Nevertheless, even without that, it's still definitely more advantageous to us that you became a Devil to accelerate our growth. You can talk to me, yes, but you can't start your maturity as part-dragon and our eventual merger if you are human. You'll go insane. Only the Devils can give us the opportunity to grow since they have the Evil pieces. Now that we are slowly awakening and getting stronger since your revival, it's you being Vritra that's going to manifest more anyway. Lucifer's blood can't really corrupt you to begin with, Morgan's gift to us or not.

'And it is manifesting well indeed. Otherwise, I wouldn't get to receive those stares from Momo-chan, Reya-chan and the damn handsome on the first day of school. Just how I wish those stares from them are from romantic affection! Well, leave out Kiba in that list. He's already creepy when he looked at me that time.'

They will still notice you even without me talking to you now or even receiving that life force from Morgan. You still have me as your Sacred Gear. At least the Absorption Line for now. Arrggh! How low have we fallen my other self! We need to get completed once again!

I clutched my head at my dragon suddenly raising his voice. 'Arrgh. Not so loud Vritra! But I hear you, my man. We will get there. This is our opportunity. '

I yawned hard as I get up lazily from my seat in the train station and walk back home through the nearby park. I just want some solitude and meditate there as well before I get home. I also found out that the park is also a short-cut on the way home. It's very convenient.

I don't really feel like I can have my solitude though when Vritra also told me about these cute things called 'familiars' are now discretely following you.

This is clearly not part of my deal with the devil, the devil that happens to be Sona Sitri, or the Student Council President Shitori Sona as she's known publicly.

"Yawn….." 'Damn, I'm still tired from yesterday. I already drank two cups of coffee at breakfast. Sona is such a slave driver! She sucked what little energy I have today.'

Kekekeke. It's her way of monopolizing you, so she can be with you more. Anyway, watching that porn until midnight is also not helping you with your tiredness. I really want to advice you for your future against developing a habit of releasing some testosterone through watching these pornographic things! It's depressing for me, really. We are dragons. You want to procreate; you get somebody to do it with! Simple as that. We dragons attract people with power, especially women.

'I know! Don't lecture me like you are Mama or Sona! I can't help it! For all of your boastful talk, I am a growing 17 year old boy without a girlfriend since birth! I need some outlet for my sexual frustration! And it's not like I asked for it. Hell, my friend practically shoved the DVD to my bag! But the DVD cover is cute so I got curious you know! Don't tell me you didn't enjoy watching it with me?!'

Sigh. This is always a problem for me when I have hosts in the past in their teenage years. I have to see all of their bullshit dealing with their hormones and the opposite sex. But it's entertaining, at least, especially if there's two or more of them at the same time. I can't just talk to them to troll them more.

'So you're suggesting that I go celibate? I am sorry but let's draw the line there. Morgan did not prohibit me having a love life, so I'll have one! He just brought me here and he said that I live my life normally, and then let things unfold on their own. I may not be so normal but I want to try to be normal, thank you very much.'

You're just too smitten to that Sitri devil without realizing it that you can't think rationally about this! And watch your surroundings… I just sensed a Fallen Angel nearby…seems like she's with Ddraig's host…No! Look straight ahead…

Before I could argue back to Vritra, I decided to follow his instruction but I still ask 'Why?'

Knowing about Ddraig's host is actually a surprise for me. Vritra already informed me back on the first day that one of the infamous Perverted Trio from another second year class, the brown-haired one named Hyoudou Issei, happens to be the current host of Y Ddraig Goch, the one called as the Red Dragon Emperor. Yes, one of the three perverts that became an election issue last school year that Sona happened to manipulate her way to secure her second term as Student Council President. He's the host. After all, with their antics, they should have been expelled from school. I think I understand now why Hyoudou can't be expelled from the school. Hyoudou is supposed to be a big deal by having a Longinus-type Sacred Gear within him, according to Vritra. It's interesting that Sona never told me anything about him in my magic lessons with her after class since Tuesday. I guess we don't have the time to talk about it. Is she not interested in getting him to our group at least? I guess I never did asked since the subject never came up. I am seriously concerned if she's interested though. I really don't want that pervert harassing the girls I swore to protect myself! He can have his girls to perv with in another place. While Vritra already told me a lot about dragons, including Ddraig himself; my Devil King, Sona Sitri, also gave me a long lecture on it as part of introducing me to the world of the supernatural and discussing my relation to the dragons since the Student Council all sensed that I have a dragon-type Sacred Gear. However, they did not know that I already know a lot of the supernatural to begin with but I prefer all of this to be secret way for now. I am clearly in uncharted waters, even by supernatural standards. I am not supposed to be immune from holy items since I am a devil but I already noticed that nothing happened to me when I read the Bible last time. That's just one of the many things I am not supposed to be doing. When I showed my Absorption Line in front of the Student Council when they told me how to manifest it; Sona and her Queen, Vice-President Shinra Tsubaki, expressed their familiarity with the Absorption Line but even they do not know that it is really one of Vritra's Sacred Gears.

It's one of those things the supernatural did not know yet.

But I know now that at least two of them in the supernatural community know the truth. Indra is one of them, obviously. But there's another one.

Going back to the park, I looked straight ahead as Vritra instructed and my eyes widened in surprise and horror, seeing the bloodied body of Hyoudou Issei on the ground.

'Fuck. He was stabbed! The Fallen Angel hurt him. Why the fuck did I not see that?!'

Yes. He's still alive…but he's dying, and I sense that someone's coming. Watch out.

'Me too. Who could that be? The Fallen Angel?' I dropped my bag in my left hand and prepare my Absorption Line, looking around me just in case of danger creeping in. I am also ready with some of the defensive magic spells I just learned. I'm already thinking of calling Sona for help if I survived this attack. Hopefully. I've got no choice. Hyoudou has to be reincarnated now to survive.

Hyoudou is lying on the ground as I looked around carefully, using the predatory instincts coming from Vritra that emerged upon my reincarnation and the numbers that I am seeing around me since my revival from death. Hyoudou nearby is bleeding fast from the blood oozing out of that fatal wound on his chest, and he is clearly on the verge of dying before a paper, a summoning paper in particular, emerged flying out of his pocket. The paper then dropped to the ground creating a red magic circle beside him. My eyes widened when a crimson-haired lady wearing the female uniform of my school emerged from the magic circle, and I immediately realized who I am looking to.


So that's her, she's here to reincarnate Ddraig's host, obviously. That boy will be a Devil like you from now on. Looks like the familiars we've sensed are from her peerage too. They are looking out for the boy. We just happened to be nearby so they detected us too.

Rias Gremory, one of the Kuoh Girls' Academy's 'Two Great Onee-samas', the most popular girl in school and President of the Occult Research Club, looked down at the dying body of Hyoudou as she said to him,

"You called for my help, wanting to live more but you will now live for my sake…my dear servant."

She is holding a pawn piece in her right hand as she approached Hyoudou, who is already unconscious. She then looked up from looking down to Hyoudou, her eyes meeting mine in the process. She looked at me with recognition before she looked at the Absorption Line in my left hand. I guess she already recognized me to begin with though as she smiled, saying to me…

"So you are Sona's boyfriend. You are her Pawn of Five Saji Genshirou, am I right?"


'Shut up Vritra!'

I gulped down loudly as I realized myself just after the red-haired beauty before me said all of that before I responded in return.

"Yes. I am her newest pawn. And you are Rias Gremory, the younger sister of Sirzechs Lucifer am I also right?"

I decided to ignore hearing the word 'boyfriend' from her and stressed that I am Sona's newest pawn.

Yes, I've already made my research so I know who I am talking to. Vritra helped a bit when he told me back on the first day that he sensed a strong devilish power from the woman. Being the younger sister of the Lucifer itself helped out with the detection. It also helps that she's a best friend of my King as well, as I've learned from Sona, so I got to know something.

And yes, I am not blushing right now!


'Go back to where you came from you fucking evil dragon!'

Kekekekeke. I wish I could go back my other self. I wish I could.

Rias smiled at me as I asked her back with my own question, looking amused at me for some reason, before confirming "Yes I am her sister, Saji-kun. It's a pleasure to meet you. I can see now that Sona is training you for marriage very well." She smiled saying that before looking back down to Hyoudou's body lying on the ground unconscious. Her face's expression changed to that of clear concern.


'Snicker like that again and you'll never get yourself completed.'

And I thought I am the kill joy.

I ignored Vritra's teasing as I've approached Rias leaning in towards Hyoudou's body on the ground. I looked down on the body myself before realizing something.

"He's dead."

Yes. I'm afraid so. But I guess not for long.

"Well, not for long Saji-kun. I will not let my servant stay like this for too long." Rias responded back to me, confirming Vritra's words, while holding up that pawn piece she's holding in her right hand. She then put the pawn piece to Hyoudou's bleeding chest wound and I feel it already giving its effect, closing the wound. Rias then immediately picked up another pawn piece and inserted it to Hyoudou's chest again. I already suspected myself that Hyoudou may need multiple pawn pieces just like I do to be reincarnated. It seems that Rias knows this as well.

It is then that another magic circle appeared behind us and a group of three people emerged from it. I looked behind me and recognized who they are immediately.

"We're now here Buchou." Himejima Akeno, the other half of the school's 'Two Great Onee-samas' and the Vice-President of the Occult Research Club said as she and the other two with her approached us.

"Good. We still have to do some clean up duty here after this." Rias responded back.

Akeno then noticed me with recognition on her face. I didn't realize I am already that popular. She smiled at me as she said "Ara ara, Looks like we have a witness. Sona's favorite at that."

Oh no, not you too Akeno-sempai.

"It's great to see that you are well, Mr. Sitri." Isaiah Gremory; Rias' adopted brother, known popularly in school as Kiba Yuuto, said while waving in greeting at me.

'Mr. Sitri?!'

"Shut up and pick your battles, you damn handsome!"

I don't know if my face is burning red again.

Kekekeke. I told you that Sitri devil has her eyes on you.

The final one in the group, the first year student Koneko Toujou, is holding an ice cream cone, licking on it, before she looked at me in a stoic expression. Our eyes met and then she nods silently in greeting at me before proceeding to lick her ice cream cone again like there's no smell of blood surrounding us and a crime scene in front of us right now.

I can smell the blood of Hyoudou strongly right now. I wouldn't be able to eat in this situation like she does. It's maybe my dragon sense working.

Well, that devil is a former nekoshou. Her sense of smell is quite strong as well.

'Well I don't care. She's eating like what's in front of us doesn't gross her out.'

Koneko looked back at me as I yelped up in surprise. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion at me before muttering….


She returned back licking on her ice cream afterwards. I just blinked quite a few times at that. Kiba and Akeno are giggling at the entire scene we're making.

Yeah, it can't be helped. I am a really suspicious individual.

Hehehehe. You've got to be careful around her types my other self.


I turned off my Absorption Line after that before I picked up my bag from the ground. I then looked back to Hyoudou's body as I saw that another pawn piece is again being inserted to Hyoudou's chest.

"Wow, how many pieces it's already been?" Akeno asked seeing it for herself.

"He needed all 8 pieces as I suspected." Rias looked up at her Queen, smiling, before standing up and performing the ritual of devil reincarnation, something that I've already seen for myself since Sona did it to me, making the unsuspecting Hyoudou Issei the newest Pawn of Eight under the House of Gremory.

'Vritra, did you hear that? Hyoudou needed all 8 pawn pieces before he can be reincarnated. I only needed 5. I can't believe it! The dragon inside the fucking pervert is really that strong.'

Yes. He will become strong in his own right my other self, thanks to Ddraig. It may be true that he got 8 pawn pieces but remember that if you have all of my Sacred Gears, you may need the same amount as Ddraig's host to be reincarnated by your mate.

'Hmmm…yeah, I kinda figured that out too. Wait, WHAT DID YOU MEAN 'MATE'?!'


Before I could further comment on that, I heard my phone ringing from my pocket. I picked up my phone looking in at who's calling me before widening my eyes at the name. I tried to excuse myself immediately from Rias and company.

Koneko seemed to have noticed my surprised expression, which is only there for a split second. I pretended not noticing her.

Goodness. She's good.

"Sorry guys. I've got to go. I just have a call from my regular client. It's part of the job. Excuse me." I said in rapid succession before running off so they could not hear anything I am saying as I picked up the call.

"Hello, Saji here."

"Devil boy! How are you? Are you free tonight? It's a weekend. Let's hang out!"

"Ok, ok. Sure. I need to talk to you about something anyway."

"Hmmmm? Some devil problem over there? Did you want to become my client this time devil newbie?"

I can just imagine the cheeky grin of the fucktard as he said that.

"We'll see. In fact you should really be paying me big for telling you this. Looks like somebody did not follow orders based on what I've just seen here now. But it's been taken care of. I'll drop by at 9."

"Have dinner with me now! Come on! The news seems urgent to me."

"Sorry. It's not really that urgent. I have a family meeting at 7 in the Italian restaurant nearby. I'll make an excuse to come there later."

"Alright. Tell me everything later devil boy. See yah."


I pushed the end call button before Vritra responded.

We really have something going with this one my other self. Who wouldn't think that we are getting closer to integrating my Sacred Gears so quickly….

Yes, it's a good thing. I guess from Vritra's point of view. It seems that I hit the jackpot from his point of view. But the situation is complicated. It's unexpected really.

I am not supposed to be serving clients yet since I am a devil only for 4 and one half days. But Sona, in her infinite wisdom and sexiness, gave me an experience in serving a client right away, even though that's going to be my only client for now. I am supposed to be given just a little taste of what it's like to have a client but I am still going to be handing fliers for the time being, even if I succeed to get that client right away and form a contract. The person is supposed to become Tsubasa-san's client but the client changed his mind to request for me myself. The new fliers I've lazily distributed already included my name written in Luciferian script. This is an unusual request according to Sona and she urged caution to me because the client may be a magician. It could be anything though. But not a lot of humans can read much of what is written in the devil fliers beyond the human writing systems in it. That's why she told me to investigate more and tell her back who is my client and what happened.

Well, well, imagine my surprise of who become my client. But because of that, he became my regular client.

It's one thing to celebrate having a regular client already so fast. I can see Sona's face looking at me with pride.

But I just don't want my regular client to be someone that Morgan warned me about.

Azazel the Scapegoat.


All right! New beginnings indeed. It's the Black Dragon seeing the classic DxD scene of Raynare killing Issei and the reincarnation that happened.

I like to think that I did better this time around. For readers of my old story, let me know below if you share my thoughts on this one. You guys also have a general idea on what Saji went through before the start of this story. I have to give a shout-out to these stories right now that allowed me to partially adopt something from them and then twist them for my story.

Issei Hyoudou: the Guardian by shadowwriter01

Crippled by Paynis

El heroe del fuego negro by bustercall

For new readers, you can also share your thoughts on the reviews section below.

Thank you very much for reading and see you at the next chapter.