
Izuku has an amazing quirk, and it was very strong, some may describe it as overpowered. Unfortunately, it has come with a price. The manifestation of his quirk has left him with a scar that will stay for a very long time.

A bit OOC!Katsuki – will you'll understand why, Quirk!Izuku. It's basically me wanting more mob psycho 100 anime, but I wrote this instead. Disability/paralysis.

Chapter 1

The last thing Katsuki saw before it happened was wide scared emerald eyes. They were moving away, falling off from the bridge as he tries to grab frantic limbs, but to no avail. The swishing of dark green hair moved with the wind would cover those eyes multiple times as he fell.

Katsuki realized by then that he was no hero.

It felt like hours passing by just watching Izuku fall until he finally hit the ground, and while the ground was faraway, Katsuki swears that he heard the scrunch of bones as if Izuku was just sitting right next to him in class.

His hair fell on his eyes, covering it, and Katsuki was afraid that they were just open, watching the sky with no spark of life behind them. He would never imagine shitty Deku to be so lifeless, he always mumbled when it was inappropriate, or declared that he'll become a hero when he grows up, just like All Might. Just never still, or quiet.

But now, because of Katsuki, Izuku won't ever become a hero.

He couldn't hear the screams and yells of everyone around him, a grown up came running trying to reach Izuku before he touched ground, another one just gotten to them trying to calm everyone from crying.

His hands just dangled from the bridge.

That was the day the five year old Bakugou Katsuki could have killed someone, and did something worse.

Not a minute passed by and things started to float. The trashcans and the benches wiggled for a moment before they started floating, then one by one, people were joined them as well, getting away from ground. He can hear the panic arising from a kilometre away, then the water starts to hover as droplets, trees were yanked off the ground, taking its roots with it.

The woman from before tries to grab him along with the others.

"There's a villain attack." He can hear from somewhere, but Katsuki didn't focus on that.

He only focused on Izuku's rising form, blood accompanying it, he decided then that he'll at least grab onto him, to give something to his mom, instead of letting Izuku fly away and then make her cry for not even seeing Izuku for the last time.

So with his quirk, he explodes the space behind him, pushing himself downwards, the woman behind him freaked out still trying to snatch him.

He didn't care.

He finally reached him, grabbed him, and felt how cold his body was. He was tearing up by then, trying to cause more explosions to warm him.

But the only thing that soothed him was hearing Izuku's heartbeat.

It took an hour before a hero comes who could pull them down with his gravity quirk. They couldn't pull him away from Izuku and they finally convinced him to sit in the ambulance only holding his hands as they drove to the hospital.

He was forcefully pulled away from Izuku by his crying mother, and the green haired boy was pulled in a stretcher with a mask on his face, ready for surgery. Izuku's mom was also crying, being consoled by the hero and his dad.

By the first hour, the hero thanked him for his courageous action, for protecting his friend, and keeping him warm enough to stay alive.

By the second hour, the medical staff in the hospital sedated him for being too anxious and exploding things from his nervousness.

By the time he woke up, they were still in surgery.

By the time they announced the surgery's success, the police chief came with officers behind him.

By the time they finished, the doctors told them that Izuku will live, but might never walk again.

By then, Izuku's mom started crying again, and Katsuki blamed himself. Just because Izuku was a useless Deku, doesn't mean he deserves any of this. Heroes were supposed to protect civilians, not hurt them. Katsuki hurt someone, and he knew that he'll never be a great hero, not when he failed in protecting another helpless civilian, and worse, he was the cause.

They were fighting about something stupid that he doesn't remember anymore, and he got angry and lets an explosion go off in front of Izuku's face. Deku blinks and steps back from the surprise, falling off the bridge, because the stupid fucking rail was too big.

By the time they pushed Izuku into a room, it was the second day, and he doesn't fucking care about school because Deku's in the hospital, and he might never be able to go to school. What's the point of school when he can't hear the idiot mutter next to him half of the time, or find him when he just turns his head and see him draw on his stupid notebook, or have someone follow him around.

Izuku might never be able to follow him around, he won't be able to stand, none the less follow him through the park or any other place.

He felt lost and guilty.


The police officer came in with another officer and a doctor. They let everyone sit down, them included, before they talked. The first police officer, who looks like the boss, had a dog's head. While the other officer just looked like a square bland faced man.

"It is more likely that you haven't watched the news Mrs Midoriya."

"Just Miss." She mumbles, Katsuki scrunches his nose, remembered that Izuku's dad left them a while ago because of something Izuku wouldn't tell.

"Yes," The officer coughs. "Miss Midoriya. It was found out and announced that there wasn't any villain in sight, and it checks with all the witnesses' reports."

"Then what happened there? What forced everyone back before they could get to my son?"

"I had a hunch and asked for the doctors in the quirk's registration office to come and test it out. What is your quirk Miss Midoriya?" He asks, Izuku's mom bites her lips before answering.

"I pull small items to myself." The officer nods.

"You do know in the past, the quirks used to be much stronger, and broader. As in, a pyromancer would have complete control over fire back when quirks appeared, but now days, you have variations of it, like how young Katsuki's quirk is just explosions." Katsuki grumbles, knowing that the officer saw him yesterday and embarrassed from letting anyone see his moment of weakness yesterday.

"It's just a variation of pyromancy, or probably an energy controlling quirk. Just like how your quirk is a variation of Telekinesis." He took a moment to search for something in their faces, Katsuki frowns. Izuku's mom was the first have a clear expression on her face, as if she understood what the officer was hinting at. It was the doctor who spoke next.

"This might also be the reason why your son's quirk was late. A quirk that wasn't a variation hasn't appeared in decades, and back then we didn't conduct tests on such quirks because it was getting rarer by that time. Less people came forward with it fearing for their lives and being targeted. But what was noticeable about them was that a person with a source quirk could have spent their lives, even reaching their thirties, without unlocking them."

"T-That's why Izuku didn't show any signs?"

"We still don't know much about source quirks, as they have become scarce and few. The variety quirk became dominant in modern society. So we didn't know if anyone with a source quirk could keep the extra bone." It was the younger officer who answered.

"Maybe there are people in the world with an original quirk, but they never came in for testing because we either assumed that their quirkless at first, causing their psych to think that they didn't have any and stop developing their ability, or their quirks came early and didn't need to come in for testing to see if they had the bone." The doctor continued.

"My son never gave up…" Izuku's mom whispers, Katsuki knew how true that statement was.

"And that helped develop his quirk, and probably made it stronger. When a person is in a life threatening situation, they use their quirks, especially children. From the witness reports, it appears that your son has unlocked his quirk, it was however too late by then."

"He was the one who caused the park to levitate?"

"He levitated everything, mam. People, old rooted trees, the river, nearby cars, lamps. That was how massive his quirk was in manifestation, and for this reason Miss Midoriya, we urge you to hide this fact from the world."


"Don't register as a source quirk. We'll obviously call it telekenises, like yours, but everyone will thing that it's a variety quirk. Only the top facilities will know the truth."

"Then why are we here if you want to keep this a secret shit head?" Katsuki suddenly calls out, his mother smacked the back of his head.

"That was rude you brat."

"Shut up Hag, you curse when you are being rude."

"Can you two stop it, this is a very emotional situation for Midoriya-san, we should be trying to console her instead of duking it out." His father interrupts them, Katsuki blew him a raspberry and turned to the officer demanding the answer with his eyes.

"Well young Katsuki," He says after coughing into his hand. "You were already there in the incident, and with the unfortunate news that Izuku-kun won't be able to walk, he would need someone to help him. Your parents agreed that you might be his companion."

Katsuki scrunches his nose.

"L-Like, help him? Be there with him when he asks?"


"… protect him?" He asked in a small voice, looking down at his hands.

It's the least he could do.

He was the cause of Izuku's current and future pain, he needs to take responsibility.

"Yes, and that's why you need to know this secret Katsuki-kun. Remember, it is a national secret that no one must know about."

"T-Then what do we say when someone sees him use his quirk."

"Just describe what he is doing and keep doing that in front of the person, nothing else. Not until he is grown up enough to be able to protect himself."

"I'm going to protect him Shitrag, he won't need to keep his quirk a secret."

"Katsuki! Honest to god, looks how you raised your son woman."

"Me?! You cursed in front of him as a baby!"

"Mom, Dad, stop!" He screams at them and then turns at the dog faced officer. "Like I said, I'll protect him! Because I'm going to be a hero, and heroes always protect others. So he won't need to hide." He said adamantly, crossing his arms and plummeting on the chair, looking crossed face.

The officer stares at him for the longest time before sighing and shaking his head.

"Honestly, kids these days." He mutters but stands up, ruffling his hair. "We'll, I'll hold your words onto that Katsuki-kun. It's not me who's life is on the line, it's your friend's. So you better make good with that promise."

"I will." He grouches, another smack was received by his mother, she then turns to Izuku's mom.

"I hope you don't mind that Midoriya-san."

"P-Please, just call me Inko. If Katsuki-kun is really going to keep his promise, then I think we'll be seeing each other more."

Katsuki scoffs.

It's not If, it's a will.


In the following week, his mom would always visit Deku's mom to bring food, or just be with her. Izuku's mom would either be at home, making calls for different people, or be at the hospital with Izuku.

He didn't sleep well. He would always dream of that day, watching Izuku fall off the bridge, but this time, he would hear him begging for help, calling for him.

"Kacchan! Save me!"

"Please help me!"

"Hel-" and a splat, the crunching of bones, blood spurting everywhere, and this time, the eyes would be visible and open, watching the skies lifelessly with no signs of coming back.

He started sleeping with his parents again because of those dreams.

He didn't go to school either, and from what he heard, neither anyone else who was there when it happened. The school excused them anyways, so it doesn't matter.

Katsuki would spend time helping his mom, visit Deku, or go to the library and find books about paralysed people. He doesn't know how to use the computer, and he doesn't own a phone or a tablet to search on it either, so the library was the best place to go without swallowing his pride and asking someone else to explain to him.

His father had problems at work sometimes, because the press found out about their names and tried to get an interview. While his dad was calmer then him and mom, he was the kind of person people would advice not to anger.

If the press thought it would be easier to talk to his dad, they were dead wrong. After three days of crowding his work place, he basically exploded on them and they left him alone.

It was routine by then, wake up, help mom, go to the library, go visit Deku, come back home, ask dad about his day at work, then go to his room to sleep, but then drag his blanket and sleep with his parents.

Until one day, when he went to visit Deku, he found him watching the window.

Deku didn't notice anyone coming, his mother was obviously somewhere near since her bag was on the chair, but the green haired boy just kept looking at the window with the news station as background noise.

He chokes up, alerting Deku to his presence. He whips his head to the side and gives him a wide smile.

"Kacchan!" He reaches out for him, and Katsuki suddenly finds him flying towards the green haired boy. He starts screaming but holds onto the bed's railing before hitting the idiot.

"Oops." Deku had the audacity to say.

"Oops my fucking ass! Control your shit." He screams at him after being dropped on the floor. "If I didn't grab this stupid bed I could have hit you, idiot!"

"I-I didn't mean too." Deku says shyly. Katsuki growls at him but had to control himself as well. He was a hero, heroes don't hurt others. He needed to calm down and started acting like a hero.

"I'm so glad to see you! I woke up like three hours ago, and mom was crying the whole time. Then doctors and nurses just kept coming in and out asking me questions. I didn't know how to answer all of them."

"Like what?"

"… Like if I remember what happened?" Katsuki pales, Izuku bites his lips, just like his mom, and then looks up. "D-Do you know what happened? They wouldn't answer …"

He almost killed Izuku, and ruined his life and his dreams, that's what fucking happened.

"Y-Your quirk activated," He starts, notsaying anything about what he did. Because if he did, Izuku will never look at him the same way, and he can't handle that, never that. "They said you couldn't control it, and you flung yourself, t-that's why- t-that's why you-"

"Can't walk anymore?" Izuku said softly, Katsuki gulps and nods, looking down. He sees Izuku's hands clutching his blankets tightly.

"You basically ruined the park."

"Oh …"

"I-It was awesome anyways, you should have seen it, if you did you'd think a big time hero or villain were on the scene, like one of their fights was going on nearby, no one knew that it was you."

"… Does that mean I'll never be a hero?" Izuku asks tearing up, Katsuki freezes up. When Izuku's tears started to drop, he gets hysterical. "There's no way a paralysed person c-can be a hero. I can't walk anymore, I-I can't be a hero like this, I'm a failure Kacchan, I'm just like you said, I'm a useless Deku."

"Shut the fuck up." He yells at him, shutting Izuku's rumbling compeletly, looking at him shocked. "Shut up! You honestly think that just because you can't walk, that you can't be a hero?! You're the stupidest stubbornest person I know, if you give up now, then I'll never forgive you."

Which was a laughable matter, because it wasn't him who was supposed to give forgiveness, he was supposed to receive it, after earning it.

Izuku still looked at him with shock, and Katsuki starts to sweat, not knowing if he blew it or not.

But Izuku starts to giggle, and then laugh loudly, wiping newly formed tears on his face that were the result of happiness and not sadness.

"Stubbornest isn't a word Kacchan."

"Shut the fuck up." He grumbles, sitting down on the chair and glaring at the green haired mess.

He didn't know whether to be relieved or not, but if Izuku is laughing, then it's a start.


"Izu-chan! Let the doctor work in peace." Said child giggles, still letting the cart behind the doctor float. The doctor only sighs, shaking his head. Katsuki was very amazed by this and would try to jump and catch it, but every time he was close to it, Izuku would move it forward.

"Okay, we need to see if you can steal a candy shop."

"No stealing." Izuku's mom was the one to sigh this time. Having two powerful children was not an easy matter on anyone. His mother was so glad to just dump him in the hospital with them, she of course had a job that she can now finally return to after taking care of both her son and friend, and couldn't push the unpaid vacation further than a week.

He sometimes wondered what Izuku's mom works as.

"Hey auntie, won't your boss be angry with you?" He suddenly asks, now ignoring the floating cart and walking to the dark haired woman. She blinks in surprised but smiles fondly at him.

"What a caring child, but it's okay Katsuki-kun, he's letting me take time off as long as I could, so I can take care of Izuku."

"Oh … will you can go back now, I'll take care of him." He told her, but she shakes her head and then ruffles his hair.

"Katsuki-kun, you need to do more things than just protect him. Izuku can't walk anymore, meaning normal things that we usually do won't be easy for him anymore." Katsuki frowns and asks for examples.

"Taking a bath is going to be hard, he won't be able to put himself in the bathtub on his own. The floor is too slippery as well. I'll have to carry him and shower him until he can do it by himself."

"Oh … just taking a bath?"

"We'll have to change his room into the first floor now. I'll have to put him in bed too, and help him wear his clothes. He can't help me in the kitchen anymore and so I'll have to make everything without his help unless he can do it at his height. Then we'll have to think of a way to take him to school every day without being late-"

"I-I can take him to school." Katsuki volunteers, and Inko smiles at him.

"Thank you Katsuki-kun. That's very nice of you."

"I-I know it's going to be harder, and there's more things to worry about now, b-but I want to help, as much as I can."

"Your mother couldn't have asked for a better son, even if you both are a bit rough on the edges, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend for Izuku." She finally told him, but an unsettling feeling just came to Katsuki.

He really doesn't deserve this praise.

Izuku had his cheeks puffed because the doctor said he won't give him the good deserts if he kept annoying him. Katsuki just laughed at him for being obnoxious.

"You deserve it."

"No I didn't. I was helping! I was moving his stuff for him, to him. I should get a badge."

"You should get knocked out to sleep." Katsuki replies but then climbs over the bed, pushing Izuku a bit and settling there with a magazine in hands.

"What did you get this time?"

"It's a magazine, but it has All Might's picture of the last fight."

"Cool!" Izuku immediately grabs onto the magazine and flips to the interview page on his first try. Katsuki found that very impressive really. While the dark haired boy started reading excitedly, he kept watching him and noticing how excited he was.

Everyone was very worried over him, and he was so normal about it, sometimes he wondered if that's normal. So he decides to ask.

"Why are you acting like nothing's wrong?"


"You can't walk anymore. Your mom is worried sick because of that you know. The teachers also don't know how to act anymore. They're idiots anyways so I'm not surprised about that."

"What do you mean Kacchan? Everything's fine."

"The hell it's not." He snarls, but Deku blinks at him innocently and sheepishly lets his hands wander over his.

"It's going to be fine … because you're here. You won't let anything happen to me anymore, right?" Katsuki gulps, Izuku turned to look at him straight to the eyes without blinking. He was attacked with the full force of his stupid puppy eyes, and couldn't help but agree. Izuku smiles widely at that, and it felt like the sun was radiating right in front of him.

It was painful, a sun radiating straight in front of him would hurt, that's what the science teacher said.

"And I have a quirk now! I can practice by using it."

"Huh?" This time, it was Katsuki who felt dumb.

"You know, I can fly myself to the bathroom, or upstairs, or anywhere anyways. As long as it's not in the streets or anywhere public. I can use it. Maybe I can even get special permission to use it everywhere since I'll need it. I can even help my mom in the kitchen now, since she doesn't let me get close to the oven, I can just fly anything inside it and turn it on while I'm on the other side of the room. … That's if I can control it enough anyways."

"Huh?" He never actually thought of that, and that was an amazing idea. Izuku grins and turns back to the magazine, gushing over All Might's pose after he defeated the villain. He realized that Izuku's hand was still on his own, but he didn't mind it.


Katsuki hated Izuku calling him Kacchan, but he hated it more when others thought that they could use it. Only Izuku calls him that, and only he calls him Deku now. He wouldn't let anyone do that anymore.

So when someone insulted Izuku, right in front of him, he blew up his desk.

He was of course sent to the principle's office, his parents were called in, but his mom got angry after he explained what happened and demanded an apology from both the principle and the kid with his parents.

He learns that day that people can be very mean for no reason, and he was just like them.

That day, after doing his homework, he went to visit the Midoriya's house. It was the first day that they brought Izuku home.

He didn't even knock on the door before he heard crying.

When Izuku's mom opened the door she looked hazardous, Izuku on the couch crying and apologizing.

"What happened?"

"He wanted to eat, but his spoon bended. I tried to tell him that it's fine but he's still crying." She looked tired. Growling, Katsuki stomps his way to sit next to Izuku on the couch, snatches the spoon, and force bend it to crudely look like a normal spoon.

It still has a bent edge to it.

He then pushes it back in Deku's hands.

"Was that hard to do?" He growls at him but then crosses his hands and looks at his dangling feet. Izuku's crying was starting to recede and was now apologizing to both him and his mom.

"Just eat, Deku."


"Kacchan, Kacchan! Look at the butterfly." Izuku says excitedly. Katsuki ignores it while pushing the stupid stroller to the park. Izuku, the idiot, instead of helping him by moving the stroller with his quirk, lets go of it and tries to reach the butterfly.

"Push yourself!"

"But the butterfly-" Izuku didn't complete his sentence before Katsuki tries to burn said butterfly. He missed, because the stupid thing flew off before it was touched, and the flower got burned instead. Izuku blinks before tearing up.


"W-Why would you hurt it?" The dark haired boy asked, his breath was starting to get laboured. He needed to deflect this, fast.

"It didn't matter, it saved itself didn't it." He grouches, and instead of letting him continue crying, he pushes the stroller away so he wouldn't look at it and give him more reason to cry. "It flew off anyways, it's not hurt."

"But you tried to hurt it."

"Did it get hurt Shit head?!" he yells at him, but now the tears were starting to fall, Izuku sobbing. Katsuki scoffs and cuffs Izuku's ears.

"Stop crying. I hate it when you cry."

"W-What if it did get hurt, it'll get burned, o-or … it wouldn't be able to fly anymore." Izuku mumbles. This stops the blond in his spot.

Just like how I stopped Izuku from walking.


"Yeah, sure, whatever, Deku." He moves once more. "I won't hurt another fucking butterfly if it makes you really sad."

Izuku gave him a bright, teary eyed, smile in return.


"What do you mean you won't come back to school?!" He explodes, not literally, but Izuku flinched from the loud yelling.

"I'll go in elementary, but not kindergarten."


"Kacchan, our kindergarten isn't wheelchair friendly." He mumbles, rubbing his right arm. Katsuki snarls but couldn't refute what he said. "A-And I need to go to t-terapy?"

"You don't even have a wheelchair! Why would you need that?"

"They said it should help me get used to not walking anymore. T-Then they'll try to help me walk."

"Help you walk?"

"They said because I can feel temparature."

"Temperature you dumb Deku, it's when it's hot or cold."

"Yeah! That's it. Wow, you're smart Kacchan." Izuku said happily. Katsuki didn't want to admit that he read it multiple times in his borrowed books and asked his mom what it meant. It said that sometimes, paralysed people couldn't feel heat or cold or even pain in their paralysed areas, meaning that there wasn't any hope of gaining mobility in it.

He didn't understand how that works, but if Izuku can feel heat and cold in his legs, maybe he can walk again.

"That's why they're going to put me in terapy!"


"Therapy! You're better at this than me." Izuku giggles, he then points at the table that they were sitting on.

"Mama wants to go furniture shopping too. She wants me to come, do you want to come as well? It's going to be on Saturday."

"Why would you need new furniture?" Katsuki scrunches his nose, Izuku shrugs and then tries to reach for the grape in the middle of the table.

Oh. Paralysed friendly furniture.

"I really hate my medicine." Izuku moans after Katsuki pushes the plate closer to the green haired boy. "They all taste nasty."

"It's for your health Deku."

"But it's awful. I have to take them three times a day, and like, the tablets are too big to swallow, even with water. At least I'll only need it for a while. The doctor told me that when I get better they'll stop giving them to me."

"I thought medicine is expensive?"

"They are, but dad's paying for them, so it doesn't matter." Izuku says nonchalantly, he throws a grape in his mouth and grins at the sweet flavour. Katsuki on the other hand, was shocked by the announcement.

"Your dad?"

"Yeah, my dad."

"Where's your dad?"

"… I don't know. Mom says that he won't be living with us anymore but he'll visit sometimes. I … think that he left because of me."


"Why else would he leave? At first, I didn't have any quirk. He can breathe fire! Do you know what an amazing quirk that is?"

"Yours is better." Katsuki refutes, but Izuku shakes his head.

"He's supposed to be this cool strong quirk user, and his son has none. Of course his friends would laugh and make fun of him. So what better way to make it stop than leave me?"

"T-That's not true." Katsuki negates, but Izuku just gave him a bland look, plopping another grape in his mouth.

"Not true? Kacchan, you didn't start hanging out with me until I showed my quirk."

"You're a fucking idiot you know that. I was with you before that too."


"Who do you think kept you warm till you reached the hospital you shit for brains?! I visited every day before we even found out you had a quirk. Don't you dare think that I'm only friends because of your fucking quirk." He growls, the other teen blushes in embarrassment and regret.


"Whatever. And your dad is stupider than you too. He should come back now, but he doesn't deserve to come back because he left from the start." He said, huffing. He really hated Izuku's dad.

"Either way, he won't come back. Even if I do have a quirk now. He wouldn't want a paralysed son. But mom said he has to pay for life support. He's rich anyways, it doesn't matter."

"How doesn't it matter?!"

"It's not like I even remember how he looks. He left when we went to kindergarten. So I don't remember him much."

"Two years ago!"


"That's a really long time ago …" Katsuki frowns, but the other just shrugs.

"I like your dad better anyways, he's nice and comes with your mom to visit every other day. Better, he stayed with you and your mom. He's more of a dad to me than my own dad. It doesn't matter if my dad paid for everything either, if he won't come to visit then he should at least do that. I don't want mama to work harder than she is right now so she can pay for everything."

"… Your dad is a dick anyways, so stop talking about him." Katsuki grumbles, but Izuku giggles, nodding in agreement. After some time, and after Katsuki snatches the rest of the grape, Izuku snaps his fingers remembering something.

"Will you help me pick a new wheelchair?"

"What?" He could tell that his eyes were wide from the surprise question.

Izuku nods.

"Mom thought that it wasn't comfy setting in this hospital issued one, that's why we're using my old stroller. I don't know, but I think she just wants to give me a choice or something. She even gave me a catalogue, but she told it doesn't matter now because we're getting a new one next year, for when school starts. It'd be embarrassing if I went to school with a stroller."

"Oh … okay." He says, looking at Izuku's mint green stroller. He didn't really like it's colour, but apparently, it was his mom's favourite colour. He also didn't like the strap on them. "Great, because I read the whole catalogue and-"


"Katsuki. We need to go to Izu-chan's house, now." His mother yells, grabbing his hands and yanking him from his comic book.

"Hey! I was reading that!"

"Not now brat, Izuku needs your help."

"I said I was reading that Ha- Wait, what?"

"He's upset and his mom couldn't calm him down, she said that he wants to see you." She then wrenches the door open and started speed walking to the Midoriya's house.

He can already see the sign of Izuku being upset, on his way to his house, being lifted up the air, he can see things already floating. It gets worse as they get closer, he can even see birds trying to flap their wings and move but stayed in place. The tell tale sign of the green, black and white aura surrounding the place and suffocating it.

"Why is he upset now?"

"I don't know, but you will figure it out brat, and you will make sure that he'll get happy again, alright?"

"Yeah, whatever." He grumbles, but holds tightly on his mom.

When they did get there, Izuku's mom pointed at his room while holding onto the door's head.

"I can pull you to his room, it isn't hard." She said, and she did. She used her quirk to instead of pulling things to herself, she would pull herself to walls or other unmovable objects while holding onto them.

"Izuku? Kacchan's here to see you." His mom said to the closed door, but they only heard sniffling.

"Go away!"

"Please Izuku-kun, he came all the way from his home just to see you, you could at least see what he wants."

"I don't want to see anyone today!" He screams, but Katsuki already got irritated. He slams the door with a bit of an explosion.

"You are going to open this door and talk to me you ungrateful brat."

"Katsuki!" His mom yells at him, but he ignores her.

"Do you know what's happening outside you idiot! You cry at me and think I'm cruel when I didn't even hurt the butterfly, but you're stopping everyone from moving outside of your house. The birds can't move."

"So what?!"

"So what? SO WHAT?! Do you think mama birds are not worried about their babies? Or the baby birds aren't worried about their mamas? How about puppies, or kitties? What about other butterflies? No, forget about all of them, how about your mom you dumb fuck?" They stayed in strained silence for a few moments before everything drops with the affect of gravity.

Katsuki hit the floor with his nose.

The door opens slowly, but no one stood behind it. Standing up and rubbing his nose, he stomps inside to see what the deal with Deku was. He found him under his bed sheets crying.

"So, what the fuck?" He asks, but Deku just sniffs and buries himself further under the blanket.


"I tried walking, and I couldn't even stand."


"Mom always cries because I can't walk, so I tired to walk to make her stop crying. I kept trying since morning."

"… You really are an idiot." He grumbles and climbs into bed, shoves the blankets off and lies next to said idiot.

"Of course your mom is crying, she loves you, so you should try to at least not worry her more. It's not your fault or hers that you can't walk, but it's your fault that you made her scared now."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, you Deku. Apologize to your mom." He grumbles, after a few seconds, he felt Izuku shuffling, trying to get himself up. He sat upright and helped him.

"Mama?" He calls, both boys saw dark hair move into the door's frame, with his mom peeking in.

"I-I'm sorry for making you worried." His mom chokes and runs inside, pulling him into a hug. Both Midoriya's started crying, leaving Katsuki to feel like he was intruding into something very private. Huffing, he crosses his hands arms and looks to the side. However, he felt an arm around him, pulling him into the hug.

"Thank you Katsuki-kun."

"Whatever." He says, blushing. He felt the back of his head being cuffed, and knew it was his mom.

"You should be grateful brat."



They were in the theme park when it happened. For Izuku's sixth birthday, they decided to go the sea resort. It might have been expensive, but apparently, both their parents collected enough money for this trip.

They already got on three rides, and just finished a tour. They were inside a shop that their parents said that they can get one item each.

"How bout this? It's cute." Izuku said, putting the hat on himself. Katsuki scrunches his nose. "Those are mouse ears, you're not a mouse." He told him taking it off, but wore it himself anyways.

"You look cute too!"

"No. I don't want any girly cute things."


"Fine, whatever. Yes they look cute on you." He grumbles putting it back.

"How about that hat! It's from that Halloween movie."

"I thought it was a Christmas movie." Katsuki frowns.

"No way, the hero is a skeleton." Izuku said, looking at him like he was crazy.

"But he dressed up as Santa." Katsuki exclaims as he snatches the hat. It had the skeleton guy standing in that stupid hill, he was standing like he was singing at the moon, just like in the movie.

"Sure whatever. I like it."

"Kacchan, look! Can I have that tie?" He points at a tie that was next to Katsuki's head, he could reach it if he stood on his toes. He jumped and got the nick tie but turned around to snap at him telling him that he can use his quirk and get it himself, but was cut off by a woman.

"Excuse me, but how old are you?" She asks Izuku, Katsuki glares at her, flexing his fingers ready to push her away. Izuku on the other hand, the dumb idiot, answers excitedly with his fingers.

"I'm turning six today!"

"Then why are you sitting in a stroller?"

"Huh?" Izuku blinks, his expression showing confusion.

"Honestly, your mother should be ashamed to let you sit in a stroller at this age. It's people like her that turn children into lazy people."

"What? But I-"

"And you shouldn't even be sitting here, you even have the gal to ask your friend to pick something for you, why don't you just stand and do it yourself?" She demands, grabbing onto Izuku's hands and unclasping the straps with the other hand, yanking him off the stroller. Izuku didn't even have a chance to stand and immediately drops on the floor, shutting his mouth roughly and looking like he was in pain with how rattled it was.

Katsuki stilled, seeing Izuku on the floor, before turning slowly at the woman, who looked horrified at what she just did.

"You bitch?!" He screams, collecting as much explosive power he could muster into his hands and pushing her to the ground, her dress catching in fire. The shelves around him were now soot covered, and half of it was gone. She screams loudly as she drops on the floor, trying to smother the fire. The alarms start to wail and people around the store start screaming.

They must all be scared that this was a villain attack.

He glares at her and was about to burn her hair off when he heard Izuku sob.

"K-Kacchan?" He calls. Snarling at the woman and letting one explosion go off in front of her face, he runs back to Izuku helping him up to his stroller.

"We need to get out before that bitch tells security on us." Izuku sniffles and holds tightly onto Katsuki's hands.

"I want mama."

"Yeah, sure, we're going to her now." He says hurriedly, pushing the stroller away from the woman and trying to ignore the running and frantic people.

"Kacchan, I think I'm bleeding from my mouth." Izuku complains. Katsuki curses and brakes, moving in front of him he puts his fingers inside his mouth forcing it wide open. He found out that Izuku bit his tongue, and there was a big teeth mark on it with blood coming out. Frowning, he looks around for something to stop it from bleeding.

"I-I don't know what to do." He finally admits, he couldn't ask a grown up, because they were all trying to get out. They were too stupid to realize that there wasn't anything attacking. He couldn't see their parents, and they're probably worried and looking for them outside.

"Close your mouth, don't talk and don't swallow the blood."


"Just until we find our parents!" That shuts him up and he nods, closing his mouth and staring at him with big wide eyes. He turns to look around and finds an opened window.

"Deku, fly us out of here!" He points at the windows, Izuku turns to look at the window and nods. He closes his eyes in concentration, the familiar green, black and white aura now surrounding him. Izuku's hair moves like it was against the wind, but the wind was coming from downwards. At that second, he flails for a moment because his feet left the ground, but grabs onto Izuku as they flew outside.

Once outside, he lands safely down and looks up about to yell for their victorious escape, but pales when he realized that Izuku forgot his stroller.

"You fucking idiot!" He yells, running at the spot that he was about to drop, but catches him before doing so.

"Did you really forget your stroller?!" He said angrily, but Izuku looks down in shame. Breathing in harshly, he tries to calm down so not to scare his friend.

"… She said I shouldn't be using a stroller."

"That dumb bitch doesn't have a say on what you do, you need that stroller Izuku!"

"But I don't want people to stare at me anymore."

"Guess what idiot, people will always stare! Even when you get your wheelchair. And you know what, they should, because you are an amazing person, with an amazing quirk and an amazing mind."

"You don't mean that …"

"I don't? You want me to prove it to you? How about the fact that we both flew out of the window just now?"

"… Ha … Haha-" Izuku then bursts in laughter, remembering what just happened. "You blew out the shelves, I thought you were going to be a hero?"

"Well, duh. I was protecting the innocent, wasn't I? And All Might always gets something broken from the fights he gets in."

"True … but it was so awesome! Since when can you make your explosions that big? Like one second, I touched the ground, the next, boom! Everyone's panicking and the alarm goes off and the woman was screaming."

"Don't mention it. No really, don't." He said, moving Izuku so that he can carry him on his back instead of his arms. He heard Izuku laughing again.

"What?" He snaps, but he felt his friend patting his head.

"You still have the Halloween hat." He looks up and realized that he really did steal something from there, he remember something else and shoves the neck tie upwards to the idiot.

"Here's your stupid mousy neck tie. I hope it was worth all the trouble."

"I don't know, bleeding from my mouth wasn't really worth it." He says, Katsuki curses for forgetting about that, and ran to the bathroom.

It took an hour before their parents found them, his mother scolding him and Izuku's mom fretting over him. Apparently, they found the stroller, but it was stepped on and broken now, so they thought something bad happened and made all the security search all over for them.

On the way home, Katsuki held onto Izuku's hands while the green haired boy slept, his new necktie around his neck. The blonde scrunches his nose and kicks his feet, realizing how weak he was and how he couldn't protect Izuku in time, again.

He has to train harder now, just to stop any other dumb bitch from hurting Izuku again.


So yeah, this started out all of a sudden.

I am not disabled, or paralysed. My uncle was paralysed and he died a while ago, my grandpa now needs a wheelchair, and my brother was temporarily paralysed in his right arm.

That still doesn't make me an expert about these situations, so if you see any mistake or misconceptions, please tell me about them and explain it so that I can fix it.

Now that I said that.

- I published this in AO3 as well, and I might draw on that sight, in case you're on to that. Currently, there's only one picture, and future one's will most likely be sketches. This is probably the reason that a three chapter story with a 30K+ words doesn't have reviews.
- I'm pretty sure this fic is going to be shonen ai and other pairings, no slash. If you're reading for that, I'm sorry.