Hey guys! Been some time.

So I'm thinking this is probably the last chapter, then on to something new. But since this is the last chapter I thought I'd try and reach 5,000 words, making it my new record. Will see. ;)

Spoiler We're finally going to meet some of Tommy's friends!


"Hey! Remember the time we got caught trying to sneak into Don's apple orchard?" a male voice shouted out.

Wendy took a sip from her can of pit Cola, her favorite drink. "Yeah, we only got caught Because you were too scared to keep watch!" She shot back, causing him to blush.

That earned a laugh from all around the table.

Clementine, Tommy, and all their friends where gathered at the old bar in the middle of town called Old Reds. It was there third favorite hangout, besides the lake and the drive in. The young adults could be found there almost every Friday or Saturday night.

All the girls where there including Clem and Sarah, along with Tommy and his friends. Tommy liked hanging out with the girls, especially Clementine, but sometimes he just needed to spend time with the guys. He can't hang out with the girls all the time.

He met his friends about a month after him and his mom Kelley moved in. He had gone to the general store in town to buy some matches and a diet coke for himself and had run into the three guys that sat across from him now. Tyrone, Sean, and Mason.

Tyrone, who everyone called Ty for short, was twenty three, almost twenty four. He had dark brown hair that was starting to get a bit long, but still relatively short, dark brown eyes and a slight country accent. Even though he was older he was still slightly shorter than Tommy by a few inches.

Then there were the twins, Sean and Mason. Identical, and always getting into trouble. Both with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The only difference between them was that Mason had slightly more freckles on his face and a scar across his left cheek, from where a bullet had grazed his face from a bandit attack. They both turned twenty two a few months ago, but no matter how old they get they still manage to get into trouble.

He remembered the first time he had introduced them to Clementine.

"Come on guys! The girls should already be their," Tommy yelled excitedly as they neared the building.

"It's about time you introduced us!" Mason joked.

"So how did you meet this girl anyway?" Tyrone asked looking to Tommy.

Tommy thought back for a minute before he replied. "Well...when me and my mom first came hear, Clem, her family, and her friends came to help us move in. I had been in the house at the time, but my mom called for me to come say hi to everyone. And that's when I first met her."

Then Sean spoke up, "What happened after that?"

Tommy chuckled, "After that we started hanging out and we became good friends. Then one day we went to the drive-in and I finally told her how I felt. Turns out she felt the same way."

"From what I heard, you made a fool out of yourself that night." Said Ty, which caused the guys to laugh.

Tommy blushed slightly, but shook his head at the boys teasing. "What can I say, I was nervous. How would you have felt?"

"I would of done better than you," Said Mason.

Sean came over and hit the back of his brothers head. "Yeah, cause your such the romantic type."

This caused the twins to start arguing. "I could do better than you!"

"Yeah right!"

Ty decided to interfere before things escalated. "Guys who's the one with the girlfriend here!?"

Tommy chuckled as he pushed the door to Old Reds open. "Just try not to act like this all the time in front of her."

"No promises!" Sean joked.

Tommy took a moment to scan the room for the rest of his friends. He spotted them over at a table near the bar. "There they are."

The guys followed his gaze to the group of girls that were strewn about talking with each other.

Wendy and Abigail were standing at the bar's counter in the middle of an argument about what drink was the best. While Skylar and Rachael could be seen talking with each other by the table.

"So which one is she?" Mason asked.

Just then Rachael and Sky moved to join Wendy and Abigail to reveal two other girls who were currently in their own conversation.

Tommy smiled and pointed to the one on the right."That's her."

The guys turned to look at who he was pointing at and they stared at her stunned.

Clementine wore her faded blue jeans, a yellow shirt with a jean jacket pulled over it. Which made her look kind of intimidating, like she belonged in a biker gang. Her hair was still short, but she had it pulled back into two pigtails with a few curls loose in the front. Her favorite baseball cap was also seated on her head. She had an unopened bottle of sprite in her hands as she talked with Sarah.

"That's your girlfriend!?" Mason asked shocked.


The boys had their mouths hanging wide open until Ty shook himself out of his trance. "Dude... theirs no way in hell that's your girlfriend. She..she's hot."

Tommy smirked, "Guess I'm just lucky." He started his way over towards Clem. The other guys to baffled to move.

Clem saw him walking over. "Tommy!" she called. He walked up and hugged her. Sarah left to go hang with the other girls to give them a moment.

Tommy started a conversation with her while they guys got over their reality check. "Alright guess we better introduce ourselves," Sean stated and tried to walk over when he was stopped.

"Hold up man," Ty stopped him. "we gotta play it cool." He breathed in deeply, calming himself. "Follow my lead."

Tommy noticed the three of them walking over. "Hey there Tommy," Tyrone greeted.

Tommy rolled his eyes at what they were playing at, but Clem's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Oh you must be Tommy's friends."

They where too out of it to reply.

"Guys this is Clementine. My girlfriend." Then he gestured to the three of them. "This is Tyrone, Sean, and Mason. Their twins." He motioned to the last two.

Clem found it odd that they kept their eyes fixed on her, but replied anyway. "It's..um nice to finally met you guys."

Then all of a sudden the questions hit. Clem didn't think anything of it, but Tommy found it amusing. It was funny watching them do what they were doing. They had come walking up to him, but they only wanted to talk to Clementine. He felt invisible, but he stood there and smiled. He couldn't blame them for being hypnotized. They kept staring at her heart break eyes. Oh how he loved her eyes.

Then a voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Yo Tommy! You gonna introduce us to the rest of your friends or what!?" It was Wendy.

He chuckled and turned to walk over. "Come on guys. Meet the rest of our friends." He grabbed Clem's hand and led them over the the table. He didn't mind being the guy with the girl.

"Yeah my brother can be quite the chicken," Sean teased, pointing to his brother.

"Hey!" Mason shouted. "If I recall correctly, you didn't want to be the look out either!"

Then Rachel cut in. "You should of seen the look on your face when he pulled out that rake. I thought you were going to wet your pants." She said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey, Don can be a very scary guy when he wants to be!" Added Sean, shuddering at the memory.

Clem shook her head and laughed, "Man we have got to do something like that again. Those were the days."

"Like when you, me, and Wendy threw water balloons at the school windows?" Skylar brought up.

"Dude the look on Mr. Thompson's face was priceless," Said Wendy. "I'd totally do it again," The red head added, facing the group, sitting with her chair facing backwards. Her teal, flannel, jacket tied around her waist.

Clem chuckled, "I still can't believe you spray painted his car."

"Hey when you go all out, you go all out" Wendy smirked.

Abigail rolled her eyes. "You guys are such dorks." She said after taking a sip of her Dr. Pepper.

Sky and Wendy both stuck their tongues out at Abigail, causing Clem to chuckle. She was leaned back in her chair with her feet on the rim of the table. She took her glass bottle of Sprite and swung it back letting the last of the bottle's contents empty out. She set the empty bottle back on the table with a thud.

"You want me to grab you another one babe?" Tommy who was standing behind her asked.

She leaned her head back to look at him. "Sure thing. Thanks Tommy."

He smiled at her then pulled her hat down to cover her eyes in a teasing manner. He was about to turn to walk up to the bar when Ty cut in. "Come on Clem. Why don't you have a beer? Relax a little bit? You'll like it." He said while taking a sip of the Bud Light in his hand.

Tommy sent him a look that said to watch it, but he wasn't paying attention. However Clem's voice pulled him back. She fixed her hat before replying, "N'ah I'm all right." She waved him off, putting her chair back on the ground.

"Come on!" Ty tried again. "Don't you turn twenty one tomorrow anyway?"

Clem sighed, "Yes, but I'd rather not get in trouble with Luke again. We already went through the whole kissing thing once. I'd rather not go through hell with him tonight."

"Your telling me you've never had a drink. Not even once?" Ty questioned raising a brow.

"Well...there was this one time when I was eleven. Back when I first met Sarah and her group. Right Sarah!" She looked to the girl with the glasses for confirmation.

Sarah nodded her head, "Yeah from what you told me. When you where with Nick."

"What happened?" Asked Mason.

Clem sighed at the dreaded memory, "Me and this guy named Nick got trapped in a cellar running from walkers. He had just lost his Uncle when we found the place. There were jars of whiskey inside and he got drunk. He asked me if I wanted to try some and I did, but it didn't taste very good and caused me to choke."

Tyrone smirked, "Sounds like someone can't handle their whiskey!" This caused the others to laugh except for Sarah and Tommy.

"Hey I was eleven," she shot back getting defensive.

"Sure Clem, sure," Sean teased.

Then Tommy cut in before things escalated. "Alright, alright. I'll get you that Sprite." He signaled Tyrone, "Ty a minute please."

Tyrone walked up to him as they made there way over to the bar. His drink in hand. "Dude what's you problem?"

Tommy stood at the bar, "Another Sprite Chuck!" He signaled.

Chuck who was the bar tender winked at him. He had some stubble on his chin and very little hair and had tattoos running down his arms, but was actually a very nice guy. "You got it Tommy! Anything for you and Clementine." He pulled the glass bottle out from under the counter and set it in front of the two.

"Thanks Chuck," he said before turning to Ty. "Look Ty," he sighed. "Tomorrow is Clem's twenty first birthday and, I want to do something special for her."

Ty looked confused, "What does that have to do with me?"

Tommy gave a frustrated sigh. "I-I just want her first time to be special you know. And you trying to get her to drink isn't helping." He explained.

"Aw shit," Ty rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry man. I didn't know."

Tommy gave him a small smile. "Don't sweat it man. As long as she's not drinking It'll be fine. Besides Luke will give me hell if he found out I let her drink before tomorrow."

"What is that guys problem? I'm surprised he doesn't follow the two of you around with a camera." Ty said, trying to keep from laughing at the thought of that.

Tommy answered with, "I think it has something to do with letting his little girl go." The two started laughing. "I know Luke can be a asshole sometimes, but..." He turned to look at his girlfriend. "There isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for Clementine." He said getting sentimental.

Ty shook his head, "Whatever you say Tommy. Love is for suckers."

"I'll make sure to tell Abigail that next time I see you fawning over her," Tommy snickered.

"Jackass," Ty said. Tommy only chuckled.

They walked back over to the groups table. Tommy set the bottle down in front of Clementine and she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Thanks babe. Now where were we... Wendy truth or dare?"

Wendy gave a mischievous smile, "Dare!"

"You want me to walk you home?" Tommy asked.

Clem waved him off, "N'ah I'll be fine. I'm going to walk home with Sarah and Rachel. Besides you could probably use some time with the guys." She leaned in and kissed him before turning to walk out after Sarah and Rachel.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Tommy called after her.

She smiled at him, "You better!"

It was a little before ten and dark outside, so the kids decided to call it a night. Tommy walked outside with the guys in tow, heading in the opposite direction of the girls.

Ty struck up a conversation as they walked along the empty streets of the small town. "So what have you got planned for tomorrow?" He asked Tommy.

"I've got something in mind," he replied.

"Dude what is it?" Sean asked.

Tommy chuckled, "Nice try, but I can't have you guys spoiling the secret." Then he got serious, "I've been thinking about this for awhile now."

"Are...are you going to ask her to... marry you?" Mason asked.

Tommy stopped in his tracks and nearly tripped. "W-what?" He put his hands up in defense, "What, no, no. Th-that's not what I meant." His heart sped up and started pounding in his chest.

All the guys stopped and stared at him.

Sean gave him a look and folded his arms. "You sure man? The way you talk about her and everything sure makes it seem that way."

"Come on guys, I'm twenty three, shes turning twenty one. I can't just marry her! We're too young!" He gestured with his hands.

Ty laughed. "We just went through the fucking apocalypse and your worried about being to young to propose! Yall've been dating for about eight years now. Seems fit to me."

"Have you even thought about it before? Or do you just expect to date her for the rest of your life?" Sean joked.

"Of course I have!" Tommy snapped back. "I-We're just to young right now." He looked down at the ground as they kept walking. "Besides, I'd like to live to see "MY" next birthday. Last thing I need is shit from Luke. Forget the kissing fiasco. If I propose to Clem I'd probably have to leave town."

The guys all laughed. "What is his deal?" Mason asked. "He's not even her real dad!"

"Well he sure acts like it." Tommy rolled his eyes. "But they've been through a lot together."

"What about Rebecca?" Sean asked. "Where does she stand?"

Tommy smiled, "Rebecca is all for it. If it was up to that woman we'd never of had the whole kissing problem in the first place. And you guys know Sarah is definitely on our side. From what I've heard, if that girl wrote fanfiction she'd probably ship us."

"Dude, you guys being a couple is the talk of the town. I don't know anyone who wouldn't ship you two." Sean said.

"May Tenner!" Mason joked.

Tommy glared at him. "Shut the fuck up man!"

Mason put his hands up in defense. "Whoa, sorry man."

Tommy's expression softened, "Sorry... It's just, she almost ruined our whole relationship."

"Yeah. Bad joke. Got it!"

They soon reached the block where they would split up. "Catch ya later man!" Ty waved.

"See ya guys," Tommy waved goodbye.

"Go get that girl!" Sean shouted after him.

Tommy chuckled at his antics, but didn't turn around to respond.

Tommy's Pov

The next day I turned left at the next corner and parked on the side of the street next to a little white house with a fenced in backyard. Creole Williams lived down the dirt road. He made homemade wine like nobody I know. It was Friday night when I stopped by, around five fifteen. I hoped out of my truck and saw him in his backyard. He waved to me and I waved back. I walked over to the gate and let myself in making sure to close it behind me.

He walked over and shook my hand. "Evening Tommy."

"Hey there ..." I started, before I was interrupted. "Please call me Creole."

"O-okay." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Can you help me Creole? I got a little girl waiting on me and I wanna treat her right."

He stared at me with his old eyes and adjusted his glasses. He was in his late sixties, but he still liked to work and do odd hobbies. "So who's the lucky girl?"

"Clem-Clementine. She's my girlfriend. It's her twenty first birthday today and I wanted to do something special for her." I explained even though he probably already knew about her.

He took a moment to think, "Clementine eh. Yeah I know her. She's the girl that helped me save my dog. Old Blue there." He pointed over to a Irish Setter sleeping next to a lounge chair in the yard. "Nice girl."

I smiled, "I would hope so."

He gestured with his hand for me to follow him. "Follow me." He opened his back door and motioned for me to walk through before walking in himself.

Upon entry I noticed that some stairs went immediately down to the basement while it seemed another doorway branched off towards the kitchen.

Creole spoke up, "I got what you need son. Sittin' down in the cellar."

I followed him down the set of stairs hearing the old floor boards creek with each step I took. Once we made it to the bottom he turned on the light and went over to a shelf on the side of the room. I looked around and saw various bottles and barrels which I assumed was filled with various types of wine and bourbon, with wine making being one of his hobbies and all. I walked over and stood next to him. This part of the cellar was darker and the shelf was covered in dust.

He knelt down and reached through the cobwebs as he turned on another light. He said, "There might be a little dust on the bottle, but don't let it fool ya about what's inside." He pulled out an old looking bottle, clear greenish glass, with what appeared to be a red liquid inside, and covered in a layer of dust. He walked over and set it on a table. "Now this hear is one of the oldest wines I've ever made. Been waitin' for a special occasion. Now there might be a little dust on the bottle, but it's one of those things that gets sweeter with time."

He lifted it up for me to take. But I backed up and put my hands up. "I can't take this. It's your most special wine. You should keep it."

He waved me off. "Nonsense. It's not going to do anything hear but sit on a shelf for another forty years. I want you to have it. If anyone deserves that bottle its you and your girl." He looked at me sternly. "I wont take no for an answer."

I breathed in deeply before smiling. "Alright. How much do I owe you?" I started to pull out my wallet.

He stopped me before I could get it out of my pocket. "Its on the house."

I stared at him baffled. "No I can't..."

He waved me off again. "Please. I insist. You and Clementine have helped me more than enough times. It's yours." He pushed it closer to me.

I picked up the bottle and held it close so as not to drop it. "I don't know what to say? Thank you sir"

He smiled up at me as I turned to head up the stairs. I had one foot on the bottom step when he spoke. "You got one special girl. You just make sure that when you ask her, you tell her what I told you."

I stared at him in disbelief. How did he know? I shook away the thought before replying, "I will. Thank you Creole."

Back outside I let myself out. Closing the gate behind me I went over to My truck and opened the front door. I looked down at the bottle in my hands. Then I took it and hid it under the front seat so Clem wouldn't see it when I came to get her.

Nobody's Pov

Clem was sitting on the front porch when he pulled up the drive way. Tommy's heart was racing as she climbed inside. It was about five thirty and the sun was just starting to set. The fall months making it get darker out faster. She slid over real close and Tommy kissed her. "Happy birthday."

She smile at him. "Thanks. So where're we going?"

He smiled at her. "It's a surprise, but I do have something special planed."

She sent him a look, "You know I hate surprises." She joked.

He chuckled. "Trust me. I think you'll like it with how special it is."

"This isn't going to be like the time when you had the guys jump out and scare me on my nineteenth birthday is it? Because I nearly took a knife to Mason's head." She reminded him.

Despite the fact that his heart was ready to leap out of his chest he managed a sincere laugh. "No its not going to be like that." He stared back at the road. "This time means a lot more."

She slid over real close as he drove down to the lake road. He turned a different way though, the trees became fewer and fewer till they came to a clearing with a small hill. He pulled up and stopped at the top giving them a perfect view of the sunset. They watched the sun fade in that big red sky. "You like the new view?"

She smiled at him then looked back out to the multi colored sky. "Its perfect."

He smiled at her, Thought you might like it, but that's not all..." He reached under the front seat and said, "Now here's something special, it's just been waiting for a night like tonight." He grabbed the bottle of wine from under his seat and showed the dusty old bottle to her.

Clem gave him a quizzical look. "Where'd you get that?"

"Creole Williams, that man that lives on Lowland street. One of his hobbies is making wine and other alcoholic drinks." Tommy explained.

Clem still looked confused, "But why is it all dusty, and...old looking."

Tommy giggled. "That means it'll be better." Then he thought about what Creole told him. "There might be a little dust on the bottle, but don't let it fool ya about what's inside. It's one of those things that get sweeter with time."

He reached into the back seat and pulled out two cups. One for each of them. He placed them on the dash then pulled the cork out of the bottle. It came off with a loud pop letting the strong scent of aged grapes fill the car. He talked as he filled their cups. "I-I figured since you turned twenty one today, I'd make your first official time drinking special an all."

She took the glass from him and inhaled the fruity, alcohol scent. "Aww that's sweet of you, but you didn't have to do all this."

He shrugged. "I-I figured it would nice to try something new. Ya know, instead of always going to the lake or the drive in or Red's place." He looked to Clem seeing her hesitate to try it. "Go ahead and try it. It's not as strong as whiskey or rum. It shouldn't burn if that's what your worried about."

Clem stared at the red liquid in her glass. She really hoped it wouldn't make her cough like the whiskey did, but Tommy said it would be alright. She shrugged it off and lifted the cup to her lips tasting the aged beverage. "Oh my god! This is really good!"

Tommy smiled before taking a sip himself. His eyes widened at the taste. "Damn, your right! This is the best wine I've ever had." His worries instantly diminished as the intoxicating aroma of the wine took over. He was hoping it would help calm his nerves for what was to come.

Tommy looked over and saw Clem was almost done with her drink. He wanted to finish his, but he felt sick all of a sudden and it wasn't from the wine. He looked out the window to see the moon starting to show, bringing its luminescent light with it. He breathed in deep then sighed. "Clem..." She looked to him. "There's one last thing I want to show you."

Clem put her drink down in one of the cup holders, hesitant by the sound of his voice. "O-okay."

He opened the car door and stepped out. Clementine following suite. He walked her over a little ways past the truck. Letting the subtle light of the moon shine down on them.

"It's nice out isn't it." She replied pulling him from his thoughts. A light breeze blew past causing a few curls from her hair to sway in the wind. She turned to stare at him. Her golden eyes shined in the light of the moon.

He stared at her and at that moment knew what he had to do. He grabbed her hand in his and she accepted the gesture. He reached into his pocket and extended his hand out to her.

Clem didn't think anything of it till she felt something on her hand. She looked down to see his class ring. "Tommy what are you...?"

He said, "My high school ring will have to do until I can buy a wedding band."

"I...what...?" Her eyes widened. She looked down at her hand, the one Tommy still held. It was her left one. And there was Tommy's class ring on her ring finger. A silver band with a golden colored jewel in the middle and his initials on the side. Clem felt her heart speed up.

"Clementine will you marry me?" Tommy knelt down on one knee and looked into her eyes.

Shocked was an understatement. Clem didn't know what to do, she was frozen on the spot. She knew Tommy would surprise her today, but this was out of the question. How, when, where. She didn't know, but she did know one thing. They had been dating for about eight years now. Ever since they had first met when helping Tommy and his mom move in. They had been through everything together. School, walker attacks, robbers, car crashes, relation ship issues, Luke. And yeah it hasn't always been easy, especially that last one. Plus her and Tommy were also pretty young. But they had stayed together through it all. She knew it from the start, it was always there. She was in love with the boy.

"Yes." Tommy stood back up just in time for her to hug him. Clem wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him like she would never let go. She had tears in her eyes. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his chest. They parted a few minutes later, but still held on to each other. Tommy leaned down and their lips met, kissing each other.

They pulled apart after a minute. "I love you Clementine Hutchinson." He said.

Clem smiled, "I love you too Tommy Toretto."

He leaned in and kissed her again. "So how long have you been planing this?" Clem asked.

Tommy used one of his hands to rub the back of his neck. "Well...just now ...sort of.. I really wasn't planing on it. But Mason brought it up last night and it got me thinking. We have been together for quite some time and even though we are kind of young..." He grabbed her hands. "being with you tonight helped me finally make up my mind. There isn't anyone in the world I'd rather be with than you."

"So...I'm guessing you haven't told anyone yet, then." She said.

He gave her a weak smile. "No, not really. I mean...I will but...It's not a conversation I'm looking forward to with Luke."

Clem shook her head, but smiled. "I'll handle Luke." She paused before saying. "And even if we have to run away. I'm gonna marry you some day."

Tommy smiled at her and hugged her again. Then a thought crossed his mind. Something that Creole had said. 'It's one of those things that get sweeter with time' Of course! Creole hadn't been talking about the wine. He had been talking about there relationship. Love, that's what he meant. Clem's voice pulled him from his realization.

"Thank you for a wonderful birthday." She told him. "The wine was nice, but this was even better."

"Well you know..." He thought of Creole and how he had helped make this night possible. "Some say good love is like a fine wine. It keeps getting better as the days go by."

"Huh... I guess your right," Clem agreed. She dreaded the talk she would have to have with her so called 'family' members, but she didn't care. She was in love with the boy.

Final chapter complete. And it's over 5,000 words! Yayyyyy!

Hope you all liked it. I honestly wasn't sure if they should get married of not, or at least to put it in this chapter. But I thought what the heck and went with it. I also want to mention something. Spoilers if you haven't seen fast and furious 8. Dom had a son who he named Brian and that is who Tommy's father is. Hence the last name Toretto and also why Tommy has a fascination with cars. Just something I wanted to use, but never put in a chapter. Sorry.

Also if you guys haven't noticed a lot of my chapters are based on songs that I listen to. Just thought I'd point that out. Music is my all time inspiration.

There's so much more that I wanted to put into this story, but never found the will or time to do it. And by now I think the story has been dragged out long enough. If you guys want me to write more I'll think about it. But for now this is the end. Don't forget to leave a review or PM me.

I also have a new story out called "The Ways of War". Feel free to check it out but Warning it does contain spoilers from season 4 if you haven't played it yet.

Secret life of writing Out!