(I am sorry for this late update on this story I had major writer's block on this one and several others so yeah my bad )

It was supposed to be a simple bodyguard job. They were supposed to escort Boku and his famous niece, Sara, to her next concert like they've done many times before ...

Bat and Kitsune were walking along next to the client when they both felt a ninja, possibly Stone ninja, flit by the edge of their range. Bat thought nothing of it, but he noticed the client, Boku, was nervous and grew more so as the time past. Both Bat and kitsune shared an all-knowing look, knowing something is going to happen.

"is there something wrong Boku?" asked Crow

"nothing, nothing just the usual jitters anbu-san. You guys know how I get during these trips" Dog nodded "you just seem a little jumpier today. You need to calm down, worrying is bad for your health and stops expecting an attack"

Boku laughed "I'm not expecting anything haha I'm just nervous like usual, you guys know how I get": I'm expecting an attack :

Snake sighed "you don't have to be nervous, we'll protect you. Hell, you only have to be worried if you betrayed us" joked Snake

Both Bat and Kitsune saw two things at that moment. The first was stone ninjas coming from all sides and the other was Boku's vibes when he reacted to Snake's comment. When Snake said 'you betrayed us' Boku's vibes said: I did :

"people tend to betray others for a reason like lust, threat, money … really Boku, you betrayed us for money" concluded Bat.

Dog, Snake, Weasel, and Crow froze and looked at Boku. Snake shot forward and knocked Boku out.

Bat shook his head as he looks at his team "if it was a threat we could've helped" he took out his tuning fork and tapped it before placing it on the ground "there's a cave just ahead, you guys take Sara there while Kitsune and I draw them away. No arguments" Bat said As Kitsune pulled out his Falcon's Talons. The Falcon Talons are unique weapon consists of customized gauntlets with large steel claws worn on the hands and feet. This weapon suits Kitsune the best since he's used to fighting with his claws. As for bat as he pulled out his own suited weapon the Lunar Staff Consisting of a staff made from a willow tree that is said to be tied to the moon and a pair of metal tips on each end. Both Bat and Kitsune left and the others tied up Boku before dragging him and Sara to the cave where they waited.

Naruto ducked a slash from a sword and lunged forward and stabbing one stone nin's neck with his Lunar Staff while Kurama Slashed one stone nin's throat while cutting off the arm of another stone ninja with his Falcon Talons. The stone nin growled "what the hell are these guys?! It's like they know where we are and exactly what going to do!" he made a hand sign, but Bat bolted forward and thrust his Lunar Staff into the stone nin's chest cracking his sternum effectively stopping his heart.

Standing back to back Naruto and Kurama, analyze the situation (six left, good they just need a little more time ... what's he holding Kurama? Naruto asked ...only for them to realize it was a flash bomb. oh shit.') the two mates said through their mental link both Naruto and Kurama try to get away from the blasting zone knowing all too well that their vampiric senses or hearing will take major damage and knocking them both out. one of the remaining stone nin dropped around marble and once it hit the ground ...

Boom, shriek

Dog immediately became alert "that was a flash bomb! We should go help the commander and kitsune"

Crow looked at the agitated anbu "don't worry so much Dog. The commander and Kitsune can take care of themselves and even if the commander is slightly blind, the flash in the flash bomb won't affect him."

"it's not the flash that concerns me, it's the piercing shriek. If the commander relies on his sense of hearing to help him in a fight. that shriek could hurt the commander and maybe kitsune" said a concerned Dog

Snake twitched "Dog could be right Crow, maybe two of us should go back them up." Crow and Weasel nodded "Dog you're the better tracker, so you should go and you to Crow, You'll be able to Extract the commander and Kitsune with your abilities. we'll stay and watch Sara" Both Dog and Crow nodded and left the cave. It didn't take them long to find the spot where Bat and kitsune were fighting. There were bodies everywhere! All of them were stone nin and all were killed with one perfectly aimed strike to a vital spot!

"Bats style really is amazing," Dog thought as he really didn't care about kitsune at the moment.

They continued moving until they found a shack with seven chakra signatures coming from inside. Six were stone nin and the other two where….to his horror one was their commander and kitsune. Dog and Crow moved closer so they hear what was going on and look for an opening to help.

One stone nin said "we seriously underestimated these two"

Dog moved closer and glanced through the window. He could see his commander tied up on the ground, and kitsune was laying a few feet away.

"I want to see their face" Kakashi glared at them through his mask. How dare they touch Bat with their filthy hands! Sure I may not like kitsune at the moment but he still my Comrade.' Kakashi thought as he couldn't see his commander's face cause a stone nin was in the way, but once the stone-nin moved he was shocked to see Silver hair, Amber golden eyes, and pale skin. But that was the only thing he will be able to see. when a red blur flu moved quickly in the room. It was all dog and Crow could see. It was moving that fast. blood scattered across the walls, As a demonic voice said 'do not touch him!'

"looks like we're in luck boys, we have a looker here! Maybe we should have some fun" the stone moved towards Bat.

One stone nin reached for Bats pants and ...

"don't ever touch him" Kitsune growled before slashing the ninja's throat. Taking this to move both Dog and crow attacked. A kunai grazed Dog's arm, but that didn't stop him from stabbing another opponent. The fight only lasted a few seconds as the three remaining stone nin stood frozen before dropping to the ground dead revealing Bat behind them, with his mask back in its rightful place. Bat stepped over the bodies and walked over to dog, crow, and kitsune. "you guys alright, Dog your arm?" Bat asked as he moved over to Dog so he could check the gash on Dog's arm. Kakashi's mind was spinning, he had so many questions to ask "B-Bat when-"

"I wouldn't be the commander if I didn't know my and kitsune's own weaknesses" he pointed up at the ceiling revealing a small bat that disappeared in a puff of smoke "I'll explain when we get back to Konoha, let's go."

Time Skip

Sarutobi sighed as he saw Kakashi and Naruto standing in front of Minato's desk. He knew this would happen sooner or later ... Everything in the room was silent as Minato, Kakashi and Sarutobi looked at Bat. Sarutobi sighed once again as he looked at Bat and said: "Please remove your mask Bat."

Bat looked at Sarutobi shocked as he nodded and removed his mask. This caused both Minato and Kakashi to gasp in seeing Bats Face, and finally Knowing Bat's identity. To say the least, both men were shocked. To see Michaelis the no life king or the Hell's Doctor. Even though Kakashi eye smiled, he was barely keeping his temper in check. that he secretly had a crush on the young doctor when he first met him in the hospital and finding out said Doctor was his Anbu Commander, He didn't know if that was a good thing or not." Sarutobi-sama, why is it I wasn't informed that Dr. Michaelis being in the anbu ranks?"

"The reason why you were not informed of doctor Michaelis status of being in the Anbu was for his safety And also for me to keep an eye on him if he ever wanted to strike down at his family for Abandoning him -" Feeling the slight anger pouring off Naruto, Sarutobi thought of something quick and said "Naruto You are dismissed I bet your mates are worried about you," with that said Naruto glared at his Jiji but Nodded his head as he vanishes in a burst of Bats.

When Naruto left Both Minato and Kakashi snapped "for the best! How was it for the best? He is Minato's... my son, we're practically family! I had a right to know why my son is in Anbu! I should've been allowed to know Sarutobi!" Minato yelled as he was in shock in seeing his Eldest son an Anbu… but that's when he remembered that Bat was injured when he was younger leaving him Slightly blind, and Experimented on- Sarutobi slammed his hand on the desk silencing the irate ninjas "I know how you both must feel, but please understand I had to keep a lot quiet because what Naruto has been through. "Hiruzen said as he looked at the two.

Kakashi was still shaking with anger, but he couldn't stay angry at Hiruzen, he was right. Naruto had Had Suffered alone for so long not being loved by his own family. Kakashi couldn't even look at Minato the same, anymore knowing that he was responsible for abandoning his only son.

As soon as Kakashi and Hiruzen left Minato buried his face into his hands. How could this have happened? He thought back to all the times in his life trying to remember anything about his son. could he be affected by genjutsu to ignore his son? And what did Hiruzen mean Mates?

Meanwhile back with Naruto

Naruto sighed as he Shunshin no Jutsu into his office only for his eyes to widen in seeing one of his cute little mates. He looks so delicious with the way he is struggling to get free and begging with his eyes for release for his mouth was gagged. Wonder if Kurama did this knowing him maybe he did. Poor Shisui had his arms tied behind his back. Naruto could tell that Kurama, had also strapped Shisui's legs together, Wonder why? Only for Naruto's eyes to get clouded by lust as he felt his inner vampire come to the surface. Naruto purred as he looked at his cute little Shisui's bubble butt was up and out for him to feast on. "You look so good right now Shisui. I just have to have a taste." Naruto said as he spread his cheeks. " Your pink little hole is so cute. But it would look a lot better with my big dick in it." Shisui lets out a whimper. Naruto can feel his member getting hard just at the sound of Shisui. Naruto couldn't resist the temptation so He swiped he tongue over Shisui's hole. "Any treasure I want I can get…except you." Naruto said as he used his Shunshin no Jutsu to take both of them to the master bedroom While removing the gag from his mouth and the ropes that bind Shisui limbs.

Naruto shoved him onto the mattress. The flash of aggressiveness made Shisui's pulse quicken. He licked his lips.

Naruto picked up a potion and dripped the familiar goop on his fingers. "Spread your thighs."

He sat up near the edge of the bed and splayed his bent knees. Naruto leaned forward to prop a large pillow behind him. He reclined back, tilting his pelvis just enough to reveal his hole. Naruto crammed a finger into him.


He felt a jolt of exhilarating pain, and then the potion erased it. Naruto's finger writhed against his sensitive insides. His cock rose from his balls and then stiffened. He felt his hole stretch to accept a second digit. Both fingers curved to rub the pleasure spot inside him. Shisui started to squirm.

"Umm! Ngh! That feels good! Uh!"

Naruto gave a shudder of ecstasy. "You're such a sensual creature."

He pulled out the fingers. Shisui let the air expel from his lungs. He sank back into the pillow. Naruto now poured the potion on the buzzing horn. His eyes widened.

"Oh…oh my word."

The Vampire gave a grain of a laugh.

"I'll come so fast."

"No, you won't."

Naruto used one hand to pinch the top of his balls. Shisui gasped. The Vampire's other hand steered the slick vibrating horn past the ring of his hole.

Shisui thrashed back his head. "Ohhh! Ohhh! Ahhhh! Master!" He tore at the blankets. His insides tickled with violent pleasure. He started to make short fast pants. His cock felt like it twitched. When he looked down between his legs he could see his shaft making small lurches.

Naruto shoved the horn as deep as it would go.

"Mmmph! Ohh!"

Shisui pinched his nipples with both hands. His thighs quaked. The horn-filled every tender area. He felt the vibrations along with the core of his shaft. His stomach quaked. He needed to climax, but Naruto's fingers kept his cock in a torturous pleasure limbo. Shisui jerked his hips to try and break free.

"Ngh! Ah! I want to—umph!"

Now his entire body writhed. He grit his teeth. The intense sensations continued to assault his insides. He curled up his body and collapsed back. He could have orgasmed twice by now.

"Ahh! Master! Please let me come!"

Naruto twisted the horn inside him. He screamed in ecstasy.

"Ahhhh! Please! Uh-huh!"

Then it stopped. Shisui opened his eyes wide. His mind felt so addled it took him a moment to realize the horn had been pulled out of him. He looked at Naruto. The Vampire had his enormous cock out and stroked himself. Shisui's expression must have seemed desperate. His focus shifted. He wanted to feel his master's cock pounding inside him.

Naruto stopped pinching the top of his sack. Shisui winced. He thought he'd erupt, but a hint of restraint had returned.

"Masturbate for me."

Shisui opened his legs wider. He already knew he liked having Naruto watch him. He made the most wanton pose he could, locked eyes with him, and started to jack himself.

"Mmm! Ahhh!"

Naruto made an evil smile. "Be a whore."

"Mmm…yeah. Watch me come. I'm so hard." He arched his hips. "I'm so close! Ngh! Ahhh!"

"Let go."

Shisui removed his hand. His face filled with distress. His cock twinged with impending orgasm.

He writhed on the bed. "Mm…but…I'm so close, master."

"Don't touch yourself until the heat has gone done."

He bit his bottom lip and continued to squirm. "Ohh! Mmm! Uhh!"

Naruto yanked at his own cock in front of him. Shisui had to look away or he'd come without touching himself.

"Mmph! It's…it's gone down a little."

"Rub it. But don't come."

Shisui closed his eyes and focused. His cock felt raw. Three pumps and he had to release the pulsating organ.

"Oh!" His chest rose and fell fast.

"Do it again. Don't come. Rub it."

"Right…right now?"


"I'm going to—"

"You better not."

Shisui looked at him and pumped his swollen cock twice. He released it as the preorgasmic tickles radiated through the base of his shaft. Every muscle tensed as he tried to hold it in.

"Oh—please let me come!"


He looked at him through an anguished face. Naruto's cock took a dark red hue as he yanked it.

"Keep going."

"I'm going to come. It's so—uhh! It's so hot!"

"Masturbate until I tell you to stop. Don't come."

Shisui gasped. His stomach quivered with ecstasy.

"Do it!"

He took his rigid cock and stroked as lightly as he could.

"Harder! Pull on it so hard your balls move. And don't come."

Shisui whimpered. "I can't hold back anymore!"

"Obey me!"

He fisted his shaft and yanked. "Ahhh! Uhhh!" Three pumps and his slit erupted with white. "No!" His cock convulsed with the most powerful orgasm of his life. He couldn't even moan. His lips parted wide but no sound came out. He contorted his body with every hot gush. The spasms seemed to go on forever. He yanked at his shaft with his face construed. Finally his balls seized up and then relaxed. He let his member go with his sullied hand trembling.

Naruto flipped him over and penetrated him. His cock plowed into him to the base then pulled out. He made a dozen violent thrusts in only a few seconds while holding his hips tight. Then his seed flooded into Shisui. He grunted and his thrusts became stilted.

"Urgh! Sexy little tramp! Mmph!"

Shisui's head felt like it spun. His master's abuse gave him cascades of joy. They were one, he'd driven him mad, and he adored that moment. He hugged the bed beneath him and sighed.

Naruto pulled out slowly. "Ohh. You're magnificent."

Shisui felt like weeping. "Thank you."

The Vampire sat on the edge of the bed and dragged him over his knee. "But you disobeyed me."

He spanked his naked ass in a rhythmic pattern from left cheek to right. It amazed Shisui how much this relaxed him. He lay wilted over Naruto's lap flinching with every strike but also reveling in them. His stretched hole contracted through the beating.

Unknowing by the other two vampires A certain Fox demon turned vampire was recording the entire thing will trying to cover his massive nose bleed.