"Okay wake up everybody, time to get ready for school."
Lori heard multiple groans as most of her siblings began to leave their rooms. Leaving her room Lana noticed Leni exiting Lincoln's room with Lincoln himself, leaving her confused. "Leni, were you sleeping in Lincoln's room last night?" The 2nd oldest sister nodded with a grin. "Lincoln couldn't go to bed so I-"
"So I...I asked her if she could keep me company last night. Right, Leni?" Lincoln asked with a wink, looking slightly nervous due to Leni almost spilling out what they were doing that night. "Ooh. Right, and it was, like, so nice!" Said Leni before they walked off.
Moments Later
At the bathroom door, Lori began to bang on the door with her fist showing an expression of impatience. "Luna! You've been in there for the past 10 minutes, others have to use the bathroom too!" Luna responds to Lori on the other side of the door. "One sec, sis, I can't leave until I hit this high note." Luna is heard clearing her throat before singing.
"Getting ready for school...Oh, wait, not quite. School! SCHOOL!"
Lori let a groan escape her lips with an annoyed look. "She shoots, she scores!" Suddenly a hockey puck hits the bathroom door, missing Lori by a mere inch, causing to give a startled scream, surprising the others. Lisa then ducked as the puck flew back and passed right above her. She looks back at Lynn, the cause of the puck almost hitting them and asked. "Is that necessary?"
The red-clothed sibling shrugged with a raised brow. "What? It's a waste of a shower if you haven't worked up a sweat." Lana adds in while rubbing mud all over herself. "Or, gotten dirty." She sighs with a grin, enjoying the dirt she's smearing on her face. Soon her Twin pops her head from their bedroom, her face covered by a mud mask with curlers in her blonde hair.
"Excuse me, can you keep it down, please? You know I require at least eight hours of beauty sleep." When Lola returned to her bed Lucy appeared behind her brother, scaring him and the others. "What's up with Lola? Why isn't she getting ready for school?" Lincoln explains to Lucy. "It's pageant season, so she's being homeschooled by Mom to have more time for rehearsal."
"Hmph! Homeschool." Lynn said while roller-skating through a makeshift slalom course, which she made. "AKA sleep in, do a little bit of schoolwork, then goof off for the rest of the day."
Lana agrees while showing a bit of envy. "Yeah, lucky. She gets to live it up on the easy street for a whole week." Lisa correct her. "That actually was last year. This year it's for six weeks."
"Six weeks?!" Half of the siblings shouted in surprise. Lori explains to them. "Well yeah, Lola needs time during the day to prepare for her pageants." Lynn starts to list out the activities she has to them. "I have basketball practice, football practice, lacrosse tryouts, and a hockey game, all before Thursday."
Lucy then adds in. "And I have two gravesite services back to back tomorrow morning, at two cemeteries on the opposite sides of town." Lana joins in. "I'm dumpster diving with Flip every day after school this week." Lisa soon does as well. "And I'm speaking about sodium sulfate at the science club after school tomorrow." Luna soon leaves the bathroom with a thumb pointing to herself saying. "And I have Guitar practice this week."
"All, while Lola gets to sleep in as late as she wants..." Lana said in disappointment. "And not have to wait in line for the bathroom." Said Lucy, scaring Lana as she had suddenly appeared beside her feet away from where she stood. Lynn then adds in. "And she can eat whatever she wants out of the fridge."
Realizing all of this, Luan tells them. "Hey! We should be homeschooled too. It's not fair for us to do all the work at school while Lola's lounging at home." The others began to agree with her, minus Lily who was sleeping in her room, obviously too young for school.
"Guys, Mom and Dad would never let us actually do it." Lori told her brother and sisters. Before they could be disappointed, Lincoln gets an idea and tells Lori. "But what if they did?"
Minutes Later
"Lynn has her lacrosse, Lori has her golf, Luna has her practice, Luan has her clowning business and Leni has her-" Lincoln was cut off by Rita who was holding Lily. "We know. We drive you kids to all those things." Lincoln then asked. "So what do you say? Can we be homeschooled too."
He, Leni, Luna, and the others, with the exception of Lola and Lily, smiled in the hope for the parents would allow them to be homeschooled. Sr. looked at his wife. "Well, Lola has done well with homeschooling for the past few years. Maybe that's just what the rest of family needs."
The 8 girls began to cheer with Luna and Leni hugging Lincoln, thanking him for a good idea. Just then Rita spoke. "There's just one thing." They all paused and looked at her.
"I will be home, but I'll be busy working on my book. So you kids will have to be responsible for getting all your work done or it's back to regular school." Lincoln and the others began to agree, even saying that it's no problem as if being homeschooled will be a piece of cake.
In the twins' bedroom, Lola is at her desk, writing in her workbook. Before she could continue Lana enter her room with the others, minus Lily. "Guess who has eighteen thumbs and is also doing homeschool?" She and the others then shouted. "Us guys!" Lola was shocked by this.
"What?! Why do you guys need homeschool?" Lincoln tells her. "You're not the only one who deserves a flexible schedule. We happen to lead very busy lives." Luan who is starting to juggle on her unicycle agrees. "Yup, and now we get to goof off all day with you."
Lola tells them in a serious tone. "It's not goofing off. You know we still have schoolwork, right?" Lucy asks. "You mean our workbooks? We have all week to get them done. A walk in the cemetery." Lincoln nods in agreement. "Yeah, if you can manage it, I'm sure we can." Lola rolls her eyes
"OK, but be careful. The work sneaks up on you."
Later in the Kitchen
"Sigh, this is the life." Lori told Lisa and Luan in the kitchen, Lisa was reading a College Math Book while the other two were enjoying their breakfast while their pet dog, Charles is chewing on a bone, probably rawhide. Lisa lowers her book and agrees with her oldest sibling.
"I'll say. Just think, on a normal day, I'd be reading kindergarten math books, and now I get to read this college math book." Lori tells Lisa. "I think you're missing the point." Lisa looks at Lori with her usual expression. "You goof off your way, I'll goof off mine."
In the backyard, Lincoln was lying on his stomach, playing with his action figures, narrating as he moves the Ace Savvy toy towards the long grass. "Ace Savvy, deep in the Amazon jungle searches for the hidden lair of the evil villain, Blackjack. Will he find-"
"Look out!" Lana joins in, placing a mantis in front of the action figure narrating as well. "It's the Mantis Queen!" She lets out a growl in an impersonation of the said Mantis Queen. Instead of yelling at Lana for interrupting him, he began to join in, letting out some action sounds including a scream.
Nearby Leni was pushing Lily on a swing, earning giggles from her, Luna strummed her guitar who was smiling, seeing Lincoln play with Lana. At the fence Lucy was hanging from it upside down her pet bats, all under the shade of the tree, Lynn is jumping rope, counting at a fast pace at each jump, Cliff the cat is curled up, sleeping, all the while Lola's reading a book with sunglasses. Lola, however, became concerned about the others and reminds them.
"Hey guys, it's 2 o'clock. Shouldn't you hit the books?" Lincoln seemed surprised yet confused. "It's two already?" Lana shrugs. "I guess we should do some work." Leni smiles and says to Lola. "Thanks for reminding us." Luna then tells her. "We'll be getting to those workbooks in no time."
Later Inside
"OK, here we go." Lori began, both her and Lincoln handing out the Workbooks to their sisters minus Lola and Lily that they must study on. After sitting down at the dining room table, Lori opened up her book which the other followed and began to read out loud. "Page one. Read all contents carefully."
They went into silence and began to read the first page for a few seconds. Lynn shouts with enthusiasm. "Boom, one page down!" Before they could flip to the next page, Leni's phone let out a chime. She turns it on and spoke after opening her message app. "Ooh! I don't want to interrupt our flow, but Carol just sent me some totes amazing animal videos. Want to see?"
Lincoln was the first to look at the video she got. "Sure." Luna was second, saying. "Right on." Lynn jumps in with excitement and energy. "Me too! Me too!" Lucy then joins in having a question. "Are there any black cats and bats?" Others began to watch the videos as well, some showing a cat meow to music, a growling dog that's saying, Lalalala, each time their owner closes and opens their mouth, and a duck chasing after someone.
Minutes Later
"Now, where were we?" Lori questioned before noticing her workbook on the table. "Oh right!" She along with the other picked their books back up. After clearing her throat, Lori repeated. "Workbook page one. Read all contents carefully."
As they reread the same page, a confused Leni asked Lincoln and Luna. "Weren't we on the 2nd page?" Just before they could answer, a jingle outside interrupted them. "Ooh, ice cream truck!" Hearing Lana announce what it was, they rushed outside cheering only to find no ice cream truck.
"Hey, Louds!" They looked over to see their neighbor, Mr. Grouse on his porch with a CD Player. "I see you're enjoying my new CD of classic ice cream truck jingles." Just then another ice cream truck jingle began which he started dancing too. "Ooh, this one really swings."
The 9 were disappointed with Lynn stating as they go back inside. "Man, now I really want ice cream." Leni stops and encourages them. "Well let's go and get some! We, like, earned it for reading the first page twice." Before they could Lola enters with a pink leotard, carrying a juice box and briefcase of ribbons. Curious Lucy asked.
"Hey Lola, ice cream break?"
"Can't. I have a ribbon dancing rehearsal." Lola answered, soon getting into her princess car and drives away. Being out of earshot Luan tells the others. "She really needs to work on her work-life balance."
"How fun has this week been?" Lincoln asked the 8 while they were brushing their teeth, flossing their teeth or placing on a colored mud mask. Lynn began to chant. "Homeschool! Homeschool! Homeschool!" She accidentally squirts some toothpaste on Lisa's glasses making them pause for a moment. "Oops." Soon they started to laugh, even Lisa who wipes the said paste off with a squeegee.
Leni admits to them. "It has been great, but we should probably do those workbook thingies tomorrow." Lori nods. "True, we did promise Mom we'd get all of our work done." Luan then hums. "Then again, tomorrow is Friday. So it's practically the weekend already. Might as well wait til' Monday to get a fresh start."
"Good call, brah!" Luna said to her sister, snapping a finger with a point to her. "Why are you guys still yammering?" Lola asked while entering the bedroom. "Go to bed already! We have a test at 8 AM tomorrow."
Her siblings except Lily were confused. "Test? What test?" Lola sighs at Lincoln's question. "That's how homeschool works. You take a test every Friday to make sure you've been learning instead of slacking off all week!" Her sibling's present became worried. "What? Why didn't anyone tell us that?" Lucy asked with confusion.
"Hello? It's on page two of your workbooks." She holds up her workbook and shows the 2nd page to them that says, weekly test, all in capital letters, earning shocked gasps. "All the way on page two? Well, of course we didn't see it."
Lincoln admitted with Leni saying with guilt. "We should've read the 2nd page..." As they were being comforted by Luna and Luan, Lori became nervous and says. "But if we don't pass, that means..." Lola nodded. "Yup. Back. To. School."
The 9 gasped and rushed into Lori and Leni's room. Closing the door the group began to look worried. "What are we gonna do?! I don't wanna go back to school!" Lisa, who seems to be the least anxious of the group says. "OK, well, I sympathize with your plight, siblings. But, I myself am not worried about a simple examination of the subject of-" She pauses to read her workbook and gasps in shock.
"What?! Kindergartners will be graded on their week's worth of arts and crafts projects, AAH! Art and crafts are my Achilles' heel!" She then starts to wiggle her fingers. "Stubby digits."
Lincoln's expression changes from worried to confidence. "Come on, guys, we can still pass, even you, Lisa. We just have to pull an all-nighter and really study." Leni and Luna agree. "Lincoln's right!" "Yeah! No more distractions."
After agreeing with the three, the ice cream jingle is heard again, earning a gasp of excitement as they rush out of the room and head outside, before Lori pulls out a dollar Mr. Grouse spoke. "Ha-ha, evening, Louds!" This earned another groan of disappointment, again.
Minutes Later
After eating a tub of strawberry ice cream, Lynn pushes the empty container away, causing Cliff to jump from his sleeping spot from the sudden cold and moister of the container. "OK, now that that's out of the way, we really gotta buckle down." Said Lynn with a serious expression and tone.
"To increase our chances of success tomorrow, I suggest we find an environment free of any and all distractions." Lisa earned some agreements as Lucy said. "I don't think all of you will fit in my coffin."
Everyone looked at Lucy. They didn't expect her to say that. Before they could reject Lisa assures them. "I have an alternate suggestion. Follow me." She walks off with the 8 following her.
"Wow." It's revealed that they're in the backyard, in front of the entrance leading into Lisa's Bunker. "You're going to let us inside your super top-secret bunker?"
Lisa nods. "Yes, but don't get any ideas. I will be changing the access code." They nodded and went inside with their workbooks. "Alright, guys. Let's get cracking." They became silent and began reading their books. Not too long, Leni started to click with her tongue, which irritated Luan. "Would you mind not doing that?"
"Doing what?" Leni asked oblivious to her tongue clicking. In seconds, Lynn's stomach started growling. She blushed with a chuckle when all eyes focused on her. "Hey, shut your gut. I'm trying to read over here."
Lynn tells Lana. "How can you hear my stomach over Luna's tapping foot?" She points at said sister's foot, which tapped on the solid floor with rhythm. "I'm just trying to drown out the noise of Lucy chewing her pen."
Lucy stops chewing the back of her pen. "It helps me focus. Otherwise, all I can think about is Lori's perfume." Lori was a bit offended and asked. "Would you rather smell that or Lana's grubby old hat?"
"It's not old!" With Lana's shout, they all began to argue with one another of their interruptions minus Lincoln who seconds after the argument blew the air horn alarming Leni, Luna, and the rest of their sisters. "Guys, guys. This isn't working."
After telling them, Lisa snatches the air horn away from him. "Don't touch that. It's to scare away post-apocalyptic mutants. And or Mr. Grouse." Lori, bugged by her thoughts asked. "How does Lola pull this off every year?"
"I don't know, she must've figured out something we haven't." Luan theorized after a shrug. Knowing they won't have time to finish at this rate Lincoln tells them all. "You know what we gotta do, right?"
"Yes!" "No."
Everyone paused and looked at Leni who was confused saying. "Uh, yes...OK, no. What's up?" Lincoln explains. "Someone's going to have to interrupt Lola's beauty sleep and ask her for help." Lynn points out to him. "But she needs her full eight hours of sleep!"
"Or else she can't function properly." Lucy said in the agreement of Lynn, including Luan who also adds in. "And she's a biter!" Lincoln tells them. "Well, someone's gotta do it." Upon saying that all but Lincoln touched their noses with Lincoln being a second off. "Not it!"
"Dang it!" Said Lincoln as now he has to ask Lola for her help. Before they leave the bunker Luna says to him. "Don't worry bro, we'll have your back for you." Leni nodded, earning a smile from Lincoln.
Entering Lola's room, Lincoln, Luna, Leni look back to see their sisters shut the door behind them. Quietly the three tip-toed to the sleeping Lola, and just as they were about to tap her, but were surprised when she asked at the end of her snoring.
"Can I help you?!"
The three yipped and fell back onto their sisters who have entered the room without their knowledge, causing them all to fall onto the floor with the alarm clock and lamp falling on top of them. Leni who had her shades knocked over her eyes asked. "Who turned off the lights? It's really dark in here now!" Luna helps by lifting Leni's shades above her head. As she did Lincoln got up and lifted the lampshade off his head asking Lola.
"Sorry! I'm sorry! We need your help to study for our test!" The others began to plea for Lola's help as they got up. "Now? I'm in the middle of my beauty sleep. I've been warning you all week that you need to do your work." Lucy tells Lola. "We tried. But failed miserably."
Lori then tells her little sister. "Lola, we literally had no idea that homeschool would be this hard. Please, tell us your secret." Lola points out to them. "There is no secret, it's just hard work and discipline." Lana gives up after hearing those words. "Well, I'm out." Before she could exit Lincoln stops her.
"It's too late for discipline. But, can you teach us how to do the hard work part?" Lola groans in out of crankiness. "Ugh, Lincoln!" She looks at the clock and sees that it's 3 AM. "Fine! But you guys owe me. I see a lot of tea parties in the future!" The group smiles after Lola agrees to help them out.
The Next Day
"Ok everyone, times up, pencils down. Or in your case, Lisa, pipe cleaners." Listening to Rita, the 10 siblings minus Lily did so. Lola, Lana, Lucy, Lincoln, Lynn, Luan, Luna, Leni, and Lori placing their papers, with Lisa, on the other hand, placing her bouquet of flowers made of papers, pipe cleaners, and etc. onto the table as well.
After checking their tests or arts and crafts Rita hands back their tests, or in Lisa's case, her bouquet before telling them with an impressed tone. "Well, it was a close call, but congratulations, you all passed!" All but Lola started to cheer.
"Yay!" "We Passed!" "Homeschool Forever!"
"Well...Almost all of you." They paused as Rita tells Lola. "Honey, you didn't even finish your test. I'm sorry, but it's back to regular school on Monday."
Lola worriedly tells her. "But Mom, I won't have time to practice on my pageants!" Rita apologizes. "Sorry, Lola, you knew the rules, now you have to pay the consequences." Lola began to frown before getting up and walk away, leaving her brother and sister to start feeling guilty for what they've done to their little sister.
Monday Morning
An alarm along with a sigh escaped the twin's bedroom, belonging to Lola who turns off the alarm and begins leaving her room. Just as she was about to go to the bathroom, she bumps into her twin, Lana. "Huh?" She looks passed Lana and notices the rest of her siblings, minus Luna who is in the bathroom, and Lily who is sleeping in her and Lisa's room.
"What are you guys doing up so early? I thought you like to start your homeschooling at two." Lola asked confused. Lori explains to her. "Actually, we're all going back to regular school." Lincoln nods and says. "It's our fault you didn't pass your test. We kept you up all night helping us study, that you were to tired to take your own test."
Lucy looks back at Lola. "We talked to Mom and Dad, and they agreed to give you a second chance." Lynn smiles as she adds. "This way we won't be here to distract you." Surprised, Lola asks them. "You're all willing to go back to school just for me?" They answer her with a nod, earning a squeal of excitement from Lola.
"Thanks, you guys!" She hugs them happily as they hug her back. Soon Luna comes out of the bathroom in her purple robe and towel wrapped around her head. "Alright, who's next?"
Before Leni could enter, the sound of a loud horn is heard outside, causing her to scream in fear. "Is that the bus?!" The others started to panic. "Oh no! We're late!" Lincoln shouted before they broke the hug with Lola and ran off, with Luna following behind despite being in her robe and towel. To their luck and annoyance, the bus wasn't there. "Wait then where's the-"
"Hey, Louds!" They look to see Mr. Grouse again who asks them for their opinion. "How do you like my new CD of classic school bus sounds?" The group groaned with Luna saying. "Seriously?!" After that, they ran back inside to continue preparing for school.