"Then what're ya waitin' for, ya weirdo? Let's go!" Lucy stared at Natsu with a blank face, still trying to process what the rose-haired man wanted from her. While her heart was beating erratically in her chest and her skin burned where he touched her she pulled her wrist back to herself shaking her head. Confusion clouded in olive colored eyes as Natsu withdrew his hand.

"I can't do that, Natsu."

Natsu looked deep into her dark eyes, searching for some reason as to why she would say no. "Ya don't like the way yer livin' now, right? So why not go on an adventure with me?"

Because she was scared, because she didn't want to get her hopes up, because she didn't want to be disappointed by the outcome. The list could go on and on for reasons why she couldn't just up and leave for an adventure with Natsu, someone she has only met twice. She was an adult now, no longer some foolish sixteen year old girl who tried running away from her father every other week. She learned that there was no running away from problems, not her's at least.

"I'm an adult, Natsu. I can't escape reality, so it's better for me to just accept that fact and deal with what's in my way like any other adult does." She chewed on her bottom lip as she looked at the snow covered ground. She didn't want to see the familiar look of disappointment flash in his handsome green eyes- she'd seen enough of that from her father to last a lifetime.

"Luce, look at me," The blonde woman groaned at the nickname and continued to stare at the ground until two of his long tan fingers came underneath her chin and gently lifted her face so that they were eye to eye. Instead of seeing disappointment like she had thought, his eyes glistened with amusement as he grinned at her, his white canines being shown off once again. "Are ya really like any other adult? Or is that just who ya pretend ta be?"

Before she could respond he slipped his fingers out from under her chin, taking her cold hand in his warm one as he continued walking down the hill as he said, "Let's go find yer friend and metal freak. Feel bad for leavin' her with 'im, he's such an ass."

Lucy giggled quietly and a small smile formed on Natsu's face as he heard the delightful sound. He made sure he wasn't facing her as his cheeks flushed in just the slightest bit of pink as the duo continued to walk together, hand in hand. "You shouldn't. I'm pretty sure Levy has a crush on him."

Natsu wrinkled his nose at the thought. "No way. If anything Metalhead's the one that has the crush." He snickered, already coming up with several different insults he could use on his brute of a cousin for liking the small girl.

"Think about it though, Natsu! Beauty and the Beast, right in front of us!" At that, Natsu guffawed loudly, letting go of Lucy's hand and clutching his stomach in laughter. Lucy scowled at the pink haired man, smacking the back of his head as she muttered jerk under her breath. Natsu didn't even flinch as her hand came in contact with him, too busy laughing to notice it. "That's a very romantic story, I'll have you know!"

Natsu sobered up as quickly as he could as she began to stomp away, still letting out some quiet sniggers as he jogged back up to her. He threw a lazy hot arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him so she couldn't get away this time. "Aw, come on Lucy. I'm sorry." He pouted as she turned her head away from him before a wide grin stretched over his face. "I'll make it up to ya! This Friday, I'll take ya to the new trampoline place. My friend Loke works there so we might get a discount."

Lucy raised one of her perfectly shaped brows at his offer. He wants to take her out on what she could only assume was a date, and he wants to go to a place for kids? She had to admit, she did not see that one coming, though Lucy supposes she should have. After all, in the little time that she has spent with the man next to her she's learned that he was still a child at heart.

Natsu was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her answer.

"I suppose I could do that," She didn't exactly have much to do Friday, except for her lecture but that was early in the morning. Plus, she would definitely need some time with Natsu after an hour long class with Mr. Porla. That man always managed to get on her nerves. She could hardly ever get an A on anything in his class, and she has no doubt that it is because she's a Heartfilia. The older man has done everything but be verbal about his hatred towards her family, whether it be through his actions or her grades.

"Awesome!" Natsu exclaimed, unconsciously tugging her closer to him as he shot his fist into the air. "We're gonna have so much fun, Lucy!"

"If I may say, princess, it sounds like this man has feelings for you," Virgo said as she picked up one of the many books that were scattered around Lucy's room. Lucy had decided after she arrived home from her exciting day with Natsu, Levy, and Gajeel, that she might as well sort out her bookshelf with all of the energy still pent up inside of her. So currently her and Virgo were sat in the middle of the messy room, completely surrounded by books as they arranged them in alphabetical order.

That may sound boring to anyone else, but to Lucy it was always the best time for her and her dear maid to talk about everything and anything. Lucy just regretted that she had accidentally slipped about Natsu to her though. The pink-haired woman would never let her live that down.

"D-Don't say that, Virgo!" Lucy felt the familiar rush of heat to her cheeks and the tips of her ears.

"I'm sorry. Is it time for punishment?"

"No!" Lucy placed her freezing hands on her cheeks in an attempt to cool down her raging blush. One would think that after all these years Lucy would be over her friend's quirk and her bluntness but it's not as simple as you'd think! Especially when that friend asking you about the guy you may or may not be attracted to. And it wasn't like Lucy could just lie to the woman either. She always caught on, one way or another. Both a blessing and a curse if you'd ask her.

"Anyways, it's not a date because I haven't lost the bet, and I don't plan on losing either. So on Friday, after my lecture, I'm going to meet him at the bus stop and we'll go to the trampoline place." Lucy explained as she placed the next book on the shelf. Virgo nodded but Lucy didn't miss the cheeky glint in her bright blue eyes. She was probably filing that information away for later. The young blonde bit back a groan as she grabbed the book Pride & Prejudice. A small smile graced her lips as the memory of her and Natsu at the bookstore resurfaced, bringing along some weird and unfamiliar feelings with it.

Unbeknownst to the heiress, the maid with the bubblegum colored hair smiled softly at the sight of her young mistress looking so happy. It was the first time in a long time since she had last seen that look on the blonde's face, and she was more than willing to do anything it takes to keep it there. After so many years of working under the Heartfilia's, Lucy had wormed her way into Virgo's and many of the other servants' hearts. And to see that she was finally moving on from that rough gray patch in her life was more than Virgo could ever wish for her.


"Yes princess?" She turned her bright blue eyes back on Lucy, handing her the next book. The blonde looked at her with concern but didn't say a word when she saw the grin on the maid's face. Lucy could only imagine what she could have been thinking about at that moment. "Princess, I've been thinking…" The young maid trailed off, unsure of whether or not she should continue.

"Thinking about what?" She took the book and placed it neatly next to Pride & Prejudice. She welcomed the feeling of a job well done as she noticed that they were nearing the end of the pile of her favorite books already.

A sudden sense of dread overwhelmed Virgo. "Nevermind, I'll tell you later."

Lucy looked suspicious but soon shrugged. If Virgo didn't want to tell her, than that was her choice. She shouldn't force it out of her. She knows she can trust her friend to come and tell her when she is ready. Tucking the frustrating lock of hair that kept falling in her face, Lucy moved to grab the next novel.

"Where is it that he is taking you out for you date?" Virgo asked teasingly, standing up and brushing invisible dust off of her maid outfit. She took pleasure from Lucy's red face before reaching a hand down to help her young mistress.

"Virgo! I keep telling you that it's not d-d-date!" Lucy stuttered out, taking her friend's hand. Virgo easily pulled her up, as if the blonde weighed no more than a feather. "And he told me he was going to take me to this trampoline place that opened up recently." She answered. She stretched her tired arms behind her, a sleepy smile on her face.

"Oh no! I don't have anything to wear! What do you even wear to go jumping? Do you wear yoga pants? Oh, but it's too cold to wear those!" Virgo watched in amusement as Lucy paced around the enormous bedroom. Lucy worried her lip between her teeth before turning around abruptly, heading straight to her closet with a new determination. "I'm gonna wear something cute, even if it's the last thing that I do!"

And it's not because of Natsu, Lucy reminded herself as she searched through her shirts, looking for one that was fashionable yet still allowed her to jump and have fun in. It was a pretty difficult search. Most of her closet was clothes her father had approved, so they were reserved and professional looking. I will find a cute shirt because I have a reputation to uphold.

"Good luck, princess!"

Forty minutes later found Lucy slumped against her bed, her golden hair sprawled wildly against the pink covers. Surrounding her was a bunch of discarded shirts that she had either deemed as uncute, not jumping material, or both. Virgo and some of the other maids offered to pick up the clothes, but Lucy shooed them away, telling them that she'd do it herself.

"It's decided," Lucy said to herself, blowing an annoying strand of hair out of her face. "I'm going to go to the mall tomorrow." She had no lectures tomorrow, and she was pretty sure that she hadn't made any plans with anyone since Levy had English for the greater part of Thursday. Her schedule was free the entire day. She scanned the mess of clothes that surrounded her, debating on whether or not she wanted to get up and put them away.

Unconsciously, her eyes drifted over to where Natsu's black jacket was hung over her desk chair. She smiled faintly at the memory before glancing over at the comic laid next to it. She pushed herself up, moving over to her nicely organized desk and grabbing it, paying little attention to the pile of letters next to it. Once she was back to her bed, she read the title. Amazing Spider-Man #300.

"Why would he give me the 300th book in the series?" She asked quietly. She shrugged, assuming that Natsu had a reason for giving her this specific comic book. Excitedly, Lucy opened the first page of the comic, cozying down to spend the rest of her night reading. "I'm not going to lose this bet."