Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Summary: "I always get what I want," he murmured against the skin of her throat, but she was more focused on the warm hand trailing teasingly up her night dress. Good lord, what had she gotten herself into?

Chapter 10

Anything I ever wanted, I took.

There was never anything I couldn't get.

Youko strolled along the hallway, his white tail swishing behind him. He halted in his tracks as he caught sight of a familiar blue haired ferry girl, a smirk reaching his lips as he advanced towards her.

The girl didn't seem to notice his presence until he grabbed her by the arm, forcing her supple figure flushed against the hard contours of his body. The startled cry that he'd managed to rip out of her enticed him to do more, and he did; his other hand taking a hold of her left shoulder as he pulled her closer, crushing her pink mouth with his, and silencing her muffled protests.

Botan accidentally dropped the paperwork she was holding on to as Youko backed her against the wall. She felt his tongue prod at her upper lip, asking her for permission, but she refused to grant it, stubbornly keeping her mouth shut. Her disobedience seemed to aggravate him, and he snaked one arm around her waist, the hand that had been gripping on her shoulder falling to her hips, giving the plump mound a firm squeeze and causing her to let out an involuntary whimper, her parted lips allowing his tongue to dive in.

The wet appendage stroked against hers, silently ordering her to do the same. Her body quivered and her hands found his shoulders, her nails digging almost painfully into his pale skin as she slowly responded, stroking back against his tongue. His claws dug into her butt, and she jerked in his arms at the pain that coursed through her form in return.

I'm selfish, greedy and lustful.

He pulled apart, watching as a string of saliva dripped down her chin. Her hand reached to wipe it off, but he beat her to it, his hand cupping her cheek as his fingers gently caressed her lower lip.

I'm cruel, a thief and a liar.

"One last time," he murmured, "Let me take you tonight for one last time." And her beautiful pools of amethyst flicked up to meet his smoldering gold, the confusion that danced in hers staring back at the lack of emotion in his.

I break things, I hurt people, I take millions of lives, and I betray those who put their trust in me.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, and he gave her a small smile. A rare, genuine smile which left her speechless and stole the breath out of her lungs.

I always easily tire of the things I take, I always want more, and I always need more.

"I'm leaving Reikai tomorrow." He wove his hand into her hair, his fingers running and curling around the silky sky blue tresses. "I won't be able to step in this realm anymore, and we can't ever meet again." His smile broadened ever so slightly. "So, just for one more night, I want to feel that you are mine."

I could break you.

"Did Koenma…" she started, but trail off, brushing off the wave of disappointment that overwhelmed her senses as he pulled his clawed hand out of her mane. He felled silent, and that was all it took to answer her. "I'm sorry," she whispered before she knew it. What was she saying? Wasn't this what she wanted? So, why did she have to feel so remorseful about it? Why did it have to sadden her as much as it did?

I could hurt you.

"Do you want me to promise?" he stated more than asked, as his arm unhooked itself from her waist. "I won't touch any of your friends that are so precious to you… or anyone else." His eyes seemed to glint as he gaped down at her. "So, you can have your normal life back."

I could rape you.

"After tonight," he finished, and she bit her lip. She nodded her head, and the elevator at the wall beside her beeped, signaling that it was time for her departure. She briskly grabbed the fallen papers off the floor, before she excused herself, turning and entering the elevator. When she looked back, she realized he was still smiling at her.

I want to.

Botan blinked. Just before the doors slowly slid close, she could have sworn she saw his lips moved. But, no words came out, and she was left baffled and stunned as the doors finally shut tight, Youko's figure no visible in her view. For whatever reason, a single tear cascaded down her left cheek.

Why was she crying?

I'm sorry.


Your moans are like music to my ears as I thrust into you.

A groan that rivaled her screams rumbled out of Youko's chest, as he pushed his thick shaft into her wet, warm cavern, the pleasure of her walls enveloping him as he buried himself hilt deep into her almost overwhelming. Her nails dragged across his abs, snaking around his back and digging almost painfully into his skin.

The strong desire to have you that I've managed to suppress grows steadily greater and greater with each passing day.

"Youko…" she sighed his name, the sound causing him to move. Slowly and gently at first, which startled her and caused her to flutter her closed eyelids open. Youko seemed to be gazing at her, the loving and affectionate look in his rich gold irises making her breath hitch in her throat.

How rare.

I want to hear your cry my name.

All of a sudden, he drew himself completely out of her, the tip of his cock teasing her slick folds, and then buried all the way into her. He kept doing this for a few more times, and she threw her head back, her body starting to shake and her fingers gripping onto his biceps. Her mouth hung apart to allow her mewls of pleasure to pour out her throat, as he started to ram into her, sliding in and out of her in quick, hard strokes that left her unable to form words. Her eyes half lidded, her porcelain skin flushing an adorable red, and her brows furrowing in frustration as more and more pleasure began to rocket through every cell in her being.

I want to see the look of pleasure on your sweet little face.

Abruptly, Youko stopped for a moment to lift her lips and wrap them around his shoulders, the added leverage making him enter deeper into her, and causing her to let out a startled gasp. Then, he didn't waste anymore time, didn't even bother to hold back, as he drilled harder and faster into her. He shifted his hips and the head of his penis hit the sensitive spot inside her, her eyelids shooting open in surprised pleasure as he continued to slam his cock mercilessly into her, brushing against her sweet spot that made her arch her back and shut her eyes tight.

She could feel a sticky, warm sensation drip into her fingers and trickle down her wrist, and briefly, wondered if that was her nails tearing through his skin. The smell of blood entered her nostrils and when she opened her eyes, she could see the red liquid trail down his muscular arm.

I want to make you mine.

Botan's back rubbed up against the bed again and again and breathless pants left her lips with each powerful thrust. She felt Youko's clawed hands grab the plump skin of her ass, motioning her to move, and she complied, bucking against him wildly, her movements frantic and lacking any technique but further increasing the pleasure. His groans mixed with hers, and she watched as he bent down to bury his head into the crook of her neck.

He felt her walls clamped tightly around his dick, forcing out a throaty groan from his throat.

I want you to know that only I can make you feel this good.

She could feel every inch of him, ramming into her again and again; every inch of his huge cock sliding into her battered pussy in inhuman speed. And it felt, oh, so good. His name escaped her lips again and again like a soft mantra, the feel of him grabbing her hips to force her impossibly closer causing her to cry out a scream that she never thought could belong to her.

Not Koenma, not Heiji… not any other guy.

The bed creaked and slammed into the wall with each drill of his shaft into her slick core, the sound of the material screeching momentarily causing the ferry girl to ponder if it would break under Youko's brute, relentless force. The coil in her tightened; signaling her nearing release.

"Y-Youko, I'm… I'm coming…" she panted, and he kissed her, swallowing and silencing her screams.

If anyone tries to take you from me,

His pace was hasty and brutal as he focused on driving her to the point of orgasm, his own release coming close. A few more hard thrusts followed, before she finally came, her orgasm overriding her senses and he stilled, the feel of her walls clamping around him once more and the cry of his name pushing him over the edge, as his juices shot out in long spurts inside her.

I'd just kill them.

He felled on top of her, but did not pull out of her as he pulled back to gaze at her. She was panting, trying to catch her breath.

Because you're mine.

"Youko…" she called and he saw her eyes slowly drift close. "Don't… go…" her soft voice whispered, but by the time he reached a hand to cup her cheek, she was already asleep.


Youko's eyelids fluttered open as he awoke.

The fox propped himself up his elbows, sitting up from the bed, his gaze fixed on the moonlight glimmering through the window and coloring the ceiling and the walls a translucent blue. He stared for a few moments, before rotating his head to the left, and shifting his gold irises to the blue haired maiden sleeping soundly beside him.

He smiled a bitter, apologetic smile.

I always thought that demons like me would never be capable of loving someone else,

"I'm sorry," he murmured as his arm extended to touch her, his hand weaving through her hair as he curled one strand of blue around his finger. "You surely won't forgive me." Especially not after what he was about to do. Pulling apart from her, Youko looked away and threw his legs over the edge of the bed, getting up to his feet. His eyes caught the pieces of clothing he wore, and he briskly reached for them.

but I was wrong.

As he slipped on his tunic, the fabric cascading beautifully down his waist, he turned and spared Botan a fleeting glance.

"Goodnight, my peony," came his soft whisper, and then he headed for the door, opened it and left. Botan's heaving back was what greeted him through the crack of the door as he slowly slid it close.

I love you.

Koenma found himself woken up by the sound of the door to his office creaking and screeching against the floor. The remnants of his dream were being chased away as he lifted his head from his arms, his eyes evidently sore as if he had been crying for hours. How pathetic. He scowled to himself. If I keep this up, my subordinates might think that I'm exactly like how I appear – a toddler. Good thing I've been in my teenage form these days. He sighed, rubbing a fist at his red eyes.

He had been busy thinking of Botan and Youko that he had felled asleep in his office. He reprimanded himself that he shouldn't be overanalyzing things; that Botan had a reason for being with the fox spirit. Obviously, however, Koenma had a hard time accepting the two's relationship, even if there was a reason behind their union. And Youko… He just couldn't believe it. He thought of Youko as a brother, a loyal subject, and he just went and stabbed a knife on his back… Well, when Koenma thought about it, though, it wasn't as if Youko was fully to blame here… He didn't know that the Reikai prince had a crush on the blue haired ferry girl, so maybe he didn't do it to intentionally hurt him… Then again, Youko was pretty unusually intelligent, noticing things others didn't normally take note of. And the fox did in fact sleep with his ex.

Shaking his head, Koenma decided that he shouldn't be wasting anymore brain cells thinking of the fool he once called a good friend. No matter what the reason or how it happened, there was no turning back now. He had already demanded for Youko's departure from Reikai. The fox would leave tomorrow. He didn't have to see him again, and more importantly, Botan didn't have to see him again.

He blinked when he realized that the door was wide open, as if someone had pushed it, and he was suddenly reminded of the sound that had woken him up. It was the sound of the door opening. Either it was the wind, or someone had sneaked in, he wasn't sure. Although, he suspected it was the latter; the wind couldn't push a door as big as the one in his office. His body tensed as he thought of the possibility that an intruder had been in his room, the fear that said intruder would cause harm to him causing him to stand up almost immediately from his chair. He went to rush for the door, only to halt mid-way through his attempts as he realized that the paperwork on his desk was terribly messy. Usually, he wouldn't mind the mess, but at the reminder that his father might come into his office the next day, he promptly decided to clean it up. Cursing himself for falling asleep, Koenma hurriedly arrange the papers, unaware of the tall silhouette leaning idly against the wall behind him.

"You seem like you're in a rush," a smooth voice said, echoing in the empty room. Koenma stilled completely, his body turning into a rigid line as he realized he recognized the owner. Tentatively, he turned around, and confirmed his suspicions as he met eye to eye with a pair of gold. He nearly staggered and felled on his butt, but managed to catch himself at the last minute.

"Youko," Koenma regarded the fox with a skeptical stare, one hand placed on his chest to slow down the beating of his heart, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pay my visit," Youko responded casually, before pushing himself from the wall. His arms were crossed over his chest as he studied the Reikai prince with a stoic face. A cryptic smile soon appeared on his lips as he went on, "Before I go."

"I-I see." Koenma nodded, finding himself somehow unnerved by the fox's sudden friendliness. He stepped back as Youko stepped forward.

"My," A chuckle reverberated in the cold air, sending a shiver down Koenma's spine, "are you afraid of me now, Koenma?"

"No," Koenma firmly denied, his hazel eyes narrowed at the silver haired demon in a suspicious manner. "I'm not scared. I'm furious."

"Is this about Botan again?"

"You always get what you want." A death glare was shot at Youko's direction, a feral growl sounding between the two men. "You already took Ayame. You didn't have to steal her from me as well."

"My apologies," Youko muttered, although his tone was less than sincere. "I did not know you care that much about Ayame. I only gave her what she wanted, after she begged me on her knees. I felt sorry for her."

Koenma clenched his fists at his sides as Youko said all this. "You didn't actually have to give it to her," he murmured, before looking straight into the fox's orbs. "And you didn't have to take Botan away from me."

"I'm sorry to say this, but she was never yours," Youko told him, "Although I am truly sorry for our ruined friendship, I do not regret taking her. After all, you were not the only one who wanted her to yourself." Gold irises narrowed dangerously, as Youko's smile faltered, reducing to a thin line. "The only difference is that I had the audacity to achieve what I want."

"You always want what you can't have. You'll soon tire of her, and you'll break her heart. You don't deserve her. She deserves better."

"While I do agree that Botan does deserve someone better than I am, I will have to disagree with your statement of me growing tired of her. I will never. She's too different and too interesting."

"Too different and too interesting? See? You're still speaking about her like she's an object; like she's the same with the rest of the things you stole and broke, except she apparently has the specialty of keeping your interest longer than the others did."

Youko smirked at the antagonizing tone laced in Koenma's voice. "At first, I did think of her like that." His smirk wavered as his countenance took on a more serious expression. "But, no longer that I do. I care about her."

"You care about her?" Koenma nearly screeched. "You're brutal, ferocious and merciless. Capricious and cruel, you don't have any attachments."

"True as that might have been, I'm afraid I'm going to have to say that you're incorrect." Youko ran a hand through his hair. "Unlike those things that I stole and broke, I actually cherish her."

"You mean you love her?"

"If that's what it takes to express my feelings for her, then yes, I do love her. But, truthfully, I don't think that there are any words to actually express how I feel about her."

Koenma was utterly stunned, although he tried not to let it show as he pulled a calm look on his features. "Doesn't matter," he murmured, "You can't ever see her again once you step out of this place, anyway." And with those words, he spun around and went to leave the office.

"That's where you're wrong, Koenma."

He stopped dead in his tracks as Youko's words resonated in the air and into his ears. But before he could whirl around and demand what the fox meant, he caught a whiff of a strange scent. For some reason, as the smell invaded his nostrils, Koenma could feel his recollections of the events during the day slowly but gradually disappear.

"Youko… what did you do?" he asked in a hoarse whisper as he grabbed his head with one hand, his teeth gritting against each other as he felt an overwhelmingly painful headache began to take over his senses. Worse than that though, he could almost see his memories slowly being erased. He shakily lifted his head, catching sight of the yellow plant; its petals wide open as it sat beside the fox's feet.

"Just relax. It will hurt less if you do," Youko muttered, watching as the Reikai prince felled to his knees, "This is a special plant; it's a rare species that lives in Makai, you see, but I happen to have a considerably large amount of it. I've been collecting it for… certain purposes and as a last resort." His smirk widened. "It's a very unique kind. What's so unique about it? Well, it gives off a certain kind of fragrance… Once you take a sniff of it, you can never retain your memories. Although, for one who can control plants such as I, I can choose what memories I want to erase from your head. For example…" He paused, his fangs flashing devilishly, "… about a certain ferry girl."

"What?!" Koenma screamed, shocked despite the torment that was coursing through his veins. He stubbornly tried to resist the effects of the plant, but the more he tried, the more pain he had to suffer.

"There's no use resisting, you know," Youko said as he calmly advanced towards the quivering form of the Reikai prince. "I already gave it a specific order to erase your memories about Botan… and me, as well. Not only you, I've also made sure to erase the memories of the other reigens living here. Then, no one would be able to remind you of her and I." He bent until he was eye-level with Koenma, a smile slowly curling at the corners of his lips. "You should be happy. This way, it wouldn't hurt you anymore whenever you think of the two of us together."

"N-no…" Koenma could see the demon get up from his feet as he tried to battle with whatever it was that he was up against. But, already, he could feel his energy draining and his eyes turning half lidded as drowsiness began to slowly creep in. "I won't… let you… do this…"

"Too bad." Youko's voice was chilling as it reverberated through the walls. "I already have." He eyed the Reikai prince as his eyelids started to flutter close. Even though his resistance to the drug of the plant was quite strong, Koenma was already beginning to fall asleep. When his eyes finally drifted shut, Youko took hold of the area beneath his armpits, pulling him up and forcing him to lie on his chair.

"Forgive me, but this had to be done," came Youko's words as he headed for the door. He spared one last fleeting glance at Koenma, a small yet sincerely apologetic smile reaching his lips. Although they both came from different origins, and Youko had definitely betrayed Koenma's trust, he could not deny that the Reikai prince had been one of the rare few that he could actually consider a true friend.


I won't let anyone take her away from me.

I will make her mine.

Even if I die trying.

"Youko?" Botan called as her eyelids fluttered open, her consciousness rapidly returning from the land of dreams. She had awoken to the feel of his strong arms carrying her, and was baffled that they were strolling in an unknown place. "Where are we? Are we in some kind of mission or something?" Her sleepy voice questioned as she stared up at the fox with half-lidded eyes.

"No, we're not." Youko smiled at her. "We're going to my home."

"Your home?" she echoed, her mind blank for a moment. It wasn't until a second later did she realize what he meant. "You mean… Makai?" she asked.

At his affirming nod, Botan suddenly didn't feel so sleepy. She tried to break free of his hold, but as usual, only succeeding on failing in her attempts. Realizing that she had no choice but to go on with this – whatever this was – Botan's face began to drain of color.

"Why?" she croaked out. "I thought you said last night was our last night together? I thought you mentioned leaving Reikai? Why are we going back to your home?"

"You can also call it a territory if you want. Some think it's a better name than home."

Botan pondered to herself for a fraction of a second how a territory could be a better name than home, before brushing off the thought as panic started to creep up her skin. "No. Let me go."

"I can't take you back to Reikai."

"Why not?"

Silence engulfed the two of them for a moment, before Youko finally broke it off, "I've already erased their memories of your existence there."

"What?!" Botan shrieked, and Youko involuntarily released her as the ear-rupturing sound nearly broke his eardrums. His face was scrunched up in discomfort as he rubbed his ears, regaining his composure a moment after as he watched her scurry away to hide behind a tree. He sighed heavily.

"Don't be a child." He held a hand towards her. "Come here."

She shook her head stubbornly. "No, I will not. Not until you explain things to me," she firmly told him, although her voice evidently broke at the last word.

His hand felled limply to his side as he regarded her with a slightly impatient stare. "This isn't the right time for this. I'll explain it to you later. For now, we have to head for my domain. The others are already waiting for us there."


"Kuronue and Hiei had even already packed and taken all your private belongings, and brought them here. So, there's no need to worry."

"That's not what I'm worried about!"

Youko felled silent, his eyes gazing at her as she fumed in anger. He didn't say anything, and merely waited for her to go on. Although, he already knew what she was concerned about. When she didn't say more, he knew that he had to be the first one to break off the tense, uncomfortable silence.

"I had to do it." He could see the angry tears watering her eyes as she glared up at him. "It was the only choice I had."

"B-but, Reikai is – was – my home. I had friends there. Great friends. Hinageshi… Koenma… Fuyumi… And you've already taken their memories. You took away the most precious things to me," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

His eyes softened, the sight of her frail stature causing him to momentarily regret what he had done. But, it was already in the past. And he couldn't change it even if he wanted to. And he didn't want to. If it was what he had to do to eternally keep her, then so be it. Even if she ended up hating him for it.

"There's no changing what's been done, Botan," he told her, his voice gentle but firm, "You have no choice but to stay here. With how things are right now, you will only be labeled as an intruder if you fly back to Makai." He extended his hand towards her once again. "My heart is already yours for the taking, so will yours be sooner or later." He gave her a crooked grin. "Besides, isn't this better? Most of your friend had already begun to bash you, and even Koenma couldn't look at you the same anymore. At least, you don't have to deal with the pain anymore."

Botan was torn apart. Was this fate really any better? For all she knew, she could be restrained as a prisoner at Youko's domain. If worse came to worse, she could probably even get killed. But, the look in Youko's eyes told her that he wouldn't let that happen.

She stared at his extended hand, wondering what to do. This was wrong. Everything was wrong. But, she didn't have a choice. He had a point. Even if she returned to Reikai, no one would remember her. She could go to prison for intruding the sacred realm. And no matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't be able to get her friends to remember. With no friends and no home, did that leave much of a choice other than for her to take his hand and let him drag her into whatever fate that was in stored for her?

And she did.

As her hand touched his, their fingers intertwined, and Youko's eyes met hers, she could already feel herself giving in to the devil's sweet temptation.

There was no turning back.

A/N: I know this is a weird way to end a story. But it is… it's complete. It's ended. There will be a sequel to this, of course. As you can already tell by the ending. I'll post it here in due time. It's gonna be called Devil's Sweet Temptation: Broken Halo, or just Broken Halo, for short. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this short story! I'm sorry if there are those wishing it to be longer, but I ask you to keep a look out for the sequel! Hopefully, it will be a better story than this one. And I also apologize to those who hate me for making Youko an evil jerk. But, truthfully, it's what I think would happen if he stayed as a demon and felled for Botan. I mean, he is a demon, right? Demons are supposed to be cruel. At least, it's different than those other stories about how the cruel beast got magically reformed by an innocent, kind, pure maiden. (Not to say I don't like those kinds of stories though… I mean, I write those kinds of stories sometimes myself. But, I figured I might as well try something more different this time… Oh well). Anyway, I'll have to end my uninteresting blabbering here. With that said, I must once again remind you that although this story might be completed, I hope you would want to read the sequel one day. Thanks for all the support. I hope you guys have a great day, and review when you have the time!