Title: Moving On Is Simple, Its What You Leave Behind That Makes It Difficult
Character: Mark Chao
Rating: K
Summary: A short one-shot from the POV of Mark Chao (1x04- Dead Man Dating)

I never thought a life could end so suddenly and abruptly.

Hell, I never thought MY life could end so suddenly and abruptly.

I should have listened to my mother.

If I had, I wouldn't be dead right now.

And my last birthday wouldn't have been over before I even got a chance to celebrate...

But, then again...

If I had listened to my mother,

Then I never would have met Piper...



I hope she'll be okay when I'm gone.

Piper's a good person and doesn't deserve to go through life without love.

If not with a significant other,

Then I hope she'll find love and happiness with her sisters and in the restaurant she hopes to one day own.