Summary: Skylar was just an average college girl. Goes to school, lives with her mom while she's tries to find a house to live in. Till one day a shot out happens at her campus and she gets killed. Next thing she knows is waking up in a small body with a new name and a pedo for a dad. Great. To make it even better she in a anime that she only seen the first arc. Out of all the anime worlds to be reborn in why did it have to be Hunter x Hunter...okay she's cool with it as long as she wasn't going to be in the PLOT! Why couldn't she be in Pokemon or or Yu-Gi-Oh! WHY!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hiatus x Hiatus
Claimer: I do own my Oc and any plot changes I put in.

Updates will be slow due to college. I try to get a chapter up once a month at most.

Chapter 1 Knocking x at death's x door



…This is how I die huh?

Can't say that I'm surprise…I suppose.

Well, I picture a lot of ways that I might have been killed from and this was one of them. A college shot out. With all the news I hear about shot out like this I wouldn't be surprise if one happens at my campus. Though I did wish that it never happen, but fate doesn't work that way does it?


I just realized something….

I could have avoided this and still be alive. Helping around the house with my mom while I still work at my crappy job to save money to get a house of my own. Yeah. I would still be doing this if I had only stayed home today.

Curse my luck.

Now some of you might be thinking, 'well if she had stayed home and not went to college, wouldn't she be skipping her class?' well, no, I wouldn't be. I didn't have class this particular day.

'Then why did you go?'

Simple really.

The book I had purchase for class finally came in. I gotten the email saying my order is ready to be picked up. Since I was visiting my dad during that time and the campus was only a fifteen minute drive, I decided to go and pick up my book. I probably should have waited till tomorrow…or when they'll let the students back on campus.

The moment I made my decision to go, I had a bad feeling in my gut. I didn't know what cause it so I was on guard. I should have listened to my instinct that was telling me to stay at home. But no, I just had to go. And this is what I get. A bullet to the chest, stomach, arm and leg.

The only thing I could remember was a hot shearing pain shooting through me and my body slowly going numb. I could still hear the faint sounds of people screaming and the loud gun fires.

Still am actually.

I'm still laying on the ground waiting in agony for death to take me away. So, now I'm just letting my mind wonder with the things I've previously thought of. Yep. Just laying here and waiting…and waiting…and…of fuck it. You know what; I'm just going to talk a little bit about myself for the kicks, while I wait.

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. If I could laugh I would do so right now, but that takes up too much energy from me.

So I guess introduction is in a good way to start, though why am I even doing that? It's not like anyone can read my mind.


Welp. My name is Skylar Green, I'm 20 years old. I'm/was in college studying under General Studies; I don't have a degree I really want right now (or any more). I'm pretty normal…average as one could get. I'm a bit tall I suppose, standing at 5'7", I have blonde hair and green eyes.

Hmmm, what else could I say…'s almost like I'm making a 'fanfiction' story at the rate I'm going in.

Oh! Yeah I like to read fanfiction. I would give a list of anime I like…but that would take forever, soooo I'm not even going to bother.

I wonder….once my life fully goes away, will I be able to have my answer about the afterlife or about reincarnation. Wait. I don't think I would remember if I was reincarnated, as some tales say that you don't know if you were. Ohh! What about the fanfiction stories I read. You know about a person from 'our world' dies and gets reborn in their favorite anime that the author is currently in love with. I don't think I've rewritten a story like that before. Damn. Now there's one of my many regrets.

Oh, five more students have been killed. Dude where are the police? Shouldn't they be here by now? Man welcome to America, where rescue is very slow. Now I'm definitely positive I'm going to die here.

Well, if I could be reborn in an anime world I don't really know which one I just want to be in. I can easily make a list of those I don't want to since, I would actually like to die of natural cause. Those list would be: Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail (okay I wouldn't mind being there, it would be AWESOME, but I don't I could even live through all the chaos they go through), Hellsing, Hellgirl (Should be understandable), One Punch Man (have you seen the damage they cause!?).

The list of worlds that should be a big fat N.O. is pretty long but not very long. I guess I could also add in Death Note. I mean compared to all the anime I just listed, this one looks like the most safest. I mean the only thing I have to do is not get arrest, have zero contact with Light, don't go to the same college as Light don't look suspicious and I can have a normal peaceful life….I would only be living my life as a Japanese then American.

Yeah…I would rather live there. If I could have a say in it, I just need to remember the story line and avoid everything. There's no way in hell that I'm going to try and change everything. As tempting as it is, I just want a normal life.


….My body feels really cold now.

It's starting to hurt even more to breath….

My breath is getting shallow.

I guess my time is up….man…I also just started a new anime series…okay not new since the remake came out in 2011 and I never did watch the original. I heard some good and bad things about and though I might as well give it a try.

Looks like I won't even been able to finish it. And I won't know how it'll end. I've only seen an arc, I believe, but what I've seen so far is one of the animes that I would not like to be reborn in.

Hunter x Hunter.

Shame though….

It looked good…I want to say 'maybe next time'….but I don't know if there'll be a 'next time'.


It's getting harder to keep my eyes open.

Well I guess this is it.

Peace out world!




I feel weird…


Small even…very small, like a new born size.



Wiggling around, I can tell that I'm wrapped up in a blanket keeping me warm, though my face feels a bit cold. I also notice that someone is carrying me.

Wait…don't tell me…

I try to struggle a bit more, but my body feels really weak and refuse to listen to what I say. I felt the person's grip on me tighten a bit and their movement came to a halt.

"Hmm~, what's this?"

…Okay, that voice sounds a bit familiar and I can tell it's a male. I felt a piercing gaze on me and I struggle to open my eyes. I blink multiple times but no matter what I do everything is still a blur. The only colors that I could make out were white, red and a tint of yellow.

"Awake, at last I see~" The person said, and I didn't need to have my full sight back to tell that this man has a grin on his face. "That's good, I was starting to get a bit worried that you were dead~"


…Come again.

I felt something soft and pointy touch my check making me squirm a bit.

Jesus! This dude's nail is long! He could cut skin with that kind of nail.

"Ah~ I wonder how ripe you'll become in the future~" He chuckled "Just thinking about is making me excited~!"


And could someone tell my why this dude sounds so freakin' familiar!? Ahhh, just where am I and what happen to me!

"But…I don't know if I want to kill you once you're ripe." The man sigh and that comment alone just had me crying on this inside. I'm going to die young again, I just know it! "I guess, we'll see what the future will hold for you little Nagisa~"

Ahhhh—wait what? Nagisa? Last time I check my name is Skylar….oh hell no.

"I doubt you even know what I'm saying, but you will when you get older and remember what I say." The grin was back on his face, I just know it. "I do wonder how it's going to be like, being a father at my age. At least I won't be bored for a while."

I think I just died again. Right then and there.

Now that everything clicked in my brain, I now know that I have been reborn as Nagisa. Nagisa who? I don't know but I'll probably know in the future. My 'father' is without a doubt a pedo and wants to kill me once I'm 'ripe', whatever that means. The tone of this man sounds familiar and yet I don't remember who.

Another thing is that my memory is still intact, just like those charters from fanfiction. So…I might be reborn in an anime.

I don't know which one. But the moment that my eyesight fully functions I'll find out and play my cards from there. I hope it's a 'safe' anime and that I can somehow run away from this pedo before he kills me.

Wait…..oh god damn it! I just realize that I have to go through puberty again!


On the bright side I don't have to deal with monthly periods for a while! There's a pro in all of this!

Sigh, I guess for now I'll try to make my body to work with me and figure out where the hell I am.


…Hold it…

…I forgot about the breast feeding!