Author's note: So I am going to be bouncing around stories as inspiration hits for each, sorry but that's the only way I won't have worse writer's block.

So on top of the new mid-season trailer of Rebels giving me a PERFECT plot pivot point for this story I had on hold I am also going to take out my mounting frustrations on Luke apparently learning NOTHING from being a military commander in a guerrilla war and applying that to the resurrection of the Jedi Order. So I'm taking a moment I saw mentioned in Luke's Legends article and pushing it in a direction that would give him the experiences pre-Rebellion to actually apply Rebellion tactics to his new Order later on. Much later on.

Also this is way more dialogue heavy than my chapters usually are but hey it needed to happen and some people love dialogue.

Prologue: Vestige

Luke could not believe that Windy had ditched him when the beast surprised them. After chasing off Sand People and Jawas he had been pretty sure Windy had his back until they made it back to Anchorhead or Tosche Station or really just any form of civilization.

And then the dragon had shown up and Windon Starkiller proved himself a spineless coward. In Luke's opinion at least, mostly he just was not fond of the idea of becoming a Krayt Dragon meal and was taking it out mentally on the only thing that came to mind.

Because as he skidded down a sand dune in the Eastern Dune Sea to avoid another lunge from the beast he really did not want to blame himself for this.

At thirteen the life of a moisture farmer was increasingly boring to Luke. He had been skipping chores, flying the Skyhopper out through Beggar's Canyon, and hanging out with Fixer and his crew over at Tosche Station a lot more over the past few months.

Five more minutes of running later Luke ran into a problem.

The dragon had cornered him right outside a cave. With hope that the cave had smaller tunnels he could escape through the young boy went in, the only direction he could continue on that wasn't straight into the dragon's maw.

Scrambling through the darkness of the cave Luke slammed into a pillar of some sort and fell to the ground, allowing the dragon to catch up with him.

The young boy turned around just as the dragon let out a mighty roar; scared, angry, and determined to live Luke continued to scramble back but ran into the pillar from before. He let out a terrified scream and something inside of him snapped.

A wind whipped up around the young boy and debris flew at the dragon. Except the debris did not strike the dragon, and the dragon flickered. After a few moments where his heart was stuck in his throat the dragon flickered a final time and condensed into a new image, that of a man with patterned scars on his face and strange brown robes.

Luke and the man, who must have been a hologram, stared at each other for a few more silent moments before the man spoke, "Ah, so finally someone with Force potential finds me. It has been a long time I am sure."

"Wha-what are you?" Luke quickly managed to stammer out.

With what would have been a sigh on a living being the man spoke once more, "I am the holographic interface for the final Holocron of Jedi Master Revan Shan. The krayt dragon image was a defense mechanism I built into the Holocron's interface before I had it shipped here by a loyal ally of mine."

Luke was understandably quite stunned at this, "Jedi? I thought the Jedi were a myth, the last ones were apparently a militant religious order that betrayed the Republic during the Clones Wars."

It was Revan's turn to be stunned, "The Jedi did what now? I've had my disagreements with my order but betraying the Republic? No never..." After a few moments of introspection he opened his eyes again, "Ah I apologize I am being a bad host."

At that the pillar behind Luke lit up along a few seams of the stone, which then parted like petals of a flower revealing an inner pillar with a strange blue iridescent cube hovering in the middle.

Revan gestured at it with a hand, "One of my crowning achievements if I do say so myself! With the Star Forge destroyed the Star Map leading to it was non-functional so I created plans for my droid HK-47 to adapt it into a hyper-processor my Holocron could be interfaced with, allowing me to turn this entire cave into a training facility or base for any aspiring apprentices who I decided were worthy of my teachings!"

A few more lights around the cave attempted to light up, yet many of them flickered back out as Luke watched the entire thing.

"Uh...Master Jedi Revan I don't think your base is working."

The hologram looked around in confusion, "That is very strange, the tech I installed here was very hardy and should have lasted at least a millennium for certain."

The Jedi then frowned, "I don't suppose you know how long it has been since the Cold War with the Sith Empire collapsed do you?"

Luke blinked, "The what? The only Sith Wars I know about are the Hundred Years of Darkness a thousand years ago and the Great Hyperspace War umm...I think four thousand years ago? Wait no, five thousand years! Sorry I can't be more help, galactic history isn't really on the moisture farmer curriculum you know?"

Revan was between being aghast and amused, "Four thousand years and padawans are still giving me attitude." His humor was purely to deflect addressing how massive a span of time that was so he could think it over on his own.

Luke had the shame to blush however, "Sorry Master Jedi, this is...well umm...borken weird."

Revan blinked, "Oh well yes I suppose it must be, especially for a moisture farmer you said? What is your name as it happens, it appears four thousand years of hibernation have made my social skills a bit rusty."

"Oh! Right, my name is Luke Skywalker. I live over near Anchorhead...uh maybe Mos Eisley which is a bit further away was around in your day and age too? I'm not sure how old some of these settlements are to tell the truth."

"Anchorhead was a mining colony in my day, I am sure it has changed hands many times since Czerka Corporation controlled it though."

"Oh yeah, the Hutts pretty much control everything around here now."

That statement made Revan pull back his lips in disgust, "The Hutts have expanded so far out of Cartel space? Along with your information about the Jedi having once more fallen to disrepair I am finding the current state of the galaxy deplorable." He took a deep mockery of a breath before continuing, "However fixing the galaxy once again is the job of living beings, I am a holocron, a mix of technology and force technique to imprint the knowledge and personality of a Jedi master into an item allowing the knowledge and skills to be passed down and preserved in future generations, so now my question is this young Luke: Do you wish to become my newest apprentice? To learn the ways of the Force?"

Luke glanced around the poorly lit cave and rang his hands together before standing up and nodding at the hologram, "Alright Master Jedi, just question? What's the Force?"

Revan blinked back at the young man, "You...just agreed to be my apprentice without knowing what the Force is?"

Luke shrugged, "Jedi were some kind of legendary warriors so I figured it would definitely involve learning to fight and that sounds like an adventure! Being a moisture farmer has never been what I wanted to do with my life, I want to get out and explore the universe! Maybe join the Imperial Starfighter Corps or really just anything to get off this ball of dust."

Revan laughed a laugh that started out as a chuckle and grew in to as full and hearty a laugh as a man of his slim stature could manage, "Yes I suppose it does involve learning to fight, however learning the Force and the Jedi way of fighting is about learning a way of life, a way of life that connects you to all other living beings in the universe. You see can imagine the Force as a deep and wide ocean stretching through all of existence. Every living being can float upon it, but only a talented few can swim through the waters that connect all life. Or even dive deep into its depths and learn its many mysteries. The Force can allow one who connects to it to sense creatures, levitate boulders, glimpse the future, and so many other things. It truly is as boundless as an ocean."

Luke was fully engrossed in Revan's description, he watched the man gesticulate with wide eyes. "Wow that sounds amazing!" Then something occurred to him, "Wait! That's what happened earlier with the dragon hologram! I was the one that moved the rocks and scrap?"

Revan nodded, "Indeed my new Padawan! You appear to be quite naturally gifted in the Force, quite similar to myself in my youth. You would be a pleasure to teach."

After breaking eye contact with his new master Luke once again glanced around the cave, "I'm going to have to be the one that fixes this place up won't I?"

Revan held out his hands and moved them around, "Yes I cannot exactly leave this cave unless you remove the Holocron and even then I am a bit...insubstantial nowadays."

Luke let out a long sigh, "I'm going to have to sneak a lot of scrap past Uncle Owen..."