Here's the next chapter.
She arrived home three hours later after a trip to her doctor's office, a diagnosis of strep and a prescription for and antibiotic. Her doctor had also told her it would be best to take the next few days off at least until her fever of 102.4 broke. She agreed and after stopping at the Walgreens to pick up her prescription as well as some throat lozenges, more gaterade, and a new box of popsicles (Henry had eaten most of the ones she had bought the day before,) she went home.
She had called Will on her way to the doctor's office to let him know she was coming sick and that she would be home after she went to the doctor. He met her at the door when she pulled in with her hands full. He took the bags and guided her into the house.
"Why don't you go put on some pajamas and then you can take a nap," Will said, kissing his wife's forehead, brow furrowing at the heat radiating from it.
"Ok," she whispered, cringing in pain as she swallowed.
"Oh, Jayje," he said, pulling her into his arms. She just rested her head on his strong chest, lavishing in his warmth. He held her for a minute before they broke apart.
"I'm gonna go make some soup for you so you can take your meds," Will said, "I'll bring it to ya when it's done."
JJ nodded and went into her bedroom, finding a relatively lethargic Henry watching Sesame Street in the bed.
"Hi, Mommy," he said, looking at her with glassy eyes.
"Hi, Buddy," she said, pulling a pair of sweat pants out if her drawer, changing into them before throwing her pants into the hamper.
"Why are you home?" Henry asked.
"I'm sick just like you," JJ said, pulling on one of Will's t-shirts before climbing into bed next to her son.
"Oh," he said, putting his head on her chest, closing his eyes. JJ smiled, stroking his hair gently. She had just begun to fall asleep when Will come in with three bowls of soup and both hers and Henry's medicines.
"Sorry to wake you two," Will said, "But ya'll need to take your medicine before ya'll can take a nap."
JJ smiled at him, shaking Henry awake.
"I'm tired," Henry said, rubbing his head on her chest.
"I know," she said, "But we need to eat the yummy lunch Daddy made so we can take our medicine."
Henry just nodded, sitting up. "Here ya go," Will said, handing a bowl of hot liquid first to his wife them his son before sitting down on the other side of Henry with his own bowl.
The family ate in silence, watching Sesame Street. When JJ had managed to painfully eat about half the bowl of the soup, she put it down on her nightstand.
"Done?" Will asked, looking at her.
"Yeah," she said, "Could you give me my medicine so I can sleep?"
"Of course," he said, unscrewing the top from the pill bottle and handing her one. She took it and after a few tries, managed to get the pill down with a few sips of water.
"Need anything else?" Will asked, stroking her long blonde hair.
"No," she said, burrowing into the covers, "I just want to sleep."
He nodded, leaning over their son to kiss her forehead. Within seconds, JJ was sleeping soundly, happy to have such a wonderful husband looking after her.
So there it was. I'll be moving a few other stories over to this account soon.