The title of this story taken from Aracelis Girmay's peom 'Consider The Hand That Writes This letter'
I do NOT own the characters or rights to 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'
December 10th, 1926
Miss. Porpentina Goldstein,
I hope my letter finds you well. I have recently arrived back in London and I am, almost regretfully, settling back into my desk at the Ministry of Magic. It does seem like a shame to waste a day behind a desk when so much else could be done.
My creatures are finally starting to settle in after the travels. While the undetectable extension charm does wonders on a simple, charms re-enforced suitcase, they do seem to do much better at home. I have turned the attic of my flat into a temporary miniature zoo while I work on expanding and reinforcing my current suitcase. I would hate to have another escape like we had in New York last month. This new scenery affords my friends a bit more spacious accommodations. Except for my incorrigible Niffler, he stays on a very close watch. As long as the extra security spells hold, and my landlord stays out of the attic they should be fine there temporarily.
I am sitting down with my editors in the next few days to discuss the tone and nature of my book. Now comes the slightly-less exciting part of arranging all the materials, instead of researching. Might you have a suggestion or two on how to make years of research and note-taking more manageable?
Warm Regards,
Newt Scamander
P.S. Pickett insists I send his regards.
Tina folded the letter, and looked aimlessly out the window at the darken New York City sky. She felt conflicted by the letter she had received this afternoon. At first she was elated to receive a letter for Newt so soon after his departure. It had only been a few weeks. However, the content left her wanting more. The most frustrating part was that she didn't actually know what kind of content she would have wanted in the letter instead.
She turned her gaze back into the living room, where her sister Queenie was making supper. The sight of Queenie cooking was typically a comforting one. The usual humming or light conversations that took place during meals had been replace with silence. Losing Jacob had affected her sister more then she wanted to admit. Tina wanted to believe that the flirtations with Jacob had been a passing fancy. Jacob would have been more tempting to befriend to Queenie strictly because he was off-limits. However, as the days went on, Tina had to admit to herself, it wasn't that he was a no-maj that attracted her sister. It was the man himself. Holding in her sigh, she got up to set the table for her sister.
Only once the table had been set and the large pot of stew and basket of fresh bread had been placed in front of them did the sisters speak to one another.
"How was your day? Anything exciting happen?" Queenie asked Tina with a twinge of sadness in it.
Tina looked at her sister in surprise. 'Was Queenie even too depressed to probe her mind?' she thought to herself.
Queenie didn't look up from her own bowl. She debated on if she should tell Queenie. She didn't want to hurt her by reminding her of Jacob, however she thought news of Newt might cheer her up.
"What don't you know if you want to tell me?" Queenie said, finally lifting her head from her bowl. Tina could see that she had been crying.
Tina sighed and pulled her recently received letter out of her pocket and handed it over to her sister.
Queenie took the letter and read it silently. Her face breaking into a smile once she finished. Tina realized sadly that this smile was the first she had seen on her sister's face in weeks.
"Ohhh, Teenie, he wrote to you!" Queenie exclaimed, forgetting her own sadness. "Why do you look so disappointed?" she questioned honestly. "We didn't even know if he was going to write at all!"
"I don't know," Tina said disappointedly. "I'm happy I got a letter but I just didn't know what to expect in it and well…"
"Hum" Queenie thought out loud. "Well, Newt is a bit…odd, ya know, socially. I bet this is the very best he could write. If you think about it, he probably didn't know what to write, just like you didn't know what to expect."
Tina's face flushed. She felt so much gratitude and love towards her sister in the moment that she knew Queenie could hear her mind. Since she gave Tina a darling smile and started eating her soup happily.
"You are probably right." Tina stated, a new found conviction in her voice. "It would have been out of character to get a letter with proclamations of affection and poetry."
"Yeah, I don't Newt's a poetry kind of guy" Queenie added.
"He isn't." Tina interjected hastily. "Which is why, after dinner, I'll write him back."
"I think that is a smart idea" her sister smiled. "I mean, he asked you a direct question in his letter. I am sure he wants you to write back. You're probably just going to need to guide him in conversation a bit."
"Yeah, start small."
"Minuscule even." added Queenie slyly.
Tina nodded to herself, then as if suddenly remembering. "I'm sorry, I didn't even ask. How was your day Queenie?"
"Oh, it wasn't too exciting." Queenie smile loving at her dependable older sister and ate her stew happily, keeping a secret of her own.