So here's chapter two! Before I continue with this OR Safe and Sound I will go and do something about this horrible translating thing I butchered Safe and Sound with. Also next FF to be updated will be Safe and Sound. Then this one. I wanna keep them both equally alive. More or less. Muse being a factor too, I suppose ;_;
Also please let me know if you're even interested in updates in this or what your general thoughts are :333
Chapter Two: Alluring Lies
"What do you mean, you're busy?" Zero hissed.
"I am sorry my dear. You know I work besides school" Kaname said, trying to calm the younger one down. Zero didn't like being lied to. Not at all. While he indeed was well aware of all the tedious responsibilities his long time crush had, he also knew that Kaname usually still put him first. Never before had the teen been abandoned for two weeks straight.
"Are you taking Takuma-senpai with you again?" he asked. Upon receiving a clipped nod from the dark haired male, he frowned. Was something going on between these two?
Zero felt his heart clench up painfully at the thought. It would make sense though. After all those two were inseparable. In fact, Zero couldn't recall a single time when Takuma wasn't there when Kaname was down or busy. And Kaname….
Kaname seemed to only want to rely on the blond. Whenever Zero offered support, he would receive a pat on the head, followed by a warm smile and the statement that everything was fine, so he should not worry. Zero's eyes narrowed at Kaname.
"I see."
"I am really sorry, Zero. I'll make it up to you" Kaname pleaded.
Zero shook his head, ignoring the stab in his heart that he felt at seeing Kaname's despair.
"I'm fine."
"I mean it. I should be happy, really. After all Ichiru didn't stop complaining about having to spend so much time with you." Zero felt a shiver run down his spine at Kaname's sudden glare.
"I bet he did" the older said but before Zero could ask about Kaname's sudden mood swing, he heard a soft knock on the door.
"Well, guess I better excuse myself then. Wouldn't want to interrupt your time together" he said sighing before leaving. And maybe, just maybe, the shove against Takuma's shoulder wasn't a complete accident.
Thinking about the conversation he just had, he sighed once again. It was weird, really. After that day on which they were present when one of the victims was found, one month had passed. While the first half had started off with the twins completely being suffocated by Kaname and Takuma, at one point it had switched into them being gone to the point Zero would be worried, had he not seen the two just a few seconds ago. Apparently there was some kind of big ass problem within the company they worked for. Who was supposed to believe that, Zero wondered, strolling around the school grounds of Cross Academy.
Zero also thought back to the news these past weeks. Ever since that night nearly every second night a woman was killed. By now women were scared to leave the house as soon as the sun set. Even some men started becoming scared. After all, so many people had been murdered that soon the killer would have to target a new age group, move on or start killing men. That idea didn't sit well with Zero at all. Ichiru had managed to calm Zero back in the day but the more murders were happening the deeper, the more persistent the frown on Zero's face came to be. Ichiru was a bleeder; he was all but running around searching a guy that would probably kill him the second he decided he'd like to try a guy.
Two weeks had passed since those two were following him. Of course it had been absolutely presumptuous to assume he could increase his killings without leaving any kinds of trace or pattern. No, he was well aware of each slip up. In fact, he was embracing his mistakes by now. He wasn't scared of the police, no. The only two that slowly caught up with him were that watchdog and his lackey. Though he had by now done his homework and realized that the watchdog was really his king. As expected of a person with such standing, the dark haired male was sharp minded and he could feel his eyebrow twitch, as he remembered all too well, being almost caught upon their first meeting. Almost.
"Try harder, oh my king", he mocked in a slightly too sweet sing-sang voice, his eyes set curiously on the pair, as they were searching him. That very fateful night, 32 days ago, he had realized upon first glance that the brunette was the key to finding his precious. If he played his cards right, his king would lead him to his loved one. Failure would lead to death. Therefore failure was not an option. Simple enough, a concept, he thought, chuckling to himself.
"Soon my angel….We shall meet again soon. And this time you'll be mine", he whispered into the dark night which clung to him like a lovers embrace, guarding him from being noticed by unwanted people. Suddenly he was pulled out of his musings by something the blond had said.
"Excuse me?" his king asked, obviously as startled as he himself felt.
"Will you make him one of us? Zero, I mean" the blond repeated.
Zero? Were they talking about his angel? They had to. 'Zero' wasn't exactly a common name. That night he had picked up both twin's names but hadn't been able to distinguish which name belonged to whom. However he hoped his angel was called by the name Zero. It just felt too good on his lips to be the wrong one. But to turn Zero? He wasn't sure whether to hope for it or dread it. Ultimately he himself couldn't turn his little one, but turning him would at he very least mean to get intimate with the king and at max. that his king felt for the boy and wanted to claim him. He feared that it was the latter option. His king seemed deeply invested with the twins after all. Didn't the other twin – Ichiru? – even tease his king and his beloved about their affection?
"I love him. So I will keep my distance."
Yes, now there was an answer that – at least partly – satisfied him.
"You're hurting him. Did you see the way he looked at me? If not then listen to this! I received a message from him in which he asked if we were a couple. Kaname, you're pushing him away too hard."
No, his king wasn't. Don't worry little dog. Once Zero was his, he would forget all these stupid feelings and embrace his love for him. Yes, that's the way it should – scratch that – that's the way it will go.
"Do you truly think I am not aware of his pain? It pains me greatly to be the cause of his tears, but it's getting harder to not turn him with every breath I take. Zero is driving me crazy with a need so strong, I am scared of myself."
He watched the two on the ground interact for a few minutes longer. So similar to him, yet so differently. It was hard to believe his king was this weak. However he was far from complaining. After all, his beloved would be completely out of reach if not for his king's incredibly human heart. A sinister smile graced his lips. How thankful he felt. Narrowing his eyes, he wondered how long it would take for them to find him.
"Bring me to him. Hurry up", he said loud enough for the other two to be able to pick up on his voice. It was disappointing, really, that they were so engaged in their conversation that he was heard by neither of them.
"Are you even like me? Do you even crave for the same things I do?" he asked in the same daring volume. However, instead of being heard, he himself ended up being the one hearing something interesting.
"Ichiru, come back. Cross and Zero will kill us for leaving like this."
Even without hearing that rare name spoken he would have realized who it was, so close to him. That person who reflected his beloved so much. Oh, how he wanted to tear into his flesh until he could have the real thing. Silently he slipped away to follow the new, so much more exciting scents.
"Have you seen Ichiru?" Zero asked as he entered the office of his self-proclaimed father. Plopping down casually on the couch sadly didn't have the effect on Cross, Zero had hoped for, and he knew it. How the chairman managed to be a sunny, sparkling rainbow with as much depth as a piece of translucent drawing paper half of the time and be all-knowing and scarily quiet and mature the other half was beyond Zero's understanding, but he knew that the chairman had switched into his actually of use mode the moment he had laid his eyes upon Zero.
"Maybe schizophrenic?" he whispered to himself.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"Nothing. So? Did you see him?" Zero urged on.
"No. I haven't seen Yuuki either."
This made the young adult freeze. Ichiru and Yuuki both gone?! Without a warning? He loved both of them dearly but they invited trouble like nothing else.
"You don't think they went to town, do you?"
Cross sighed, taking off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose before answering.
"Where else would they be? They haven't talked about anything but these murders lately. 'If necessary we'll catch him' – wasn't it?" he mumbled. Hearing this kind of exhaustion in his caretaker's voice made Zero worry. How much was this man hiding and shouldering on his own just to protect them? Silently, Zero slipped behind Cross and started massaging him. The little moan he received made the silver haired boy smile despite his worry. Even if Cross wouldn't confine in him, he could at least help this way. No words were spoken as Zero worked out all of the accumulated stress that had build up in the older man. Sometimes Zero worried, he would just die from the sheer amount of worries that seemed o drown this cheerful being.
Zero frowned. No, he wasn't cheerful. He just wanted to be.
"You are going to search them", Cross broke the silence with neither a question nor a request, but a simple statement, born out of knowing the younger male too well. Knowing confirmation was unnecessary, Zero did neither confirm nor deny but rather just shrugged, forgetting that his action could not be seen.
"It is dark. I will hurry. Yuuki is a bit too young to fall victim but you never know. Especially not when her company is a bleeder and the killer a blood freak" he simply conducted on his way to the door.
Upon hearing his name Zero turned to face Cross. The piercing look he was fixed with made him freeze to the spot.
"Don't get dragged too deep into this."
"I won't" he teenager replied knowing Cross wasn't buying it. Not this time. Those honey colored eyes told him just how close to the edge he was. How close to getting himself into trouble. Or worse – how close to dragging his siblings along.
Leaving the house, Zero wondered about it. Over twenty women had been killed by now. All of them had bled out to the last drop. No evidence. Not a single trace. Zero shook his head, thinking that Cross might be right, being scared Zero might end up getting too deep into this. Just like those other two idiots. The sad truth was, that it was probably too late to worry about it, because he already was.
"Better hurry and drag their sorry asses back home" he said to himself, before running off into the forest that would lead him into town.
"Are you sure?" Takuma panted, hurrying after his best friend, who had suddenly run off.
"We've been chasing this scent for months! Of course I am sure. I am also confident in having heard Yuuki's voice close by" Kaname hissed, speeding up even more. He couldn't believe they missed this scent despite it being so painfully obvious. If he wouldn't have to make sure that he made it to Yuuki and Ichiru first, he probably wouldn't even follow this person, as it would most likely be a trap. By now he was running so fast that he only saw blurs around him. Suddenly Kaname froze. No, this couldn't be happening. Zero couldn't be here too. Stumbling forward because Takuma hadn't been able to stop in time, Kaname turned to his friend.
"You continue. I do not think this guy has picked up on Zero yet, so I'll get him and join you."
"Zero? Zero's here too?" Takuma asked exasperatedly huffing out. However Kaname knew he didn't have the spare time to discuss this or worry about the blond and had already left. Trust was written in capital letters between these two and Kaname was very aware of the fact that Takuma would follow his instructions. If not due to their friendship, then at least as orders from his leader. His worry lay completely with Zero now. Why was his beloved here? Shouldn't at least he know better? Of course, Kaname thought with a small roll of his eyes, he was probably searching Ichiru and Yuuki. If they survived this trip tonight, Kaname himself would kill them. Even if that would be a complete contradiction to their effort to save everyone right now.
Anyway, find them before this guy does and before they discover the new corpse. Zero and Yuuki would be shocked, the dark haired male mused. Gruesomely he added that he wasn't worried about Ichiru being scared or shocked upon finding the dead body, but thinking that he might in fact be a little too interested in it.
"Where the fuck did they run off to?" Zero hissed under his breath, growing more annoyed with each second that passed. Hearing rustling he stopped moving.
"Probably just the wind" he said to no one in particular, but a part of him knew better. The same part of him that somehow always knew when Kaname, Takuma and Yuuki were close by. Maybe he just had a good gut feeling, but he knew with certainty that he wasn't as alone as he would have liked to be, right this instance. In fact he could pinpoint the exact location of this other person. Zero considered his next move. Should he ignore the danger, hoping it wouldn't follow or should he go and face it?
Amazement surged through his body. His angel sure as hell was amazing in every sense of the word. So despite his looks, the incredible allure that was his blood and apparently a big heart, he even had this kind of ability? Of course, Zero had probably heard the rustlings of the leaves that he accidentally stepped on. Fine, he admitted it – he wanted to see the little one squirm. Yet, he got so much more than he had bargained for and it filled him with a pleasurable hum. Zero didn't guess that maybe someone or something was with him right now. No, his angel knew exactly that someone was watching him. These violet orbs reflected that knowledge perfectly. The determination to not lose or to not be stopped from whatever he came to do. His whole stance that changed from worried and in a hurry, to being on watch but unwilling to be disturbed. Oh, how this boy made his blood boil. Perfection. Too sharp, he realized surprised. Never before had a mere human looked at him like this. Zero clearly wasn't like him, but he couldn't be completely human either.
Just what are you, little angel? The idea of Zero being one of these legendary people, that his parents used as horror stories to keep him in line, creeped into his mind, but he quickly discarded that idea. In the long run bed time horror stories were nothing more than a tale. Well….Except for him. He stood perfectly still, letting the winds rustling of leafs confuse the boy. Slowly, he could feel his entire being throb at the delicious sight in front of him. God, he was so close to drooling. He needed this boy so much, he felt like going crazy, his body actually starting to tremble slightly.
Then he finally heard his voice again.
"Come out. I know you're here" the young male said, his voice striking the hidden man as surprisingly steady. He smirked. This could prove to be fun.
He ran towards the boy, knowing he would remain unseen.
"Aren't you scared, angel?" He took a primal satisfaction as the boy trembled from being whispered into his ear. The boy spun around without seeing him. His whole stance became tense, his eyes squinting, yet without succeeding.
"I'm not scared of cowards hiding in bushes. Or maybe just a regular pervert?"
So he was coaxing him now? Their age gap considered, the pervert part might be true though. His eyes glinted dangerously in the cold spring night. Much fun indeed, his little one. Hoever the amusement in his eyes dropped quickly as he realized that the boy, while still on high alert, wasn't looking into his direction anymore. What for heavens sake was distracting him? A few moments passed in which his playful mood gave way to anger. Then he sensed it. His king was approaching. Did the boy really pick up on that despite the distance? Before he himself had noticed it? No, that wasn't possible. Yet….The light of recognition in those violet gems spoke of clear joy and relief. His eyes turned a shade of red, putting fire to blame, reflecting the rage going through him like hells fire.
Maybe he needed to consider getting serious.
Maybe he needed to consider killing his king.