Hello again its me HG, I have decided to have another go at writing a different story after I found out that my frozen/halo crossover was supprisingly not very popular, so let me know what you think of this one, having much longer chapters, hopefully

It was a beautiful winter day, the air felt light, crisp and fresh... a bit too fresh to be honest as you were currently soldiering through a blizzard in the mountains, even with your shaggy coat made from the thick fur of the local musk ox that roamed happily around your former home, but this didn't deter you or the sabre cat you are currently riding which you named, Sugi, who was a horse sized monster of a feline with the speed and stamina to match, but with a heart made of gold, you found her hiding in a hole in the roots of a tree, right next to the dead corpse of her mother, hungry, frightened and alone, and so you took her in and raised her as one of your own, and loved her like family.

The two of you were currently on your way to find a new home, for your old one no longer felt like home at all, just a place filled with bad memories and ghosts. both of your parents died when you were 16, finding Sugi 3 years before, it's a good thing that by then you knew how to cook for yourself, learned how to make clothing, and most impotently, learned how to make weapons and fight for yourself.

"Getting tired big girl?" You ask the feline, receiving a soft growl in return, since you've been travelling for 10 hrs. You quickly get off the cats back, set your weapons down from the harness attached to it, and unpack the lunch you have packed for the journey, the area was a small thicket, nicely sheltering you both from the arctic wind.

Since Sugi is in essence, a gigantic, sabre toothed, pussy cat, you gave her a large musk ox leg and body meat, and watched her gorge on it hungrily, while you gave yourself you own lunch, which consisted of some slices of Venosen, some chicken and an apple, with some chocolate covered marshmallows, and began to eat.

As you ate your thoughts drifted to the new home you had in mind, you were currently on your way to the kingdom of Arendelle, which is now home to the so called 'snow queen'... Elsa... your childhood best friend... the only friend except for her sister Anna, the crown princess. The reason why you left in the first place was because the people saw you as a freak of nature because you were unexpectedly born with the element of wind, and the council disliked you the moment you showed yourself, seeing you as a heartless, honer-less monster that would be better off dead, the late King Adgar and Queen Idunn tried their very best to defend you and your parents, along with the heads of staff Kai and Gerda, but the arguments and protests of the council were too great to comprehend, not to mention they had the people on their side, in the the end, the king and queen had you exiled for your own protection, otherwise the council would've hung you by the neck till dead. At that time Elsa was 12, you were 11 and Anna was 9, and you haven't seen or heard from them since.

That was all 9 years ago, by now Elsa will be 21, and since you missed out on her birthday a couple of months ago Anna will now be 19, leaving you at the age of 20, and you were thinking on how to say hello again after so many years of no contact what-so-ever. But your train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a nudge on your left arm, you turned to see Sugi staring down at the piece of Venosen that has not been eaten yet

"No, Sugi, this is not for you" you replied firmly to her, but then goes on with the kitty look she always does when begging for you. "No, no don't give that BS look" You begged yourself, the large, adorable gold-ish green eyes are one of the only things that couldn't stop you from smiling, and as for it's magic "Ohhh fine, fine, but don't think you don't owe me with another catch later on" you groaned out, after bolting it down she began to nuzzle your cheek with her head, but the smile only increased as you couldn't help but love the sabre cat. "What am I going to do with you? Your a massive sabre tooth cat, not a hog" You sighed, she just kept nuzzling you and even began to purr.

As she continued her business on your cheek, you looked to the horizon and spotted Ice magic peek, that's what you have always called it ever since you first gazed at it's beauty 'cos the ice and snow had never been removed from it's head, the people who lived on the opposite side of it would know however as 'The North Mountain', you would often just stare at it, wondering what was happening on the other side but you would never know until now.

Once again your train of thought was interrupted, but this time by the the sounds of crying and begging, backed up by evil laughter, which sounded to be nearby, Sugi quickly got up and moved in front of you and bellowed up a threatening growl, ready to rip the heart out of anyone who would hurt her only family. "Easy Sugi... easy, lets just see where its coming from first, and then we can decide to fight or not, okay?" You said, soothing the cat with a comforting arm stroking her back, you readied your trusty bow and arrows, gathered up your double bladed sword and combat knife, which were backed up by your personal favourite, a small throw-able hatchet, and then started to make towards the sound of the noise while crouching, Sugi following in a pouncing position. And you quickly got a sight of something that made you gasp in horror.

Anna was badly injured and surrounded by robbers.

It was time to unleash to cat.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" Anna cried in tears of rage and horror, she had a deep cut on her winter dress that caused her to bleed, a terrible nose bleed and lost the use in her legs, rending her completely at their mercy, mercy she was not receiving. "I told you Princess, you either give me your coin, or you open up those pretty legs of yours!" the bandit leader growled, a tall muscular man in winter clothing who had a knife pressed to her neck, causing more blood to bleed, the other five bandits laughing at her struggles to resist. "Hold her down boys" he called out to his men, two of them took her out of his grip, pressed her down to the ground, and then forced her legs open. "Forget what I said about the money, your highness and answer me one question" he said as he got on his knees between her legs "Have you ever been, fucked?" Anna was about to erupt into more tears of pure fear when suddenly a loud roar coursed the whole fiasco to stop dead in it's tracks, and what she saw on top of a nearby rock directly in front of her caused her and the bandits to gasp in pure amazement and fear.

A giant, dark grey cat, with immense, sabre shaped teeth. It let out another loud growl before charging head first in to the nearest two bandits, it knocked one to the ground an completely tore the other one apart with a single, savage bite, and before the second one could counter it, you suddenly dropped from a tree and impaled him with an arrow you held in your hand, ripped it out and threw it at a third, killing him on contact, the cat then pounced onto another one and killed him as well. "RELEASE THE HOUNDS!" The leader shouted, and what happened next was a bunch of six tamed dogs that looked strikingly similar to wolves surrounded you and began to attack, while the leader mounted his horse and started galloping away, taking his remaining men with him, you quickly noticed it and began running, not noticing you left Sugi behind to deal with the dogs.

Things weren't going well for the dogs, the kept trying to attack Sugi on all sides but with little to no success to getting even one little nip, for this cat was something they didn't train for, One roar from the cat sent 3 dogs running. "ANNAA!" Sugi heard you scream and quickly whipped her head around in your direction, she saw you running and quickly becoming out of breath. She had help and that's what she was going to do, she hurriedly preformed a mock lunge at the remaining hounds to get them out of her way, and began all out sprinting tirelessly, She roared to let you know she was coming "DON'T WAIT FOR ME, GO!" You shouted at her, she acknowledged you and began to move faster, bypassing you she quickly cought up with the leaders horse and tripped it, flinging off its riders, the other two just kept running, fearing for their lives.

"STAY BACK BEAST!" The leader shouted at Sugi with tears of panic in his eyes, after getting up from the ground and repressing his knife to Anna's throat, Sugi just kept slowly walking towards him in a hunting like manner, growling and flashing her fangs, ignoring his threat. "I SAID STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU COME ANY CLOSER SHE'S FUCKING DEAD!" He shouted again. "STAY BACK" He screamed again, throwing Anna to the ground and began to run, or so he thought as he suddenly got blown back into a tree, being impaled by a branch through the shoulder, close to the ground when you walked up to him with the bandits horse in tow

"Next time, think twice about treating the princess like that, an-oh, hold on, looks like won't be a next time" you said as you just experienced the man being ripped apart by your ever loyal Sugi, leaving her to her new snack you made your way to a wide eyed Anna, probably not believing what just happend in her life. Feeling a need to reconect with her you began to sing a song only she and Elsa would recognise by tune

"Anna...come on you know it's really me.

I have finally come home."

As you sung the next verse you began to use your thumbs to wipe away the rapid fire tears pouring down her face

"I'm so sorry, that I left you

I never wanted to, but now I'm back."

Your voice began to crack and a small amount of tears began to spill for the third verse, even though it was not Elsa, you loved the little redhead like your own sister, while Sugi watched the happy reunion from behind you

"We've all been dreaming of this moment, (sniffle)

For years and years,

don't throw it all awaaaaaaaaaaayyy."

by the time you finished Anna was in too much of an emotional state, as it was shown when she sang the last five words

"D-do you wanna b-build a-a snow-man?"

By that Anna couldn't hold it in anymore, she wailed with tears of tears of relief, shock, sadness and joy as she threw her arms around and hugged you for dear life, you returning it just as tightly with a slow water slide of tears wetting her shoulder.

"E-E-Elliot, I-I-I c-can't believe it, -y-y-you just l-left a-nd w-we ne-ver saw- you again...B...-But now-y-your back a-and..."

"Shhhh... it's gonna be okey now Anna... I won't ever leave like that... again"

You said, rocking her like a newborn child, Comforting her.

After what seemed like hours you pulled away from the hug, but still kept her in your arms as you looked into her eyes, her tears had finally subsided and began to crust up, you smiled at the way she had grown and became so beutifull in the years of your absence. She smiled back at you, seeing how amazing and skilled you had becaome in the years, and remembering the feelings you had towards Elsa.

You loved her, and she loved you back. "Hi, Badger boy" she giggled with a single happy tear "Not that bullshit name again, you know that I fucking hate badgers" You replied with a happy tear of your own. Elsa and Anna both knew you had a passion of hatred towards the little furry freaks, so they gave you that name to tease you.

"All the more reason to call you it, really... Soooo, who's the giant feline?" She said, pointing at Sugi.

"You find out soon enough, but first...I need you to tell me how you ended up out here with those bastards in the first place" You asked her gently, still holding her in your arms, only to recieve an accusing glare from her as she spat out "Not until you tell me why you left without a second thought, didn't you care about us anymore?... didn't you care about... about... Elsa, anymore?

"I knew you would ask this question... but save until you are healed up, I need you to tell me what happened that caused you to come all the way out here" You said to her

"No, your going to tell me why you left the way you did" As she talked you could feel her anger rising, but you expected this so you kept calm, yet let the princess out of your arms. "Why did you do it... or more for that matter... why did you come back?" "Anna, your not being fair, your father wanted me to" You said, still in a calm tone,

"Don't lie to me Elliot! You just flew the coop when I needed you most... When Elsa shut me out, you were like a brother to me, not to mention the fact that you would occasionaly sneek into Elsa's room during the day" What she said then shocked you, everytime you went to see Elsa to comfort her about her powers, you always made sure that you wearn't followed, "If you knew, why didn't you do anything?" "I DON'T KNOW, OKEY!?" Anna screamed, a new set of angry tears streaming down her face

"Just tell me why you did it Elliot, Why did you do it!? Why did you leave us the way you did!? Why didn't you of all people didn't even say GOODBYE!?" It was then that you suddenly lost it

"I HAD TO BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS, ALRIGHT!?" You roared in her face, your echoing through the forest. Silence then ensured for a deadly 2 minutes before you spoke again "When the council found out about my ability to control wind, they held me accused of being a spawn of the devil, along with your sister... before I even knew about you guys, I never knew joy or happiness, I never knew friendship... I never knew love. At first my immediate attention came to Elsa because your parents told me about her powers of Ice and snow, I knew she had such a loving family here for her, King Adgar, Queen Idunn which were your parents, and then there was you. She said it broke her heart every time to tell you to go away. But at least you all have each other to love, me on the other hand though. Am a completely different story"

Anna said nothing as you spoke, pieces of her heart dropping by the second as you then said.

"My parents, abused me... they never loved me" As you continued to speak, you both could hear your voice crack as a tear of sadness and grief, Sugi couldn't help but feel so bad for you, knowing what you went through. "They said I should've never been born, because of this power inside me, and my condition of talking to animals, take Sugi for example. They got into contact with your parents 'cos they requested a place to stay since we moved here from america until we could find somewhere permanent to stay, in that time I got to know you and Elsa, you were the one that showed me how have fun, how to play... how to love. But Elsa, oh Elsa, she was beyond special to me, I had finally realised that I wasn't alone in this world, I had found someone to share my life of shame with. I understood why she was contently afraid of herself, and together... we found the wanted love for each other... but when the council found out about my wind power when I accidentally made a mini twister in the courtyard, they demanded that the king had me executed for engendering the kingdom with this power, in the end the king said that if we didn't leave in 2 days, they would kill me... and Elsa. So I did the only thing I could do to save her from that damned, fucking council. And I never looked back" You finished to a wide eyed, teary Anna. How could do this to you she would never understand, as she thought on your words you brought over the former bandits horse, and lifted her on to it.

"The horse will get you back to Arendelle safely. Just remember to tell the staff about injured leg when you get home... and maybe it's better if I'm not mentioned to Elsa if you see her" you said, but before you could give the horse the go ahead, she grabbed your arm saying "Come back home with me and Elsa, live a new life of love and happiness... if not for me then... what about Elsa?... Would you do it for my sister." You sighed at her statement saying "I can't Anna... remember what I said about the council... you wouldn't want live without her would you?" You asked truthfully, Anna didn't answer 'cos she knew you were right, she only looked down sorrowfully at you with a sniffle.

"I'm sorry, Elliot" she whispered, sniffling

"I know you are, Anna... I know" You said, sending the horse on its way.

Your eyes followed her to a ridge, when she stooped to look at you one last time, your heart broke when you noticed her jaw trembling and a lone tear escaping her eyes, she turned to the horizon and trotted back home, escaping your line of sight over the hill.

Sugi came up to you and tried to comfort you by nuzzling your cheek with her nose, growling apologetically "It's alright, Sugi... I'm okey... lets just find some shelter before it gets dark..." you sighed rubbing your fingers on one of her fangs, after which you were about to mount Sugi when suddenly you cried in pain, for something very sharp prick you in the neck, you pulled it out to see it was a sleep dart of some kind before your world went black.

I have decided to take a rewrite as I was shown that the characters got rekindled to soon by Waguneru, big shout out to him/her for giving me this advice, although I would like to ask this guy, what does he/she mean by gary stu, 'cos I am lost in that area