As Lydia lay in bed, weak and frail with her grey hair splayed out upon the pillow, she slowly lifted her left hand so that she could see it and smiled.
The tattoo that had formed on Lydia's ring finger so many years ago was still there, and it looked just like it did the night that she'd received it. Throughout her life, she never regretted remaining married to Beetlejuice. They'd celebrated their seventieth wedding anniversary just three years ago and were just as happy as they'd ever been.
Both Lydia and Beetlejuice had decided early on that an open marriage would be the best option for their unique situation. It had been a little rocky at the start – both of them discovered they were more jealous than they thought they'd be – but after some lengthy discussions (and a couple of heated arguments), they successfully worked out the kinks. Their shared moments together in her younger years had been fun, spontaneous and passionate. The last thirty years had found their moments together still fun but decidedly less spontaneous and passionate. Regardless of what they were doing or where they were, though, they always enjoyed being together.
Lydia attended UCLA in her twenties and graduated with a Master of Fine Arts. She'd considered schools in New York, but she quickly decided that if she was going to leave home, she was going to go as far away as possible, so she chose California. She'd rented a small apartment because she had little interest in dorm life, plus she didn't want to have to explain Beetlejuice. She made a few acquaintances while there, but she was all too eager to return home when it was time.
In her thirties, Lydia bought Mr. Sheppard's shop when he retired and turned it into an art studio. Even though she'd dabbled in many different kinds of art in school, she returned to her love of macabre. Beetlejuice encouraged her to focus on cemeteries and the still-life photography (or 'dead life' as he always called it) with skeletons and such that she'd initially showed him, so that's what she did. She named her business The Netherworld Shoppe. She even included some of Delia's creations.
At first, people thought Lydia's work was too dark, but then a critic from New York visited and loved it. He bought ten of her pieces and took them back, hanging them in prominent galleries in the big city. Every year, he returned and bought ten more. Eventually Lydia had to create a website and hire a couple employees to help her ship orders to keep up with demand. Beetlejuice would visit a couple times a year and whisk her away to a new location for new photos and more 'dead life' creations.
While Lydia could have bought her own home with the money that she made from her art, she didn't want to be too far away from the Maitlands. Instead, she built on to her parents' house. She had a private family room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom but still spent most of her time in the main house.
Lydia finally broke down on her forty-fifth birthday and confessed to her parents that she was married to Beetlejuice and had been for over twenty years. She'd listened to them talk about grandchildren for the last ten years, so she felt it was time that they knew. They were surprised, but not as much as Lydia had expected. Their main concern was her happiness, and she assured them that she was.
Delia passed away from a stroke when Lydia was fifty-eight, and she lost her father from a heart attack six years later. Beetlejuice took Lydia away to Russia near the Kaluga Region for the Archstoyanie Land Art Festival in an effort to lessen her grief before disappearing with her to a remote cabin in Slovenia for a couple months.
Beetlejuice was, surprisingly, a good husband. He forgot Lydia's birthday occasionally, and every now and then they fought over stupid things, but when she really needed him, he was there. After her parents had passed, he spent more time at the house. Since he'd decided that he liked being more of a poltergeist than a bio-exorcist, it made being around Barbara and Adam much easier. For many years, Lydia opened up her home for Halloween as a 'haunted house' (people came from miles away just to experience it), and the three ghosts thoroughly enjoyed scaring everyone, quickly learning that they actually had fun together.
The Netherworld Shoppe flourished over the years, and Lydia managed it until her early seventies when she stepped down and allowed her staff to run it. Nova, the granddaughter of one of her first employees, was like a daughter to Lydia and had been the manager for a number of years. Lydia visited the studio occasionally, but she was content to remain at home most of the time.
"Lydia, honey, can we get you anything?" Barbara asked, sitting on the edge of the bed while Adam sat in a chair near the door. Her friends had been a big help in recent years as her had health declined. Nova was not only successful at running the business, but she had also become Lydia's caregiver for those tasks that the Maitlands were unable to do like market and take her to doctor appointments. Nova reminded her of when she'd been that age, and she cared about the young lady immensely. She knew her studio would be in good hands.
Lydia licked her dry lips and nodded once where she lay. "I'm tired," she said, her voice not much louder than a whisper. "Call him."
Barbara nodded. "All right." And then the lady ghost said Beetlejuice's name three times. It no longer bound him but summoned him to Lydia instead.
A few seconds later, the previous bio-exorcist appeared in the doorway. Beetlejuice knew the end was near, so he walked around to the other side of the bed and crawled in beside of her.
"Is it time, babe?" he asked, gently gathering his wife in his arms.
Lydia nodded as she gazed at her husband through weak, half-lidded eyes. "Soon."
A few hours later when Lydia passed away, Barbara, Adam and Beetlejuice were right by her side. When her spirit sat up in bed, Beetlejuice reached for her hand.
"Welcome to our side," he greeted as they all took turns hugging her.
Lydia looked down at herself and frowned. "I'm still old," she commented in disappointment.
"I'm guessin' you'd prefer to be younger," Beetlejuice remarked.
"Of course. Can you?"
"Babe…it's like you don't know me at all." Beetlejuice snapped his fingers, and within seconds, she was college age again. "How's that?"
With a big grin, Lydia hugged him. "It's perfect – thank you!"
"So where are you off to?" Adam asked.
"I've been sneakin' around this old plantation home outside of New Orleans," Beetlejuice answered. "Huge place. They run tours and everything, so there are always new people to scare."
"That sounds fun," Lydia remarked, looking at the Maitlands. "Are you guys coming? You're not stuck here anymore." A few years ago, Adam and Barbara had made another trip to the Nether World to meet with Juno and ask her about relocating early. She agreed to do it once for the simple reason that Beetlejuice was not causing her problems anymore, so the couple decided to wait until Lydia passed so all of them could move together.
Barbara and Adam looked at each other.
"We have been here a long time," he answered with a shrug.
"But we're ready to move on with you, so yes!" Barbara finished excitedly, reaching for Adam's hand.
Lydia squealed in happiness. Her human life had been amazing, but now she couldn't wait for her ghost life to start. "Great! Let's go to New Orleans then!"
Beetlejuice grinned as they all held hands so that he could relocate them.
"Everyone ready? It's show time!"
Hope everyone has enjoyed this story - it's been fun to write! I just love these two together!