It was not a straight correlation from the immense and suffocating self-doubt swallowing her whole to the small, almost insignificant-but all the more important because of its size-idea that maybe, just maybe, she could be the person she was before-the hero she had been before. After all, people never ever really change; they only experience new things. How they chose to deal with these new experiences makes all the difference.

So, here she found herself, standing in this small alcove, tucked away in the DEO, looking at a tall, glass, case. Inside, she was staring at a replica of the suit she used to wear. It was almost a perfect match to her old one, although it was lacking in the holes and dirt she remembered vividly. She could swear that the fabric was just slightly different, and there was no cape. She thought about hers, where it was kept; neatly folded in a box in the back of one of her dresser doors.

There was a small plaque next to the display, and it read:

In honor of Supergirl. She showed the world how to believe in, accept, help, and above all trust people who were not of this planet.

September 22nd, 1996 - Missing in Action Since March 28th, 2017.

Winn had said, the day he'd shown her this memorial, that all of the new agents were trained based off her example. They were shown her reports, taught by Alex and J'onn, who'd worked closely with her. They had re-created the entire program around her methods of diplomacy; looking at aliens as friends first instead of enemies.

She walked through the building, and no one knew who she was behind those frames. There was something about it that made her feel uneasy, and almost unsafe. When she'd walk in the city during her lunch hour, she felt almost… followed. In the morning when she'd wake up for work, and Mon-El would still be dead asleep, spread out across her mattress like a starfish, she'd stoop down and press a soft kiss in between his brow, smiling as he moved drowsily. In those moments, she could feel someone's eyes watching her from outside her bedroom window.

Her therapist told her that it was anxiety. She believed that Kara was worried about being found again, and was becoming more and more paranoid. She suggested that when Kara senses these waves of emotion coming on, that she should try and talk to herself; tell her mind that she was safe, and that she was capable of protecting herself, and that she was not alone. She imagined that it was like the way she had to calm herself down; it would take a while to start working.

She stepped across the threshold, and looked into the apartment. He sat on the couch, leaning forwards onto his knees and holding an old book in front of his nose. He didn't seem to notice her, the literature and the music playing gently over the scene capturing his full attention.

Something rushed over her; a wave of some sort. She leaned against the door and closed it, watching him. He began to turn his head, finishing the last line and scratching his chin pensively. He looked up at her expectantly, pausing mid-caress.

"Hey," she said softly.

He closed his book slowly, a smile echoing hers. "Hi."

She dropped her bag down and took off her coat. Her eyes never left his, and she could feel her cheeks flushing slightly. She leaned back against the door, and he sat deeper into the couch, a smile creeping onto his face. She began to beam, and he laughed,

"What?" He asked abashedly.

"Oh, nothing," She shook her head, walking over and plopping down next to him.

He put his arm up above her, and she picked up his book, studying it. He watched her, a small expression of wonder in his eyes.

"I just," She looked up into his face, "I like coming home to you."

His lips parted ever so slightly, and she stared at him bravely. Mon-El had never had anyone look at him they way she does. He'd been with many, many people in his short life, but there was something undeniably different about her. Those cool blue eyes seemed to have softened when they got to Earth, becoming more like the ocean, and less like a storm. Even before, in those horrible rooms, something about her stare was so warm it almost burned his skin.

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. This is just a fact, that all people around the world have become accustomed to in their own way. It wasn't until the first time she held him-really held him-that he'd felt peaceful. He hadn't realized until the moment she'd taken his head and pulled it to her heart that he'd felt nothing. It was a true moment of bliss, so extreme emotions would not be able to burden him.

He wrapped his arm about her shoulders, pulling her closer. She gave him a goofy smile, and he chuckled, cupping her cheek. His nose brushed against hers and he kissed her.

It took them only moments before they found themselves in her bed. He leaned down from above her, scooping her up by the cheek and kissing her slowly. She relaxed into the cotton sheets, and closed her eyes. His mouth moved then. It came carefully down onto her jawline, then down just below it on her neck. On the fabric below them, his palms made barely audible noises, his fingertips sliding further and further down them as he adjusted position. Her hands began to tangle preemptively into the pillows.

Minutes later, there came a knock at the door. They pulled apart abruptly, and looked up. Out from under the covers, she lifted her hand, rubbing his cheek, and pressing a soft kiss on his lips. He sighed, smiling, and stood, grabbing a t-shirt off of her desk chair. She sat up on her elbow, and smirked, staring shamelessly at his ass.

"Hey," he grinned, pulling on his shorts, "I'm up here."

She laughed gently, falling back against the pillows, and running a hand through her hair. She sighed, catching her breath. She could hear his footsteps, light and happy, moving towards the front entrance. She closed her eyes, and the metal door creaking open tiredly.

"Mon-El," A surprised voice said, and Kara sat up straight, "I-I wasn't expecting you-"

Kara stumbled out of her room, wrapping a towel around her head. She'd rushed into her bathrobe, and began to act as though she'd been in the shower. Coming out of her room, she was relieved that Mon-El had managed to find his pajama pants somewhere before receiving her sister.

"-Alex?" She interrupted, and the woman turned from Mon-El, her tense shoulders relaxing as she spotted her sister.

"Hey, I'm really sorry to do this, but I need a favor." Alex said, and as Kara grew closer, her sister turned to look out into the hall.

The two aliens poked their heads out the doorway, spotting a small figure sitting in one of the armchairs there. Raimy was fidgeting with a few legos, wrapped up in her work.

Mon-El began to grin, and he jerked his head back to face Alex, "Yes."

"Really?" Alex's face brightened and Kara frowned, obviously nervous.

"Can't you get a sitter?" Kara asked.

"I barely had enough time to come by and ask you, Kara." Alex replied, there's an extremely important situation at the DEO and Maggie is on duty until tomorrow morning."

"Is everything okay? What's going on at the DEO?" Kara asked worriedly.

Alex swallowed, "I'm sorry, Kara, it's-it's classified."

"Oh, right." Kara looked down and bit her lip.

Mon-El's hand enveloped hers and he nodded, "We understand. We'll be happy to watch over Raimy."

"We will…?" Kara looked up at Mon-El and he looked down.

"We won't?" He said, "Sorry-"

"-No, it's okay-"

"-You're right, it's your house, you choose-"

"-Mon-El, really it's fine-"

"-I just really want to help-"

"-No, I know you do, and I do too-"

"-You do?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Oh, well me too."

"It's settled then." Kara said. They both nodded once and turned to Alex. "We'll be happy to watch over Raimy."

Alex blinked. "I-okay."

She walked over and Kara watched anxiously as she scooped up her child. Mon-El took the backpack off of Alex's shoulder, and caught a lego just as Raimy dropped it. He gave it back to her, and was rewarded with a smile. Receiving the small girl, he began to walk into the apartment again, cooing softly to her.

"Kara, are you sure you're okay with this?" Alex crossed her arms, watching Mon-El sit her daughter down on the couch.

"Yeah, of course." Kara nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Okay." Alex nodded, giving her sister's shoulder one last rub before she turned away.

"I, uh," Kara cleared her throat. She paused, trying to formulate words.

"Kara, I'm really sorry, but I have to go." Alex said, trying to urge her to speak faster.

Kara only shook her head. "Good luck, Alex."

Alex smiled quickly and then began to jog towards the stairs. Kara thought for a second then, leaning against her open door. She didn't know what exactly it was she wanted to say to her sister then, she only acted on an almost primal urge to speak. She blinked and turned, stepping into her home once more.

Mon-El was back in that spot on the couch, this time though, he was joined by Kara's niece, who was currently showing him the magic of legos. Kara cocked her head then, watching the pair of them; his furrowed brow and darting eyes as they stole glances at the two-year-old, trying to copy her actions with the small toys. Raimy's small hand reached up then, and he let her take the few he'd put together and try and mash it with hers. He beamed down at her, and leaned back, listening to her nonsensical speech as if it were Shakespeare.

His eyes lifted, meeting hers. His big smile was still there, and it was if he was making sure she wasn't missing this typically mundane moment in a child's life. It was one of a million small moments that were to come in Raimy's life, but to him, it was so important; important enough to share with Kara. He didn't want her to miss a second of it, and it wasn't even his kid.

It was then, that Kara envied the woman who bared his children; she would be lucky.

Kara laid on her back, looking at Raimy as she lifted her up and down. The front door opened and Mon-El bustled in, a grin on his face, cheeks flushed ever so slightly. She straightened, and Raimy waddled over to him.

Recently, on his way home from work, Mon-El had discovered bagels. It was his new favorite thing to bring home to her when he had the late shift on Friday nights. Dropping the brown bag and his keys on the table, he caught Raimy and brought her up to say hello. She grabbed at his face, and he chuckled, giving her a hand to play with instead.

Kara stood, grabbing the bag and beginning to unpack it.

"Here," Mon-El began, putting Raimy down on the counter, "I can do that-"

"-No, no," Kara smiled, "it's alright, really. Besides, I think she missed you."

He beamed, turning back to the little girl, and again, Kara found herself watching them. Whatever it was that caused Alex and Maggie to need a sitter, had begun to last longer than predicted. Not that either of her parents had given a real, concrete time for when they would be picking up their daughter, but the two aliens had presumed they'd be around at least by Saturday morning, having dropped Raimy off late Thursday night.

This, of course, did not make them negligent or poor parents in any way. The pair were as busy as they come; dealing with alien and domestic threats were in both of their job descriptions. Seeing as the NCPD had begun a new partnership with the DEO for special circumstances at the end of last year, now both women were required to work together more. They didn't mind that so much, just that they were having to leave their daughter with a practical stranger now and then.

Kara had a job that was-not to be rude in any way, or to belittle the importance of bartending-a bit more proper than Mon-El's. As much as she would like to bring in Raimy to work, and have her play with her toys on her office floor, she knew that she could not keep a proper eye on her whilst running all about with prints and layouts. Mon-El was happy to bring her to the alien bar during his daytime shift.

Once she got off work on Friday, Kara had gone over, finding the pair of them behind the bar. She sat on a shelf next to him, and he had pulled a stood back there, sitting right next to her. In his hand, he had a very tattered copy of The Sorcerer's Stone. As she paused, Kara could hear him as he was reading it softly to Raimy. She was very focused on her legos, building a small tower in front of her crossed legs. Mon-El would pause every once and a while, sounding out a word he'd never seen before.

Kara had pulled out her phone then, and taken a picture, sending it to her sister with the caption: "I hope you're okay with this."

She'd smiled then, stepping out of the doorway and walking over to him. His eyes had lifted from the page, and a grin had spread across his face. Standing, he'd picked up Raimy, setting her down in between them.

"I hate to steal her away," Kara had teased.

"Oh, that's alright, Harry Potter was making her sleepy." He had looked down at Raimy, who had gazed back up at him curiously. All together, she'd truly been saddened by the idea of stealing Raimy away from him, but toddlers have to sleep.

"You want a bagel, Raimy?" Mon-El grinned, as she tried to examine his breakfast.

They were sitting at her dining room table, next to each other on the side facing the windows. Raimy sat on the one of Kara's knees that was near Mon-El's. She was leaning over, trying to touch his bagel, and his elbow was getting dangerously close to the orange juice that was on the edge of the table.

"Mon-El," Kara laughed, "watch your glass."

"Ooh, you're right," he turned, moving it to safety and pausing momentarily his attention to Raimy.

"Mew, Mew, Mew," Raimy said, reaching out to him.

He turned back abruptly, and looked up at Kara. She covered her mouth then, hiding a smile. "No way,"

"Me?" He pointed to his chest and Raimy made no indication that he was incorrect.

"Mew," She reached for his bagel again and he laughed.

"Oh, I see! You only want my food!" Mon-El brought it to his mouth and Raimy slumped against Kara's side.

"Hey," Kara said gently, picking up a piece of mango off her plate and offering it to the two-year-old, "here, sweetie, try this."

Raimy took it carefully from Kara's hand, and then dropped it onto the ground.

"Raimy!" Kara chastised, starting to bend forwards to pick it up, but Mon-El beat her to it.

He put it on the edge of his plate, and Kara got the little girl's attention. "Here, honey, look."

She picked up another piece of fruit and popped it into her mouth. She made an exaggerated face of joy, nodding and saying "mmmm…" Curious, Raimy took the next bit that was offered to her and ate it. She chewed carefully, and then looked up into her aunt's smiling face. She lifted a small hand, opening and closing her fingers, asking for more.

Mon-El leaned against the table, and it was the perfect tableau; a couple with a child, in awe of not only the small being but each other, sitting at their dining room table on a lazy, Saturday morning.

Suddenly, the building began to shake. Mon-El's fingers dug into the table then, his heartbeat rising. Kara stood, instinctively pulling Raimy closer to her chest. The quaking subsided, but their hands began to shake. Raimy gripped Kara's hair, but she didn't even feel it, her head spinning. She could feel it welling up inside her chest; the terror.

The world began to vibrate again, and they slumped to the ground, covering Raimy as best they could. Mon-El's forehead was pressed against Kara's, and his fingers quivered, searching for hers on the carpeted floor.

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to count to ten in a consecutive order, but all she could think of was her tunnel vision and the pulse echoing in her ears.

"Kara," A voice suddenly said, and she peered up, looking into Mon-El's face.

"One," she said, hearing something race past their window, "two."

He opened his eyes, his breath coming out quick, and shallow. "Three."

"Four." She said, nodding, as he continued.

"Five, six-" He began, but it was too fast, so she slowed him down.


He took one long breath with her, the world becoming louder and louder then. "Eight."

They could hear gunshots in the street, and something like a rocket flying around.

"Nine." He breathed, his voice even, her tunnel vision subsiding.


Alex could not tell Kara the truth about all of the facets of the incident, even if it was for press reasons. All she could do was take Kara by the hand, and thank her for watching Raimy while it got settled.

"Did anything happen?" Maggie asked, as Alex greeted their daughter.

"Well, she's decided to call Mon-El 'Mew' and I'm 'Kat' but other than that, no." Kara beamed.

Alex laughed, turning so that Raimy was facing her aunt, "Say 'bye-bye, Auntie Kara!'"

Raimy waved as if she were a bit confused, but it was adorable nonetheless. Her mothers both laughed in unison, beaming at their daughter adoringly.

"Alright well," Maggie touched Kara's shoulder in that friendly way she always does, "thank you again."

"It was my pleasure." Kara beamed.

Alex turned to her, "Thank Mon-El for us too!"

Kara nodded, "Of course! He'll miss her."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll miss you both as well!" Maggie smiled, "No doubt you spoil her."

"Only a little." Kara smirked.

As Alex and Maggie walked away with their daughter, Kara crossed her arms. She turned into the apartment, and shut the door slowly. Looking up, she found the living room's window ajar. She cocked her head slightly. She walked over and latched it shut, spinning on her heel casually.

On her counter, there was a piece of paper, a blue, wax candle burning a deep, maroon flame. She picked it up, her brow furrowed. Unfolding the sheet, Kara found a note, neatly sprawled onto the page. It read as follows:

A moth is beautiful and delicately construed,

Floating gently above the air,

Achieving a beauty rarely seen by other creatures.

Finding her will make her go wild;

She will begin flying around and around in circles,

Until she is eventually met with the sour end of a folded newspaper.

The spider is calculating and clever,

Her web spanning across small corners,

Hidden in tidy alcoves.

It takes man many moons to find her,

For that is her plan all along;

Everyone underestimates the quiet ones.

It is not the moth-

Who fears for her safety and wastes her time on trivial moments-

who is able to escape, Miss Danvers,

And it is not always the spider.

You now have a choice;

You have been found, Supergirl,

Which one are you?

Sorry for the wait! Hope you like this chapter, and be ready for the next one really soon! Thank you all so much again for all of the lovely support for this story! Your comments and favorites are very important to me :)
-xo ShadowJay