Title: Understanding

Author: Evil Little Dog

Fandom: The Scorpio Races - Maggie Stiefvater

Rating: Any

Summary: Puck tries to understand.

Disclaimer: Maggie Stiefvater owns all.


Puck understands Dove. Her horse whinnies in delight at seeing her, tossing her head and pawing the ground. Dove snorts and shoves at Puck, wanting attention, wanting food, her bad manners tolerable because she's Dove and Puck knows Dove would never actually hurt her.

The same isn't true of Corr. Puck is still learning the art of dealing with the capaill uisce, and though a somewhat broken one lives half on her property, half on Sean's, she's never quite sure she can trust Corr. She's fed him fresh meat and ridden his back (before he became broken, helping to save both her own life and Dove's) and raced alongside him on Dove. It doesn't mean she understands him and his breed. The water horses are dangerous predators. The deaths of her parents prove as much.

But Puck can admire Corr, even if she can't understand him. And knowing Corr could have had his freedom but chose to remain with Sean means more to her than she can ever begin to explain. So Corr lives in her pasture occasionally, limping about and sometimes sniffing at Dove through the fence.

He's beautiful, Corr is, even if he's broken. Puck isn't sure if there's a way to eventually heal him but he's here and so is Sean. Between them, they'll do their best.

And maybe, someday she'll understand the capail uisce the way she does Dove.
