Chapter 14: Jealousy

Brittany and I have just got back from an amazing weekend away together. It was really nice just being together just the two of us without any distractions. We decided on only going away for the weekend though and we'd go on a proper vacation in a few months as soon as we take a break from our TV shows. We have finished filming them for the moment but we've got a lot of promoting to do in the next few weeks so once all that settles down we'll take a longer break. The hope is to have a break away together and come back to film the rest of the season of our shows but we won't know if they get picked up for a while yet.

Today I'm currently promoting my new show with some of my fellow cast members. We're doing a television appearance today and then we've got a radio interview tomorrow and then next week we do even more things to get the show out there.

"So it's a new show and none of you knew each other before but you all look so close now. Are you all quite a close knit group?" the female host asks.

"You could say that" I reply.

"We've kind of had to be with the amount of hours we work" David, a fellow cast member, laughs. "We spend many hours together a day so sometimes there's days where they're the only people I'll see because we've been there for so long."

"What about romances then, are there any on set romances brewing since you're all so close?" the male host asks. None of us really answer because we don't quite know what to say.

"What about you two because it seems you two get quite close in the show?" the woman asks looking at Adam and I.

"No we just play a couple on the show" I shake my head.

"Yeah I'm not her type anyway" Adam states.

"Yeah I don't date men" I smirk.

"Oh I see" the man nods.

"I'm taken anyways though so it doesn't matter one way or another" I say, smiling at the thought of Brittany.

"Does she mind how close you get with Adam on the show?" the female host asks.

"I don't suppose she loves it all that much but at the end of the day there's never going to be an attraction between Adam and me" I say with a shrug.

"Thanks very much" Adam laughs.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" I laugh. "I just mean because I'm a lesbian then she knows she's got nothing to worry about" I say honestly.

"Ok" the woman nods.

"So no one else has built up a close bond with anyone?" the man asks.

"I mean we're all close, maybe some of us in different ways but no there's no romances on set" David replies.

"Never say never though" Ashley says laughing while looking at Adam. As soon as the interview is done, we all leave the building together. Adam and I are just walking out together talking about something when I suddenly see someone straight in front of me but not directly facing me.

"Oh my god" I say in complete shock.

"What's wrong?" Adam asks concerned, looking at me.

"My ex is right over there" I say shaking my head. We clearly didn't leave things in the best way so I don't know if I should speak to her or try to sneak past.

"What are you going to do?" he asks curiously.

"I don't know because she's practically blocking the entrance to where the cars are so I don't know if I'll get past without her noticing me" I admit.

"Maybe you should just talk to her then" Adam shrugs.

"I don't know if I can do that either though because we didn't leave things in a good place so I don't really want anything to kick off or anything like that" I tell him.

"If you do speak to her today then maybe you could clear the air and if you run into her again then there won't be any awkwardness" he states. I guess he has a point but am I really psyched up for this right now. She could easily still hate me after everything I have done so I don't know if I want an argument in the middle of a public place.

"I really don't know what to do for the best" I groan.

"Just talk to her and get it over with" Adam says shrugging.

"Ok" I nod before taking a deep breath to prepare myself. I then slowly make my way over to Dani while Adam goes over to the rest of our cast to talk to them.

"Dani" I say nervously causing her to turn around.

"Santana" Dani replies in shock.

"Hi" I say. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say right now.

"I'll catch up with you tomorrow, ok?" she says to the girl she was just talking to. The girl nods and then leaves so it's just Dani and I.

"I didn't know whether I should try to slip past without you noticing or just speak to you" I admit. "I decided though that we should try to be mature about things because we don't want to have to avoid each other all the time" I say.

"It's a big country, I think we would be fine" Dani states.

"Does that mean you would rather we did avoid each other?" I ask.

"I don't know Santana" Dani sighs.

"Look I don't have to be anywhere in particular now so why don't we get coffee somewhere and talk?" I suggest.

"Ok" she nods. We then get a cab and head to the coffee shop just around the corner from my apartment. Once we get our orders, we take a seat by the window.

"So do you live here in California permanently now?" Dani wonders.

"Yeah, I do" I nod. "New York was great but I didn't feel I was getting the same opportunities there anymore and I wanted a fresh start. Plus it was Brittany who told me about the job in California so I decided to just go for it and see what happens."

"You and Brittany are together now aren't you?" she asks sadly.

"Um…yeah" I nod. "I really am sorry for the way I treated you. You didn't deserve what I did and I hope you know I didn't do it because of you. Brittany and I have a lot of history and I shouldn't have brought you into our mess."

"You don't need to explain anymore about it because it's been a long time since we broke up" Dani shakes her head.

"I just don't want you to think it was something you did because it wasn't. No matter who I was with, I probably would have done the same thing unfortunately" I admit. I'm not proud of saying it but it's true. I think I was always going to hurt whoever I was with that wasn't Brittany.

"The way you feel about Brittany is probably the way I felt about you" Dani shrugs.

"I am so sorry" I apologise. I have got her into this mess and it could have been easily avoided.

"I do wish you and Brittany well but I can't lie, it is still painful for me" she admits. "I am trying so hard to move on but it's just not happening quickly enough so I think this should be the last time we talk."

"I understand that" I say because I do understand. She's not going to be able to move on if she sees me all the time and things like that. Not that we probably would have become friends but in general, it's probably best we try to keep ourselves as far away as we can.

"I'm sort of living all over the place at the moment so it shouldn't be too big of an issue but if I do see you and avoid you then it's not because I'm being immature. I just can't be associated with anything to do with you" she tells me.

"That's totally fine. I just wanted to talk to you today to know where we stand and make sure you know it wasn't a personal thing. I mean yes I personally hurt you but if wasn't because of who you are. It was because of who I am" I reply.

"I should probably go now but thanks for the coffee" Dani smiles slightly while standing up.

"No problem" I smile back. She then leaves and I leave a moment later once I'm finished my coffee. I then make my way straight back to the apartment. "Hey Britt" I say walking into the living room where Brittany currently is.

"Hi honey" Brittany smiles. "How was your day?" she asks.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be actually" I reply. "It was really fun to finally get to talk about the show because we've been so secretive when we've been filming recently" I tell her. A few people in the media knew there was a new show in the works but what it was about hadn't actually been confirmed until recently.

"I'm glad you had fun" she smiles. "Although I'm sorry babe because I didn't actually get to see it live on TV" she apologises.

"You didn't?" I ask surprised. She told me she was going to watch it. "You said you would watch me because I've never really had a proper TV interview before about my projects and I'm quite an important character in the show" I say sadly. I've only ever did guest spots or some theatre work or just been used for a singing part so I've never been cast properly in a TV show before so this was a big thing for me being a part of the cast and promoting the show.

"I really am sorry that I missed it" she says genuinely. "Something really important came up so I had to deal with it so I'm actually just home now."

"What were you doing?" I ask. I don't mean to be rude but it better be super important because she promised me she would watch the interview today.

"My lawyer wanted to go over a few details because there's someone that wants to buy my share of the hotel in New York so things might be sorted quicker than I thought" Brittany replies.

"Oh really?" I say surprised. Even though Brittany wanted to sell her part in the hotel since we live in LA fulltime, I never expected everything to move this fast.

"Yeah and I figured there's no point in waiting around if I don't have to. I want things sorted as soon as it can be so we can finally live here together without me flying to New York all the time" she says.

"I totally get that so I don't mind that you missed the interview now" I smile. The whole point in selling the hotel was for us so I don't mind that she missed the interview if she was doing something that benefits us. I mean with Brittany travelling back and forth all the time then things were getting a bit hard for us because with the TV show and everything then we barely saw each other.

"If they replay the interview then I guarantee you I will be the first one to view it" she smiles.

"Ok, good" I smile back.

"So I don't have many plans for the rest of the day so can I temp you to some afternoon fun?" she smirks while patting the empty space next to her on the couch.

"You certainly can" I wink before sitting down next to her.

"No point in wasting any time is there" she says while taking her shirt off and throwing it to the floor. She then moves in closer to me and wraps her arms around me.

Brittany and I are just lying in bed relaxing together. We've both got the day off so we're not in any rush to get up. There are a few chores I should probably do but I don't want to waste my free time with Brittany by vacuuming and doing laundry. With the way Brittany is cuddled into me with her arms tightly around me then I would say she doesn't want to be doing chores either.

"Hey I'm going to the premiere of the new show I'm in next week and I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go too?" I say nervously.

"Of course I want to go" Brittany say looking up and smiling at me. "I love going to premieres and stuff" she adds.

"I mean like as my date" I reply nervously. We've never actually discussed what we think about going public with our relationship. I mean all our friends and family know we're together but going to this premiere is obviously a lot more public especially when Brittany is known to a lot of people. I don't mean this from a lesbian point of view because everyone knows Brittany and I are both attracted to girls. I mean this as in the fact we're two public figures who are dating so news will travel fast and Dani will probably find out.

"I would love to go as your date but are we sure we want this" Brittany replies.

"Honestly I don't want to waste any more time, I just want to be with you and have a normal relationship where we can go and support each other" I admit.

"Let's do it then" she smiles while leaning up to kiss me.


After spending most of the day relaxing, Brittany and I decided to do something fun tonight so we're going out with some friends to just let our hair down and have some fun. I've not really got much else on at the moment apart from promoting the TV show so Brittany and I have some free time now so we thought it would be nice to catch up with our friends. Some of our friends were working though so we're not going out to dinner, we're just going to head straight out for some drinks. I'm currently just doing my makeup in the bathroom mirror when I'm interrupted.

"Hey honey?" Brittany whispers while tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I turn around.

"Here's some tissues just in case you drink too much tonight and get a little teary" she says handing me the packet of tissues.

"I don't think I'll need those but thank you" I say with a smile.

"You used to always cry when you got drunk" Brittany says.

"I know but I can handle alcohol better now so I very rarely get drunk. I know my limits" I smile again.

"Danielle got you on a tight leash has she?" Brittany smirks.

"Excuse me?" I say confused.

"You and your girlfriend Dani are all over the internet" Brittany states. "Apparently you had a cosy coffee date the other day together and were seen exchanging loving looks" she shrugs.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I ask confused before it suddenly dawns on me what it could be.

"Listen to this headline, 'Is this Santana Lopez's girlfriend?'. It then has a picture of Dani and then goes on to detail all about your date the other day" she replies.

"Ok so I did run into Dani and I was…"

"There's also a beautiful picture of the two of you together" she states, interrupting me.

"You can't seriously be jealous because of some stupid article" I say looking at the picture.

"That alone isn't what bothers me, what does is the fact you clearly have been seeing Dani and I didn't know a thing about it. Didn't you think that your actual girlfriend might like to know about secret dates with your ex" Brittany replies annoyed.

"It's not as big as the internet is making out and honestly it just slipped my mind" I say genuinely. I really never meant to keep it from Brittany. I honestly did forget because I was going to talk to her about it but then I got home and we got to talking about the hotel and ended up in bed together so it completely slipped my mind.

"How many times have you met up?" she asks curiously.

"I spoke to her once and it wasn't like we arranged it. We ran into each other and I felt like maybe we could clear the air so we went for a quick coffee" I reply. "I don't plan on seeing her again so you have nothing to worry about" I assure her.

"Ok" she nods.

"You don't seem satisfied with my answer" I point out. "Why are you so worried or jealous about this babe?" I ask.

"Because she's your ex and you are known to get back together with an ex so I can't help but be apprehensive" she admits.

"The ex I got back with is clearly yourself but I don't make a habit of switching between exes. You and I are for keeps and the reason we can get back together is because we're meant to be together as you very well know. Dani and I are completely over, I can assure you" I say honestly. I won't lie the articles on the internet don't look great and they do make it look worse than it is so I'm not mad that Brittany is concerned.

"Can you tell me please if you ever run into her again like that?" she asks.

"Of course" I smile. "Honestly, I was going to tell you but I got distracted and then forgot. It wasn't even a big deal that's why it was so easy to forget to say."

"Ok" she nods, satisfied.

"FYI, Dani never told me what to do when we were together. I tell myself what I can and can't do. I didn't need my girlfriend to do that for me" I reply.

"I used to like it when you told me what to do and what not to do" Brittany smirks.

"Oh you did, did you?" I smile.

"You had me on a super tight leash but it was sexy" Brittany smiles smugly.

"Fine. I demand you go and get ready right now otherwise we're going to be late" I say while gently hitting her ass.

"Ok" she smiles before going to finish getting ready.

As soon as we're both ready, we head out to the first bar that we're meeting our friends at. We're just starting off easy having a drink or two in a quiet bar and then maybe later we'll hit up some clubs and really have fun.

"Britt, go and get us some drinks please. I'll have red wine" I tell Brittany as we arrive at the table our friends are sitting at.

"Ok" Brittany smiles before going over to the bar.

"I see you're still as bossy as ever to Brittany" Quinn laughs.

"It's deliberate because she likes it like that" I shrug.

"I'm sorta regretting I made that observation now" Quinn states.

"Yeah I am too" Mercedes laughs.

Brittany and I are just leaving the car to head into the premiere of my new show. We just hit the entrance to the place when she pulls me close and then dips me back before leaning over to kiss me passionately. She then pulls me back up so I'm standing up properly again. I must say that took me a little by surprise there so I'm slightly flustered at the minute. It was unexpected but sorta sexy.

"Let's see what the internet think of that" Brittany smiles smugly while wiping her lips with her finger.

"Dani and I talking is really still bugging you isn't it?" I ask amused. It is so cute how jealous she is getting.

"No it's not you talking because you can talk to who you want. It's the way everyone is reacting and saying that's your girlfriend. I'm your girlfriend and people need to know that" she shrugs.

"Oh they need to do they?" I smirk.

"You wouldn't be so amused if the shoe was on the other foot and this was about my ex" she states.

"I don't think I would make it into such a big deal like you have" I say teasingly while smirking at her. Ok so I might not be that happy about it but the main thing is that I know Brittany and I are good now so nothing can get in the way of that.

"I'm not making it into a big deal" she shrugs.

"Ok" I nod before we make our way over to the line of interviewers who are interviewing the cast before we go inside.

"I'm just going to quickly use the bathroom before we go inside so do you want to wait for me or shall I just come and find you?" Brittany asks.

"I'll make a start answering the questions so just come and find me" I smile.

"Ok" Brittany nods before going off to the bathroom. I then make my way over to the first person I'm told to talk to about the show.

"So Santana I know you're one of the main characters in the show but is there anything at all you can tell me about your character?" the interviewer asks.

"Not really" I laugh. "I don't want to give too much away because I want people to judge for themselves and have their own opinion when they first see me."

"That's fair" the interviewer nods. "So you're all getting a private viewing of the pilot tonight so are you looking forward to seeing that?"

"Of course, yeah. I've seen bits and pieces during filming but I haven't seen it altogether so it'll be nice to see how it all turned out" I reply.

"I think everyone is excited to see it" the interviewer smiles. "So who have you brought with you tonight?" the woman asks.

"I brought my girlfriend" I smile. "She's currently at the bathroom though, hence the reason I'm standing here alone" I laugh.

"Well it was nice talking to you Santana, I hope you have a good night" the woman smiles.

"Thank you" I smile back before moving onto interviewer. A few minutes later, Brittany joins me again.

"So how has your red carpet experience been so far?" the man who is interviewing me asks.

"It's been good, it's been fun to see so many people come out and support our show" I say honestly.

"So who is this young lady you are with here, are you in the show?" he asks turning to look at Brittany.

"I'm not, no" Brittany smiles.

"She should be though" I smile. "She's super talented" I add.

"Maybe you need to have a word with your crew then and have her in the show" he states.

"Totally" I nod. "Anyway this is Brittany, my girlfriend" I say while putting my arm around Brittany's waist.

"Isn't your girlfriend that other lady you were pictured with the other day?" he asks confused.

"No definitely not" I shake my head. "That is actually my ex and we bumped into one another the other day so people put two and two together and came up with that" I shrug.

"For sure though, I'm the girlfriend" Brittany states while putting her arms around me.

"So how long have you been together?" he asks curiously.

"A while" I reply.

"We did take a break so we only got back together about 6 months ago or something" Brittany adds.

"Yes and in that time I dated Dani" I shrug.

"Oh I see" he nods in understanding. "So what is it you do Brittany because you seem familiar to me but I can't place where I have seen you before?"

"Yeah I'm not much of an actress, I've had a few guest spots here and there but I'm actually…"

"She's an amazing professional dancer" I say cutting Brittany off. "She's thinking of moving into acting now though so watch out because you'll see her on TV soon" I say smiling as I look into the camera. We're here for my show tonight but there's no harm in letting everyone know about Britt.

"Oh I know who you are now" the man says as the realisation hits. "Anyway, have a good night ladies" he smiles.

"We will, thank you" I smile back before we move onto the next interviewer.

Brittany's POV

"Brittany Pierce stop what you're doing right now" Santana says while rushing over to me.

"I can't" I say through a moan.

"I don't want any hands but mine down there so stop what you're doing" she states seriously.

"I'm too close to stop" I admit, trying to hold back another moan.

"Let me do it then" she says before dropping her things and leaning down to kiss me. She then slowly slides her hand down past the waistband of my sweats and replaces my hand with hers. It really doesn't take me long to climax and I'm cumming all over Santana's hand.

"Thanks" I say, smiling goofily when I get my breath back.

"It was very sexy babe but I think I should be involved from now on" Santana smiles.

"I did want you to be tonight but I honestly couldn't wait" I admit, slightly embarrassed. "I just couldn't take it anymore, I was so sexually frustrated today."

"Oh" Santana says surprised. "I'm sorry that we haven't been able to get much time together recently but with us both back at work then our schedules aren't really coinciding."

"Babe you don't need to apologise because I was ok with waiting until we had time but after today, I just couldn't control myself" I say.

"Why, what happened today?" she asks curiously.

"I walked in on you in the shower this morning but I was already late for work so I had to just leave without joining you. That's what started everything because I had been feeling kinda horny since then but I managed to put it to the back of my mind at work. Then when I went to the gym, I saw all these women working out and it reminded me of how sexy you look when you're working out so that didn't help how I felt. I managed to get home without doing anything but I was so exhausted from work and the gym that I fell asleep. The last straw was when I started dreaming about you so I just had to do something, I couldn't wait until you got home" I tell her.

"I see" Santana nods, following what I'm saying.

"It was you I was thinking about the whole time. If I'm completely honest I was imagining it was your hand and not my own" I admit.

"When we were apart, did you ever fantasise about me or like think about me when you were doing stuff?" Santana asks curiously.

"All the time" I reply quickly before regretting how quick I was when I see Santana's smug look across her face.

"Seriously, answer faster next time" she teases me.

"Did you?" I ask.

"Sometimes when I was alone I would but never when I was with someone else" she replies.

"Yeah, I know you did genuinely like Dani" I smile.

"You and I were always on another level though" Santana says honestly.

"Yeah. We did always connect more emotionally than we have with anyone else so I think that translated into anything we did" I say in agreement.

"So…since we're both here now then why don't we…" before she can even finish her sentence, I am kissing her deeply.