Summery: This time Naruto just wanted to save the bastard. Sakura just wanted to let out her anger Sasuke just wanted to rest and not do anything, and maybe be a little crazy. They had saved the world from Kaguya so why were they back to their eight years old selves? Life had wanted to screw them over a second time. Poor Kakashi has no idea what he is in for. Time-Travel Team 7. Strong Team 7. Major changes in character's characters.

Warning: Sasuke is lazy genius as a Nara and voice of reason, Sakura is more violent healer has a punch first and ask question later policy and Naruto is a master seal maker and trouble maker. They still have all their capabilities they had when they defeated Kaguya. If you don't like it don't read but don't tell, but if you are reading then review.

Naruto did not know what happened. One minute he and Sasuke had collided their attacks with each other and Sakura-Chan had been running toward them. Then what happened? It was all a blank after that.

Had someone treated him? If so shouldn't he be in hospital? Why was he in his apartment? He should really look for someone who knew what happened? And why was everything so big?

Or was that he was small. He needed a mirror. He had shrunk.

Quickly dashing to his bathroom he looked at himself and there he was, eight year old again. His small face stared back at him. Quickly his dashed to find the calendar. He needed to know date it was. He really had a sinking feeling about all this.

Looking at the calendar he could not help but gasp. He-He how had ot happened. Not only was he eight years old but the calendar was also almost ten years older than what it should be.

He did the only thing he could do. He screamed.

Screamed loud enough to alert the ANBU posted outside his apartment. Looking at the masked man the sinking feeling in his gut worsened.

"Oi brat, you okay?" He recognised that voice. That was Yamato-taichio. But he was no longer in ANBU the last he had checked.

Then was this not his time, or was he in an alternate reality again? He did not realise that the ANBU was asking him. He did the only thing that seemed right to do at that time. He yelled and bolted.

He needed to find Sakura-Chan and Ssasuke-teme. If he was there he was sure they would be here too. They too had been caught up in that explosion. He could not go to Sakura-Chan's home. So he bolted toward the only place he was sure Sasuke would be.

Uchiha district.

Had he gotten through to the Uchiha? More importantly, did this place had ramen?


Sakura was angry. At what she did not know. All she knew was that she wanted to bash something, most likely life. One minute she had been what would you call the biggest battle of her life and then two of her most important people had decided to battle it out. And now she was in her eight years old body.

She still had her chakra crystal on her forehead but her body, it had almost like no muscle mass.

Was life trying to fuck her over. She punched the wall with all her might and accidentally forgot all about her chakra enhanced strength. So when she made a hole in the wall and fell through it even she was startled.

He mother was the first to come to check on her. She stared in disbelief at her daughter and the hole she had made.

She took them in, and they looked younger than she remembered them.

She looked younger and weaker than she remembered herself to be.

Her father suggested for her to take a walk around to cool her head as they fix this mess as he called it.

She decided to take his advice before she could do more damage. Just because she can not control her anger doesn't mean the furniture needed to suffer. How she wished she had Naruto to take her frustration out on.

Wait. Naruto. That's it. He had a knack for getting into weird things so maybe he was here too. Maybe she was not alone. She needed to find him.

So, pretending to be the sensible girl she was, took her parents advice and ran toward the Uchiha estate. Naruto was in a battle with Sasuke. If he had landed here he would go looking for him. All she had to do was find Sasuke and Naruto would not be behind. That or at Ichiraku's

So she decided to try Sasuke's first. He would be thre. At least she hoped so.

She really wanted to destroy something and badly.


Sasuke just did not want to move. He was tired of life. Tired of himself, revenge, even power. All he wanted to do was rest.

Somehow, somewhere, something had gone wrong and he was back. In his eight years old body. Eight years old body who had just been released after the massacre.

He did not know what to do. He could try to kill Itachi again, but he couldn't. Now that he knew the truth the hate just won't come. He could kill Danzo, but that would require effort.

It was not that he was like before, all his power had somehow transferred over to this body so he knew he had the power to kill the council member.

He was just fed up. Of the revenge and hate. So he decided he would do nothing. Maybe he would forgo the life of a ninja altogether. He didn't want to move from his spot.

With the decision made the raven haired child went back to sleep. That was the plan, but when had they ever succeeded when one certain loud mouth ninja was involved.


Naruto had heard the rumours. No one was saying it loud but they all wet talking about it anyway. The Uchiha massacre.

The event that had lead Sasuke down to revenge. This time he had to save that bastard. The compound was empty, devoid of life. He met Sakura in front of the compound. She looked mad, cradling her fist in her hands.

T-That was her Sakura-Chan. And she was mad.

"S-Sakura-Chan" he called out. That girl looked angry. And god knew she could punch. Hard.

"Ah Naruto. Just the guy I wanted to see. I really want to take mu anger out. Wanna help?" Her tone was sweet and polite but he knew the truth behind it. She was livid.

And terrifying. He needed to do damage control.

"Shouldn't we first go and see Sasuke? We have to make sure he does not follow the same path as before" that seemed to calm the girl down, or at least appealed to her rational side. The girl took in deep breaths.

"Fine. After that let's have a spar" he really didn't what to but if he refused his boned would not survive. Well it was doubtful they would survive even if he did agree. But he agreed anyway.

He opened the door to the Sasuke room, the house was surprisingly open. He expected to see different reactions, shock, anger and frustration were his top guesses.

But this, this was unexpected.

It was to quite. He looked over to Sasuke who looked to be sleeping. He had to save him or Sasuke would destroy himself. Sakura also looked a little worried.

"Sasuke-teme, don't go down on the road of revenge. It's dangerous and -"

"I am not Naruto. I give up"

"-And, wait what do you mean you give up?" Was the raven-haired ninja implying what he thought he was. Had he finally gotten through to him?

"I'm tired of all this revenge and hating. I give up. From today I'll be the laziest ninja you know" and was Sasuke taking lesson from a Nara? He really did act the part.

Sasuke and lazy? Was the world coming to an end? This worried Naruto and Sakura greatly, but surely it was better than being revenge obsessed right?

Maybe this would be for the better.

Naruto gave a 1000 Watt smile. Team 7 was back battebayo.

This time they had a violent medic, king of pranks and the laziest genius.

This would be great.

As you can see, my mind stopped working in the end. Review if you want more. If you do, it will be in future where Kakashi meets them as team 7's instructor.