Hello Everyone! I've been reading Harry Potter fanfiction and reviewing for roughly 2 years now. I thought it was finally time to try my hand at writing something Harry Potter based myself. I've basically melded all my favourite stories to produce something that expresses what I would adore in the perfect story.

Warning: This could end up Slash, it might not. I am just going to see where the story takes me naturally. But you can't say I didn't warn you if something pops up later in chapters.

This most defiantly doesn't follow the Harry Potter story line.

Summary: AU, Potential DM/HP or TMR/HP. Vampire!Draco, Vampire!Harry. A collector's greatest passion is too complete their collection. An Heir's greatest wish is too impress their Father. A lonely boys greatest want is for attention and love. The Wizarding World is in a violent war against the Creatures, led by Vampires and the infamous Vampire King. One young boy has the opportunity to change the direction of the war, but when manipulation and loyalty come into question… The future becomes clouded.

I tend to switch about POV quite a bit, so be warned for that. I don't clearly label it but it's done in an obvious manner.

Italics – Thoughts.

The Body of the Beast

"There's nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what'll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueller than any captor."

Richelle Mead, Frostbite.

Chapter One – It Begins at the Beginning

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was located deep within the great Scottish Highlands, located in the heart of the burgh of Moray, near Dufftown to be exact. But unless you were lucky enough to be blessed with magical blood… you wouldn't know that. The building itself could be described as intimidating and imposing; it was an obscenely large castle, of course it would be, but for the hundreds of school children clad all in their very best wizarding and muggle outfits, it was home.

It also happened to be the last day of term, so excitement was particularly high that day. The grand feast had been had the previous night and the final communal breakfast finished with a fond farewell and a whole host of boisterousness. Students ran around in hoards as they made their way down to the Hogwarts express. The morning air was chilly and bitter, but that didn't deter anyone from starting their journey home. Times had been tough in recent years and security was tight, the protection of the Wizarding worlds future was taken very seriously. Check points littered the bumpy stone path all the way up to the station, manned by the winners of Witch Weekly's top 10 most undesirable faces, or so it would seem.

Within the last ten years' times certainly had changed, yes of course some of it was for the better but there was always going to be revolutionaries to this change. A Dark Lord had arisen and claimed the leadership role over every dark witch and wizard in the UK, as well as supporting dark creatures. His rein was fuelled by violence and slander and it was only picking up speed as time wore on. It didn't help that this self-proclaimed Dark Lord was a creature himself, head to one of the oldest Vampire bloodlines in the world to be precise. The Vampire King. His understanding of the abuse and neglect of creatures endeared more and more every day and not every creature was dark… the light was following quickly at the heels of their brothers and sisters.

It became common knowledge amongst the pupils of Hogwarts that Dark didn't necessarily mean evil, nor did light automatically equate to good. It was the intention of the individual that mattered. Everyone had good and evil within their souls, it was just a question of what would win in the end, which had the greatest pull. So, every creature race had their good and bad individuals. This was why the Dark Lords campaign was so popular. He wouldn't force the new light-comers to commit heinous acts, he would only encourage their continued support. For the dark creatures who enjoyed the hunt or thrill of murder, he would utilise them in battle.

Everyone at school had lost someone to the ongoing battle, had seen loved ones turned into creatures and affinities shift at the drop of a hat. The entire school had gossiped for weeks about how Terry Boots older brother had suddenly become a lethal werewolf killing machine, before he was bitten the boy had been terrified of girls and was one of the kindest teenagers anyone had ever met. The same had happened to 2nd year Slytherin, Graham Pritchard's Father, he had been a heavy believer in blood purity but once he had been turned into a werewolf everything had changed for him and his family. He became one of several investors who were the money behind the lights creature support campaign. It was interesting which side people would sway towards once their world had been turned upside down and new instincts drove new revelations about the self.

Within the throngs of happy students, fifteen-year-old Harry James Potter jogged at double time to catch up with his friends who had went on ahead of him; he had forgotten to pick up his letters from his family and had immediately jogged back up to his dorm to fetch them. They were the only correspondence Harry had had from the people he loved all year, how he had forgotten to pack such important items was beyond him and he instantly beat himself up for it afterwards.

It wasn't unusual for the young Potter heir to stay at school over the customary holiday breaks, after all his Father was Head Auror and his Godfather Sirius was the man's second in command. His Mother worked in a popular and successful apothecary and frequently hired as a potions expert for the Ministry, finally his Uncle Remus was the pioneer of the light party 'Wizards for Creatures' movement and was forever at rally's and meetings… All in all, his family were very important, very busy Witches and Wizards within Wizarding Britain and Harry understood that he would endlessly be second place in their lives.

It had been the longest morning ever in his opinion and the aforementioned morning was just about to get even longer. It was a little-known fact that the Potter heir despised the train ride to and from Hogwarts. It had all begun back in first year, with that first faithful train ride. These sorts of adventures were supposed to be fun, especially for one travelling into the unknown were a whole new world was about to explode into existence. He remembered when he was still a young child, his mother and father would skirt around the subject of Hogwarts but never delve into its secrets and mystery.

Harry had always been a bit funny with travel be it apparition, floo or even the bloody car his Father was so proud of; It would always make him spew rings around himself. Well, on that specific train ride Harry had practically projectile vomited all over Draco bloody Malfoy and his newly formed band of idiots. Ever since that day, Malfoy made sure to find him and remind him of the incident again and again until Harry would resort to knocking the blond to the ground and pounding ten piles of shyte out of him for ever opening his big mouth. You'd think the little tosser would learn his lesson… You would be wrong.

"Hey Potter! Potter... POTTER!" The blond bimbo was starting early this time, usually he waited till everyone was at least on the train and getting settled. Fantastic.

"What is it this time, Malfoy." Ya great arse, Harry thought to himself and snickered into his mind. He knew if he said it out loud all hell would break loose and both boys would skip the jeering and jump straight to blows. Harry could only hope that Malfoy would be a one comment wonder and leave him in peace the rest of the journey. How pleasurable that hope would be, but of course reality was never so kind.

"Just wondered if your little mudblood packed you a sick bag? Or are you going old-school and using the floor again?"

The comment was followed by a flood of howling laughter and the customary grunts of approval from the Slytherin's two goons, dumb and dumber. Those boys really didn't have a shred of intelligence between them, how they were still at school with the grades they had was really a mystery. At least Harry was passing all his classes, in fact he was top in most of them… Apart from Potions much to his Mothers chagrin, that class Malfoy was securely on top.

"It's great to see you've been paying attention in muggle studies, Malfoy! Your parents must be so proud." It was a low blow, but Harry was willing to lower himself to the others level if it meant he could take the attention off his embarrassing first year mishap. It had happened 5 years ago! He didn't mean to do it, he had actually been plucking up the courage to extend his hand in friendship to the other boy. He had heard stories about the Malfoy heir growing up and had been determined to become his friend. Draco had been everything Harry himself had not been; he had won every junior quidditch league since he had been old enough to play, he had become Captain of the British under 11's at age 8… the youngest in over a hundred years! He had even successfully helped create the 'Wolfsbane Potion' along with his Godfather Severus Snape when he was but 10 years old; ultimately revolutionising the war against every Werewolf's inner beast and changing how many Witches and Wizards would view the race, the good ones at any rate. It had been a massive blow when he had been rejected so spectacularly and the constant reminders really didn't help. Harry had become bitter and had decided he would try and best the blond in everything he did, he studied hard and joined nearly every club Hogwarts had to offer. When Draco had become a prefect, Harry was gleeful that he had been chosen too… the battle for Head boy for next year had raged angrily all year long.

"At least my parents notice my achievements! Your parents don't even care when your ill, let alone make prefect! If you think getting Head Boy is going to make them notice you, I believe your sorely mistaken. I bet you could drop dead and they wouldn't even shed a tear."

And there is was…The definitive comment that had the messy haired Potter child launching himself across two crowds of giggling girls to leap into the air and crash into Draco with the force of a raging bull seeing red. He pounded into anything he could touch, mussing his hair and ripping it out in clumps. Malfoy retaliated by kneeing him in the groin and grabbing his shoulders, flipping them over and continuing to claw at Harry's face with is unnaturally long finger nails.

The fight was eventually stopped by two of the burly checkpoint guards and both boys were pulled off each other swearing like sailors and heavily bleeding. Harry had tried to launch himself back into the other teenager but the hands that held him prevented the manoeuvre.

"Stop this madness immediately! Consider your fight with each other over!" The man yelled from behind Harry, causing him to jump and the red mist that had temporarily clouded his brain to disperse. That was when the pain hit him and he slumped to his knees, the guard not having anticipated the move, letting him drop from his beefy fingers.

"I'm not going to clean you boys up. We can let your parents see exactly what animals they have raised." This was the second man's input, which was just as unwelcome as the first. "Now kindly stop this nonsense and continue on your way."

Draco was released and with a sniff and lingering glance at the still bleed wounds on Harry's face, whirled on the spot and darted down the path. Crabbe and Goyle glared some more and then followed their leader like the lost sheep they were. Harry on the other hand was trying to compose himself on the ground before getting to his feet and limping his way down the path ten or more paces behind the three.

It always amazed him how the other boy could always walk away from a fight like it was nothing. They had resorted to blows on several separate occasions and every time It was Harry who would end up bleeding and battered, while Draco would walk away with a small bruise and shallow cut at best. Even this time, the most he had done to the other was a few scrapes on the left cheek. It was like he was unhurtable? Was that even a word? Bugger knows! But it was weird, and the looks! Malfoy would always narrow his icy silver eyes onto the steady red liquid leaking from his body and Harry could swear he look almost hungry… But the days of suspecting that the other was a Vampire were far behind him. He just didn't believe Draco could ever have enough self-restraint, nor had he heard from his Father about any Vampires identified in the Malfoy family. The blond was the type to publicise his loyalties and he surely would have told anyone who would listen, that he was some big bad dark vampire wanting to kill or turn the lot of them in the name of the Dark Lord. Nah, he was just a ponce with Pureblood honour.

"Harry! Hurry up the trains about to leave! GET ON THE TRAIN NOW!" His muggleborn friend Hermione Granger howled from one of the open window compartments as the bespeckled youth appeared on the platform. Harry hurried up and jumped through the nearest doorway just as the train blew its horrendously loud whistle and began to pull away from the station. The inside was crowded and everyone seemed to be bumping into one another on their merry way to a compartment.

"Finally! Good Merlin what happened to your face! Mate, did you fall down the stairs again? I should probably let you in on a little secret… they move." Ron Weasley snorted from the window seat he had claimed as his own every year for the past five years. His bright red hair looked shocking as the sun reflected off it in intervals between the trees whirling past outside the window. He looked like a demented angel, heck he behaved like one too most of the time. Being the third in command to the best prankster group since the Maunders era kind of did that to a person. Fred, George and Ron were a force to be reckoned with. Plus, the youngest Weasley boy was a sarcastic bastard.

"Thank you, Ron. I must say I hadn't noticed. I must have been too distracted by the biggest arsehole HOGWARTS HAS EVER SEEN!"

"You fought with Malfoy again didn't you? Early this year is he not?" State the obvious Hermione, thank you.

"He just can't keep his STUPID mouth SHUT! Why does he have to do this to me EVERY SINGLE TIME! It happened FIVE years ago, FIVE. All I wanted was to be his stupid FRIEND. I'M SICK OF IT. I wish the git would just DROP DEAD!"

Hermione and Ron let him have his habitual post-fight rant while they pretended to listen and seem sympathetic. They cared about Harry, they truly did but boy, did he have a temper. It just seemed to get worse with age too. Hermione wished he would just rise above it, were as Ron hoped he would just be allowed to organise the biggest humiliation Hogwarts had ever seen.

"—I'm right though, aren't I?" Harry finished, his breathing laboured and his cheeks bright pink. His friends just nodded and he sat down with a huff and materialized a book from thin air. Wandless magic was still untraceable to this day by the Ministry and oh boy did Harry abuse that titbit of knowledge. Her

"I really wish I could do that." Hermione said as she sagged in her seat, pulling out a book the old-fashioned way.

"We can't all be as super-powered as Harry Potter now, can we?"

"Shut up, Ron." You just must get a little dig in every time I do wandless magic, don't you mate.

Silence befell the three friends as they each lost their imaginations in books and sight-seeing. Harry tried to concentrate on his Ancient Rune's text but he couldn't help thinking what his parents would think when they saw him. If they were even waiting for him at Kings Cross. He hadn't had a reply from his letter asking them. So… maybe they would surprise him. Or maybe it would be that old bat Mrs Figg, their live-in maid, picking him up again. Harry really didn't understand why house-elves just couldn't be enough for the couple. The women smelled like cats, she didn't even have cats! How was that possible?

Regardless, Harry was now dreading arriving at the station and he hoped that his parents wouldn't shout to badly when they heard he had fought with Draco Malfoy again. He would very much like to avoid being grounded for the summer.

Next time… Harry arrives at home and his punishment doesn't exactly go to plan.