Hotch stands before us in the briefing room. It's 10am and everyone is enjoying their coffee and donuts. Soon a silence passes over us, and Hotch begins to speak.

"Tell me your theories about the unsub since we saw one another a few hours ago." Hotch looks over the room of us and thoughts are running through my head. I look at the photo of the victim, Jennifer, and see she is quite beautiful. The photo we have of her, she has striking blue hair, the color of the sky. Her eyes are emerald and full of laughter and life, but there's something in her smile in the photo which seems sad, and forced.

"He likes pretty girls." Morgan claims to the room, and we all nod in unison.

"The unsub picks women who are the most prized at the clubs. They seem to be the most charismatic; the most beautiful. The unsub is probably between the ages of 25 and 32, white, large enough to overpower these women." The room agrees with my words and Emily looks at me and then Morgan and Hotch.

"So this guy is an average 25 to 32 year old; this is going to be hard to find." Hotch nods and tells us to get to work, because time is ticking.


Fuck. What the hell did I get myself into? This guy punched me in the god damn face and now I have a fucking black eye and most likely a broken nose.

"Where am I?" I mumble to myself and look around the room. It's dark, but there are candles lit in the windowsill.

"You are in my basement." I look up and see the guy from the club. His face is shadowed from the flickering of the candles, and I grimace.

"Why are you doing this? I didn't do anything to you." Richard laughs, loud and obnoxious. I cringe at the sound and wait for his reply. But for some reason, he keeps laughing as if he can't control himself.

"All of you are so stupid, aren't you? Thinking you can dance with other men and fuck them without asking my permission?! What about me, Jennifer?! What about me?!" I furrow my brows, confused now. What the hell does he mean?

'Richard' starts pacing around the room and his blue eyes are almost black in the dim lighting of the basement. I see a full moon from the small window and hope someone out there is looking for me; but I have no family, no one to report me missing. I don't want to die in this basement.

"Richard, that's your name isn't it?" The man stops and looks at me, nods his head quickly, and waits for me to speak once more.

"Richard, there was no one else. I only dance to pay for my rent. I don't touch, I don't kiss, I don't even so much as hug… there is no one else." His face softens and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe I can talk him into letting me go.

"But I heard you talking about other women. Were you seeing other women, Richard? Were you cheating on me?!" His eyes widen and he sits down next to me. His left hand starts rubbing mine on the chair arm (where it's tied with rope, mind you), and I try not to flinch my arm away.

"I would never do that. Those women… they couldn't compare to you. They never felt as good as you do. They never," he takes a pause and looks at me in the eye, "they never made me feel as much pleasure as I have watching you dance, or seeing you here in my basement."

"Then let me go and we can go upstairs and have a little fun, huh?" I smile as best as I can and flinch as my nose begins to hurt once more.

"That won't be necessary. We can have fun right here." My eyes widen in panic, and I start to breathe heavily.

My anxiety is kicked into overdrive and I start to hyperventilate. I can't catch my breath. It feels as if I am having a heart attack.

"Can't," I take in another huge breath, "breathe." Richard starts to panic and cuts the rope from my wrists and feet. I put my head between my legs and my breathing starts to calm down. But now that I am free, I need to figure out a way to get to his knife.

My breathing slows down and I take a moment to get my thoughts straight. How can I get out of here?

"Richard, thank you for freeing me. Would you like to go upstairs and me repay you…?" I raise my eyebrow and try not to gag as I offer him sexual pleasure. Richard's eyes widen, and I look around the room as he is looking at the ground trying to contemplate what he really desires.

I notice there is a door to the far right, and if he doesn't make a move in thirty seconds, I'm going to try and knock him unconscious. Somehow.

He looks around the basement room and I continue to map out my plan, hoping he will say yes. And if he doesn't… well, I hope I don't have to think about that.

"I didn't think I'd do this, but… I do think you're worth more than this basement. Here, let's go upstairs." Richard stands from sitting next to me, and then he holds his hand out so i can take it.

"Thank you Richard, this was very kind of you to do. I will prove how thankful I am when we get upstairs." I see his eyes widen and he gets a large grin on his face. I grab his hand mapping a way out of place.

He leads me out a door and we head upstairs immediately. The wooden stairs are rickety and covered in splinters. I smell mold as we ascend from the basement, and we finally emerge in a dirt-covered kitchen.

The windows are covered in cardboard and it looks like no one has lived here in decades. I see a mouse on the counter and try not to puke. How in the world is he living here like this?

"Richard, I really have to use the restroom. Is there a bathroom down here that works?" Richard stops immediately and turns to stare at me. He's inches taller than I am, and his face starts to grimace. I put my free hand on his chest and softly speak.

"Richard, I really just need to use the restroom. Please, allow me this privacy and I will give you a world of wonder. I can meet you upstairs. Does that sound okay? I want to freshen up for you." His face changes and he nods.

"Okay. The bathroom is right here. But if I hear you trying to leave, you're dead." I feel my lip start to tremble and my head goes into a panic. I need to sneak out carefully and do it quickly at the same time.

"I swear." He nods swiftly and leads me to a bathroom that doesn't look as bad as the kitchen, but it's still not even close to a 2-star motel; and I've been in a few of those.

I shut the door behind me and hear him start to walk down the hall. I see if there is a lock on the door, and thankfully there is. I lock it quietly and search the bathroom for any way out. I see a window behind the toilet with frosted glass and notice there is a latch that is unlocked.

I open the window slowly and it starts making noises like it's trying got open, but it seems to be painted shut.

"Fuck," I mumble and look around once more. I find a sharp nail file and go around the edges of the window to saw away the paint, and then I am able to lift the window up quickly.

The screen in front of me is covered in holes and the window is no bigger than a foot and a half.

"By god, I'm going to shove my ass through there hell or high water." I mumble to myself. I climb onto the old toilet and stick my feet through first, listening for Richard outside of the door. I hear his boots coming towards the bathroom and finally hear his booming voice as my hips are just about to pass through the window.

"Jennifer, are you okay? What's going on?" I feel as though he is about to try the handle and I quickly say, "I had to take a shit. My bad."

"That is disgusting. How dare you tell me this information. I will be upstairs and make sure you clean up your whore mouth." I roll my eyes and wait to hear his footsteps to leave once more and shimmy the rest of my body outside.

I fall a few feet and my bare soles hit the ground softly. The grass is wet and it's cloudy. It must be close to the evening since there are cars all around the outside. I can hear Richard upstairs clomping his loud boots even outside of the house. My heart pounds as I cannot even feel the happiness of being out of there, because I'm not free yet; I need to find safety.

I start running. I don't care that I have hardly any clothing on. I just let my feet take me where I need to go. I run as fast as I can hoping to get as far away as possible and find a phone to where I can call the police.

I think I ran over 5 miles without stopping. The area became thicker with people and I noticed many of them were staring at this woman whom is in nothing but a cheap skirt and a short shirt, no shoes, and messed up blue hair.

I see a woman with a cell phone and run up to her by a stoplight. She is walking her dog with a bag of groceries in her hand.

"Ma'am, please, I was just kidnapped. Can you call the police?" She looks me up and down and runs away as fast as possible.

"Fuck, can someone please help me!" I turn around in circles and hear sirens approaching around the corner. I run to the noise hoping to catch someone who can help me.

"Somebody please! I just escaped!" I don't have time to realize that I am running out in front of a car, and the world goes black.