First chapter of book 2! So exciting :D




"Black speech"



Chapter 1

They climbed down the carrock, slowly descending into a dense forest that seemed to stretch far into the distant lands. As they walked past the trees they found something that pleased the dwarves.

"A river," Ori cheered.

"I could really use a bath right now. I stink like a pig," Dwalin chuckled.

"All of you do," Malakai added while wrinkling her chuckled at the remark. It was Bofur who reached the waters first. He had stripped without hesitation and ran into the clear water. Malakai sighed as she shook her head with a smile and watched the warriors splash around in the river like children. They weren't in any way ashamed being bare in front of her but she chose to ignore it and stay at a distance. Even Malik joined them and with roaring laughter and they all tried to urge the hobbit into the water as well. He was hesitant but joined them nonetheless. The female Verdari smiled at the group.

The pained grunt from Thorin caught her attention. He had taken off his cape, unbuckled his belt and was now struggling, trying to take off the rest of his garments. Malakai wanted to help him but his determined expression told her to stay away. Instead she walked up the river to find her own quiet place to wash herself.

The water was soothing and the singing birds added to the serenity of the forest. Without a hurry, she tied her hair up into a bun and washed herself. She started with her shoulders and her front when she reached her abdomen Her hands stayed there for a moment and she could already feel the change.

'You are growing so quickly. I wonder if you will be a boy or girl,' she thought with a smile.

Then the reality of the situation struck her. Thorin still didn't know that she was carrying their child, his heir. At some point she wouldn't be able to hide her growing bump and before that happened he had to hear it from her. The fear of the hatred returning was too great. In her mind she started to form many different plans on how to tell him. They had to be alone. If the wrong dwarves in the company heard it could very well anger them and create a rift, not only between her and them but them and Thorin. She hoped that they would come to terms with it and eventually accept her and the child. She was still unfamiliar with their customs but was sure that outsiders weren't welcome amongst them. A sigh escaped her and she felt a lump build in her throat. This was going to be difficult and as she glimpse up towards the sun, a small tear escaping her grey eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut and wiped the tear away. Endurance was what she needed for now.

When she returned to the others, she was met by the sight of the entire company, save for Gandalf, lying on the ground in only their breeches. There was a large display of muscle, chest hair and scars. Only Bilbo had been spared from such scars like Malik but also of a hairy chest.

"You might want to turn before the meat burns," she said smugly while Gandalf cue, they all turned on their bellies to which Malakai responded with a joyful laugh. Only Thorin stayed on his back, his wounds exposed to the sun and wind, but cleaned. Malakai examined the injuries from a distance.

"I'll be right back," she told Gandalf who nodded. She returned after a while with different herbs and started to take out a few different items from her pouch. With a mortar and a pestle she crushed the herbs into a mushy substance. With her finished product she walked over to Thorin, who was still lying in the sun. She crouched down next to him and he squinted up to he.

"How are you feeling," she asked him.

"I've felt better," he muttered but with a smile. Malakai smiled back at him, glad that he seemed more relaxed after that ordeal for she knew, that the sight of Azog was now tormenting him.

"I made a ointment for your wounds," she told him. He gazed at the ointment and then into her eyes but stayed silent. "May I?" she asked but again, he stayed silent.

Taking his silence as an answer she started to treat his wounds. Firstly, she worked on the wounds on his face. His skin was broken above his eyebrow, across his nose, below his lip and on his cheeks. He stayed still all the while, his eyes closed. Silently he enjoyed this moment. He knew that the others were watching over his developing relationship with her and so did she, but slowly the shame drifted away.

Malakai had shifted her weight and was now sitting on the ground, one leg spread to the side, crouching over him so she could reach his wounds. His skin was warm beneath her fingers as she finished with the last cut on his face. The next one was on his chest by his collarbone. His chest was slowly rising and falling under her touch. When she moved onto his abdomen she paused for a moment. A huff of air escaped her, relieved that the injuries weren't severe. She had suffered from the same injuries but she forgot that dwarves didn't heal as quickly as Verdari. Carefully she smeared the ointment on the wounds. There, his skin was still soft but hard from the muscles beneath. It send a strange tingle through her and she didn't see how hard Thorin was struggling to remain composed. His chest was rising and falling slightly quicker than before and he bit his lips together. His eyes also weren't closed anymore but gazed into the cloudless blue sky. When her touch left, he gazed up to her.

"Let it soak in for a while," she told him.

He nodded lazily and closed his eyes again but she wasn't done with him yet.

"Sit," she told him, almost commanding.

He gazed up to her and grumbled. He sat up, grunting a little from the pain it caused. Malakai eyed his back, carefully brushing his hair over his shoulder. The cuts there were a little deeper that at the front and she bit her lip with frustration, as her fingers lightly glided along his skin.

"This will need stitching," she mumbled to herself about one wound on the right side of his spine.

"Don't move," she told him. He looked over his shoulder as he watched her venture over to her backpack and returned with it. Her brother and even Oin had joined her, as she sat crossed legged behind Thorin.

"That is a deep wound," Malik noted.

"Let me stitch it. You have done more than enough for him on my behalf," Oin said softly, but there seemed to be a slight note of irritation in his voice.

"No, it's fine," Malakai muttered as she threaded her needle.

"Your hands are shaking," Oin noted.

"Oin," Thorin said rather commanding. "Let her do it," he added softly.

"As you wish," Oin bowed and left, along with Malik. The rest of the company returned to restocking their provisions, while Malakai sat behind Thorin. He held onto his hair to free the wound from any obstacles. But he didn't feel anything.

"Maybe Oin should stitch. My hands really are shaking to much," she mumbled.

"Is it your first time seeing a wound like this?" he asked.

"No," she mumbled. "But it is my first time seeing a wound like this inflicted onto you."

"You have saved my life twice and yet you cannot cope with a simple wound?" he teased with a smirk. She didn't answer and instead focused on his wound. Thorin smiled to himself. He remembered how she had clawed onto him, cowering at the sight of the pale orc, trembling with fear, calling his name out of fear. And now, how he felt her hands tremble slightly from the sight of his injuries. She seemed strong, but she was still a woman and like all things in the world, she had fears. But there seemed to be one thing that they shared. She had recognised Azog and she seemed to know what he was capable of, judging by her reaction when she saw him. She had been frozen with fear. What past did she share with that vile beast? Certainly nothing with good memories attached. A sudden sting made him flinch and grunt silently.

"Sorry," Malakai whispered. Silently she continued.

"I am finished."

"Thank you," Thorin gave her a small smile and put on his tunic. As she stood and returned to her belongings, Ori walked towards her.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but my tunic has a tear. Could you mend it for me?" Ori asked politely.

"You can't mend it yourself?" Malik asked the dwarf.

"I never learned it. My mother always mended my clothes," Ori explained shyly.

"You dwarves are incapable of surviving in the wild," Malik laughed.

"Incapable because we can't mend clothes?" Dori asked.

"That is a woman's job," Nori eyed Malakai who was quietly threading the needle with a piece of yarn.

"What is a woman's job?" Malik asked.

To this question, Thorin gazed over to Malakai who also looked up to listen.

"A woman's job is a kind of chore that only women perform. For example, washing or mending clothes," Balin explained. "The muscle work, like battles, those are the jobs for men."

"Why is that a woman's job?" Malik asked, still not understanding.

"Because that's what the women do," Dwalin explained with an annoyed finality.

"Every verdari can mend clothes, wash, cook, hunt and kill. They don't have jobs assigned to one or the other," Gandalf explained.

"How strange."

"It makes things easier. And the women to the capable warriors and we have a better chance than most," Malik explained.

"That makes a lot of sense. But if the women die, who will bear offspring?"

"We worry more about the fate of middle-earth than that of our future. We are not that selfish."

There was silence amongst them. A curse broke the silence. Malakai hissed.

"My needle broke."

"Here, have mine." Malk tossed her his pouch.

She thanked him and continued to mend the clothes quietly and by herself, while the others started a fire since Thorin decided that they would stay here for the night. The forest was old and strangely familiar. At least to the twins. The company were far ahead of the orc pack and so they allowed themselves to first night in the forest was quiet. Too quiet for Malakai's liking. She was on night watch duty while the others snored heavily. Her eyes trailed over the trees as she listened for anything that she deemed to be a threat. When heavy footsteps approached her, she whipped her knife out and swung around.

"You are awfully jumpy," Thorin noted as she retreated her knife from his throat.

"Then you shouldn't sneak up on me. You might end up with a slit throat," she warned him as she placed the knife back into her belt. Now being pregnant, she was extra cautious. A mother's instinct, I guess. She heard him chuckle and then he seated himself next to her at a respectable distance. Nervously she shifted her weight. They were alone again.

"The sky is very clear tonight," he noted as he leaned back to gaze at the stars. She followed his gaze.

"Aye," she mumbled. "It has been a while since I have seen so many stars."

"Must be a good omen, like many others," he answered her.

Silence fell as she allowed herself to glance at him. He was gazing up into the sky and she felt her cheeks flush as she laid eyes upon his face. The injuries seemed to heal and didn't bother him in the slightest.

"Apart from the thrush, what is a good omen to you?" she asked him.

"Meeting you would be one of them," he said, looking at her. A small laugh escaped her and she looked back at the sky.

"Sometimes I wonder what you really think of me, Thorin Oakenshield."

"Many things," he mumbled, his mind somewhat absent.

"And what would they be?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really want me to tell you?"

"It would put my mind at ease, yes."

He reached for her collarbone and she stopped herself from flinching away from his warm fingers. The bead around her neck was lifted into his view.

"That should answer your question."

"The bead?"

"Do you know what this bead means?"

"To my knowledge it means you are courting me."

"You are a good guesser."

"Are you certain you want me to have it? I can give it back."

Malakai took it out and handed it to him but he only looked at it.

"Do you know its meaning when this is braided into your hair?"

"No," she shook her head.

"It means you have accepted my courting."

Malakai grew silent, her lips slightly parting. She let that sink in for a moment. Was he really going to do this?

"May I braid my bead into your hair?" he asked her softly.

"I thought your kin was against racial mixing."

"I cannot deny what I feel for you. And since I seem to be your mate, I am willing to accept you."

"Believe me when I say that you do. We all have choices in life."

"And I choose to court you, if you accept. And that is your choice. What say you?"

"I say you will be the death of me, Thorin Oakenshield," she half-smiled. "But that's a choice that has been taken from me already."

"Then I will ask you a third time." This time he went down on one knee before her. "Do you accept for me to court you?"

She looked at him and then sheepishly pulled a strand of her hair.

"Try not to pull on my hair."

"A simple 'yes' would have been all that I needed."

"You must know that I'm not that kind of woman."

Again a chuckle and then silence as Thorin braided her hair. It surprised her how quickly his thick fingers braided her hair all the way down to the tip and when he was done, he fastened it with the golden bead. Then he leaned back to admire his work. Fascinated by her dark curls, he ran his fingers through them and twisted his finger to bring a streak of hair to his face. He closed his eyes to take in her scent.

"You have made me break an important custom of my people."

"And I am sure you will tell me what it would be."

"I am certain that your people have the custom of not bonding before the vows are spoken, or not?"

"What vows?"

"Vows of marriage." At that she raised an eyebrow, silently asking him to explain.

"Promises that you will neither betray or wish harm for your partner."

"Doesn't that go without saying?"

"Of course, but it is still done. Even men and elves do it."

"We don't. When two mates have found each other, they are bound in body, mind and soul and that link can never be severed, even through death. And it is very difficult to resist it. Betraying your mate is an impossible task for us. It just…it can't be done. Even when it's someone you don't get along with, you just start to feel…..the attraction."

"Do you feel any attraction towards me?"

"If you had listened to what I have just told you, then you would have your answer."

"Can't you be a little more direct?"


"How about you call me by my name first, Thorin."

To that, he took her face into his hands and forced her to look straight into his eyes.

"Malakai, do you feel attracted to me as I am to you?" he asked her. The sound of her name from his lips send a shiver through her body.

"I do."

Their eyes stayed locked as he smiled at her brightly, happiness bursting out of his eyes. He leaned closer to her slowly, but before he could touch her lips with his, she shyly pulled away. Although she faced away from him, he clearly saw her bright red cheeks. He smiled to himself, eyes down cast knowing that he needed more time.

"I shall not burden you with my presence any longer," he stood when he felt something hold onto his coat.

"No, please…stay," she mumbled.

He sat back down without a word and silence fell between them. No word was spoke, no eyes met. Only the noisy snoring echoed through the night. Malakai didn't know what to do. She was lost for words and it was her instinct that had made her stop Thorin from leaving. Now she was starting to regret it. To clear her mind, she stood and stretched her arms over her head. That movement pulled her shirt up to expose a bit of her bronze skin to the cold wind.

"Can I hold you?" she heard Thorin ask.

She turned to face him and was met by his hand to guide her into his embrace. In her mind she hesitated but her body was more than eager. She placed her hand into his and he slowly pulled her towards him. His other hand slipped around her waist and pulled her closer. In that embrace he laid his head onto her chest, listening to her heartbeat. He took a deep breath and sighed as he tightened his grip around her. A smile played on his lips as he listened to her racing heart. Malakai was trying to control herself, to calm herself but she failed at it. His face was so warm against her chest but his embrace felt so calming. While he held onto her, she let her fingers glide through his dark mane, from the contained warmth of his scalp to the ends. Then she started to sort out the silver strands and counted them. Some other strands were also starting to loose their colour.

Time passed when he let go of her but he kept his hands on her waist, keeping her in his reach. They locked eyes when he bestowed her his most beautiful smile.

"You are as beautiful as the brightest gem, Malakai," he whispered softly.

Malakai felt like her head and heart were about to burst. Embarrassed, she hid her face beneath her hands. She had never seen a gem but she knew for dwarves, they were precious items. Thorin chuckled and he pressed his forehead against her abdomen. This gave her a slight fright. Was he going to notice? She stayed quiet and watched him, if he was going to see a change. Moments passed and he didn't seem to move. She bit her lip. She had to tell him and this was the perfect moment. Before she could open her mouth to speak, he stood up.

"Thank you, for letting me so close to you," he smiled. "I will sleep easily now." He gently pressed his lips against her cheek and then turned. "Good night, Malakai."

And with that he left her alone, standing in the night. Her legs gave way and she slumped to the ground.

'This stupid dwarf will be the end of me!' she shook her head when she felt something hard whip into her face. Her eyes fell on the silver bead hanging in her hair. A smile played on her lips and she sat back on the rock for the night watch.