Ok. Here is the unedited, slightly awful version ^.^ It's missing a lot of parts and its not my best work, but I want you guys to know how it enda at least! It's possible that I'll come back and edit sometime because I love do love this story since it's myfirst one ever. And you will notice one thing. Their son was originally supposed to be born during the battle of the five armies, so you guys might notice that Malakai is pregnant in some parts. Also there are two endings because I didn't know which one I wanted to write the most. But please enjoy! :D


Not long after they had gotten into the boat, she felt something gush down her legs.

"Um...Malik?" she said, her voice trembling slightly.


"I think the baby is coming." Malakai didn't know why she wasn't panicking. Malik froze for a moment before he gave a nervous chuckle.

"Good one. You had me worried for a moment", he started but stopped when he saw her serious face and he paled. "Oh, you have got to be joking." Malakai glared at her brother and growled.

"Of course I'm not joking! That is not something to joke about!" The Dwarves stared at her in horror. This wasn't good.

The little group make it to the Lonely Mountain but find the entrance in ruins and deserted. There were signs of struggle and they could all picture Smaug smashing his way through to the outside. The Verdari seemed to be on edge more than usual. Malik kept close to his sister, who was clutching her newborn son closely to her chest.

"Are you alright?" Fili asked them.

"Something evil is in here." Malik growled and pulled Malakai even closer, if at all possible.

"Hello! Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?" Bofur called out. Now the Twins understood what Balin had told them. The halls were massive. But it was so cold and barren. But Malakai guessed that was exactly how it was meant to be.

"Wait! Wait!" they heard someone, when Bilbo came around the corner.

"It's Bilbo. He's alive!" Bofur sighed with relief.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave." he urged them.

"We only just got here." Bofur looked at him confused.

"I tried talking to him, but he won't listen." he said nervously.

"Wh…what do you mean, laddie?" Oin asked him.

"Thorin! Thorin. Thorin, he's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep, he barely eats. He's not been himself, not at all. It's this…it's this place. I think a sickness lies upon it." Bilbo explained.

"A sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili asked.

Fili noticed a faint glow of gold in the distance and fear became present in his eyes. He ran down to take a closer look.

"Fili? Fili!" Bilbo called after him but the others started to follow him. Only the Verdari stayed.

"What is going on Bilbo?" Malakai asked him. He saw the worry in her eyes and it pained him.

"I'm sorry, Malakai." he apologised like a broken man.

They walked after the dwarves until they reached the bottom. From where they were standing they saw it, an enormous mountain of shimmering metal.

"What is this?" Malik asked. "It reeks of darkness."

"It's gold." Kili smiled, with awe. That's when they saw Thorin, walking amongst the coins. Malakai almost gasped when she saw her love alive again. But there was something different about him.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure, beyond sorrow and grief," he spoke to himself. Malakai noticed something unnerving. That dwarf was walking slow as if some weight was weighing him down. He looked up to them when he noticed that he was being watched.

"Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thrór." Thorin spoke to them loudly. He threw a piece of the treasure at Fili who caught it.

"Welcome, my sister's sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor." he presented the hoard around him, when he locked eyes with Malakai. "And my Queen."

A strange smile played on his lips which send a strange shiver down her spine. Malakai glanced over to Fili who looked scared. But why? They all walked down the staircase to the gold. The Verdari examined the strange metal they had never seen before, not understanding why it was so wanted by the dwarves. Thorin didn't really give the newly arrived much attention. He stayed focused on Malakai. She was finally here, with the child. His heir would be born in Erebor after all. That was when he saw a small bundle in her arms. He walked slowly up to them, eyes fixated on the small babe.

"He is ours?" he whispered in awe. His eyes had returned to normal, causing her to smile and relax.

"Yes. Isn't he gorgeous?" she whispered back.

"Come with me." he said softly. Malakai handed over her son to Dwalin and followed him, away from the gold to the King's chamber. It was in a surprisingly good condition despite having been without an owner for 170 years. She could smell and see that Thorin had been residing here, the bed was covered with many blankets and furs and it was tidied up and cleaned. What she didn't like was the still air and the dim light. There were no windows and no fresh air like she was used to. As she heard the door behind her fall into the lock, Thorin approached her from behind. She watched him carefully as he ran his fingers through her hair. There was something different about him, something she couldn't put her finger on.

"How I have missed you." he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He gently rocked her from side to side before turning her around and crushing his lips against hers. She gave in to the passion he gave her and both trailed back to the bed, losing bits of clothing with every step. He laid her on her side and still kissing her passionately before moving onto the rest of her skin. He was gentle until she suddenly felt a cold chill. Darkness was drifting through the air once more and it took a hold of him. He became wilder, started to use his teeth and gripped her hard. The sting of pain ran through her as he made his way across her body.

"You're mine." he growled. "All of yours is mine. Mine alone." It scared her.

"Thorin!" she snapped at him.

As if he had been struck by something, he froze and looked up to her with frightened eyes. His eyes wandered over her body and saw the aggressively red marks that his bites left behind.

"What have I done?" he huffed in disbelief and crawled back up to her, stroking her face gently. "I am sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Don't…" she flinched as he wanted to draw his lips closer. Hurtful, he pulled away, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" he asked, his voice usually prone with dominance, shaking. She sat up, rubbing one of the angry bitemarks. She crawled over to him and he didn't dare to touch her. A gentle kiss was placed on his lips.

"I forgive you." she gave him the most reassuring smile she could give him, although she herself wasn't convinced. "I'm tired, Thorin. Let me fetch our son and then we'll sleep." He nodded and Malakai quickly left to find Thorbjörn and returned. She laid down and pulled one of the blankets over herself. "Come here."

He was hesitant at first but then slipped under the blanket, holding her close as she drifted into sleep. Afraid, he pressed his nose against her head, taking in her scent. Oh, how he had missed that smell of pine trees. How he had missed her, worried about her fate. He started to feel the fatigue of his body and while he stroked her face, he also fell asleep.

When he awoke, Malakai was still sleeping next to him. A bite mark reminded him what he did and he felt guilty again. Maybe he should leave her be. He was about to leave when he felt a small hand pulled on his tunic.

"Don't leave me. Not again." she mumbled. Somehow, he couldn't resist any longer. He pulled her against his chest.

"Oh, Malakai." he whispered.

"Am I not your King?" he demanded to know.

"You are the dwarf I fell in love with." she answered with tears swelling in her eyes. "But I never thought that you valued the love of gold more than the love of me."

"Thorin, come to bed."

"No, I have to find the Arkenstone.

"Here, take this." Thorin handed her a necklace made of mithril and glittering gems, the one that Thranduil so much desired. Malakai looked at the sparkling gems, but didn't seem impressed.

"I don't want it." she looked him in the eyes.

"I want you to have it. It's the only jewellery fit for the Queen of Erebor." he smiled, but it was a cold smile.

"Maybe I don't want to be a Queen." she mumbled. This seemed to anger him.

"You have no choice in that matter. You are my wife and you birthed my child."

"Your child? Is that what this is all about? About yourself? Since when have you become so selfish? You told me that dwarves value their kin over gold. I don't see that at all." she accused him, tears forming in her eyes.

"You belong to me, and no other!" he glared at her.

"If that is how you see me, then I refuse to be your wife." she looked at him, both angry and sad. She wanted to make him sane again, but how? That was when she got a saddening thought. She ripped the hair beads out of her hair. They fell to the ground, almost silent but the message was like a hammer hitting against rock. Thorin's anger began to boil.

"Dwalin! Gloin!" he shouted. "Lock her up!"

The two dwarves look at each other.

"Thorin, you can't do that." Dwalin tried to talk some sense into him.

"Are you defying the orders of your king?" Thorin asked. Dwalin didn't know what to say when Malakai laid her hand on his shoulder.

"Just do what he says." she whispered. The two dwarves hesitated but gently walked her away.

"I can't do this, lass." Dwalin said as she stood in the king's bedroom. "I can't lock you up."

"It's alright, uncle." she smiled at him.

"I will get you out of here." he whispered. "Tonight I will unlock the door for you, then you can escape."

"Thank you" she whispered, before they closed the door.


"Malakai?" he flinched. "What are you doing here?"

"Running away, and I can see that you want to as well."

"Uhm, I, well."

"It's okay." she smiled. "Let's go."

"Malakai." her twin brother ran over to her.

"Malik." she hugged him and they rubbed noses. "You were right Malik. The sickness has driven him beyond hope. I was a fool to believe that I could save him." she cried into her brother's chest.

"No, no. I was wrong. There is a way. He just mustn't get his hand on the Arkenstone."

"What is so special about this metal? It's soft, so it can't be used for a weapon. You can't eat it when you're hungry and it doesn't heal you when you're injured."

Fight for what is right

"What else do you wish to take from me? You want my treasure, you have taken the King's jewel and now you take my wife and child away from me?"

"Stop! Stop this madness!" a female voice called out. Gandalf turned around to see Malakai walking out of the crowd. Her eyes were glowing dark gold.

"Why is there a woman on this battlefield?" Dain asked the wizard.

"This is Malakai, daughter of Maukai."

"A Verdari?"

"And she birthed Thorin's child."

"Did she now?" Dain raised an eyebrow.

"This is crazy. Malakai is going to die." Kili told the others, although Thorin didn't seem concerned.

"And you must be Dain, the coward of a cousin who didn't want to assist a small company to regain the mountain. But as soon as the beast is slain, you come running to get your share."

"Watch your tongue woman, or I'll cut it out you."

"She does have a point." Dwalin muttered to the others.

"I don't understand you. Any of you. Whether it is man, elf or dwarf. You all seek riches, but why? Tell me, why is that?" everyone is silent. And so, Malakai stood between the armies and spoke. "Why should there be such needless bloodshed? There is a great evil lurking behind those hills!" she pointed at the mountains to the south. "If you stand divided, then this will be the death of you all!"

Suddenly the ground started to tremble.

"Were Worms." Gandalf mumbled.

Three giant worms came out of the ground, crushing rocks with their powerful jaws. The three armies seemed a little intimidated by the thundering roar coming out of the tunnels. Even the remaining company in the mountain were starting to worry.

"Malakai!" Kili shouted. "Get out of there!"

However, she stood strong as the army of orcs stood still, waiting and roaring. An even louder roar echoed through the valley, as Malakai showed her most powerful spirit. This seemed to scare some of the orcs as she turned to the three armies behind her.

"How is it that a woman carrying a child at her breast is more willing to fight than the so called warriors? Where is your courage?"

"Stand your ground!" Bard ordered.

"Let's show the orc-scum what the Durin folk can do!" Dain ordered as he rode past Malakai with his army of dwarves. Thorin looked over to Malakai and turned his back to her, walking back into the mountain.

"Let's go as well." Kili said with excitement.

"No, this isn't our fight." Thorin ordered as he walked away.

"You sit here with a crown upon your head... and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been." he heard Dwalin.

"A treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost." he heard himself.

"A sickness lies upon that treasure horde." Balin's voice echoed.

"The blind ambition of a Mountain King." Bard's voice echoed.

"Am I not the King?! This gold is ours and ours alone. Treasure hoard. I will not part with a single coin."

"I don't want gold. I want you, Thorin." he heard Malakai.

"He cannot see beyond his own desire!" Bard spoke again.

"As if I were some lowly dwarf lord... Thorin Oakenshield." he heard himself.

"A sickness which drove your grandfather mad." Balin warned him.

"Oakenshield." his own voice echoed.

"This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!" he heard Dwalin.

"Your child? Is that what this is all about? About yourself?" he hear Malakai.

Thorin: [voice over] I am not my grandfather. [Thorin begins to come to his senses]

Gandalf: [voice over] You are the heir to the throne of Durin.

Dwalin: [voice over] They are dying out there.

Gandalf: [voice over] Take back Erebor.

Dwalin: [voice over]]' Dain is surrounded... is surrounded.

Gandalf: [voice over] Take back your homeland.

Bilbo: [voice over] You are changed, Thorin!

Thorin: [voice over] I am not my grandfather.

Bilbo: [voice over] Is this treasure truly worth more than your honor?

Thorin: [voice over] I am not my grandfather.

[Thorin begins hallucinating as he sees Smaug swimming underneath him as well as himself sinking in the molten gold]

Gandalf: [voice over] This treasure will be your death!

[Thorin, horrified, sees himself sinking further into the gold; he suddenly comes to his senses and casts his crown aside]

When he threw his crown away. A refreshing feeling flooded his mind as he took a deep breath. His mind became clear. What had he done? He threw away his friendship with Bilbo, sent his cousin to his death and drove out the woman he loved, even his own child. He had to make this right again. Leaving his cloak, he picked up his sword and walked back to the company. When the others noticed his return, Kili walked towards him.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone, while others fight our battles for us!" he shouted at his uncle with newly found confidence. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

"No, it is not. We are sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not fright from a fight." and then he gave his nephew the warmest smile, pressing his forehead against his. Kili couldn't help but smile at this sign of affection. His uncle was back to his old self again. As Thorin walked past him towards the others he stomped his foot with joy.

"I have no right to ask this of any of you. But will you follow me, one last time?" Thorin asked the company. One by one, they stood, ready for what was to come. Balin also stood and walked up to Thorin.

"Let's go and save our Queen." Balin smiled as he placed something into Thorin's hands. He opened his hand to reveal Malakai's hair beads.

Meanwhile, Dain had made it his duty to keep Malakai save, after he had learned the details from Asteria and Gandalf. It didn't surprise him that his cousin would fall under the dragon sickness but he found it unacceptable that Thorin had abandoned his wife and child for the gold. It was unthinkable for dwarves to hold gold above their own kin. Malik and Asteria supported his effort to keep Malakai save who was starting to feel a strange pain, which caused her to fall to her knees.

"Malakai, get up!" her brother called out as an orc came up from behind her. In that moment, a golden bell smashed through the entrance of Erebor, with the remaining company charging out into the battle. Before the orc could harm her, Thorin cut off its head. He turned to her, dropping his sword and shield, running to her side.

"Malakai." he hugged her tightly, pressing his forehead against hers. She looked him in the eyes, searching for any sign of the sickness.

"Thorin, you're back." she smiled, almost in tears knowing the sickness was gone. She lightly stroked his cheek.

"You really are a strange woman. Standing against an army of orcs by yourself." he smiled and kissed her when the pain shot through her again.

Alternate ending - The death of a King

Thorin was calculating the odds. His strength was leaving him and soon, Azog would impale him. The orcs sword was inching closer to his chest. Should he let go to get a chance at killing Azog, or should he try to fight back? He would die either way, but he didn't want to die without a fight. That's when he let go, let Azog sword pierce through his chest. He didn't feel any pain in that moment and while Azog seemed to enjoy his victory, he rammed his elven sword into the orcs gut. Only a scream escaped him when he fell to his knees and Thorin pushed it deeper into his chest. Soon, Azog the Defiler, drew his last breath.

"Thorin!" he heard a familiar voice.

"Bilbo." he whispered.

"No, don't look. Don't move. Lie still." Bilbo whispered to him. "Oh!"

"I'm glad you're here."

"Shh, shh, shh, shh…"

"I wish to part from you in friendship."

"No, you are not going anywhere, Thorin, you're going to live."

"I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me. I was too blind to see. I am so sorry that I have led you into such peril." he whispered before choking from pain.

"No, I…I'm glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin. Each and every one of them. It is far more than any Baggins deserves." Bilbo insisted.

"Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place." Thorin smiled weakly.

"No, Thorin. You can't. Malakai is waiting for you." Bilbo reminded him. "You can't leave her. She is birthing your child right now."

"Malakai." he mumbled. A smile played on his lips as he pictured her in his mind. "Master Burglar, tell her, I'm sorry. She shouldn't have been treated in such a way. I never deserved her. Please, tell her that no matter what, she has to live for our child. I will never cease loving her. I destroyed her fear and I wish her to be safe with our child. We will meet again, in the halls of Mahal." and with that his smile faded as his face relaxed, his last breath leaving his body.


In the halls of Erebor, Malakai's heart cramped as she screamed. The others thought it was because of the birth but she knew what happened.

"Thorin." she whispered, a tear rolling down her face. Asteria sensed what was going on.

"This isn't good." she grumbled. "Push!" she urged Malakai, who screamed. Something was very wrong. She could feel it.


"No! No, no, no, no! No! Thorin! Thorin, don't you dare…Thorin?" "Look, Thorin. Thorin, hold on. You hold on. You see, the Eagles… the Eagles, the Eagles are here. Thorin…the Eag…"


"Bilbo, are you alright?" the dwarves asked him, but he stayed silent.

"Where is Thorin?" Malakai asked.

She looked tired, weak and drained. Bilbo swallowed at the sight of her, fragile and exhausted as she was, with the newborn in her arms. Slouching he walked over to her and kneeled by her side.

"I'm sorry, Malakai." Bilbo whispered, his eyes red from the tears. She gently smiled, reached for his head to pull him towards her and kissed his forehead.

"Tell me everything." she begged him.

And so Bilbo told her about Thorin's battle and his last words, meant for her. The tears started to flow again, as Malakai listened to her mates dying wish. When Beorn and the others brought the bodies of Thorin, Fili and Kili back to the halls, Malakai stayed quiet. Not a single tear escaped her eyes and they placed Thorin onto the floor, next to her as she wished.

"I want to be left alone." she begged the others and they granted her her wish.

She turned her head to the side to gazed at his resting face, blood everywhere. When she glanced down she saw the wound that killed him and she swallowed, returning her attention to his face. Slowly her hand traveled up to Thorin's face. His skin was already cold.

"Idiot. You promised me you wouldn't die." she cursed, her voice shaking. "Thorin. I forgive you."

She felt a gust of wind, and what felt like a warm embrace. He had heard her.

Alternate ending - The rescue

Thorin was calculating the odds. His strength was leaving him and soon, Azog would impale him. The orcs sword was inching closer to his chest. Should he let go to get a chance at killing Azog, or should he try to fight back? He would die either way, but he didn't want to die without a fight. A shadow in the sky behind Azog caught his attention and then blood dropped onto his face. Azog pulled a shocked facial expression, eyes and mouth open wide when his head suddenly dropped to the floor. With a small fright, Thorin scrambled away before the orcs body slammed onto the ice. Azog was beheaded, but how? The black blood covered the flawless ice. That was when Thorin saw the eagle and its rider. More and more eagles flew over the frozen cliff, its riders shooting arrows at every orc and dark creature on the mountain. The hooded man that had landed by Thorin's side walked up to him, black blood dripping from his sword. So that was the one who killed Azog, but now Thorin was getting ready for another fight. The man, however offered his hand to the dwarf. He paused for a moment until the man pulled the hood back. Thorin recognised it straight away, the dark and messy hair, grey eyes, red triangles tattooed under the eyes. It was a Verdari. The man smiled and pulled Thorin to his feet.

"That was very close, Thorin Oakenshield." the man spoke. He had a strange air around him and he was tall. His fur coat was that of a white wolf and his sword seemed to have been sharpened countless times.

"Who are you?" Thorin asked.

"You have heard of me but don't know the face for that name." the man climbed up on the eagles back. "Get back to my daughter, she needs you right now. Leave the orcs to us."

The eagle spread its wings and took off. Thorin gazed after the Verdari.


He stumbled to the cliff to see the eagles and their riders shatter the defences of the orcs. Then his mind was set. Suddenly Dwalin came running.

"Thorin!" he ran over to his King. "Are you alright?"

"Aye." he assured him, although he was himself still in disbelief. Dwalin nodded and his eyes trailed to the pale corpse.

"So, that piece of filth is finally dead?"

"But not by my hand." Thorin sat down.

"Then who?" Dwalin asked and Thorin only gazed up to the eagles.

"The Verdari have come to our aid." he smiled to himself.

"I am certain there is one Verdari who needs you right now.

"Aye, let's return."

At the same in the mountain, Malakai was panting heavily and groaning from the pain.

"One more push!" Asteria urged her and Malakai grinded her teeth.

With all her might she tensed her muscles and Asteria pulled. In one go, the pressure she had been feeling disappeared and a loud cry echoed through the hall. Oin was on hand quickly to bring a towel.

"Not yet." Asteria told him and she held the babe towards Malakai, who looked at her with weak eyes. "It's a male."

"Give him to me." she mumbled.

Asteria handed the screaming babe to his mother. Malakai laughed with disbelief and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hello." She smiled with joy.

"He is very healthy and strong. A proper dwarfling, wouldn't you agree Master Oin?"

"Aye, a strong lad like his father." he agreed.

Malakai cradled her son in her arms.

"Why is he still crying?"

"He is hungry." Malakai answered.

Oin took this as a signal and left to go to the entrance.

"Put him to your breast." Asteria instructed and Malakai nursed her son and stilled his cry.

"He is sticky." she noticed and looked to Asteria for guidance.

"That is normal. It disappears by itself." she smiled.

Malakai smiled and looked at her child again.

"What was it like when Oladion was born?"

"Not much different, only that he was smaller. But the happiness that fills the heart once you finally your child's face, that is the most beautiful moment."


Outside the battle was coming to an end and Oin watched the orcs scattering away and some of the dwarves returning to the entrance. Oin was overjoyed to see his brother again.

"You're alive." he laughed gleefully and hugged him.

"Of course, brother. I have a family to return to." Gloin grinned and the others also returned.

"What were you doing here? Why weren't you on the battlefield?" Bombur asked.

"I helped deliver a little prince." Oin grinned and the dwarves looked at each other, confused.

"A little prince?" Bofur asked.

"Malakai just gave birth." Oin explained.

"What? Just now?"

"Aye, and to a healthy dwarfling as well."

Eager to see, they make their way into the hall where Malakai was lying on the floor with blankets and baggages as pillows, on the floor, with a small child in her arms. She looked exhausted, fragile and weak, but happy. As she cradled the bundle in her arms they drew closer. Tears of joy were shed and congratulations told. Hours later, Thorin reached the halls of Erebor along with Dwalin, who helped him walk. Even Bilbo accompanied them and when they walked into the hall Thorin's conscious was already fading, his vision becoming blurry.

"Thorin!" Balin exclaimed and ran over to him, as did the others.

"Mala-kai." was the last word that left his lips before his body collapsed.

The company gasped and caught him before he fell. Oin looked at Dwalin with a serious expression.

"He is injured." Dwalin explained. "And exhausted."

"Let's lay him next to Malakai." Oin suggested and they nodded. "Get some blankets. I'll tend to his wounds."

Malakai weakly watched the company prepare a comfortable bedding next to her for Thorin. Oin carefully bandaged Thorin's head and foot. She couldn't help but smile as Thorin slept next to her.


When Thorin awoke he glimpsed at Malakai who turned to him surprised but then smiled.

"Oin, he is awake." she called.

"Good thing you made it in time." Oin scolded him. "She had to fight her own battle."

Thorin didn't listen, instead he dropped next to her with a gleaming smile, almost crying. She looked at his wounds and sighed.

"Sorry, I don't have any of the ointment left." she smiled. Thorin chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Say hello to your son." Malakai smiled at him.

"Our son." he corrected her, the company laughing.

"So much death and yet, one life was born amongst it. Well done, Malakai." Gandalf smiled. "Let's give those three a little privacy."

As the company backed away, Thorin placed his hand on his son's head, resting his own head on her shoulder. That's when she saw a small tear escape his eyes. She wiped it away.

"You see?" she whispered. "Tears aren't always a sign of weakness."

"Have you named him?" Thorin asked.

"I hope not." a voice spoke behind them. The dwarves parted and a tall man stepped forward.

"Father?" Malik and Malakai were more than surprised.

"Why the surprised faces? Didn't I write I would join you?"

"That you did." Malik remembered.

"Maukai." Thorin wanted to stand but couldn't.

"You should rest, Thorin Oakenshield." Maukai smiled and kneeled down next to his only daughter. He rubbed his nose against hers.

"I just want to thank you, for allowing me to see this." Thorin spoke to Maukai who only patted his shoulder.

"Anything for family. You are my son-in-law after all." he smiled. He turned to Malakai. "May I hold him?"

She handed him the little boy.

"I never thought that I would have a grandson who will be the King of Erebor." he looked at the child. "Thorbjörn shall be his name, a true prince of Dúrin's folk."

"That is a good name." Gandalf smiled. "Thorbjörn, son of Thorin."

Maukai placed the child into Thorin's arms.

Throughout the celebration, the Verdari twins and Bilbo stayed aside from the festivities. Thrán was sleeping in her arms while her brother kept her company.

"Duties of a King." he mumbled.

Indeed, Malakai had retreated from the noise and Thorin couldn't leave as the others didn't let him, especially her father. She sighed.

"Are you sure you want to live like this? Please, come back to us. There is no need to stay in this stuffy mountain."

Suddenly they heard heavy steps behind them. They knew without looking to whom they belonged to and Malik stood. As Malik walked passed the intruder Malakai bit her lip. Thorin sat down next to her.

"You want to return to your people?" he asked her softly but inside his heart a storm was raging. Was that one dream going to become reality?

"He is just trying talk me into it."

"But do you want to?" he asked her again. She looked into his eyes and saw the hurt as he reached out to stroke her face and then Thorbjörn's. "I will not stop you. You have carried him all this way, he is yours."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"I would go with you to the ends of the world, gold or no gold. You are my wife after all."


"I thank you again, Master Baggins. You are a true friend and you are always welcome here. Should you ever pass, do not hesitate to visit." Thorin hugged Bilbo.

"Likewise. If any of you are ever passing Bag-End, uh…tea is at four. There's plenty of it, you are welcome any time." Bilbo smiled at them.

Malakai couldn't help but smile. She remembered back to the day she first arrived in the Shire and how Bilbo had been cursing about the entire lot. This journey had changed him greatly, as well as herself. She gazed down to the sleeping bundle in her arms.

"Don't bother knocking." Bilbo added, making the company laugh. Malakai handed Thorin his son.

"Farewell, Bilbo." she smiled and also hugged him.

"What happens now?" Malakai asked the group.

"Now we have to patch everything up." Balin sighed.

"Well then, lads. Let's get to work." Dwalin clasped his hands together and headed into the mountain.

"I'll help if I can." she insisted as Thorin also started to head back.

"You have a different duty entirely." Thorin kissed her temple when Thorbjörn started to squirm in her arms. "And that is also an important job."